930 resultados para 6-MINUTE WALK TEST


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The purpose was to determine the magnitude of aerobic and anaerobic performance factors among elite male football players in different team positions. Thirty-nine players from the highest Swedish division classified as defenders (n=18), midfield players (n=12) or attackers (n=9) participated. Their mean (± sd) age, height and body mass (bm) were 24.4 (±4.7) years, 1.80 (±5.9)m and 79 (±7.6)kg, respectively. Running economy (RE) and anaerobic threshold (AT) was determined at 10, 12, 14, and 16km/h followed by tests of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max). Maximal strength (1RM) and average power output (AP) was performed in squat lifting. Squat jump (SJ), counter-movement jump with free arm swing (CMJa), 45m maximal sprint and the Wingate test was performed. Average VO2max for the whole population (WP) was 57.0mL O2•kg-1min-1. The average AT occurred at about 84% of VO2max. 1RM per kg bm0.67 was 11.9±1.3kg. Average squat power in the whole population at 40% 1RM was70±9.5W per kg bm0.67. SJ and CMJa were 38.6±3.8cm and 48.9±4.4cm,respectively. The average sprint time (45m) was 5.78± 0.16s. The AP in the Wingate test was 10.6±0.9W•kg-1. The average maximal oxygen uptake among players in the highest Swedish division was lower compared to international elite players but the Swedish players were better off concerning the anaerobic threshold and in the anaerobic tests. No significant differences were revealed between defenders, midfielders or attackers concerning the tested parameters presented above.


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Nervous system disorders are associated with cognitive and motor deficits, and are responsible for the highest disability rates and global burden of disease. Their recovery paths are vulnerable and dependent on the effective combination of plastic brain tissue properties, with complex, lengthy and expensive neurorehabilitation programs. This work explores two lines of research, envisioning sustainable solutions to improve treatment of cognitive and motor deficits. Both projects were developed in parallel and shared a new sensible approach, where low-cost technologies were integrated with common clinical operative procedures. The aim was to achieve more intensive treatments under specialized monitoring, improve clinical decision-making and increase access to healthcare. The first project (articles I – III) concerned the development and evaluation of a web-based cognitive training platform (COGWEB), suitable for intensive use, either at home or at institutions, and across a wide spectrum of ages and diseases that impair cognitive functioning. It was tested for usability in a memory clinic setting and implemented in a collaborative network, comprising 41 centers and 60 professionals. An adherence and intensity study revealed a compliance of 82.8% at six months and an average of six hours/week of continued online cognitive training activities. The second project (articles IV – VI) was designed to create and validate an intelligent rehabilitation device to administer proprioceptive stimuli on the hemiparetic side of stroke patients while performing ambulatory movement characterization (SWORD). Targeted vibratory stimulation was found to be well tolerated and an automatic motor characterization system retrieved results comparable to the first items of the Wolf Motor Function Test. The global system was tested in a randomized placebo controlled trial to assess its impact on a common motor rehabilitation task in a relevant clinical environment (early post-stroke). The number of correct movements on a hand-to-mouth task was increased by an average of 7.2/minute while the probability to perform an error decreased from 1:3 to 1:9. Neurorehabilitation and neuroplasticity are shifting to more neuroscience driven approaches. Simultaneously, their final utility for patients and society is largely dependent on the development of more effective technologies that facilitate the dissemination of knowledge produced during the process. The results attained through this work represent a step forward in that direction. Their impact on the quality of rehabilitation services and public health is discussed according to clinical, technological and organizational perspectives. Such a process of thinking and oriented speculation has led to the debate of subsequent hypotheses, already being explored in novel research paths.


