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In the last few years organic chemistry has focused attention on enantiomeric resolution. Among the several techiniques, crystallization-induced diastereoisomeric transformation (CIDT) aroused the interest because of high yields, as well as to meet the criteria of green chemistry. The process is applied in the specific way for a racemic mixtures of α- epimerizable aldehydes, in order to obtain enatiomerically enrichment mixtures. This technique involves the transformation of a racemic mixture of enantiomers into a diasteroisomeric one by a reaction with a enantiopure auxiliary (Betti’s base). Then, to mixture of diastereoisomers is applied the acid-catalyzed enrichment process: in solution, the epimerization of more soluble diastereoisomer occurs, accompanied by precipitation and hence the removal of the less soluble one from the equilibrium. Finally, through the hydrolysis reaction, it was possible to recover the enantiomerically enriched aldehydes.


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Viele substituierte Pyrrolidine zeigen eine hohe Affinität zu biologischen Makromolekülen wie zu G-Protein-gekoppelten Rezeptoren, Ionenkanälen oder Enzymen. Eine synthetische Route zur Darstellung von Pyrrolidinen mit der Möglichkeit, alle fünf Ringatome variabel zu substituieren, ist daher von Interesse für die pharmazeutische Forschung. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden zwei neue Synthesestrategien zur Darstellung hochsubstituierter Pyrrolidine vorgestellt: Die 1,4-Addition von -Aminonitrilen an ,-ungesättigte Carbonylverbindungen liefert cyclische Zwischenprodukte, die in einer Eintopfreaktion zu Pyrrolidinen reduziert werden können. Die Cyanogruppe wird dabei im Reduktionsschritt aus dem Molekül entfernt, so dass keine unerwünschten Funktionalitäten im Zielmolekül zurückbleiben. In analoger Weise reagieren -(Alkylidenamino)-nitrile mit ,-ungesättigten Carbonylverbindungen. Nach Reduktion der Intermediate können polysubstituierte Pyrrolidine erhalten werden. Im Gegensatz zu -Aminonitrilen lassen sich -(Alkylidenamino)-nitrile allerdings auch mit CH-aciden ,-ungesättigten Carbonylverbindungen umsetzten, und erlauben so die Darstellung von substituierten Pyrrolidinen, die mit der zuerst genannten Methode nicht zugänglich sind. Die Übertragung beider Synthesestrategien auf die Darstellung von polycyclischen Pyrrolidinen wie dem Alkaloid Crispin A wird ebenfalls in dieser Arbeit beschrieben.


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Staphylococcus aureus alpha-hemolysin was the first bacterial toxin recognized to form pores in the plasma membrane of eukaryotic cells. It is secreted as a water-soluble monomer that upon contact with target membranes forms an amphiphatic heptameric beta-barrel which perforates the bilayer. As a consequence, red cells undergo colloidosmotic lyses, while some nucleated cells may succumb to necrosis or programmed cell death. However, most cells are capable of repairing a limited number of membrane lesions, and then respond with productive transcriptional activation of NF-kB. In the present study, by using microarray and semiquantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), data from a previously performed serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) were extended and verified, revealing that immediate early genes (IEGs) such as c-fos, c-jun and egr-1 are strongly induced at 2-8 h after transient toxin treatment. Activating protein 1 (AP-1: c-Fos, c-Jun) binding activity was increased accordingly. As IEGs are activated by growth factors, these findings led to the discovery that -toxin promotes cell cycle progression of perforated cells in an EGFR-dependent fashion. Although the amount of c-fos mRNA rose rapidly after toxin treatment, c-Fos protein expression was observed only after a lag of about 3 h. Since translation consumes much ATP, which transiently drops after transient membrane perforation, the suspicion arised that membrane-perforation caused global, but temporary downregulation of translation. In fact, eIF2α became heavily phosphorylated minutes after cells had been confronted with the toxin, resulting in shutdown of protein synthesis before cellular ATP levels reached the nadir. GCN2 emerged as a candidate eIF2α kinase, since its expression rapidly increased in toxin-treated cells. Two hours after toxin treatment, GADD34 transcripts, encoding a protein that targets the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) to the endoplasmic reticulum, were overexpressed. This was followed by dephosphorylation of eIF2α and resumption of protein synthesis. Addition of tautomycetin, a specific inhibitor of PP1, led to marked hyperphosphorylation of eIF2α and significantly reduced the drop of ATP-levels in toxin-treated cells. A novel link between two major stress-induced signalling pathways emerged when it was found that both translational arrest and restart were under the control of stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK) p38. The data provide an explanation for the indispensible role of p38 for defence against the archetypal threat of membrane perforation by agents that produce small transmembrane-pores.


