927 resultados para 640299 Other non-metallic minerals (incl. diamonds)
Ser/Thr and Tyr protein kinases orchestrate many signalling pathways and hence loss in this balance leads to many disease phenotypes. Due to their high abundance, diversity and importance, efforts have been made in the past to classify kinases and annotate their functions at both gross and fine levels. These kinases are conventionally classified into subfamilies based on the sequences of catalytic domains. Usually the domain architecture of a full-length kinase is consistent with the subfamily classification made based on the sequence of kinase domain. Important contributions of modular domains to the overall function of the kinase are well known. Recently occurrence of two kinds of outlier kinases-''Hybrid'' and ``Rogue'' has been reported. These show considerable deviations in their domain architectures from the typical domain architecture known for the classical kinase subfamilies. This article provides an overview of the different subfamilies of human kinases and the role of non-kinase domains in functions and diseases. Importantly this article provides analysis of hybrid and rogue kinases encoded in the human genome and highlights their conservation in closely related primate species. These kinases are examples of elegant rewiring to bring about subtle functional differences compared to canonical variants.
A simple microstructural rationale for successful anodization of metallic films into ordered oxide nanostructures has been identified. It applies to three of the most commonly studied systems, Zr, Ti and Al films and can be extended to other such oxides. A dense Zone T or II microstructure, in sputtered films, is the most critical ingredient. While T-substrate > 0.3T(melting) Ching is the simplest route, pressure and plasma heating can also be exploited. Such microstructures are also associated with a unique growth stress signature. (C) 2015 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This note is a study of nonnegativity conditions on curvature preserved by the Ricci flow. We focus on a specific class of curvature conditions which we call non-coercive: These are the conditions for which nonnegative curvature and vanishing scalar curvature does not imply flatness. We show, in dimensions greater than 4, that if a Ricci flow invariant nonnegativity condition is satisfied by all Einstein curvature operators with nonnegative scalar curvature, then this condition is just the nonnegativity of scalar curvature. As a corollary, we obtain that a Ricci flow invariant curvature condition, which is stronger than a nonnegative scalar curvature, cannot be strictly satisfied by curvature operators (other than multiples of the identity) of compact Einstein symmetric spaces. We also investigate conditions which are satisfied by all conformally flat manifolds with nonnegative scalar curvature.
How do we assess the capability of a compliant mechanism of given topology and shape? The kinetoelastostatic maps proposed in this paper help answer this question. These maps are drawn in 2D using two non-dimensional quantities, one capturing the nonlinear static response and the other the geometry, material, and applied forces. Geometrically nonlinear finite element analysis is used to create the maps for compliant mechanisms consisting of slender beams. In addition to the topology and shape, the overall proportions and the proportions of the cross-sections of the beam segments are kept fixed for a map. The finite region of the map is parameterized using a non-dimensional quantity defined as the slenderness ratio. The shape and size of the map and the parameterized curves inside it indicate the complete kinetoelastostatic capability of the corresponding compliant mechanism of given topology, shape, and fixed proportions. Static responses considered in this paper include input/output displacement, geometric amplification, mechanical advantage, maximum stress, etc. The maps can be used to compare mechanisms, to choose a suitable mechanism for an application, or re-design as may be needed. The usefulness of the non-dimensional maps is presented with multiple applications of different variety. Non-dimensional portrayal of snap-through mechanisms is one such example. The effect of the shape of the cross-section of the beam segments and the role of different segments in the mechanism as well as extension to 3D compliant mechanisms, the cases of multiple inputs and outputs, and moment loads are also explained. The effects of disproportionate changes on the maps are also analyzed.