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Purpose: Stereopsis is the perception of depth based on retinal disparity. Global stereopsis depends on the process of random dot stimuli and local stereopsis depends on contour perception. The aim of this study was to correlate 3 stereopsis tests: TNO®, StereoTA B®, and Fly Stereo Acuity Test® and to study the sensitivity and correlation between them, using TNO® as the gold standard. Other variables as near convergence point, vergences, symptoms and optical correction were correlated with the 3 tests. Materials and Methods: Forty-nine students from Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa (ESTeSL), aged 18-26 years old were included. Results: The stereopsis mean (standard-deviation-SD) values in each test were: TNO® = 87.04” ±84.09”; FlyTest® = 38.18” ±34.59”; StereoTA B® = 124.89’’ ±137.38’’. About the coefficient of determination: TNO® and StereoTA B® with R2 = 0.6 e TNO® and FlyTest® with R2 =0.2. Pearson correlation coefficient shows a positive correlation between TNO® and StereoTA B® (r = 0.784 with α = 0.01). Phi coefficient shows a strong and positive association between TNO® and StereoTA B® (Φ = 0.848 with α = 0.01). In the ROC Curve, the StereoTA B® has an area under the curve bigger than the FlyTest® with a sensivity of 92.3% for 94.4% of specificity, so it means that the test is sensitive with a good discriminative power. Conclusion: We conclude that the use of Stereopsis tests to study global Stereopsis are an asset for clinical use. This type of test is more sensitive, revealing changes in Stereopsis when it is actually changed, unlike the test Stereopsis, which often indicates normal Stereopsis, camouflaging a Stereopsis change. We noted also that the StereoTA B ® is very sensitive and despite being a digital application, possessed good correlation with the TNO®.


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Estereopsia define-se como a perceção de profundidade baseada na disparidade retiniana. A estereopsia global depende do processamento de estímulos de pontos aleatórios e a estereopsia local depende da perceção de contornos. O objetivo deste estudo é correlacionar três testes de estereopsia: TNO®, StereoTAB® e Fly Stereo Acuity Test® e verificar a sensibilidade e correlação entre eles, tendo o TNO® como gold standard. Incluíram-se 49 estudantes da Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa (ESTeSL) entre os 18 e 26 anos. As variáveis ponto próximo de convergência (ppc), vergências, sintomatologia e correção ótica foram correlacionadas com os três testes. Os valores médios (desvios-padrão) de estereopsia foram: TNO® = 87,04’’ ±84,09’’; FlyTest® = 38,18’’ ±34,59’’; StereoTAB® = 124,89’’ ±137,38’’. Coeficiente de determinação: TNO® e StereoTAB® com R2=0,6 e TNO® e FlyTest® com R2=0,2. O coeficiente de correlação de Pearson mostra uma correlação positiva de entre o TNO® e o StereoTAB® (r=0,784 com α=0,01). O coeficiente de associação de Phi mostrou uma relação positiva forte entre o TNO® e StereoTAB® (Φ=0,848 com α=0,01). Na curva ROC, o StereoTAB® possui uma área sob a curva maior que o FlyTest®, apresentando valor de sensibilidade de 92,3% para uma especificidade de 94,4%, tornando-o num teste sensível e com bom poder discriminativo.


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Background. The value of respiratory variables as weaning predictors in the intensive care unit (ICU) is controversial. We evaluated the ability of tidal volume (Vtexp), respiratory rate ( f ), minute volume (MVexp), rapid shallow breathing index ( f/Vt), inspired–expired oxygen concentration difference [(I–E)O2], and end-tidal carbon dioxide concentration (PE′CO2) at the end of a weaning trial to predict early weaning outcomes. Methods. Seventy-three patients who required .24 h of mechanical ventilation were studied. A controlled pressure support weaning trial was undertaken until 5 cm H2O continuous positive airway pressure or predefined criteria were reached. The ability of data from the last 5 min of the trial to predict whether a predefined endpoint indicating discontinuation of ventilator support within the next 24 h was evaluated. Results. Pre-test probability for achieving the outcome was 44% in the cohort (n¼32). Non-achievers were older, had higher APACHE II and organ failure scores before the trial, and higher baseline arterial H+ concentrations. The Vt, MV, f, and f/Vt had no predictive power using a range of cut-off values or from receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. The [I–E]O2 and PE′CO2 had weak discriminatory power [areaunder the ROC curve: [I–E]O2 0.64 (P¼0.03); PE′CO2 0.63 (P¼0.05)]. Using best cut-off values for [I–E]O2 of 5.6% and PE′CO2 of 5.1 kPa, positive and negative likelihood ratios were 2 and 0.5, respectively, which only changed the pre- to post-test probability by about 20%. Conclusions. In unselected ICU patients, respiratory variables predict early weaning from mechanical ventilation poorly.


