982 resultados para 327.598


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铁在自然界中广泛分布,其环境和生态效应主要取决于它们的理化性质、形态、溶解性以及与溶解有机质的结合程度。氧化还原性敏感元素铁在自然界主要以Fe(Ⅱ) 和Fe(Ⅲ)两种价态存在。铁在水环境中的地球化学循环作用主要通过其自身的各种价态之间转化以及与周围其他物质(微量元素,营养盐,有机质)之间的相互作用来实现的。不同形态的铁具有不同的理化性质,其环境效应和生物有效性都是不同,不同形态的铁还可对其他重金属在水体中的循环迁移、赋存形态和生物有效性等均产生不同程度的一定的影响。因此,为铁的环境地球化学行为提供更为准确的信息,就必须进行铁的形态分析,由于Fe(Ⅱ)的氧化还原敏感性,故对铁进行形态分析的前提就是准确测定Fe(Ⅱ)的含量,用普通分光光度法测定Fe(Ⅱ)特别是低含量的Fe(Ⅱ)时,结果的不准确性以及高检出限等缺点都严重制约了准确测定环境中Fe(Ⅱ)的含量。为克服用普通分光光度法测定Fe(Ⅱ)时易受样品溶液其他组分的基体干扰以及灵敏度低等缺点,我们采用了用3-(2-吡啶基)-5,6-二苯基-1,2,4-三嗪(PDT)作为柱前衍生试剂,反相离子对高效液相色谱法来测定Fe(Ⅱ)。由于络合物Fe(II)-PDT存在两种几何异构体,故在建立反相离子对高效液相色谱法来测定Fe(Ⅱ)的同时,我们进一步研究了PDT及Fe(II)-PDT的两种几何异构体色谱分离与测定的实验研究,取得了如下进展: 1.研究了有机萃取分光光度法测定Fe(Ⅱ),实验中发现加入离子对试剂四溴酚酞乙酯钾(TPBE-K),由于TPBE和Fe(Ⅱ)-PDT络合物生成三元离子缔合物,导致最大特征吸收波长红移,由555nm增加至610nm,三元离子缔合物[Fe(PDT)3] [TBPE]2的摩尔吸收系数由2.4×104 l•mol-1•cm-1增加至1.9×105 l•mol-1•cm-1,显著改善了方法的灵敏度,降低了检出限,在Fe(Ⅱ)含量为0~0.3μg/ml范围内,方法的线性关系良好,线性方程为y=0.3582x+0.01,R2=0.9974,检出限为0.96ng/ml(S/N=3),达到ng/ml水平,成功应用于测定泉水及表层湖水的Fe(Ⅱ)及总铁含量。 2.将3-(2-吡啶基)-5,6-二苯基-1,2,4-三嗪(PDT)作为衍生显色络合试剂应用于分光光度法来测定Fe(Ⅱ)已得到较为充分的报道。在上述研究基础上,首次研究了将PDT作为柱前衍生络合试剂,应用于反相离子对高效液相色谱法来测定Fe(Ⅱ),不仅克服了常规络合衍生分光光度法过量络合剂干扰试验结果的缺点,而且进一步优化选择了检测波长,由于HPLC的应用,突破了在分光光度法中只能在可见波长范围内选择检测波长为555nm,将检测波长选择在Fe(Ⅱ)-PDT吸收更强烈的紫外区295nm处,使得灵敏度得到了显著提高。在Fe(Ⅱ)浓度为0~3.5×10-6mol/l时,峰面积A和峰高H均和标准溶液的浓度C(×10-7mol/l)的线性关系良好,线性回归方程分别为:A=7.4951x-0.0785(R2=0.9999) 和H=0.5126x- 0.0915(R2=0.9997),方法的检测限为0.35ng/ml (S/N=3)。本方法测定Fe(Ⅱ)时,不需复杂的前处理步骤,如固相萃取、有机溶液萃取等,直接柱前衍生HPLC方法测定,方便、快速且灵敏度高,低于众多分光光度报道的检出限水准7~170ng/ml范围。 3.由于络合物Fe(II)-PDT存在面式和经式两种几何异构体,故在建立起反相离子对高效液相色谱法来测定Fe(Ⅱ)新方法的同时,进一步研究了PDT及Fe(II)-PDT的两种几何异构体色谱分离及测定实验研究,关于这方面的试验研究,目前来说还没有相关的研究报道,所以将反相离子对高效液相色谱法应用到分离及测定PDT及Fe(II)-PDT的两种几何异构体中,这也是本论文的第二个创新之处。在本实验中,所用的色谱固定相为普通的反相键合C8柱,但由于优化选择了最佳流动相条件,使得PDT及Fe(II)-PDT的两种几何异构体直接在C8柱上得到完全的基线分离。讨论了流动相中有机改性剂乙腈不同比例、不同种类的离子对试剂(高氯酸钠和十二烷基硫酸钠)及不同浓度对PDT和Fe(II)-PDT两种几何异构体的色谱行为的影响。根据不同试验条件下,对所获得的色谱参数(容量因子、分离度、选择性因子、保留时间等)进行了较为深入的分析,据此探讨了色谱分离异构体过程的机理。 4.在上述实验的基础之上,引入更能灵活的调节洗脱强度和被分离物质分离度的三元流动相(乙腈/甲醇/水=20/50/30),优化选择了三元流动相中有机改性剂的比例以及离子对试剂的种类及浓度,使得异构体的分离度和选择性因子均得到满意结果。对一系列不同浓度的Fe(II)-PDT异构体分离,面式和经式异构体的面积和浓度之间的线性关系在4~25×10-7mol/l范围内良好,线性关系分别为:y = 3.6333x - 2.3378(R2 = 0.9957,经式异构体),y = 1.8219x - 1.0783(R2 = 0.9964, 面式异构体)。面式和经式异构体的检测限分别为4.28ng/ml和3.44ng/ml (S/N=3)。 5.进一步研究发现Fe(II)-PDT的两种几何异构体之间存在相互转化的动态平衡,故根据异构体含量随时间的变化就可以探讨在转变过程中的动力学和热力学参数。用高效液相色谱法研究了异构体转变过程中色谱峰高和面积随时间的变化,并依此首次得出了两种几何异构体相互转化可逆过程中的热力学和动力学参数,如熵变、焓变、自由能变化、反应速率常数等,对两种几何异构体之间的动力学转变平衡机理进行合理的解释提供了有益的参考。各不同温度下(30℃,35℃,40℃,45℃),反应时间在3倍半衰期以内,两种几何异构体之间的相互转变平衡均符合动力学一级反应。各不同温度下Xeln[(Xe-X0)/Xe-X)]随时间变化的线性关系良好,分别为:y=0.0821x+0.7288(R2=0.9911,T=45℃);y = 0.0486x + 0.598(R2 = 0.9987, T=40℃); y = 0.0216x + 0.5861(R2 = 0.9987, T=35℃);y = 0.0124x + 0.591(R2 = 0.9988, T=30℃)。 首次将PDT作为柱前衍生络合试剂,应用于反相离子对高效液相色谱法来测定环境中的Fe(Ⅱ),且无需复杂的样品前处理过程(固相萃取,有机溶液萃取等浓缩富积过程),克服了普通分光光度法检测限高、易受样品基体效应的干扰等缺点;在建立起的高效液相色谱法测定Fe(Ⅱ)的基础上,进一步对络合物Fe(II)-PDT的两种几何异构体色谱分离及动力学转变实验研究,则是对建立起的反相离子对高效液相色谱法测定Fe(Ⅱ)试验研究基础上的进一步延伸和扩展,是对测定Fe(Ⅱ)的高效液相色谱法的机理的进一步认识和探讨。PDT作为柱前衍生络合试剂首次应用于高效液相色谱测定Fe(Ⅱ)为铁的环境地球化学工作者提供了一种灵敏度高的测定Fe(Ⅱ) 的新途径,为环境样品中Fe(Ⅱ)含量的准确测定提供保证,对铁的环境地球化学研究,如铁形态分析、铁的水-沉积物界面行为等提供更翔实可靠的信息。


