922 resultados para Above and belowground biomass
The paper aims to assess the potential of decentralized bioenergy technologies in meeting rural energy needs and reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Decentralized energy planning is carried out for the year 2005 and 2020. Decentralized energy planning model using goal programming technique is applied for different decentralized scales (village to a district) for obtaining the optimal mix of energy resources and technologies. Results show that it is possible to meet the energy requirements of all the services that are necessary to promote development and improve the quality of life in rural areas from village to district scale, by utilizing the locally available energy resources such as cattle dung, leaf litter and woody biomass feedstock from bioenergy plantation on wastelands. The decentralized energy planning model shows that biomass feedstock required at village to district level can even be obtained from biomass conserved by shifting to biogas for cooking. Under sustainable development scenario, the decentralized energy planning model shows that there is negligible emission of CO2, oxide of Sulphur (SOx) and oxide of nitrogen (NOx), even while meeting all the energy needs.
Research on carbon uptake in boreal forests has mainly focused on mature trees, even though ground vegetation species are effective assimilators and can substantially contribute to the CO2 uptake of forests. Here, I examine the photosynthesis of the most common species of ground vegetation in a series of differently aged Scots pine stands, and at two clear-cut sites with substantial differences in fertility. In general, the biomass of evergreen species was highest at poor sites and below canopies, whereas grasses and herbs predominated at fertile sites and open areas. Unlike mosses, the measured vascular species showed clear annual cycles in their photosynthetic activity, which increased earlier and decreased later in evergreen vascular species than in deciduous species. However, intraspecific variation and self-shading create differences in the overall level of photosynthesis. Light, temperature history, soil moisture and recent possible frosts could explain the changes in photosynthesis of low shrubs and partially also some changes in deciduous species. Light and the occurrence of rain events explained most of the variation in the photosynthesis of mosses. The photosynthetic production of ground vegetation was first upscaled, using species-specific and mass-based photosynthetic activities and average biomass of the site, and then integrated over the growing season, using changes in environmental factors. Leaf mass-based photosynthesis was highest in deciduous species, resulting in notably higher photosynthetic production at fertile sites than at poor clear-cut sites. The photosynthetic production decreased with stand age, because flora changed towards evergreen species, and light levels diminished below the canopy. In addition, the leaf mass-based photosynthetic activity of some low shrubs declined with the age of the surrounding trees. Different measuring methods led to different momentary rate of photosynthesis. Therefore, the choice of measuring method needs special attention.
We report the 4d-XY (X, Y = 5p, 4f, and the conduction band) Auger spectra of clean Gd using a monochromatic photon source with energies above and below the 3d threshold. The spectra with higher hv show the existence of intense spectator-hole Auger transitions. Comparison of these spectra with those obtained with a primary electron source allows detailed interpretation of the various features and explains the unusual spin polarization of the electron-induced spectrum reported earlier.