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Background Physical activity in children with intellectual disabilities is a neglected area of study, which is most apparent in relation to physical activity measurement research. Although objective measures, specifically accelerometers, are widely used in research involving children with intellectual disabilities, existing research is based on measurement methods and data interpretation techniques generalised from typically developing children. However, due to physiological and biomechanical differences between these populations, questions have been raised in the existing literature on the validity of generalising data interpretation techniques from typically developing children to children with intellectual disabilities. Therefore, there is a need to conduct population-specific measurement research for children with intellectual disabilities and develop valid methods to interpret accelerometer data, which will increase our understanding of physical activity in this population. Methods Study 1: A systematic review was initially conducted to increase the knowledge base on how accelerometers were used within existing physical activity research involving children with intellectual disabilities and to identify important areas for future research. A systematic search strategy was used to identify relevant articles which used accelerometry-based monitors to quantify activity levels in ambulatory children with intellectual disabilities. Based on best practice guidelines, a novel form was developed to extract data based on 17 research components of accelerometer use. Accelerometer use in relation to best practice guidelines was calculated using percentage scores on a study-by-study and component-by-component basis. Study 2: To investigate the effect of data interpretation methods on the estimation of physical activity intensity in children with intellectual disabilities, a secondary data analysis was conducted. Nine existing sets of child-specific ActiGraph intensity cut points were applied to accelerometer data collected from 10 children with intellectual disabilities during an activity session. Four one-way repeated measures ANOVAs were used to examine differences in estimated time spent in sedentary, moderate, vigorous, and moderate to vigorous intensity activity. Post-hoc pairwise comparisons with Bonferroni adjustments were additionally used to identify where significant differences occurred. Study 3: The feasibility on a laboratory-based calibration protocol developed for typically developing children was investigated in children with intellectual disabilities. Specifically, the feasibility of activities, measurements, and recruitment was investigated. Five children with intellectual disabilities and five typically developing children participated in 14 treadmill-based and free-living activities. In addition, resting energy expenditure was measured and a treadmill-based graded exercise test was used to assess cardiorespiratory fitness. Breath-by-breath respiratory gas exchange and accelerometry were continually measured during all activities. Feasibility was assessed using observations, activity completion rates, and respiratory data. Study 4: Thirty-six children with intellectual disabilities participated in a semi-structured school-based physical activity session to calibrate accelerometry for the estimation of physical activity intensity. Participants wore a hip-mounted ActiGraph wGT3X+ accelerometer, with direct observation (SOFIT) used as the criterion measure. Receiver operating characteristic curve analyses were conducted to determine the optimal accelerometer cut points for sedentary, moderate, and vigorous intensity physical activity. Study 5: To cross-validate the calibrated cut points and compare classification accuracy with existing cut points developed in typically developing children, a sub-sample of 14 children with intellectual disabilities who participated in the school-based sessions, as described in Study 4, were included in this study. To examine the validity, classification agreement was investigated between the criterion measure of SOFIT and each set of cut points using sensitivity, specificity, total agreement, and Cohen’s kappa scores. Results Study 1: Ten full text articles were included in this review. The percentage of review criteria met ranged from 12%−47%. Various methods of accelerometer use were reported, with most use decisions not based on population-specific research. A lack of measurement research, specifically the calibration/validation of accelerometers for children with intellectual disabilities, is limiting the ability of researchers to make appropriate and valid accelerometer use decisions. Study 2: The choice of cut points had significant and clinically meaningful effects on the estimation of physical activity intensity and sedentary behaviour. For the 71-minute session, estimations for time spent in each intensity between cut points ranged from: sedentary = 9.50 (± 4.97) to 31.90 (± 6.77) minutes; moderate = 8.10 (± 4.07) to 40.40 (± 5.74) minutes; vigorous = 0.00 (± .00) to 17.40 (± 6.54) minutes; and moderate to vigorous = 8.80 (± 4.64) to 46.50 (± 6.02) minutes. Study 3: All typically developing participants and one participant with intellectual disabilities completed the protocol. No participant met the maximal criteria for the graded exercise test or attained a steady state during the resting measurements. Limitations were identified with the usability of respiratory gas exchange equipment and the validity of measurements. The school-based recruitment strategy was not effective, with a participation rate of 6%. Therefore, a laboratory-based calibration protocol was not feasible for children with intellectual disabilities. Study 4: The optimal vertical axis cut points (cpm) were ≤ 507 (sedentary), 1008−2300 (moderate), and ≥ 2301 (vigorous). Sensitivity scores ranged from 81−88%, specificity 81−85%, and AUC .87−.94. The optimal vector magnitude cut points (cpm) were ≤ 1863 (sedentary), ≥ 2610 (moderate) and ≥ 4215 (vigorous). Sensitivity scores ranged from 80−86%, specificity 77−82%, and AUC .86−.92. Therefore, the vertical axis cut points provide a higher level of accuracy in comparison to the vector magnitude cut points. Study 5: Substantial to excellent classification agreement was found for the calibrated cut points. The calibrated sedentary cut point (ĸ =.66) provided comparable classification agreement with existing cut points (ĸ =.55−.67). However, the existing moderate and vigorous cut points demonstrated low sensitivity (0.33−33.33% and 1.33−53.00%, respectively) and disproportionately high specificity (75.44−.98.12% and 94.61−100.00%, respectively), indicating that cut points developed in typically developing children are too high to accurately classify physical activity intensity in children with intellectual disabilities. Conclusions The studies reported in this thesis are the first to calibrate and validate accelerometry for the estimation of physical activity intensity in children with intellectual disabilities. In comparison with typically developing children, children with intellectual disabilities require lower cut points for the classification of moderate and vigorous intensity activity. Therefore, generalising existing cut points to children with intellectual disabilities will underestimate physical activity and introduce systematic measurement error, which could be a contributing factor to the low levels of physical activity reported for children with intellectual disabilities in previous research.