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To study the relationship between mental-physical health and coping behavior,job stress and job motivation in medical laboratory scientists and technicians. A cross-section survey was conducted,using the anxiety rating scale(SAS), depression rating scale(SDS), coping behavior rating scale,self-rating subhealth scale,self-rating stress scale,and self-rating job motivation scale among 289 medical laboratory scientists and technicians with analysis of ANOVA and Regression. The study was carried out in three steps:step1 is to analyze the general situation of the mental-physical health.Step 2 is to analyze the features of the main influencial facotors.Step 3 is to study the influence of the relative factors on mental-physical health.The following are the results: 1.The anxiety and depression scores of the medical researchers and technicians were 30±6 and 37±8 respectively,both significantly lower than those of the national norm(34±6 and 42±11 respectively,both P<0.01),which are of significant difference. The depression score of the associate chief technician was 42±7, significantly higher than those of the medical researchers and technicians with any other professional titles (all P<0.05), and the anxiety score of the associate chief technicians was 32±7, significantly higher than that of the research fellows(28±4, P<0.05),with no significant difference to the score of the medical researchers and technicians with other professional titles. The depression score,anxiety score and the subhealth score of the age group of 36~49 were 39±9,31±7 and 32±9 respectively, both higher than that of the age group of 20~35 (36±8,29±6 and 29±7 respectively,both P<0.05),while there is much diference among other age groups. And the subhealth status has nothing to do with marital status,education background and professional titles. 2.The coping behaviors,job stress and motivation of the military medical laboratory scientists and technicians. 1)Coping behaviors:The seeking help score of the associate chief technicians was 2.8±0.5,not significantly different from that of the associate research fellows(2.8±0.5),but significantly lower than those of the medical researchers and technicians with other professional titles(all P<0.01),and whose self-blame score was higher than that of the research fellows,which is of significant difference.The self-blame score and the imagination score of the associate research fellows were 2.0±0.5 and 2.4±0.5 respectively, significantly higher than that of the research fellows(1.6±0.4, 2.1±0.4,both P<0.01). The seeking help score of the females was 3.1±0.5, significantly higher than that of the males(2.9±0.5, both P<0.01),and the solving problem score was 3.4±0.6,significantly lower than the male(3.6±0.7, both P<0.01).There is no any significant difference in coping behaviors among researchers and technicians of different marital status,education background and age groups. 