987 resultados para 7039-102


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CloHI6N307P.2H20 , Mr = 357.2, triclinic, P1, a = 4-8520 (8), b = 8"3703 (8), c = 10.0199 (12) A, a= 104.578 (9),/3= 102.332 (13), 7=93.670(11) o, V = 381"75 A 3, Z = 1, Dx = 1"55, Dm = 1"53 Mg m -3, a(Cu Ka) = 1.5418 A,/z = 2.01 mm- l, F(000) = 188, T= 290 K, R = 0-049 for 1568 unique reflections.


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Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA) is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder caused by expansion of GAA repeats in the frataxin gene. We have carried out the first molecular analysis at the Friedreich's ataxia locus in the Indian population. Materials and methods - Three families clinically diagnosed for Friedreich's ataxia were analyzed for GAA expansion at the FRDA locus. The distribution of GAA repeats was also estimated in normal individuals of Indian origin. Results - All patients clinically diagnosed for Friedreich's ataxia were found to be homozygous for GAA repeat expansion. The GAA repeat in the normal population show a bimodal distribution with 94% of alleles ranging from 7-16 repeats. Conclusion - Indian patients with expansion at the FRDA locus showed typical clinical features of Friedreich's ataxia. The low frequency of large normal alleles (6%) could indicate that the prevalence of this disease in the Indian population is likely to be low.


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A novel method for the construction of tricyclo[,5)]undecane and tricyclo[,6)]dodecane frame work has been developed. Thus the alcohols 6, 18, 21 and 29 undergo Lewis acid-catalysed rearrangement to the tricyclic ketones 5, 19, 22 and 30. Dehydrogenation of 22 to the enone 23 proves the synchronous anti-migration of the methanobridge during the skeletal rearrangement. Finally, one carbon homologation of the ketones 5 and 19 leads to the syntheses of 2-norcedrene 4 and some analogues of funebrene 20 and 30.


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This article explains how Nono's Il canto sospeso (1956), for solo voices, choir and orchestra, is structured in a logic of counterbalances for each musical action, overlapping a harmonic or ‘intuitive’ geometry, with a contrasting or ‘anti-intuitive’ plot. Unlike the typical relationships with the golden ratio, found in many musical examples in which it appears ‘naturally’ (see Tatlow 2001), intervals in the prime numbers series here are perceived as ‘counter-rhythm’; as a form of a counterintuitive distribution, or, as Jameson (2003:vii) suggests, as “a very irregular way” of apparent distribution.


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Deterministic models have been widely used to predict water quality in distribution systems, but their calibration requires extensive and accurate data sets for numerous parameters. In this study, alternative data-driven modeling approaches based on artificial neural networks (ANNs) were used to predict temporal variations of two important characteristics of water quality chlorine residual and biomass concentrations. The authors considered three types of ANN algorithms. Of these, the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm provided the best results in predicting residual chlorine and biomass with error-free and ``noisy'' data. The ANN models developed here can generate water quality scenarios of piped systems in real time to help utilities determine weak points of low chlorine residual and high biomass concentration and select optimum remedial strategies.


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The coat protein of belladonna mottle virus (a tymovirus) was cleaved by trypsin and chymotrypsin, and the peptides were separated by high performance liquid chromatography using a combination of gel permeation, reverse phase, and ion pair chromatography. The peptides were sequenced manually using the 4-N, N-dimethylaminoazobenzene-4'-isothiocyanate/phenyl isothiocyanate double-coupling method. The chymotryptic peptides were aligned by overlapping sequences of tryptic peptides and by homology with another tymovirus, eggplant mosaic virus. The belladonna mottle virus is more closely related to eggplant mosaic virus than to turnip yellow mosaic virus, the type member of this group, as evident from the sequence homologies of 57 and 32%, respectively. The accumulation of basic residues at the amino terminus implicated in RNA-protein interactions in many spherical plant viruses was absent in all the three sequences. Interestingly, the amino-terminal region is the least conserved among the tymoviruses. The longest stretch of conserved sequence between belladonna mottle virus and eggplant mosaic virus was residues 34-44, whereas it was residues 96-102 in the case of belladonna mottle virus and turnip yellow mosaic virus. A tetrapeptide in the region (residues 154-157) was found to be common for all the three sequences. It is possible that these conserved regions (residues 34-44, 96-102, 154-157) are involved in either intersubunit or RNA-protein interactions.