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Von aromatischen Aldehyden abgeleitete α-Aminonitrile können ohne die Anwendung von Schutzgruppen in α-Position deprotoniert werden, wenn keine lithiumhaltigen Basen verwendet werden. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die Reaktionen deprotonierter α-Aminonitrile mit Elektrophilen zu untersuchen. Die Addition von α-Aminocarbanionen an Imine führt unter intramolekularer Eliminierung von HCN zu Endiaminen, die sich in einer Eintopfsynthese abhängig von der Aufarbeitung in 1,2-Diamine oder 1,2-Diimine umwandeln lassen. Die nach Oxidation durch Luftsauerstoff erhaltenen Diimine können mit dem Reduktionsmittel BH3·THF diastereoselektiv reduziert werden. Es hat sich hier gezeigt, dass durch Zugabe einer katalytischen Menge an NaBH4 hauptsächlich die syn-Diamine erhalten werden, der Zusatz von Phthalsäure wiederum liefert bevorzugt die anti-Produkte. In beiden Fällen wird das Produkt in quantitativer Ausbeute erhalten. So konnte also eine effektive diastereoselektive Reduktionsmethode entwickelt werden, die eine freie Wahl der syn- oder anti-Konfiguration ermöglicht. Um enantiomerenreine 1,2-Diamine zu erhalten, wurden verschiedene Methoden getestet. Sowohl auxiliargesteuerte Synthesen mit einem N-Glycosyl-Aminonitril oder mit chiralen Sulfinyliminen als auch die Reduktion durch chirale Borverbindungen (CBS-Katalysatoren, Triacyloxyborhydrid oder Diisopinocamphenylboran), Transferhydrierungen mit chiralen Difluortitanocen-, Noyori- oder Organophosphat-Katalysatoren sowie enantioselektive Hydrierungen mit chiralen Übergangsmetall-katalysatoren waren jedoch nicht erfolgreich. Die Umsetzung der 1,2-Diimine mit Chlormethylethern oder -estern liefert die entsprechenden unsymmetrischen Imidazoliumsalze. Diese konnten zu N-heterocyclischen Carbenen deprotoniert und erfolgreich als Liganden in Suzuki- und Heck-Reaktionen eingesetzt werden. Durch die 1,2-Addition α-deprotonierter Streckerprodukte und anschließende Reduktion im Eintopfverfahren konnten 1,2-Aminoalkohole in mäßigen bis guten Ausbeuten dargestellt werden. Die Umsetzung von α-Aminocarbanionen mit N-Acyliminen erlaubt zudem die Synthese tetrasubstituierter Imidazole und trisubstituierter Oxazole in drei beziehungsweise vier Stufen: Die zunächst gebildeten α-Amino-α-acylaminopropionitrile können isoliert und in Gegenwart von Base einer Retro-Strecker-Reaktion unterworfen werden. Abhängig vom Substitutionsmuster schließt sich in manchen Fällen nach der Eliminierung von HCN direkt die Cyclisierung zum Imidazol an. Nicht cyclisierte Intermediate lassen sich durch Dehydratisierung mit PCl5 zu Imidazolen umsetzen, aber auch unter sauren Bedingungen zu α-Acylaminoketonen hydrolysieren, welche wiederum durch Einwirkung von PCl5 in Oxazole überführt werden können. Auf diese Weise wurden Imidazole und Oxazole in moderaten bis hohen Gesamtausbeuten hergestellt.


