955 resultados para AQUEOUS TWO-PHASE SYSTEM


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Impedance spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) were used to investigate the mobility of water molecules located in the interlayer space of H(+) - exchanged bentonite clay. The conductivity obtained by ac measurements was 1.25 x 10(-4) S/cm at 298 K. Proton ((1)H) lineshapes and spin-lattice relaxation times were measured as a function of temperature over the temperature range 130-320 K. The NMR experiments exhibit the qualitative features associated with the proton motion, namely the presence of a (1)H NMR line narrowing and a well-defined spin-lattice relaxation rate maximum. The temperature dependence of the proton spin-lattice relaxation rates was analyzed with the spectral density function appropriate for proton dynamics in a two-dimensional system. The self-diffusion coefficient estimated from our NMR data, D similar to 2 x 10(-7) cm(2)/s at 300 K, is consistent with those reported for exchanged montmorillonite clay hydrates studied by NMR and quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QNS).


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RpfG is a paradigm for a class of widespread bacterial two-component regulators with a CheY-like receiver domain attached to a histidine-aspartic acid-glycine-tyrosine-proline (HD-GYP) cyclic di-GMP phosphodiesterase domain. In the plant pathogen Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc), a two-component system comprising RpfG and the complex sensor kinase RpfC is implicated in sensing and responding to the diffusible signaling factor (DSF), which is essential for cell-cell signaling. RpfF is involved in synthesizing DSF, and mutations of rpfF, rpfG, or rpfC lead to a coordinate reduction in the synthesis of virulence factors such as extracellular enzymes, biofilm structure, and motility. Using yeast two-hybrid analysis and fluorescence resonance energy transfer experiments in Xcc, we show that the physical interaction of RpfG with two proteins with diguanylate cyclase (GGDEF) domains controls a subset of RpfG-regulated virulence functions. RpfG interactions were abolished by alanine substitutions of the three residues of the conserved GYP motif in the HD-GYP domain. Changing the GYP motif or deletion of the two GGDEF-domain proteins reduced Xcc motility but not the synthesis of extracellular enzymes or biofilm formation. RpfG-GGDEF interactions are dynamic and depend on DSF signaling, being reduced in the rpfF mutant but restored by DSF addition. The results are consistent with a model in which DSF signal transduction controlling motility depends on a highly regulated, dynamic interaction of proteins that influence the localized expression of cyclic di-GMP.


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The opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14 possesses four fimbrial cup clusters, which may confer the ability to adapt to different environments. cupD lies in the pathogenicity island PAPI-1 next to genes coding for a putative phosphorelay system composed of the hybrid histidine kinase RcsC and the response regulator RcsB. The main focus of this work was the regulation of cupD at the mRNA level. It was found that the HN-S-like protein MvaT does not exert a strong influence on cupD transcript levels, as it does for cupA. cupD transcription is higher in cultures grown at 28 degrees C, which agrees with a cupD mutant presenting attenuated virulence only in a plant model, but not in a mouse model of infection. Whereas an rcsC in-frame deletion mutant presented higher levels of cupD mRNA, rcsB deletion had the opposite effect. Accordingly, overexpression of RcsB increased the levels of cupD transcription, and promoted biofilm formation and the appearance of fimbriae. A single transcription start site was determined for cupD and transcription from this site was induced by RcsB. A motif similar to the enterobacterial RcsB/RcsA-binding site was detected adjacent to the -35 region, suggesting that this could be the RcsB-binding site. Comparison of P. aeruginosa and Escherichia coli Rcs may provide insights into how similar systems can be used by different bacteria to control gene expression and to adapt to various environmental conditions.


