995 resultados para 418


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Con la edición del presente trabajo entregamos a los estudiosos de la historia de la Música Argentina del Siglo XX, recopilación y digitalización de obras para voz y piano del compositor Honorio Mario Siccardi (1897-1963). Cabe mencionar que este trabajo se inicia en el año 2005 a partir del proyecto de investigación: “Música Argentina del Siglo XX. Obras para voz y piano de Honorio Siccardi", subsidiado por Secretaría de Ciencia, Técnica y Posgrado de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo y continúa con mi tema de Tesis: “Obras para voz y piano de Honorio Siccardi: una aproximación analítica", en la Maestría en Arte Latinoamericano, defendida en marzo de 2009[418 páginas], en la misma Universidad. La documentación es relevada del archivo personal del compositor, situado en la Ciudad de Dolores en la provincia de Buenos Aires, el cual está bajo la supervisión y cuidado de su hijo Héctor Siccardi. Las partituras publicadas, con el consentimiento de las editoriales citadas y los herederos habientes, están agotadas (casi en su totalidad) o de difícil acceso, por lo tanto han sido incorporadas en este trabajo para completar el total de obras para voz y piano del compositor. El trabajo de digitalización de los manuscritos de las obras presentadas es realizado por las profesoras Verónica Cortes (Nº 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 16), María Emilia Greco (Nº 2, 3, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 y 23) y Natacha Sánchez (Nº 1 y correcciones generales), integrantes del proyecto mencionado, egresadas y docentes de la Facultad de Artes y Diseño de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo.


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En su país todas estas mujeres son culpables. Culpables por haber abortado. ¿Culpables hasta cuándo? Aborto legal y seguro


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En el último año, Uruguay se ha posicionado a la vanguardia garantizando ejercicio de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos, al aprobar una ley que despenaliza la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo (IVE). A más de un año del inicio de la implementación de estos servicios, este reporte presenta los hallazgos de una investigación realizada por Médicos del Mundo Francia en Uruguay, que pretende relevar las vivencias y las trayectorias de las mujeres usuarias de los servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva (SSR) y la prestación de IVE que se brinda a través de este servicio.


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An integrated instrument package for measuring and understanding the surface radiation budget of sea ice is presented, along with results from its first deployment. The setup simultaneously measures broadband fluxes of upwelling and downwelling terrestrial and solar radiation (four components separately), spectral fluxes of incident and reflected solar radiation, and supporting data such as air temperature and humidity, surface temperature, and location (GPS), in addition to photographing the sky and observed surface during each measurement. The instruments are mounted on a small sled, allowing measurements of the radiation budget to be made at many locations in the study area to see the effect of small-scale surface processes on the large-scale radiation budget. Such observations have many applications, from calibration and validation of remote sensing products to improving our understanding of surface processes that affect atmosphere-snow-ice interactions and drive feedbacks, ultimately leading to the potential to improve climate modelling of ice-covered regions of the ocean. The photographs, spectral data, and other observations allow for improved analysis of the broadband data. An example of this is shown by using the observations made during a partly cloudy day, which show erratic variations due to passing clouds, and creating a careful estimate of what the radiation budget along the observed line would have been under uniform sky conditions, clear or overcast. Other data from the setup's first deployment, in June 2011 on fast ice near Point Barrow, Alaska, are also shown; these illustrate the rapid changes of the radiation budget during a cold period that led to refreezing and new snow well into the melt season.


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We have studied the sedimentary and basaltic inputs of lithium to subduction zones. Various sediments from DSDP and ODP drill cores in front of the Mariana, South Sandwich, Banda, East Sunda and Lesser Antilles island arcs have been analysed and show highly variable Li contents and d7Li values. The sediment piles in front of the Mariana and South Sandwich arcs largely consist of pelagic sediments (clays and oozes). The pelagic clays have high Li contents (up to 57.3 ppm) and Li isotope compositions ranging from +1.3? to +4.1?. The oozes have lower Li contents (7.3-16 ppm) with d7Li values of the diatom oozes from the South Sandwich lower (+2.8? to +3.2?) than those of the radiolarian oozes from the Mariana arc (+8.1? to +14.5?). Mariana sediment also contains a significant portion of volcanogenic material, which is characterised by a moderate Li content (14 ppm) and a relatively heavy isotope composition (+6.4?). Sediments from the Banda and Lesser Antilles contain considerable amounts of continental detritus, and have high Li contents (up to 74.3 ppm) and low d7Li values (around 0?), caused by weathering of continental bedrock. East Sunda sediments largely consist of calcareous oozes. These carbonate sediments display intermediate to high Li contents (2.4-41.9 ppm) and highly variable d7Li values (-1.6? to +12.8?). Basaltic oceanic crust samples from worldwide DSDP and ODP drill cores are characterised by enrichment of Li compared to fresh MORB (6.6-33.1 vs. 3.6-7.5 ppm, respectively), and show a large range in Li isotope compositions (+1.7? to +11.8?). The elemental and isotopic enrichment of Li in altered basalts is due to the uptake of isotopically heavy seawater Li during weathering. However, old oceanic crust samples from Sites 417/418 exhibit lighter Li isotope compositions compared to young basaltic crust samples from Sites 332B and 504B. This lighter Li isotope signature in old crust is unexpected and further research is needed to explore this issue.


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Vein smectites with large Rb/Sr enrichments from extensively altered basaltic oceanic crust in Deep Sea Drilling Project hole 417A in the western Atlantic define a highly constrained Rb/Sr isochron age of 108 +/- 3 m.y. This age is identical to a less well constrained age of 108 +/- 17 m.y. for vein smectites with lower Rb/Sr enrichments from adjacent hole 418A and to the 108 m.y. age of crust formation derived by paleontological and magnetic anomaly correlation. Reasonable agreement exists between the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of vein calcites from both sites and the seawater 87Sr/86Sr ratio at the time. Pervasive low-temperature alteration in the contrasting environments of sites 417 and 418 appears to be coeval and essentially coincident with basement formation. Alteration may be used to advantage in determining ages of old oceanic crust.