We report the non-enzymatic electronic detection of glucose using field effect transistor (FET) devices made of aminophenylboronic acid (APBA) functionalized reduced graphene oxide (RGO). Detection of glucose molecules was carried out over a wide dynamic range of concentration varying from 100 pM to 100 mM with a detection limit of similar to 2 nM using both covalently and non-covalently functionalized APBA-RGO complex. The normalized change in electrical conductance data shows that the FET devices made of non-covalently functionalized APBA-RGO complex (nc-APBA-RGO) exhibited a linear response to glucose aqueous solution of concentrations varying from 1 nM to 10 mM and showed 4 times enhanced sensitivity over the devices made of covalently functionalized APBA-RGO complex (c-APBA-RGO). Specificity of APBA-RGO complex to glucose is confirmed from the observation of negligible change in electrical conductance after exposure to 0.1 mM of lactose and other interfering factors. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Recent experiments have shown that nano-sized metallic glass (MG) specimens subjected to tensile loading exhibit increased ductility and work hardening. Failure occurs by necking as opposed to shear banding which is seen in bulk samples. Also, the necking is generally observed at shallow notches present on the specimen surface. In this work, continuum finite element analysis of tensile loading of nano-sized notched MG specimens is conducted using a thermodynamically consistent non-local plasticity model to clearly understand the deformation behavior from a mechanics perspective. It is found that plastic zone size in front of the notch attains a saturation level at the stage when a dominant shear band forms extending across the specimen. This size scales with an intrinsic material length associated with the interaction stress between flow defects. A transition in deformation behavior from quasi-brittle to ductile becomes possible when this critical plastic zone size is larger than the uncracked ligament length. These observations corroborate with atomistic simulations and experimental results. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Development of effective therapies to eradicate persistent, slowly replicating M. tuberculosis (Mtb) represents a significant challenge to controlling the global TB epidemic. To develop such therapies, it is imperative to translate information from metabolome and proteome adaptations of persistent Mtb into the drug discovery screening platforms. To this end, reductive sulfur metabolism is genetically and pharmacologically implicated in survival, pathogenesis, and redox homeostasis of persistent Mtb. Therefore, inhibitors of this pathway are expected to serve as powerful tools in its preclinical and clinical validation as a therapeutic target for eradicating persisters. Here, we establish a first functional HTS platform for identification of APS reductase (APSR) inhibitors, a critical enzyme in the assimilation of sulfate for the biosynthesis of cysteine and other essential sulfur-containing molecules. Our HTS campaign involving 38?350 compounds led to the discovery of three distinct structural classes of APSR inhibitors. A class of bioactive compounds with known pharmacology displayed potent bactericidal activity in wild-type Mtb as well as MDR and XDR clinical isolates. Top compounds showed markedly diminished potency in a conditional Delta APSR mutant, which could be restored by complementation with Mtb APSR. Furthermore, ITC studies on representative compounds provided evidence for direct engagement of the APSR target. Finally, potent APSR inhibitors significantly decreased the cellular levels of key reduced sulfur-containing metabolites and also induced an oxidative shift in mycothiol redox potential of live Mtb, thus providing functional validation of our screening data. In summary, we have identified first-in-class inhibitors of APSR that can serve as molecular probes in unraveling the links between Mtb persistence, antibiotic tolerance, and sulfate assimilation, in addition to their potential therapeutic value.
The structural evolution and property changes in Nd60Al10Fe20Co10 bulk metallic glass (BMG) upon crystallization are investigated by the ultrasonic method, x-ray diffraction, density measurement, and differential scanning calorimetry. The elastic constants and Debye temperature of the BMG are obtained as a function of annealing temperature. Anomalous changes in ultrasonic velocities, elastic constants, and density are observed between 600–750 K, corresponding to the formation of metastable phases as an intermediate product in the crystallization process. The changes in acoustic velocities, elastic constants, density, and Debye temperature of the BMG relative to its fully crystallized state are much smaller, compared with those of other known BMGs, the differences being attributed to the microstructural feature of the BMG.
Sexual eukaryotes generate gametes using a specialized cell division called meiosis that serves both to halve the number of chromosomes and to reshuffle genetic variation present in the parent. The nature and mechanism of the meiotic cell division in plants and its effect on genetic variation are reviewed here. As flowers are the site of meiosis and fertilization in angiosperms, meiotic control will be considered within this developmental context. Finally, we review what is known about the control of meiosis in green algae and non-flowering land plants and discuss evolutionary transitions relating to meiosis that have occurred in the lineages giving rise to the angiosperms.
A Dugdale-type cohesive zone model is used to predict the mode I crack growth resistance (R-curve) of metallic foams, with the fracture process characterized by an idealized traction-separation law that relates the crack surface traction to crack opening displacement. A quadratic yield function, involving the von Mises effective stress and mean stress, is used to account for the plastic compressibility of metallic foams. Finite element calculations are performed for the crack growth resistance under small scale yielding and small scale bridging in plane strain, with K-field boundary conditions. The following effects upon the fracture process are quantified: material hardening, bridging strength, T-stress (the non-singular stress acting parallel to the crack plane), and the shape of yield surface. To study the failure behaviour and notch sensitivity of metallic foams in the presence of large scale yielding, a study is made for panels embedded with either a centre-crack or an open hole and subjected to tensile stressing. For the centre-cracked panel, a transition crack size is predicted for which the fracture response switches from net section yielding to elastic-brittle fracture. Likewise, for a panel containing a centre-hole, a transition hole diameter exists for which the fracture response switches from net section yielding to a local maximum stress criterion at the edge of the hole.