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Värmedrivna vitvaror eller HWC-maskiner som de kallas av tillverkaren värms med varmt vatten från en cirkulerande krets via en värmeväxlare inbyggd i maskinen, till skillnad från konventionella maskiner som värms med el. Denna teknik skall inte förväxlas med maskiner som är anslutna till varmvattenledningen och fylls på med varmt vatten och som därmed begränsas till disk- och tvätt. Syftet med fjärrvärmedrivna vitvaror är alltså att använda fjärrvärme, som har lägre kvalitet och pris än elenergi för uppvärmning och torkning och på så sätt spara el och utöka fjärrvärmeunderlaget. En jämförelse av koldioxidutsläpp och primärenergianvändning mellan konventionella vitvaror och fjärrvärmedrivna vitvaror visar att både koldioxidutsläpp och primärenergianvändning blir lägre för fjärrvärmedrivna vitvaror om biobränsle anses koldioxidneutralt och den el som ersätts är producerad i kolkraftverk eller gaskombikraftverk.   Denna rapport beskriver utveckling och kommersialisering av värmedrivna vitvaror (disk- och tvättmaskiner samt torktumlare och torkskåp) och hur de kan anslutas mot fjärrvärmesystem i olika systemlösningar. Dessutom har de energimässiga och ekonomiska förutsättningarna för tekniken undersökts. Erfarenheterna från fältprovning är dock mycket begränsade, eftersom de byggen där fälttesterna skulle ske försenades. Under 2013 färdigställs ett flerbostadshus med värmedrivna vitvaror i 160 lägenheter i Västerås.   De utvecklade maskinernas värmeanvändning som andel av total energianvändning vid 60 graders framledningstemperatur har uppmätts till ca 50 % för diskmaskinen, 67 % för tvättmaskinen, 80 % för torktumlaren och 93 % för torkskåpet. I det studerade flerbostadshuset av passivhusstandard uppgår lasten från värmedrivna vitvaror komfortgolvvärme och handdukstorkar till upp mot 30 % av husets totala värmeanvändning. För småhus är motsvarande siffra upp mot 20 %. Att använda fjärrvärme istället för elvärme till dessa installationer som normalt är elvärmda kan allts minska elbehovet betydligt i lågenergibebyggelse vilket också minskar både koldioxidutsläppen och primärenergianvändningen.   Ekonomiska analyser har genomförts för två olika systemkoncept (separat vitvarukrets och Västeråsmodellen) för nybyggda småhusområden och flerfamiljshus där fjärrvärme inte bara används till vitvaror utan också till handdukstorkar och komfortgolvvärme. De ekonomiska analyserna visar att Västeråsmodellen är den mest ekonomiskt intressanta systemlösningen med värmedrivna vitvaror, handdukstork och komfortgolvvärme. I flerfamiljshus kan den vara konkurrenskraftig mot de elvärmda alternativen (konventionellt system med eldrivna vitvaror, komfortgolvvärme och handdukstorkar) om prisskillnaden mellan el och fjärrvärme är större än 0,7 kr/kWh. En parameterstudie visar att kapitalkostnaden blir ganska hög jämfört med energikostnaden, vilket betyder att lång livslängd och många cykler är viktigt för att förbättra de ekonomiska förutsättningarna för värmedrivna vitvaror. För passiva småhus blir kostnaden för Västeråsmodellen med värmedrivna vitvaror, handdukstork och komfortgolvvärme likvärdig med de elvärmda alternativen vid energiprisskillnader på 0,7 kr/kWh inklusive moms, medan det krävs prisskillnader på 0,9 kr/kWh inklusive moms för normalisolerade småhusområden.   Sammanfattningsvis kan sägas att i kommuner med ett konkurrenskraftigt fjärrvärmepris finns det viss lönsamhet för hela konceptet enligt Västeråsmodellen med värmedrivna vitvaror, komfortgolvvärme, och handdukstorkar. Om man däremot ser på konkurrensen för enskilda vitvaror är det främst torktumlaren som är konkurrenskraftig i bostäder. Målpriset på 1000 kr extra för värmedrift har inte kunnat uppnås inom projektet för diskmaskiner och tvättmaskiner. Det krävs lägre priser och låga anslutningskostnader för att räkna hem diskmaskinen och tvättmaskinen som enskilda komponenter.   Värmedrivna tvättmaskiner och torktumlare är konkurrenskraftiga i flerfamiljstvättstugor. Speciellt i de fall där beläggningen är god och flera maskiner delar på anslutningskostnaden till fjärrvärmecentralen kan värmedrift bli riktigt lönsam. Torkskåpens konkurrenskraft har inte kunnat utvärderas, då priset ännu inte fastställts. Att använda VVC-systemet för värmedistribution till värmedrivna vitvaror kan vara mycket intressant, men det kräver att legionellaproblematiken kan lösas. I nuläget finns ingen lösning som uppfyller formuleringarna i boverkets byggregler. Ett annat distributionssätt som kan vara intressant, men som inte undersökts i studien är att använda VVC för varmvattendistribution och en gemensam radiator- och vitvarukrets med konstant framledningstemperatur. Den aktör som förväntas ha störst ekonomiskt intresse av att tekniken implementeras är sannolikt fjärrvärmebolagen som får sälja mer värme och det ligger därmed främst på deras ansvar att marknadsföra tekniken i mötet med sina kunder.