Kasvit ottavat vettä parhaiten kasteluravinneliuoksesta, jonka ravinnepitoisuus on pieni. Intensiivisessä kasvihuonetuotannossa käytetään silti kastelulannoituksessa usein korkeita ravinnepitoisuuksia ravinnepuutosten ja satotappioiden välttämiseksi. Jakojuuriviljelyssä kasvin juuriston annetaan kasvaa kahteen erilliseen kasvualustaosioon. Tällöin toiselle puolelle annetaan johtokyvyltään väkevää ja toiselle puolelle laimeaa ravinneliuosta. Erityisesti kasvihuonekurkun, joka on herkkä kasvualustan suolaisuuden aiheuttamille vedensaantiongelmille, on todettu hyötyvän tästä tekniikasta, mikä näkyy kasvaneina satoina. Tämän MTT Piikkiössä toteutetun kasvihuonekurkun jakojuuriviljelytutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tarkentaa tekniikkaa erityisesti kasteluliuosten johtokyvyn osalta. Yhtenäisjuuriviljelyn ja perinteisen jakojuuriviljelyn lisäksi kokeessa oli kaksi jakojuuriviljelykäsittelyä, joissa ravinneliuosväkevyyksiä vaihdettiin väliajoin juuriston toimintakyvyn parantamiseksi. Erillisessä osakokeessa tutkittiin erilaisten johtokyky-yhdistelmien vaikutusta kasvihuonekurkun vegetatiiviseen kasvuun maanpäällisten ja -alaisten kasvinosien välillä sekä juurten morfologiaan ja anatomiaan. Tulokset osoittivat, että jakojuuriviljely lisäsi kasvihuonekurkun sadontuottoa jopa 16 %, mutta ei vaikuttanut koko viljelykauden veden tai ravinteiden ottoon. Yhtenäisjuuriviljelyssä muodostui eniten piikkikärkisiä hedelmiä, mikä viittaa vedensaantiongelmiin haihdutustarpeen ollessa suurin. Viljelytekniikalla ei ollut vaikutusta kasvien vegetatiiviseen kasvuun tai kasvuston rakenteeseen. Lehtiruodeista tehdyt nitraatti- ja kaliummittaukset osoittivat, ettei kasteluliuosten ravinnepitoisuuksilla ollut vaikutusta juurten ravinteiden ottoon. Erilaisilla johtokyky-yhdistelmillä oli huomattavampi vaikutus kasvihuonekurkun juurten painoon kuin verson painoon tai varren pituuskasvuun. Lehtiruotianalyysit viittasivat ravinteiden erilaiseen allokointiin eri johtokyky-yhdistelmissä. Korkeiden johtokykyjen aiheuttama osmoottinen stressi johti muutoksiin juurten morfologiassa ja anatomiassa. Tulosten perusteella jakojuuriviljely paransi kehittyvien hedelmien kohdevahvuutta suhteessa muihin kohteisiin vaikuttamatta vegetatiiviseen kasvuun. Kun laimean ja väkevän ravinneliuoksen puolia vaihdettiin, juuristo otti joustavasti vettä ja ravinteita olosuhteiden määräämästä edullisemmasta johtokyvystä, jolloin kasvihuonekurkun viljelyssä saavutettiin merkittävä satoetu. Juuriston jakaminen vaikuttanee kasvien hormoniaineenvaihduntaan ja voi heikentää juuriston kasvua heikentämättä sen toimintakykyä, jolloin yhteyttämistuotteita kohdennetaan tehokkaammin maanpäällisten osien kasvuun.
The crystal structure of tetrakis(cytosine)copper(II) perchlorate dihydrate has been determined. All the hydrogen atoms were obtained from Fourier-difference synthesis. The geometry around. copper is a bicapped octahedron (4 + 2 + 2*). The adjacent cytosine rings are oriented head-to-tail with respect to each other and are roughly at right angles to the co-ordination plane. The exocyclic oxo groups form an interligand, intracomplex hydrogen-bonding network above and below the co-ordination plane with the exocyclic amino groups of alternate cytosine bases. The EPR and electronic spectra are consistent with the retention of the solid-state structure in solution. The steric effect of the C(2)=O group of cytosine is offset by the presence of the intracomplex hydrogen-bonding network. The trend in Ei values of Cu-II-Cu-I couples for 1.4 complexes of cytosine, cytodine, pyridine, 2-methylpyridine and N-methylimidazole suggests that both steric effects and pi-delocalization in imidazole and pyridine ligands and the steric effect of C(2)=O in pyrimidine ligands are important in stabilising Cu-I relative to Cu-II.
An experimental study has been made of transition to turbulence in the free convective flows on a heated plate. Observations have been made with the plate vertical and inclined at angles up to about 50° to the vertical, both above and below the plate. A fibre anemometer was used to survey the region of intermittent turbulence. Information has thus been obtained about the range of Grashof numbers over which transition takes place. Even when the plate is vertical the region of intermittent turbulence is long. When it is inclined, this region becomes still longer in the flow below the plate as a result of the stabilizing stratification, a Richardson number effect. It is possible to have a whole flow such that it should be described as transitional, not laminar or turbulent. It was noticed that in this flow and the vertical plate one, the velocity during the laminar periods could be either of two characteristic values, one of them close to zero. The behaviour above an inclined plate could be interpreted largely as a trend towards the behaviour described in a preceding paper.