Resumen: Según se narra en el Libro de Alexandre, después de la muerte de Darío III, rey de los persas y opresor de los macedonios, Alejandro comienza su exploración hacia el Oriente profundo, en busca del sátrapa indio, Poro. Al hallar los palacios de este, el macedonio se encuentra con una serie de objetos que podrían integrar un catálogo de maravillas mecánicas y artificiales, entre las que destaca una viña hecha de oro y piedras preciosas que el gobernante oriental posee en los jardines del alcázar (cc. 2126-2131). El trabajo cuyo resumen presento aquí pretende, en primer lugar, develar las funciones intra y extratextuales que posee el episodio, además de –en segunda instancia– defender la idea de la representación de la viña áurea como un motivo recurrente en las descripciones de palacios orientales en la literatura medieval y en obras como la Historia de Proellis, el Roman d’Aeneas y textos que se insertan propiamente en la tradición de libros de viajes, como el Livre des merveilles du monde de Jean de Mandeville.
A generalized plane strain JKR model is established for non-slipping adhesive contact between an elastic transversely isotropic cylinder and a dissimilar elastic transversely isotropic half plane, in which a pulling force acts on the cylinder with the pulling direction at an angle inclined to the contact interface. Full-coupled solutions are obtained through the Griffith energy balance between elastic and surface energies. The analysis shows that, for a special case, i.e., the direction of pulling normal to the contact interface, the full-coupled solution can be approximated by a non-oscillatory one, in which the critical pull-off force, pull-off contact half-width and adhesion strength can be expressed explicitly. For the other cases, i.e., the direction of pulling inclined to the contact interface, tangential tractions have significant effects on the pull-off process, it should be described by an exact full-coupled solution. The elastic anisotropy leads to an orientation-dependent pull-off force and adhesion strength. This study could not only supply an exact solution to the generalized JKR model of transversely isotropic materials, but also suggest a reversible adhesion sensor designed by transversely isotropic materials, such as PZT or fiber-reinforced materials with parallel fibers. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Published as an article in: Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, 2004, vol. 8, issue 3, article 6.
Rice cultivation at any level in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta (existing or expanded) compels the need to quantify surface and subsurface loads of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), disinfection byproduct precursors (DBPPs) and nitrogen. This information can be used to develop Best Management Practices (BMPs) to reduce export of these constituents in order to improve drinking water quality. Although rice cultivation in the Delta is relatively limited, several factors outside of this research could contribute to increased rice acreage in the Delta: • Recently developed rice varieties seem more suitable for the Delta climate than earlier varieties which required warmer conditions; • Previous economic analyses (Appendix A.10) suggest rice is more profitable than corn, a dominant land use in the Delta; • Recent studies on wetlands at Twitchell Island suggest rice production can help mitigate oxidative subsidence (Miller et al. 2000); • The different oxidative states that result from flooding in rice as compared to those found in crops that require drained soils may help control crop specific weeds and nematodes when rice is incorporated into a crop rotation; and • Providing flooded conditions during a greater part of the year than other crops may benefit water birds. ... (PDF contains 249 pages)
The science of fisheries acoustics and its applicability to resource management have evolved over the past several decades. This document provides a basic description of fisheries acoustics and recommendations on using this technology for research and monitoring of fish distributions and habitats within sanctuaries. It also describes recent efforts aimed at applying fisheries acoustics to Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary (GRNMS) (Figure 1). Historically, methods to assess the underwater environment have included net trawls, diver censuses, hook and line, video, sonar and other techniques deployed in a variety of ways. Fisheries acoustics, using active sonar, relies on the physics of sound traveling through water to quantify the distribution of biota in the water column. By sending a signal of a given frequency through the water column and recording the time of travel and the strength of the reflected signal, it is possible to determine the size and location of fish and estimate biomass from the acoustic backscatter. As a fisheries assessment tool, active hydroacoustics technology is an efficient, non-intrusive method of mapping the water column at a very fine spatial and temporal resolution. It provides a practical alternative to bottom and mid-water trawls, which are not allowed at GRNMS. Passive acoustics, which uses underwater hydrophones to record man-made and natural sounds such as fish spawning calls and sounds produced by marine mammals for communication and echolocation, can provide a useful, complementary survey tool. This report primarily deals with active acoustics, although the integration of active and passive acoustics is addressed as well. (PDF contains 32 pages)