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A search for high-mass resonances in the $e^+e^-$ final state is presented based on 2.5 fb$^{-1}$ of $\sqrt{s}=$1.96 TeV $p\bar{p}$ collision data from the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. The largest excess over the standard model prediction is at an $e^+e^-$ invariant mass of 240 GeV/$c^2$. The probability of observing such an excess arising from fluctuations in the standard model anywhere in the mass range of 150--1,000 GeV/$c^2$ is 0.6% (equivalent to 2.5 $\sigma$). We exclude the standard model coupling $Z'$ and the Randall-Sundrum graviton for $k/\overline{M}_{Pl}=0.1$ with masses below 963 and 848 GeV/$c^2$ at the 95% credibility level, respectively.


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An invariant imbedding method yields exact analytical results for the distribution of the phase theta (L) of the reflection amplitude and for low-order resistance moments (pn) for a disordered conductor of length L in the quasi-metallic regime L<


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Although the peptide Boc-Aibl-Ala2-Leu3- Aib4-Alas Leu'-Aib7-Ala8-Leu9-Aib'0-OMe [with a t-butoxycarbonyl(Boc) blocking group at the amino terminus, a methyl ester (OMe) at the carboxyl terminus, and four a-aminoisobutyric (Aib) residues] has a 3-fold repeat of residues, the helix formed by the peptide backbone is irregular. The carboxyl-terminal half assumes an at-helical form with torsion angles ) and r of approximately -60° and -45°, respectively, whereas the amino-terminal half is distorted by an insertion of a water molecule between the amide nitrogen of Ala5 [N(5)] and the carbonyl oxygen of Ala2 [0(2)]. The water molecule W(1) acts as a bridge by forming hydrogen bonds N(5).W(1) (2.93 A) and W(1)---0(2) (2.86 A). The distortion of the helix exposes the carbonyl oxygens of Aib' and Aib4 to the outside environment, with the consequence that the helix assumes an amphiphilic character despite having all apolar residues. Neighboring helices in the crystal run in antiparallel directions. On one side of a helix there are only hydrophobic contacts with efficient interdigitation of leucine side chains with those from the neighboring helix. On the other side of the helix there are hydrogen bonds between protruding carbonyl oxygens and four water molecules that separate two neighboring helices. Along the helix axis the helices bind head-to-tail with a direct hydrogen bond N(2)-0(9) (3.00 A). Crystals grown from methanol/water solution are in space group P2, with a = 15.778 ± 0.004 A, b = 11.228 ± 0.002 A, c = 18.415 ± 0.003 A, = 102.10 ± 0.02ur and two formula units per cell for C49HON1003 2H2OCH3OH. The overall agreement factorR is 7.5% for 3394 reflections observed with intensities >3a(F), and the resolution is 0.90 A.


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The structure of [Cu4L2(bipy)4(µ3-OH)2][ClO4]4 containing a Vitamin B6 ligand, pyridoxine (5-hydroxy-6-methylpyridine-3,4-dimethanol, HL), and 2,2′-bipyridine (bipy) has been determined by single-crystal X-ray analysis. This is the first report on a copper(II) complex having a ‘stepped-cubane’ structure. The compound crystallizes in the triclinic space group P[1 with combining macron](Z= 1) with a= 11.015(3), b= 11.902(1), c= 13.142(2)Å, α= 105.07(1), β= 102.22(1) and γ= 99.12(1)°; R= 0.054). The co-ordination geometry around each copper is trigonally distorted square pyramidal. Two of the basal sites are occupied by bipyridyl nitrogens in a bidentate fashion. The remaining basal positions for Cu(1) are filled by a phenolic oxygen and a 4-hydroxymethyl oxygen of the L moiety, whereas for Cu(2) they are occupied by two µ3-OH oxygens. The axial sites are occupied by a µ3-OH oxygen and the 4-hydroxymethyl oxygen of the same pyridoxine for Cu(1) and Cu(2), respectively. Both the bridging nature of the 4-hydroxymethyl oxygen of the L moiety and the unsymmetrical bridging nature of the µ3-OH groups with axial–equatorial bridging are novel features. The structure is discussed in relation to stepped-cubane structures reported in the literature. A comparative study is also made with µ3-hydroxo-bridged copper(II) complexes. Both the plasticity effect of CuII and the stacking interactions between the various rings appear to be important in stabilizing this unusual structure.