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Objective: To estimate the prevalence and factors associated with the performance of mammography and pap smear test in women from the city of Maringá, Paraná. Methods: Population-based cross-sectional study conducted with 345 women aged over 20 years in the period from March 2011 to April 2012. An interview was carried out using a questionnaire proposed by the Ministry of Health, which addressed sociodemographic characteristics, risk factors for chronic noncommunicable diseases and issues related to mammographic and pap screening. Data were analyzed using bivariate analysis, crude analysis with odds ratio (OR) and chi-squared test using Epi Info 3.5.1 program; multivariate analysis using logistic regression was performed using the software Statistica 7.1, with a significance level of 5% and a confidence interval of 95%. Results: The mean age of the women was 52.19 (±5.27) years. The majority (56.5%) had from 0 to 8 years of education. Additionally, 84.6% (n=266) of the women underwent pap smear and 74.3% (n=169) underwent mammography. The lower performance of pap smear test was associated with women with 9-11 years of education (p=0.01), and the lower performance of mammography was associated with women without private health insurance (p<0.01). Conclusion: The coverage of mammography and pap smear test was satisfactory among the women from Maringá, Paraná. Low education level and women who depended on the public health system presented lower performance of mammography.


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In this article, the change in examinee effort during an assessment, which we will refer to as persistence, is modeled as an effect of item position. A multilevel extension is proposed to analyze hierarchically structured data and decompose the individual differences in persistence. Data from the 2009 Program of International Student Achievement (PISA) reading assessment from N = 467,819 students from 65 countries are analyzed with the proposed model, and the results are compared across countries. A decrease in examinee effort during the PISA reading assessment was found consistently across countries, with individual differences within and between schools. Both the decrease and the individual differences are more pronounced in lower performing countries. Within schools, persistence is slightly negatively correlated with reading ability; but at the school level, this correlation is positive in most countries. The results of our analyses indicate that it is important to model and control examinee effort in low-stakes assessments. (DIPF/Orig.)