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Il progetto di ricerca di questa tesi è stato focalizzato sulla sintesi di tre classi di molecole: β-lattami, Profeni e α-amminonitrili, utilizzando moderne tecniche di sintesi organica, metodologie ecosostenibili e strategie biocatalitiche. I profeni sono una categoria di antiinfiammatori molto diffusa e in particolare abbiamo sviluppato e ottimizzato una procedura in due step per ottenere (S)-Profeni da 2-arilpropanali raceme. Il primo step consiste in una bioriduzione delle aldeidi per dare i relativi (S)-2-Aril Propanoli tramite un processo DKR mediato dall’enzima Horse Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase. Il secondo, l’ossidazione a (S)-Profeni, è promossa da NaClO2 e TEMPO come catalizzatore. Con lo scopo di migliorare il processo, in collaborazione con il gruppo di ricerca di Francesca Paradisi all’University College Dublino abbiamo immobilizzato l’enzima HLADH, ottenendo buone rese e una migliore enantioselettività. Abbiamo inoltre proposto un interessante approccio enzimatico per l’ossidazione degli (S)-2-Aril Propanoli utilizzando una laccasi da Trametes Versicolor. L’anello β-lattamico è un eterociclo molto importante, noto per essere un interessante farmacoforo. Abbiamo sintetizzato nuovi N-metiltio beta-lattami, che hanno mostrato un’attività antibatterica molto interessante contro ceppi resistenti di Staphilococcus Aureus prelevati da pazienti affetti da fibrosis cistica. Abbiamo poi coniugato gruppi polifenolici a questi nuovi β-lattami ottenendo molecule antiossidanti e antibatteriche, cioè con attività duale. Abbiamo poi sintetizzato un nuovo ibrido retinoide-betalattame che ha indotto differenziazione si cellule di neuroblastoma. Abbiamo poi sfruttato la reazione di aperture dell’anello monobattamico tramite enzimi idrolitici, con lo scopo di ottenere β-amminoacidi chirali desimmetrizzati come il monoestere dell’acido β–amminoglutammico. Per quando riguarda gli α-amminonitrili, è stato sviluppato un protocollo di Strecker. Le reazioni sono state molto efficienti utilizzando come fonte di cianuro l’acetone cianidrina in acqua, utilizzando differenti aldeidi e chetoni, ammine primarie e secondarie. Per mettere a punto una versione asimmetrica del protocollo, abbiamo usato ammine chirali con lo scopo di ottenere nuovi α-amminonitrili chirali.


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Functionally critically located gliomas represent a challenging subgroup of intrinsic brain neoplasms. Standard therapeutic recommendations often cannot be applied, because radical treatment and preservation of neurological function are contrary goals. The successful targeting of gliomas with locally injected beta radiation-emitting (90)Y-DOTAGA-substance P has been shown previously. However, in critically located tumours, the mean tissue range of 5 mm of (90)Y may seriously damage adjacent brain areas. In contrast, the alpha radiation-emitting radionuclide (213)Bi with a mean tissue range of 81 microm may have a more favourable toxicity profile. Therefore, we evaluated locally injected (213)Bi-DOTA-substance P in patients with critically located gliomas as the primary therapeutic modality.


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In skeletal muscles, the expression of neuronal NO synthase (nNOS) isoforms is uncharacterized at the protein level. We therefore conducted epitope mapping with anti-peptide-antibodies. Antibodies specific for the nNOS N-terminus recognized the 160-kDa alpha-isoform. In contrast, antibodies against the middle portion or the C-terminus of nNOS bound additionally to the truncated 140-kDa beta-isoform which lacks the PDZ-domain present in the alpha-isoform. All nNOS immunohistochemical reactivity was confined to the sarcolemma. Consistently, immunoblotting disclosed both nNOS-isoforms to be co-enriched in the membrane-associated fractions. The beta-isoform was co-immunoprecipitated with alpha-isoform antibodies in muscle extracts indicating an association of both nNOS-isoforms to direct the beta-variant to the sarcolemma.