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The hot deformation characteristics of alpha-zirconium in the temperature range of 650 °C to 850 °C and in the strain-rate range of 10-3 to 102 s-1 are studied with the help of a power dissipation map developed on the basis of the Dynamic Materials Model.[7,8,9] The processing map describes the variation of the efficiency of power dissipation (η =2m/m + 1) calculated on the basis of the strain-rate sensitivity parameter (m), which partitions power dissipation between thermal and microstructural means. The processing map reveals a domain of dynamic recrystallization in the range of 730 °C to 850 °C and 10−2 to 1−1 with its peak efficiency of 40 pct at 800 °C and 0.1 s-1 which may be considered as optimum hot-working parameters. The characteristics of dynamic recrystallization are similar to those of static recrystallization regarding the sigmoidal variation of grain size (or hardness) with temperature, although the dynamic recrystallization temperature is much higher. When deformed at 650 °C and 10-3 s-1 texture-induced dynamic recovery occurred, while at strain rates higher than 1 s-1, alpha-zirconium exhibits microstructural instabilities in the form of localized shear bands which are to be avoided in processing.


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Six metal complexes of Schiff bases involving Vitamin B6 and the decarboxylated amino acid histamine have been synthesised and characterized. Crystal structures have been determined for [CuL1(H2O)Br]-NO31(L1= pyridoxylidenehistamine) and [Cu2L22(NO3)2]·6H2O 2(L2= 5′-phosphopyridoxylidenehistaminate). The crystal structure of complex 1[space group P[1 with combining macron], a= 8.161(2), b= 10.368(2), c= 11.110(2)Å, α= 105.18(1), β= 102.12(1), γ= 72.10(1)° and Z= 2; R= 0.072, R′= 0.083] consists of square-pyramidally co-ordinated copper with the tridentate Schiff base in the zwitterionic form, whereas in 2[space group P[1 with combining macron], a= 8.727(1), b= 10.308(1), c= 12.845(2)Å, α= 110.00(1), β= 78.94(1), γ= 114.35(1)° and Z= 1; R= 0.035, R′= 0.034] the copper has the same co-ordination geometry but the tetradentate Schiff-base ligand exists as a monoanion. The conformational parameters deduced from such structures are important for understanding the stereochemical aspects of Vitamin B6-catalysed model reactions involving histidine.


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Many large mammals such as elephant, rhino and tiger often come into conflict with people by destroying agricultural crops and even killing people, thus providing a deterrent to conservation efforts. The males of these polygynous species have a greater variance in reproductive success than females, leading to selection pressures favouring a ‘high risk-high gain’ strategy for promoting reproductive success. This brings them into greater conflict with people. For instance, adult male elephants are far more prone than a member of a female-led family herd to raid agricultural crops and to kill people. In polygynous species, the removal of a certain proportion of ‘surplus’ adult males is not likely to affect the fertility and growth rate of the population. Hence, this could be a management tool which would effectively reduce animal-human conflict, and at the same time maintain the viability of the population. Selective removal of males would result in a skewed sex ratio. This would reduce the ‘effective population size’ (as opposed to the total population or census number), increase the rate of genetic drift and, in small populations, lead to inbreeding depression. Plans for managing destructive mammals through the culling of males will have to ensure that the appropriate minimum size in the populations is being maintained.


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We show that the ratio of matched individuals to blocking pairs grows linearly with the number of propose–accept rounds executed by the Gale–Shapley algorithm for the stable marriage problem. Consequently, the participants can arrive at an almost stable matching even without full information about the problem instance; for each participant, knowing only its local neighbourhood is enough. In distributed-systems parlance, this means that if each person has only a constant number of acceptable partners, an almost stable matching emerges after a constant number of synchronous communication rounds. We apply our results to give a distributed (2 + ε)-approximation algorithm for maximum-weight matching in bicoloured graphs and a centralised randomised constant-time approximation scheme for estimating the size of a stable matching.


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Measurements of impurity diffusion of 86Rb, 90Sr, 133Ba, and 137Cs in single crystal Bi were carried out. Diffusion samples were prepared from single crystal Bi by ion implantation. About 1012-1013 ions were implanted, resulting in surface activities approx =104 cpm. After implantation, specimens were annealed for specified times at 220-265 deg C, and tracer penetration profiles were determined by an electrolytic method. A typical penetration profile for 137Cs in Bi showed a linear relationship for log C vs x in with Fick's law for volume diffusion. Laws of grain boundary diffusion were not obeyed and the order of magnitude of the penetration distances was much less than on a grain boundary mechanism. Results were interpreted in terms of a modified Fischer analysis using a kinetic trapping term. Effective half lengths for trapping at a twin boundary were determined for each impurity.