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O objetivo neste trabalho foi estimar as correlações entre o California Mastitis Test (CMT), a contagem células somáticas (CCS) e a produção de leite. Foram colhidas 544 amostras de leite de 38 búfalas em lactação nos anos de 2002 e 2003. O manejo de ordenha consistiu em uma ordenha diária, em que os tetos das búfalas eram desinfectados com solução de iodo, secos individualmente com papel toalha e submetidas à ordenha mecânica. O CMT foi realizado imediatamente após higienização dos tetos e as amostras de leite foram enviadas ao laboratório do DHVSP da Unesp/Botucatu, para realização da Contagem de Células Somáticas, em aparelho eletrônico Somacount 300. Foram efetuadas correlações entre Contagem de Células Somáticas, CMT, produção de leite, proteína, gordura e sólidos totais, que foram analisadas pelo SAEG (1997). A média de células somáticas foi de 63.380 células/mL, a produção diária de leite, de 4,07 ± 1,3 kg e a produção ajustada para os 270 dias, de 1214,25 ± 293,54 kg. Não foram encontradas correlações entre produção de leite, contagem de células somáticas e CMT. Para CCS e CMT, a correlação foi positiva e significativa (r = 0,53).


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Background: Rabies causes 55, 000 annual human deaths globally and about 10,000 people are exposed annually in Nigeria. Diagnosis of animal rabies in most African countries has been by direct microscopic examination. In Nigeria, the Seller’s stain test (SST) was employed until 2009. Before then, both SST and dFAT were used concurrently until the dFAT became the only standard method. Objective: This study was designed to assess the sensitivity and specificity of the SST in relation to the ‘gold standard’ dFAT in diagnosis of rabies in Nigeria. Methods: A total of 88 animal specimens submitted to the Rabies National Reference Laboratory, Nigeria were routinely tested for rabies by SST and dFAT. Results: Overall, 65.9% of the specimens were positive for rabies by SST, while 81.8% were positive by dFAT. The sensitivity of SST in relation to the gold standard dFAT was 81.0% (95% CIs; 69.7% - 88.6%), while the specificity was 100% (95% CIs; 76% - 100%). Conclusion: The relatively low sensitivity of the SST observed in this study calls for its replacement with the dFAT for accurate diagnosis of rabies and timely decisions on administration of PEP to prevent untimely deaths of exposed humans.


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Several studies have reported changes in spontaneous brain rhythms that could be used asclinical biomarkers or in the evaluation of neuropsychological and drug treatments in longitudinal studies using magnetoencephalography (MEG). There is an increasing necessity to use these measures in early diagnosis and pathology progression; however, there is a lack of studies addressing how reliable they are. Here, we provide the first test-retest reliability estimate of MEG power in resting-state at sensor and source space. In this study, we recorded 3 sessions of resting-state MEG activity from 24 healthy subjects with an interval of a week between each session. Power values were estimated at sensor and source space with beamforming for classical frequency bands: delta (2–4 Hz), theta (4–8 Hz), alpha (8–13 Hz), low beta (13–20 Hz), high beta (20–30 Hz), and gamma (30–45 Hz). Then, test-retest reliability was evaluated using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). We also evaluated the relation between source power and the within-subject variability. In general, ICC of theta, alpha, and low beta power was fairly high (ICC > 0.6) while in delta and gamma power was lower. In source space, fronto-posterior alpha, frontal beta, and medial temporal theta showed the most reliable profiles. Signal-to-noise ratio could be partially responsible for reliability as low signal intensity resulted inhigh within-subject variability, but also the inherent nature of some brain rhythms in resting-state might be driving these reliability patterns. In conclusion, our results described the reliability of MEG power estimates in each frequency band, which could be considered in disease characterization or clinical trials.


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Latin American students consistently score low on international tests of cognitive skills. In the PISA 2012 results, students in seven Latin American countries had an average score of 395, or about 100 points lower than the average score of 497 in four Scandinavian countries. We examine why Latin American scores are lower and conclude that 50 points are explained by Latin American families’ lower average educational and socioeconomic characteristics, 25 points are explained by Latin America’s weak cultural orientation toward reading books, and the remaining 25 points are explained by the lower effectiveness of educational systems in teaching cognitive skills.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, 2016.