2)Job stress: The score of job stress of the age group of 35~49 and 50~60 were 23±8 and 25±6 respectively,significantly higher than that of the 20~35(21±7,both P<0.05). There is no any significant difference in job stress among researchers and technicians of different marital status,gender,professional titles and education background. 3)The score of meeting personal desire for reputation and interests of the males was 19.6±5.4,significantly higher than that of the females(18.4±5.0, both P<0.05), while there is no significant difference in job motivation among researchers and technicians of different titles,education,age and marital status. 3.The relationship of the mental-physical health of the military medical laboratory scientists and technicians with their coping behaviors,job stress and motivations 1) Coping behaviors:Regression analysis showed that, the best predictors of subhealth were anxiety,depression and escaping (β=-0.40,β=0.23, β=0.14, both P<0.01).the best predictors of anxiety and depression were active coping behaviors and negative coping behaviors (β=-0.40,β=0.40, both P<0.01).The moderate(rational) coping behaviors is the best predictor only of anxiety and of significant difference. 2)job stress : Regression analysis demonstrated that anxiety,depression,job stress 2 and job stress 4 are the best predictor for subhealth;job stress 12 is the best retro-predictor for depression; job stress 3 and 8 are the best predictor for depression;and job stress 2 and 9 are the best predictor for anxiety ,which are of significant difference. 3)Motivation:Regression analysis demonstrated that depression is the best predictor for subhealth while motivation itself doesn't predict subhealth;with respect to the specific contents of motivation,"probing unknown rules and making contributions to the human society "is the best retro-predictor for depression and has nothing to do with anxiety prediction. 4) The combined influences of coping behaviors,job stress and motivations: Regression analysis showed that, the best predictors for subhealth were anxiety,depression and job stress(β=0.41,β=0.24, β=0.19, both P<0.01).the best predictors for anxiety and depression were active coping behaviors and negative coping behaviors (β=-0.40,β=0.40, both P<0.01).The moderate(rational) coping behaviors is the best predictor only for anxiety and of significant difference. CONCLUSIONS: Regression analysis showed that the best predictors for anxiety and depression were active coping behaviors and negative coping behaviors, the best predictors for subhealth were anxiety,depression and job stress.Coping behaviors, job stress and motivations have significant influences on the mental-physical health of the military medical researchers and and technicians. Among them,coping behavior is the most important factor while job stress and motivation follow. Seeking help more often,less self-blame ,imagination and job stress could help release the anxiety, depression and improve the subhealth of the medical researchers and technicians. The findings of this study indicate we should address the physical and mental health of the military laboratory researchers and technicians.


