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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We investigate the diversity of yeasts isolated in gardens of the leafcutter ant Atta texana. Repeated sampling of gardens from four nests over a 1-year time period showed that gardens contain a diverse assemblage of yeasts. The yeast community in gardens consisted mostly of yeasts associated with plants or soil, but community composition changed between sampling periods. In order to understand the potential disease-suppressing roles of the garden yeasts, we screened isolates for antagonistic effects against known microfungal garden contaminants. In vitro assays revealed that yeasts inhibited the mycelial growth of two strains of Escovopsis (a specialized attine garden parasite), Syncephalastrum racemosum (a fungus often growing in gardens of leafcutter lab nests), and the insect pathogen Beauveria bassiana. These garden yeasts add to the growing list of disease-suppressing microbes in attine nests that may contribute synergistically, together with actinomycetes and Burkholderia bacteria, to protect the gardens and the ants against diseases. Additionally, we suggest that garden immunity against problem fungi may therefore derive not only from the presence of disease-suppressing Pseudonocardia actinomycetes, but from an enrichment of multiple disease-suppressing microorganisms in the garden matrix.


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A lesão do ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) do joelho acarreta alterações somatosensoriais em função da perda de informações provenientes dos mecanorreceptores presentes no LCA. Esses receptores constituem importante fonte de informação sensorial, afetando o desempenho de vários atos motores, dentre os quais o controle postural. O estudo objetivou analisar o controle postural de indivíduos com joelhos normais e com lesão unilateral do LCA. Participaram 15 voluntários com lesão do LCA (grupo lesado) e 15 voluntários com joelhos normais (grupo controle). O controle postural foi analisado por plataforma de força, sendo o voluntário instruído a assumir a situação experimental em apoio unipodal direito e esquerdo, posicionado no centro da plataforma de modo estático e com os olhos fechados. A plataforma de força forneceu informações de forças e momentos no eixo vertical e horizontal, a partir das quais foi obtida a área de deslocamento do centro de pressão nas direções ântero-posterior e médio-lateral. Os resultados mostram que indivíduos com lesão do LCA apresentaram maior amplitude média de oscilação comparados aos do grupo controle, sugerindo que o deficit no controle postural seja devido à perda de informações proprioceptivas nos indivíduos com LCA. Esses resultados têm implicações para a abordagem clínica de indivíduos com lesão do LCA.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Bats tend to have less intestinal tissue than comparably sized nonflying mammals. The corresponding reduction in intestinal volume and hence mass of digesta carried is advantageous because the costs of flight increase with load carried and because take-off and maneuverability are diminished at heavier masses. Water soluble compounds, such as glucose and amino acids, are absorbed in the small intestine mainly via two pathways, the transporter-mediated transcellular and the passive, paracellular pathways. Using the microchiropteran bat Artibeus literatus (mean mass 80.6 +/- 3.7 g), we tested the predictions that absorption of water-soluble compounds that are not actively transported would be extensive as a compensatory mechanism for relatively less intestinal tissue, and would decline with increasing molecular mass in accord with sieve-like paracellular absorption. Using a standard pharmacokinetic technique, we fed, or injected intraperitonealy the metabolically inert carbohydrates L-rhamnose (molecular mass = 164 Da) and cellobiose (molecular mass = 342 Da) which are absorbed only by paracellular transport, and 3-O-methyl-D-glucose (3OMD-glucose) which is absorbed via both mediated (active) and paracellular transport. As predicted, the bioavailability of paracellular probes declined with increasing molecular mass (rhamnose, 90 +/- 11%; cellobiose, 10 +/- 3%, n = 8) and was significantly higher in bats than has been reported for laboratory rats and other mammals. In addition, absorption of 3OMD-glucose was high (96 +/- 11%). We estimated that the bats rely on passive, paracellular absorption for more than 70% of their total glucose absorption, much more than in non-flying mammals. Although possibly compensating for less intestinal tissue, a high intestinal permeability that permits passive absorption might be less selective than a carrier-mediated system for nutrient absorption and might permit toxins to be absorbed from plant and animal material in the intestinal lumen.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Spider venom sphingomyelinases D catalyze the hydrolysis of sphingomyelin via an Mg2+ ion-dependent acid-base catalytic mechanism which involves two histidines. In the crystal structure of the sulfate free enzyme determined at 1.85 angstrom resolution, the metal ion is tetrahedrally coordinated instead of the trigonal-bipyramidal coordination observed in the sulfate bound form. The observed hyperpolarized state of His47 requires a revision of the previously suggested catalytic mechanism. Molecular modeling indicates that the fundamental structural features important for catalysis are fully conserved in both classes of SMases D and that the Class II SMases D contain an additional intra-chain disulphide bridge (Cys53-Cys201). Structural analysis suggests that the highly homologous enzyme from Loxosceles bonetti is unable to hydrolyze sphingomyelin due to the 95G1y -> Asn and 134Pro -> Glu mutations that modify the local charge and hydrophobicity of the interfacial face. Structural and sequence comparisons confirm the evolutionary relationship between sphingomyelinases D and the glicerophosphodiester phosphoesterases which utilize a similar catalytic mechanism. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We apply the Gauss-Codazzi formalism to brane-worlds within the framework of Brans-Dicke gravity. The compactification is taken from six to five dimensions in order to formalize brane-world models with hybrid compactification in scalar tensor theories.