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Cyclo[EKTOVNOGN] (AFPep), a cyclic 9-amino acid peptide derived from the active site of alpha-fetoprotein, has been shown to prevent carcinogen-induced mammary cancer in rats and inhibit the growth of ER+ human breast cancer xenografts in mice. Recently, studies using replica exchange molecular dynamics predicted that the TOVN region of AFPep might form a dynamically stable putative Type I beta-turn, and thus be biologically active without additional amino acids. The studies presented in this paper were performed to determine whether TOVN and other small analogs of AFPep would inhibit estrogen-stimulated cancer growth and exhibit a broad effective-dose range. These peptides contained nine or fewer amino acids, and were designed to bracket or include the putative pharmacophoric region (TOVN) of AFPep. Biological activities of these peptides were evaluated using an immature mouse uterine growth inhibition assay, a T47D breast cancer cell proliferation assay, and an MCF-7 breast cancer xenograft assay. TOVN had very weak antiestrogenic activity in comparison to AFPep's activity, whereas TOVNO had antiestrogenic and anticancer activities similar to AFPep. OVNO, which does not form a putative Type I beta-turn, had virtually no antiestrogenic and anticancer activities. A putative proteolytic cleavage product of AFPep, TOVNOGNEK, significantly inhibited E2-stimulated growth in vivo and in vitro over a wider dose range than AFPep or TOVNO. We conclude that TOVNO has anticancer potential, that TOVNOGNEK is as effective as AFPep in suppressing growth of human breast cancer cells, and that it does so over a broader effective-dose range.


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The mode of action of antidepressants is still a matter of debate. Acute inhibition of neurotransmitter reuptake in central neuronal synapses, followed by a down-regulation of central postsynaptic beta-adrenoceptor (beta-AR) numbers were consistently observed in vivo, while a reduction in surface beta-AR density was found in cell cultures. Effects of the tricyclic antidepressant desipramine (DMI) were abolished by vitamin E (alpha-TOC) in vitro as well as in vivo. Alpha-TOC interfered with antidepressant-induced changes of cellular plasma membrane properties and with recycling of beta-AR. St. John's wort (SJW) extract reduced beta-AR numbers in cultured cells to a similar extent as DMI or the selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor fluoxetine. We chronically co-exposed cell cultures to SJW extract and to alpha-TOC. Receptor down-regulation following exposure to the plant extract was inhibited in the presence of alpha-TOC suggesting a mode of action of SJW extract comparable to that of synthetic antidepressants. Inhibition of cell proliferation by the plant extract was also significantly reduced by alpha-TOC.


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Glycoprotein Ib (GPIb) is a platelet receptor with a critical role in mediating the arrest of platelets at sites of vascular damage. GPIb binds to the A1 domain of von Willebrand factor (vWF-A1) at high blood shear, initiating platelet adhesion and contributing to the formation of a thrombus. To investigate the molecular basis of GPIb regulation and ligand binding, we have determined the structure of the N-terminal domain of the GPIb(alpha) chain (residues 1-279). This structure is the first determined from the cell adhesion/signaling class of leucine-rich repeat (LRR) proteins and reveals the topology of the characteristic disulfide-bonded flanking regions. The fold consists of an N-terminal beta-hairpin, eight leucine-rich repeats, a disulfide-bonded loop, and a C-terminal anionic region. The structure also demonstrates a novel LRR motif in the form of an M-shaped arrangement of three tandem beta-turns. Negatively charged binding surfaces on the LRR concave face and anionic region indicate two-step binding kinetics to vWF-A1, which can be regulated by an unmasking mechanism involving conformational change of a key loop. Using molecular docking of the GPIb and vWF-A1 crystal structures, we were also able to model the GPIb.vWF-A1 complex.