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Excess copper is effluxed from mammalian cells by the Menkes or Wilson P-type ATPases (MNK and WND, respectively). MNK and WND have six metal binding sites (MBSs) containing a CXXC motif within their N-terminal cytoplasmic region. Evidence suggests that copper is delivered to the ATPases by Atox1, one of three cytoplasmic copper chaperones. Attempts to monitor a direct Atox1-MNK interaction and to determine kinetic parameters have not been successful. Here we investigated interactions of Atox1 with wild-type and mutated pairs of the MBSs of MNK using two different methods: yeast two-hybrid analysis and real-time surface plasmon resonance (SPR). A copper-dependent interaction of Atox1 with the MBSs of MNK was observed by both approaches. Cys to Ser mutations of conserved CXXC motifs affected the binding of Atox1 underlining the essentiality of Cys residues for the copper-induced interaction. Although the yeast two-hybrid assay failed to show an interaction of Atox1 with MBS5/6, SPR analysis clearly demonstrated a copper-dependent binding with all six MBSs highlighting the power and sensitivity of SPR as compared with other, more indirect methods like the yeast two-hybrid system. Binding constants for copper-dependent chaperone-MBS interactions were determined to be 10–5-10–6 M for all the MBSs representing relatively low affinity binding events. The interaction of Atox1 with pairs of the MBSs was non-cooperative. Therefore, a functional difference of the MBSs in the MNK N terminus cannot be attributed to cooperativity effects or varying affinities of the copper chaperone Atox1 with the MBSs.


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The tree index structure is a traditional method for searching similar data in large datasets. It is based on the presupposition that most sub-trees are pruned in the searching process. As a result, the number of page accesses is reduced. However, time-series datasets generally have a very high dimensionality. Because of the so-called dimensionality curse, the pruning effectiveness is reduced in high dimensionality. Consequently, the tree index structure is not a suitable method for time-series datasets. In this paper, we propose a two-phase (filtering and refinement) method for searching time-series datasets. In the filtering step, a quantizing time-series is used to construct a compact file which is scanned for filtering out irrelevant. A small set of candidates is translated to the second step for refinement. In this step, we introduce an effective index compression method named grid-based datawise dimensionality reduction (DRR) which attempts to preserve the characteristics of the time-series. An experimental comparison with existing techniques demonstrates the utility of our approach.


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This article reports the types and complexity level of decisions made in everyday clinical practice by critical care nurses. It also reports factors that influence the complexity of those decisions. A combination of methods were chosen for the two phase study. In the first phase, 12 qualified critical care nurses documented decisions (over a 2 hour period) on a clinical decision recording form designed by the researcher. In the second phase, participants attended a semi-structured focus group.

From the analysis, five types of decisions were identified; assessment, intervention, organisation, communication and education. In addition to these documented decisions, three factors that influenced decision complexity were identified from a thematic analysis of the transcribed interviews; communication, patient related and properties of the decision. Nurses reported that communication decisions were the most difficult to make. However, the concept of nurses knowing the patient reduced the level of decision complexity. It is suggested that this has important implications for decision making practices of nurses working in the area of critical care and potentially for patient outcomes.


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Transformation textures in the two-phase alloy Ti–6Al–4V have been studied. Samples were heated into the fully β phase condition and then slow cooled to allow diffusional transformation to α. This produced a microstructure of grain boundary α encircling colonies of Widmanstätten α. Electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) texture measurements showed that the α texture was markedly sharper than that calculated on a basis of equal variant probability, indicating that significant variant selection was occurring during diffusional transformation. Investigation of the α variants produced across prior β grain boundaries has shown that the selection of variants during transformation is highly dependant on the crystallography of those boundaries. The effect of this crystallographic variant selection on the transformation texture has been modelled.


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The evolution of dynamic ferrite softening in a plain-carbon steel was investigated by torsion tests during warm deformation at 810 °C, in the two-phase (ferrite + austenite) region, and strain rate of 0.1 s−1 with different strains up to 50. The warm flow behaviour and ferrite microstructural parameters, such as grain size, misorientation angle across ferrite/ferrite boundaries, and the fraction of high-angle and low-angle grain/subgrain boundaries were quantified using electron back scatter diffraction. The results show that with increasing strain up to not, vert, similar2, the ferrite grain size and fraction of high-angle boundaries rapidly decrease and the fraction of low-angle boundaries increases. However, these parameters remain approximately unchanged with increasing strain from not, vert, similar2 to 50. The dynamic softening mechanism observed during large strain ferritic deformation is explained by dynamic recovery and continuous dynamic recrystallization.


