1000 resultados para 7140-310
The Lateglacial evolution of the Ticino glacier and tributaries is poorly known because of the lack of research by Quaternary geomorphologists during the last decades. In spite of the interest for the cryosphere reactions during the Lateglacial climate warming, only few scientific studies were carried out about the history of the northern valleys of the Ticino Alps during the deglaciation (e.g. Seiffert 1953, Renner 1982, Hantke 1983). Within the framework of geomorphological investigations on the Lateglacial and Holocene glacier/permafrost evolution in the Ticino Alps, the history of the Brenno glacier (Blenio Valley, Eastern Ticino Alps) during the end of the Pleistocene has been studied. The deglaciation sequence of the Blenio Valley is still not complete (Scapozza et al. 2009). Only the first glacial stadial of the Brenno glacier and the last Lateglacial stadials of the Greina region (northern Blenio valley, see Fontana et al. 2008) and of the upper Malvaglia Valley (eastern Blenio Valley, see Scapozza et al. 2008) have been unequivocally defined. For every stadial, the surface of the palaeoglacier and the depression of the Equilibrium Line Altitude (ELA) have been reconstructed on the base of geomorphological mapping. The first individual glacial stadial of the Brenno glacier corresponds to the Biasca stadial of the Ticino glacier defined by Hantke (1983). The ELA depression of 1100-1200 meters and its morphological and glaciological characteristics allow us to correlate this stadial with the Weissbad stadial defined by Keller (1988). In the Greina region, three stadials corresponding to the end of the Lateglacial have been identified, with an ELA depression of 110, 210 and 310-350 meters (Fontana et al. 2008). In the upper Malvaglia Valley, three stadials corresponding to the end of the Oldest Dryas and the Younger Dryas have been identified for the Orino glacier, with an ELA depression of 290, 400-420 and 470-560 meters (Scapozza et al. 2008). If we consider the other (fragmentary) glacial deposits of the Blenio Valley, it is possible to define a regression sequence of the Brenno glacier with 8 stadials, from the Biasca stadial to the end of the Younger Dryas. An attempt of correlation with the model "Gothard" developed by Renner (1982) and Hantke (1983) and with the model "Eastern Swiss Alps" developed by Maisch (1982) is proposed in Table 1. The following chronological conclusions are, therefore, proposed: (1) the Biasca stadial is probably the first stadial after the transition Pleniglacial - Lateglacial; (2) the stadials BRE 7 to BRE 3 are positioned between the beginning of the Lateglacial and the Bølling-Allerød interstadial; (3) the stadials BRE 2 and BRE 1 are assumed to be related to the Younger Dryas event.
Canine distemper virus (CDV), a mobillivirus related to measles virus causes a chronic progressive demyelinating disease, associated with persistence of the virus in the central nervous system (CNS). CNS persistence of morbilliviruses has been associated with cell-to-cell spread, thereby limiting immune detection. The mechanism of cell-to-cell spread remains uncertain. In the present study we studied viral spread comparing a cytolytic (non-persistent) and a persistent CDV strain in cell cultures. Cytolytic CDV spread in a compact concentric manner with extensive cell fusion and destruction of the monolayer. Persistent CDV exhibited a heterogeneous cell-to-cell pattern of spread without cell fusion and 100-fold reduction of infectious viral titers in supernatants as compared to the cytolytic strain. Ultrastructurally, low infectious titers correlated with limited budding of persistent CDV as compared to the cytolytic strain, which shed large numbers of viral particles. The pattern of heterogeneous cell-to-cell viral spread can be explained by low production of infectious viral particles in only few areas of the cell membrane. In this way persistent CDV only spreads to a small proportion of the cells surrounding an infected one. Our studies suggest that both cell-to-cell spread and limited production of infectious virus are related to reduced expression of fusogenic complexes in the cell membrane. Such complexes consist of a synergistic configuration of the attachment (H) and fusion (F) proteins on the cell surface. F und H proteins exhibited a marked degree of colocalization in cytolytic CDV infection but not in persistent CDV as seen by confocal laser microscopy. In addition, analysis of CDV F protein expression using vaccinia constructs of both strains revealed an additional large fraction of uncleaved fusion protein in the persistent strain. This suggests that the paucity of active fusion complexes is due to restricted intracellular processing of the viral fusion protein.
This study investigated the psychometric properties of the Horizontal and Vertical Individualism and Collectivism Scale (HVIC) and the Auckland Individualism and Collectivism Scale (AICS). The sample consisted of 1,403 working individuals from Switzerland (N = 585) and from South Africa (N = 818). Principal component factor analyses indicated that a two-factor structure replicated well across the two countries for both scales. In addition, the HVIC four-factor structure replicated well across countries, whereas the responsibility dimension of individualism of the AICS replicated poorly. Confirmatory factor analyses provided satisfactory support to the original theoretical models for both the HVIC and the AICS. Equivalence measurement indices indicated that the cross-cultural replicability properties of both instruments are generally acceptable. However, canonical correlations and correlations between the HVIC and AICS dimensions confirm that these two instruments differ in their underlying meaning of the individualism and collectivism constructs, suggesting that these two instruments assess individualism and collectivism differently.