India's biodiversity hotspot under anthropogenic pressure: A case study of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
This paper presents data on the impact of biotic pressure in terms of grazing by livestock and wood cutting by humans on the plant community in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve of India. Grass, and herbaceous plant biomass, number of cattle dung piles, number of woody stems available and damaged by human activities and weed biomass were assessed at different proximity along transects radiating from village-forest boundary to forest interior to measure the ecological impact of livestock grazing and fire wood collection. The grass biomass was positively correlated to overgrazing indicating the adverse effect on natural vegetation by cattle. Woodcutting was intense along the forest boundary and significantly declined as distance increased. Similarly, weed biomass and number of thorny species declined positively with proximity from village-forest boundary and the weed biomass was significantly higher in the pastoral sites compared to residential sites. The results suggest that human impact adversely affects natural vegetation and promotes weed proliferation in forest areas adjoining human settlements in the ecologically important Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. Continued anthropogenic pressure could cause reduction in fodder availability to large herbivores like elephants, which in turn leads to an increase in human-elephant conflict. (C) 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Infrared spectra of solid formamide are reported as a function of temperature. Solid formamide samples were prepared at 30 K and then annealed to higher temperatures (300 K) with infrared transmission spectra being recorded over the entire temperature range. The NH2 vibrations of the formamide molecule were found to be particularly very sensitive to temperature change. The IR spectra revealed a phase change occurring in solid formamide between 155 and 165 K. Spectral changes observed above and below the phase transition may be attributed to a rearrangement between formamide dimers and the formation of polymers is proposed at higher temperatures.
The ethanol sensing properties of porous Cr2O3 thin films deposited by the ultrasonic nebulized spray pyrolysis of an aqueous combustion mixture is reported. The impact of the precursor selection and various deposition parameters on the film crystallinity, surface morphology and stoichiometry are studied using thermo-gravimetric analysis, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy techniques. The film morphology exhibits a highly porous nature, as a result of the exothermic combustion reaction during film deposition. The gas sensing properties of these films are investigated in the temperature range of 200-375 degrees C for ethanol. The films show two different regions of response for ethanol above and below 300 degrees C. A good relationship between the response and the ethanol concentration is observed, and is modeled using an empirical relation. The possible mechanism and the surface chemical reactions of ethanol over the chromium oxide surface are discussed.
The role of elastic Taylor-Couette flow instabilities in the dynamic nonlinear viscoelastic response of an entangled wormlike micellar fluid is studied by large-amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) rheology and in situ polarized light scattering over a wide range of strain and angular frequency values, both above and below the linear crossover point. Well inside the nonlinear regime, higher harmonic decomposition of the resulting stress signal reveals that the normalized third harmonic I-3/I-1 shows a power-law behavior with strain amplitude. In addition, I-3/I-1 and the elastic component of stress amplitude sigma(E)(0) show a very prominent maximum at the strain value where the number density (n(v)) of the Taylor vortices is maximum. A subsequent increase in applied strain (gamma) results in the distortions of the vortices and a concomitant decrease in n(v), accompanied by a sharp drop in I-3 and sigma(E)(0). The peak position of the spatial correlation function of the scattered intensity along the vorticity direction also captures the crossover. Lissajous plots indicate an intracycle strain hardening for the values of gamma corresponding to the peak of I-3, similar to that observed for hard-sphere glasses.
Many theories and mechanisms have been proposed to explain the phenomenon of clear-air turbulence (CAT), and some of them have been successful in predicting light, moderate and, in some cases, severe turbulence. It is only recently that skill in the forecasting of the severe form of CAT, which could lead to injuries to passengers and damage to aircraft, has improved. Recent observations and simulations suggest that some severe to extreme turbulence could be caused by horizontal vortex tubes resulting from secondary instabilities of regions of high shear in the atmosphere. We have conducted direct numerical simulations to understand the scale relationship between primary structures (larger-scale structures related to one of the causes mentioned above) and secondary structures (smaller-sized, shear structures of the size of aircraft). From shear layer simulations, we find that the ratio of sizes of primary and secondary vortices is of the right order to generate aircraft-scale vortex tubes from typical atmospheric shear layers. We have also conducted simulations with a mesoscale atmospheric model, to understand possible causes of turbulence experienced by a flight off the west coast of India. Our simulations show the occurrence of primary flow structures related to synoptic conditions around the time of the incident. The evidence presented for this mechanism also has implications for possible methods of detection and avoidance of severe CAT.