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Aggretin, a potent platelet activator, was isolated from Calloselasma rhodostoma venom, and 30-amino acid N-terminal sequences of both subunits were determined. Aggretin belongs to the heterodimeric snake C-type lectin family and is thought to activate platelets by binding to platelet glycoprotein alpha(2)beta(1). We now show that binding to glycoprotein (GP) Ib is also required. Aggretin-induced platelet activation was inhibited by a monoclonal antibody to GPIb as well as by antibodies to alpha(2)beta(1). Binding of both of these platelet receptors to aggretin was confirmed by affinity chromatography. No binding of other major platelet membrane glycoproteins, in particular GPVI, to aggretin was detected. Aggretin also activates platelets from Fc receptor gamma chain (Fcgamma)-deficient mice to a greater extent than those from normal control mice, showing that it does not use the GPVI/Fcgamma pathway. Platelets from Fcgamma-deficient mice expressed fibrinogen receptors normally in response to collagen, although they did not aggregate, indicating that these platelets may partly compensate via other receptors including alpha(2)beta(1) or GPIb for the lack of the Fcgamma pathway. Signaling by aggretin involves a dose-dependent lag phase followed by rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of a number of proteins. Among these are p72(SYK), p125(FAK), and PLCgamma2, whereas, in comparison with collagen and convulxin, the Fcgamma subunit neither is phosphorylated nor coprecipitates with p72(SYK). This supports an independent, GPIb- and integrin-based pathway for activation of p72(SYK) not involving the Fcgamma receptor.


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The classical pathway for induction of cytochrome P4501A (CYP1A) by xenobiotics is ligand binding to the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR). However, several studies with mammalian cell systems point out a range of xenobiotics including imidazole derivatives, which are able to activate CYP1A through non-classical mechanisms. The objective of the present work is to compare induction of CYP1A (determined at the catalytic level as 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase, EROD) in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) hepatocytes by the prototypic AhR ligand, beta-naphthoflavone (betaNF), and by the imidazole derivative, 1-phenylimidazole (PIM). PIM was able to induce EROD activity although its potency was clearly lower than that of betaNF. In order to assess the relative importance of classical AhR ligand binding and alternative signaling pathways in CYP1A induction by PIM, co-exposure experiments with the partial AhR antagonist alpha-naphthoflavone (alphaNF) or with inhibitors of protein kinase C (staurosporine) and tyrosine kinases (genistein, herbimicine) were performed. alphaNF and herbimicin provoked a decrease of EROD induction both by betaNF and PIM, whereas staurosporine and genistein remained without effect. The overall similarities in the response of betaNF and PIM to the various inhibitors suggest that both compounds, in apparent contrast to the behaviour of some other imidazole derivatives, induce CYP1A following similar mechanisms.


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Interleukin-1 beta is a potent mediator of the acute-phase response. However, the effects of interleukin-1 beta administration on the topic in vivo production of acute-phase proteins and albumin are so far not well understood. Overnight fasted rats were subcutaneously injected with 0.2 mL 0.9% NaCl (control group) or 6.25 micrograms recombinant human interleukin-1 beta, and rectal temperature was measured at intervals up to 48 h. Livers were perfused-fixed in vivo prior to injection (base-line), and at 9, 24, and 48 h following the interleukin-1 beta injection. Fibrinogen, orosomucoid (alpha 1-acid glycoprotein) and albumin were immunostained using a streptavidin-biotin-immunoperoxidase technique. Rectal temperature peaked 5 h after the single interleukin-1 beta injection, and fell gradually to base-line values by 24 h. Prior to injection only a few hepatocytes, randomly scattered throughout the liver lobule, stained positive for fibrinogen and orosomucoid. In contrast, all hepatocytes stained uniformly positive for fibrinogen and orosomucoid 9 h after interleukin-1 beta injection, whereas at 24 h a predominant centrilobular staining pattern occurred. Due to fasting, albumin positive hepatocytes were already reduced at base-line in both groups. Interleukin-1 beta induced a further significant loss of albumin positive cells in the periportal zone (35 +/- 21%) at 9 h when compared with controls (58 +/- 11%, p = 0.037). In conclusion, subcutaneous interleukin-1 beta (probably by stimulation of interleukin-6) strongly induces fibrinogen and orosomucoid expression in rat liver, and suppresses immunohistochemically stainable albumin in a heterogenous way, mainly in the periportal zone.