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In the Cu-Al system, due to the sluggishness of the beta a dagger" (alpha + gamma(1)) eutectoid reaction, the beta phase can be retained metastably. During quenching, metastable beta alloys undergo a martensitic transformation to a beta' phase at Al low content. The ordering reaction beta a dagger" beta(1) precedes the martensitic transformation. The influence of Ag additions on the reactions containing the beta phase in the Cu-11mass%Al alloy was studied using differential scanning calorimetry and in situ X-ray diffractometry. The results indicated that, on cooling, two reactions are occurring in the same temperature range, the beta -> (alpha + gamma(1)) decomposition reaction and the beta -> beta(1) reaction, with different reaction mechanisms (diffusive for the former and ordering for the latter) and, consequently, with different reaction rates. For lower cooling rates, the dominant is the decomposition reaction and for higher cooling rates the ordering reaction prevails. on heating, the (alpha + gamma(1)) -> beta reverse eutectoid reaction occurs with a resulting beta phase saturated with alpha. The increase of Ag concentration retards the beta -> (alpha + gamma(1)) decomposition reaction and the beta -> beta(1) ordering reaction, which occurs in the same temperature range, becomes the predominant process.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a capacidade de colonização do Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) em espécies de cercas-vivas, quebra-ventos e plantas invasoras mais freqüentes em pomares cítricos. O ensaio foi conduzido em laboratório e casa-de-vegetação, utilizando-se 11 espécies vegetais (tratamentos): Hibiscus sp., Malvaviscus mollis, Grevillea robusta, Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia, Bixa orellana, Euphorbia splendens, Bidens pilosa, Commelina benghalensis, Sida cordifolia e Ageratum conyzoides e Citrus sinensis. Adotou-se o delineamento estatístico de blocos casualizados, com cinco repetições. Para cada unidade experimental, constituída de uma planta envasada, foram transferidas 100 fêmeas de B. phoenicis provenientes de uma criação estoque. Decorridos 45 dias após a transferência dos ácaros para as plantas invasoras e 60 dias para as cercas-vivas e os quebra-ventos, estas tiveram suas folhas destacadas e seus ramos repicados para avaliação dos totais de estágios de desenvolvimento. Os dados relativos às contagens foram transformados em ln(x+5) e analisados pelo teste F. As médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey (P < 0,05). As cercas-vivas e quebra-ventos mais favoráveis ao ácaro, em ordem decrescente, foram: M. mollis (6.342 ácaros), Hibiscus sp. (2.546), B. orellana (2.097), G. robusta (1.485) e M. caesalpiniaefolia (776). Nenhum ácaro foi encontrado em E. splendens. Com relação às plantas invasoras, foram: B. pilosa (2.238), C. benghalensis (920), S. cordifolia (738) e A. conyzoides (684). em C. sinensis foram contados 3.116 ácaros. Com exceção de E. splendens, todas as plantas mostraram-se favoráveis ao crescimento populacional de B. phoenicis. A presença destes nos pomares cítricos pode representar uma ameaça à cultura.


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Diversos setores organizados da sociedade têm chamado a atenção para as alterações provocadas pelo homem na natureza e, dentre estas, destacamos aquelas diretamente relacionadas à produção de energia elétrica em larga escala. O debate em torno desta questão limita-se, na maioria das vezes, aos meios técnicos e acadêmicos. Porém um grande número de pessoas vivencia os principais problemas decorrentes da utilização das diversas tecnologias de produção de eletricidade em larga escala. Dentre as propostas que procuram qualificar um grande número de pessoas para participar deste debate, destacamos o processo educativo. Neste sentido, considerando as sugestões presentes em atuais propostas curriculares, procuramos neste trabalho identificar e sistematizar os principais elementos das discussões ocorridas nos meios técnicos e acadêmicos, que versam sobre produção de energia elétrica em larga escala e a temática ambiental e que poderiam ser convertidos em conteúdo escolar.