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Tecnologia para a melhoria da qualidade de sementes de soja; Aperfeiçoamento e utilização de métodos para a melhoria da qualidade de semente de soja (04.2000.327-01); Adequação da metodologia de testes de vigor para sementes de soja (04.2000.327-02); Estudo das técnicas de produção de sementes de soja (04.2000.327-03); Peletização de sementes de soja (04.2000.327-04).


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O objetivo do trabalho foi realizar o estudo dos solos de uma área montanhosa na região de influência do médio alto curso do Rio Grande, região Serrana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, na escala 1:100.000, visando proceder à identificação, caracterização e cartografia dos solos. Predomina na área relevo forte ondulado a montanhoso e amplitude altimétrica entre 700 e 1.300 metros, podendo registrar picos mais elevados. O tipo climático predominante é o Aw, tropical mesotérmico úmido, de Köppen, com temperatura média anual de 17,8ºCº e precipitação pluviométrica variável de 1.327 mm a 1.585 mm anuais. Os procedimentos utilizados consistiram basicamente na delimitação dos principais domínios e/ou padrões fisiográficos, a partir de dados de sensores remotos e do modelo digital de elevação (MDE), principalmente dos dados de altimetria e de declividade. No domínio das baixadas, foram identificados Neossolos Flúvicos, ocupando as várzeas do Rio Grande e Cambissolos Flúvicos nas posições ligeiramente mais elevadas das baixadas. No domínio das terras altas, foram identificados Argissolos Vermelhos, Vermelho-Amarelos e eventualmente Amarelos, restritos às partes mais suavizadas da paisagem. Na classe do Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo há ocorrência de solos com caracteristicas intermediárias para a classe dos Latossolos, e apenas na classe do Argissolo Vermelho ocorrem solos eutróficos, relacionados a diques de rochas básicas. Latossolos Vermelhos, Vermelho-Amarelos, Amarelos e eventualmente Latossolos Amarelos húmicos e, mais raramente, ácricos, que gradativamente dão lugar a Cambissolos Háplicos e Neossolos Litólicos, que ocorrem associados a afloramentos de rochas, à medida que a vertente fica mais íngreme. Excluindo os solos representativos das áreas de várzea, o restante, assim como os afloramentos de rochas, ocorrem em toda a área de estudo em diferentes posições da paisagem. As principais restrições pedológicas observadas na área compreendem a baixa fertilidade natural dos solos e a elevada suscetibilidade à erosão, em consequência da elevada precipitação e do relevo vigoroso da área. Essas características influenciam no comportamento dos solos frente aos diferentes tipos de usos e práticas de manejo, devendo ser consideradas no planejamento de uso dos solos.


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Background: Despite being the third largest tobacco producer in the world, Brazil has developed a comprehensive tobacco control policy that includes a broad restriction on both advertising and smoking in indoor public places, compulsory pictorial warning labels, and a menthol cigarette ban. However, tax and pricing policies have been developed slowly and only very recently were stronger measures implemented. This study investigated the expected responses of smokers to hypothetical price increases in Brazil.Methods: We analyzed smokers' responses to hypothetical future price increases according to sociodemographic characteristics and smoking conditions in a multistage sample of Brazilian current cigarette smokers aged >= 14 years (n = 500). Logistic regression analysis was used to examine the relationship between possible responses and different predictors.Results: in most subgroups investigated, smokers most frequently said they would react to a hypothetical price increase by taking up alternatives that might have a positive impact on health, i.e., they would try to stop smoking (52.3%) or smoke fewer cigarettes (46.8%). However, a considerable percentage responded that they would use alternatives that would reduce the effect of price increases, such as the same brand with lower cost (48.1%). After controlling for sex age group (14-19, 20-39, 40-59, and >= 60 years), schooling level (>= 9 versus <= 9 years), number of cigarettes per day (>20 versus <= 20), and stage of change for smoking cessation (precontemplation, contemplation, and preparation), lower levels of dependence were positively associated with the response I would try to stop smoking (odds ratio [OR], 2.19). Young age was associated with I would decrease the number of cigarettes (OR, 3.44). A low schooling level was strongly associated with all responses.Conclusions: Taxes and prices increases have great potential to stimulate cessation or reduction of cigarette consumption further among two important vulnerable populations of smokers in Brazil: young smokers and those of low educational level. the results from the present study also suggest that seeking illegal products may reduce the impact of increased taxes, but does not eliminate it.