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A literature review revealed no evidence-based guidelines specific to managing diabetes in the context of palliative care. The purpose of the current project was to describe the management practices of doctors and nurses caring for people with diabetes and advanced disease. Palliative care doctors, palliative care nurses, endocrinologists, and diabetes nurse educators participated in this study. A two-phase project was undertaken: 1) two focus groups, and 2) a cross-sectional survey using a self-completed questionnaire. The focus group and questionnaire data identified that doctors and nurses used a range of practices and blood glucose testing frequencies to control blood glucose based on experience and not according to a robust evidence base. Implications for practice include the importance of collaboration between diabetes and palliative care specialists, and the need to develop clinical management guidelines.


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This presentation reports on a two-phase research program which focuses on the experiences of Islamic-background learners in science/environmental education. The research program explores perceived dissonances between western science and Islamic belief as an issue for: the highly visible discourse of constructivism in science and environmental education; the policy challenges of ‘internationalising the university curriculum’; and the pedagogical challenge of ‘Quality Learning’ – in particular responding to ‘faith-based’ commitments in education.
Conceptually, the research program is conducted within a constructivist discourse. Essentially, we are proposing that dissonances experienced by Islamic-background learners in a western science curriculum (as reported in Sharifah, 2003), and the effects of these dissonances on how learners construct meaning in science, can be understood within a constructivist discourse. Further, we believe the research has the promise of not only exploring and explicating some of the issues experienced by teachers and learners in Islamic science education contexts (and thereby contributing to our understanding of the idea of ‘quality learning’), but also expanding our grasp of the expressions, implications and limitations of the constructivist hypothesis in education. In this sense it has a transformative agenda by working to improve access to and experience in the science curriculum for Muslim students.


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A particle-based method for multiscale modeling of multiphase materials such as Dual Phase (DP) and Transformation Induced Plasticity (TRIP) steels has been developed. The multiscale Particle-In-Cell (PIC) method benefits from the many advantages of the FEM and mesh-free methods, and to bridge the micro and macro scales through homogenization. The conventional mesh-based modeling methods fail to give reasonable and accurate predictions for materials with complex microstructures. Alternatively in the multiscale PIC method, the Lagrangian particles moving in an Eulerian grid represent the material deformation at both the micro and macro scales. The uniaxial tension test of two phase and three-phase materials was simulated and compared with FE based simulations. The predictions using multiscale PIC method showed that accuracy of field variables could be improved by up to 7%. This can lead to more accurate forming and springback predictions for materials with important multiphase microstructural effects.


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In this note we characterize previous termoptimalnext term two-phase previous termpunishmentsnext term in the presence of an n period previous termdetection lag,next term i.e. when cheating on an implicit agreement can be kept secret for a certain time period. Two simple applications are also provided.


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Ensuring the sexual and reproductive health of the population is essential for the wellbeing of a nation. At least three aspects of sexual and reproductive health are among the key policy issues for present Australian governments: maintaining and increasing the birth rate; reducing the abortion rate; and preventing and controlling Chlamydia infections.

The overall aim of the Australian Longitudinal Study of Health and Relationships is to document the natural history of the sexual and reproductive health of the Australian adult population.

A nationally representative sample of Australian adults 16–64 years of age was selected in a two-phase process in 2004–2005. Eligible households were identified through random digit dialling. We used separate sampling frames for men and women; where there was more than one eligible person in a household the participant was selected randomly. Participants completed a computer-assisted telephone interview that typically took approximately 25 minutes to complete. The response rate was 56%. A total of 8,656 people were interviewed, of whom 95% (8243) agreed to be contacted again 12 months later. Of those, approximately 82% have been re-contacted and re-interviewed in 2006–07 (Wave Two), with 99% of those agreeing to be contacted again for Wave Three.

ALSHR represents a significant advance for research on the linked topics of sexual and reproductive health. Its strengths include the large sample size, the inclusion of men as well as women, and the wide age range of the participants.


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Dual Phase (DP) steel one of the Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS) has a two phase microstructure where soft and hard phase acts together to offer a high strength composite effect. The high strength, however, must be balanced with ductility so that complex parts and designs can be manufactured from AHSS sheets. However, during forming certain grades of DP steel a sudden crack can occur without any intimation of necking. Thus, due to this abnormal forming behaviour, is difficult to accurately predict because most classical modelling approaches are not designed for such micro-structurally heterogeneous materials. These modelling approaches are generally based on an average representation of the material behaviour in a continuum mechanics formulation. This works for materials that are homogenous, or at least could be assumed to be homogenous at scales lower than the naked eye can see. However, for a material like AHSS, the microstructure plays a significant role in dictating the mechanical behaviour at the macro-scale. This paper studies the multi-scale modelling ofDP590 steel. It is found that the sufficient accuracy can be achieved from multi-scale modelling while comparing with the experiments.