This report, entitled Iowa Highway Research and Development Activities FY2013 is submitted in compliance with Iowa Code sections 310.36 and 312.3A, which directs the submission of a report of the Secondary Road Research Fund and the Street Research Fund, respectively. It is a report of the status of research and development projects in progress on June 30, 2013. It is also a report on projects completed during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2012 and ending June 30, 2013. Detailed information on each of the research and development projects mentioned in this report is available from the office of Research and Analytics, Performance and Technology Division, Iowa Department of Transportation. All approved reports are also online for viewing at: www.iowadot.gov/operationsresearch/reports.aspx.
Disturbances of the cholesterol metabolism are associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD) risk and related cerebral pathology. Experimental studies found changing levels of cholesterol and its metabolites 24S-hydroxycholesterol (24S-OHC) and 27-hydroxycholesterol (27-OHC) to contribute to amyloidogenesis by increasing the production of soluble amyloid precursor protein (sAPP). The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the CSF and circulating cholesterol 24S-OHC and 27-OHC, and the sAPP production as measured by CSF concentrations of sAPP forms in humans. The plasma and the CSF concentrations of cholesterol, 24S-OHC and 27-OHC, and the CSF concentrations of sAPPα, sAPPβ, and Aß1-42 were assessed in subjects with AD and controls with normal cognition. In multivariate regression tests including age, gender, albumin ratio, and apolipoprotein E (APOE)ε4 status CSF cholesterol, 24S-OHC, and 27-OHC independently predicted the concentrations of sAPPα and sAPPβ. The associations remained significant when analyses were separately performed in the AD group. Furthermore, plasma 27-OHC concentrations were associated with the CSF sAPP levels. The results suggest that high CSF concentrations of cholesterol, 24S-OHC, and 27-OHC are associated with increased production of both sAPP forms in AD.
O presente trabalho objetivou verificar a suscetibilidade de larvas de segundo ínstar de Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith, 1797) a sete isolados geográficos de um vírus de poliedrose nuclear (VPN), conduzindo-se sete bioensaios no Laboratório de Patologia de Insetos da Embrapa-Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Soja, Londrina. Para cada isolado preparou-se dieta artificial contendo 0, 2x10³, 4x10³, 8x10³, 16x10³, 32x10³ e 64x10³ corpos poliédricos de inclusão (CPI)/mL. Cada dose foi oferecida às larvas em copos de plástico de 50 mL, sob condições controladas (temperatura: 26±2ºC; umidade relativa: 60±10%; fotófase:14 horas). A análise (Probits) realizada sobre o somatório de larvas mortas (contadas, diariamente, do quinto ao décimo quarto dia após a inoculação) mostrou, com base na ausência de sobreposição das amplitudes dos intervalos de confiança das concentrações letais médias (CL50), que: o isolado de Sertaneja, PR (5.631 CPI/mL), foi o mais virulento; o da Guatemala (11.520 CPI/mL) equivaleu aos de Ponta Grossa, PR (14.184 CPI/mL), Argentina (15.891 CPI/mL) e Alabama, EUA (17.558 CPI/mL), mas foi superior aos isolados de Louisiana, EUA (19.325 CPI/mL) e Sete Lagoas, MG (25.310 CPI/mL). A variação do tempo letal médio, de 8,3 a 10 dias, não foi significativa em relação aos isolados.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da predação de Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) por ninfas e adultos de Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) na reprodução desse predador, em casa telada (30±5ºC, 61±23% de UR e fotoperíodo natural) e em laboratório (28±1°C, 53±5% de UR e fotoperíodo de 14L:10E). Ninfas de P. nigrispinus, a partir do segundo ínstar e os adultos originados dessas ninfas, foram confinados em folhas de tomate industrial var. IPA5, com dez lagartas de terceiro ou quarto ínstares de T. absoluta. A taxa de predação do segundo ao quinto ínstar de P. nigrispinus foi de 6,2, 6,6, 8,6 e 15,5 lagartas em casa telada e de 9,1, 11,1, 8,7 e 12,9 lagartas em laboratório, respectivamente. P. nigrispinus predou, durante sua fase ninfal, um número semelhante de lagartas de T. absoluta em casa telada (38,2±1,78) e laboratório (43,1±2,19), alimentandose, em média, de 2,3 e 2,5 lagartas por dia, respectivamente, nesses dois ambientes. Fêmeas de P. nigrispinus predaram, em média, 50,8±6,1 e 50,3±10,6 lagartas no laboratório e casa telada. A conversão do alimento por fêmea de P. nigrispinus foi semelhante nos dois ambientes, tendo produzido 0,31 ovos/lagarta de T. absoluta consumida em casa telada e 0,41 ovos/lagarta em laboratório.