In optical character recognition of very old books, the recognition accuracy drops mainly due to the merging or breaking of characters. In this paper, we propose the first algorithm to segment merged Kannada characters by using a hypothesis to select the positions to be cut. This method searches for the best possible positions to segment, by taking into account the support vector machine classifier's recognition score and the validity of the aspect ratio (width to height ratio) of the segments between every pair of cut positions. The hypothesis to select the cut position is based on the fact that a concave surface exists above and below the touching portion. These concave surfaces are noted down by tracing the valleys in the top contour of the image and similarly doing it for the image rotated upside-down. The cut positions are then derived as closely matching valleys of the original and the rotated images. Our proposed segmentation algorithm works well for different font styles, shapes and sizes better than the existing vertical projection profile based segmentation. The proposed algorithm has been tested on 1125 different word images, each containing multiple merged characters, from an old Kannada book and 89.6% correct segmentation is achieved and the character recognition accuracy of merged words is 91.2%. A few points of merge are still missed due to the absence of a matched valley due to the specific shapes of the particular characters meeting at the merges.
A network cascade model that captures many real-life correlated node failures in large networks via load redistribution is studied. The considered model is well suited for networks where physical quantities are transmitted, e.g., studying large scale outages in electrical power grids, gridlocks in road networks, and connectivity breakdown in communication networks, etc. For this model, a phase transition is established, i.e., existence of critical thresholds above or below which a small number of node failures lead to a global cascade of network failures or not. Theoretical bounds are obtained for the phase transition on the critical capacity parameter that determines the threshold above and below which cascade appears or disappears, respectively, that are shown to closely follow numerical simulation results. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Digestion of food in the intestines converts the compacted storage carbohydrates, starch and glycogen, to glucose. After each meal, a flux of glucose (>200 g) passes through the blood pool (4-6 g) in a short period of 2 h, keeping its concentration ideally in the range of 80-120 mg/100 mL. Tissue-specific glucose transporters (GLUTs) aid in the distribution of glucose to all tissues. The balance glucose after meeting the immediate energy needs is converted into glycogen and stored in liver (up to 100 g) and skeletal muscle (up to 300 g) for later use. High blood glucose gives the signal for increased release of insulin from pancreas. Insulin binds to insulin receptor on the plasma membrane and activates its autophosphorylation. This initiates the post-insulin-receptor signal cascade that accelerates synthesis of glycogen and triglyceride. Parallel control by phos-dephos and redox regulation of proteins exists for some of these steps. A major action of insulin is to inhibit gluconeogensis in the liver decreasing glucose output into blood. Cases with failed control of blood glucose have alarmingly increased since 1960 coinciding with changed life-styles and large scale food processing. Many of these turned out to be resistant to insulin, usually accompanied by dysfunctional glycogen storage. Glucose has an extended stay in blood at 8 mM and above and then indiscriminately adds on to surface protein-amino groups. Fructose in common sugar is 10-fold more active. This random glycation process interferes with the functions of many proteins (e.g., hemoglobin, eye lens proteins) and causes progressive damage to heart, kidneys, eyes and nerves. Some compounds are known to act as insulin mimics. Vanadium-peroxide complexes act at post-receptor level but are toxic. The fungus-derived 2,5-dihydroxybenzoquinone derivative is the first one known to act on the insulin receptor. The safe herbal products in use for centuries for glucose control have multiple active principles and targets. Some are effective in slowing formation of glucose in intestines by inhibiting alpha-glucosidases (e.g., salacia/saptarangi). Knowledge gained from French lilac on active guanidine group helped developing Metformin (1,1-dimethylbiguanide) one of the popular drugs in use. One strategy of keeping sugar content in diets in check is to use artificial sweeteners with no calories, no glucose or fructose and no effect on blood glucose (e.g., steviol, erythrytol). However, the three commonly used non-caloric artificial sweetener's, saccharin, sucralose and aspartame later developed glucose intolerance, the very condition they are expected to evade. Ideal way of keeping blood glucose under 6 mM and HbAlc, the glycation marker of hemoglobin, under 7% in blood is to correct the defects in signals that allow glucose flow into glycogen, still a difficult task with drugs and diets.
A network cascade model that captures many real-life correlated node failures in large networks via load redistribution is studied. The considered model is well suited for networks where physical quantities are transmitted, e.g., studying large scale outages in electrical power grids, gridlocks in road networks, and connectivity breakdown in communication networks, etc. For this model, a phase transition is established, i.e., existence of critical thresholds above or below which a small number of node failures lead to a global cascade of network failures or not. Theoretical bounds are obtained for the phase transition on the critical capacity parameter that determines the threshold above and below which cascade appears or disappears, respectively, that are shown to closely follow numerical simulation results. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.