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BACKGROUND: Oxidized low density lipoprotein (oxLDL) has been shown to induce apoptosis and senescence of endothelial progenitor cells (EPC). In the present study, we hypothesized that even sub-apoptotic concentrations of oxLDL impair the angiogenic potential of EPC and investigated if this effect is mediated by affecting adhesion and incorporation. METHODS: A co-culture system of human microvascular endothelial cells and EPC was used to study the effect of sub-apoptotic concentrations of native (nLDL) and oxLDL on cell-cell interaction. The expression and the functional role of angiogenic adhesion molecules and integrins was monitored by FACS and neutralizing assay, respectively. RESULTS: We observed an inhibition of tube formation and impairment of EPC integration into the vascular network of mature endothelial cells by oxLDL. In contrast, nLDL did not affect angiogenic properties of EPC. Incubation of EPC with sub-apoptotic oxLDL concentrations significantly decreased E-selectin and integrin alpha(v)beta(5) expression (37.6% positive events vs. 71.5% and 24.3% vs. 49.9% compared to control culture media without oxLDL). Interestingly, expression of alpha(v)beta(3), VE-cadherin and CD31 remained unchanged. Blocking of E-selectin and integrin alpha(v)beta(5) by neutralizing antibody effectively inhibited adhesion of EPC to differentiated endothelial cells (56.5% and 41.9% of control; p<0.001). CONCLUSION: In conclusion, oxidative alteration of LDL impairs angiogenic properties of EPC at sub-apoptotic levels by downregulation of E-selectin and integrin alpha(v)beta(5), both substantial mediators of EPC-endothelial cell interaction.


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OBJECTIVE: Apoptosis of pancreatic beta-cells is critical in both diabetes development and failure of islet transplantation. The role in these processes of pro- and antiapoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins, which regulate apoptosis by controlling mitochondrial integrity, remains poorly understood. We investigated the role of the BH3-only protein Bid and the multi-BH domain proapoptotic Bax and Bak, as well as prosurvival Bcl-2, in beta-cell apoptosis. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: We isolated islets from mice lacking Bid, Bax, or Bak and those overexpressing Bcl-2 and exposed them to Fas ligand, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, and proinflammatory cytokines or cytotoxic stimuli that activate the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway (staurosporine, etoposide, gamma-radiation, tunicamycin, and thapsigargin). Nuclear fragmentation was measured by flow cytometry. RESULTS: Development and function of islets were not affected by loss of Bid, and Bid-deficient islets were as susceptible as wild-type islets to cytotoxic stimuli that cause apoptosis via the mitochondrial pathway. In contrast, Bid-deficient islets and those overexpressing antiapoptotic Bcl-2 were protected from Fas ligand-induced apoptosis. Bid-deficient islets were also resistant to apoptosis induced by TNF-alpha plus cycloheximide and were partially resistant to proinflammatory cytokine-induced death. Loss of the multi-BH domain proapoptotic Bax or Bak protected islets partially from death receptor-induced apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that Bid is essential for death receptor-induced apoptosis of islets, similar to its demonstrated role in hepatocytes. This indicates that blocking Bid activity may be useful for protection of islets from immune-mediated attack and possibly also in other pathological states in which beta-cells are destroyed.