984 resultados para 324-U1347A
O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar a produção de IFN-γ, IL-12 e IL-4 entre camundongos jovens (5, 12 e 19 dias de idade) e adultos (30 dias de idade). As avaliações foram feitas por estimulação, in vitro, de células esplênicas com Concanavalina A (ConA) , Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) e lipopolissacarídeo (LPS). Diferentes concentrações de cada estímulo foram testadas e os sobrenadantes das culturas foram coletados após 48 horas de incubação e as concentrações de IFN-γ, IL-12 e IL-4 determinadas por ELISA. Células de camundongos jovens e adultos produziram níveis igualmente elevados de IFN-γ após estímulo com ConA. Somente animais adultos produziram IFN-γ em resposta ao estímulo com S. aureus. Em culturas estimuladas com LPS, a produção desta citocina foi baixa e similar nos animais jovens e significativamente elevada nos animais adultos. Somente células de animais adultos estimuladas com S. aureus foram capazes de produzir IL-12. O único estímulo capaz de induzir níveis detectáveis de IL-4 foi ConA, sendo que estes níveis foram mais elevados nos animais com 12 e 19 dias de idade em comparação com animais neonatos e adultos. A diminuição das doses ótimas dos estímulos não mudou o perfil de produção de cada citocina nos animais jovens. Estes resultados permitem concluir que a idade afeta a produção de citocinas: ocorre maior produção de IL-4 em camundongos jovens e maior produção de IL-12 e IFN-γ em animais adultos. Estas informações são importantes devido ao papel destas citocinas na polarização das respostas imunes nos sentidos Th1 e Th2. Palavras-chave: camundongo; citocina; interferon-gama; interleucina-4; interleucina-12.
The role of environmental concern is important due to the disorganized land occupation and intense exploitation of natural resources which lead to the degradation and exhaustion of the environment. Remonte sensing techniques allow identifying, recognizing and mapping areas modifiers besides estimating the extension of alterations made by man. Thus, the objective of this study was to map land use and occupation in order to evaluate the development of the Gloria Farm Stream watershed in Taquaritinga, SP, Brazil, from 1983 to 2000. The drainage network and agricultural and natural vegetation areas were identified by stereoscopic analyses of 2000 aerial photographs and by data analyses of the field and cartographic documents. The results verified that sugarcane became predominat in 2000 and it is distributed in relatively large areas with detriment to citrus orchards and other crops. The presence of dams, which is not noted in 1983 data, and the increase of forest and natural vegetal fragment areas in the analyzed period was observed. Recovered areas dur to reforestation with native species were identified along the streams and springs of Jabuticabal Mountain Range.
This study was aimed to measure the plasmatic response of glucose and insulin of horses fed diets containing different starch sources, like corn, oat, sorghum and a mix of corn and oat in equal parts. Four standarbred gelding 36 month old an weighing average of 350 kg were used in a Latin Square 4 x 4 (four animals, four treatments and four period) trial design. No statistical differences were observed in plasmatic glucose levels either before or after ingestion between treatments. Maximum plasmatic level of glucose was observed in all diets two and a half hours post ingestion. Insulin plasmatic level was significantly lower before ingestion in horses treated with the mixed corn and oat diet, when compared with the other treatments. In the other hand, the insulin plasmatic level in horses fed corn-formulated diet was statistically higher than the others treatments at three hours and a half after ingestion. Diets containing different sources of starch had no effect in time neither quantity of glucose absorbed in small intestine. Variation observed in insulin plasmatic levels indicate that a proper feeding can have a regulatory effect of this hormone, avoiding undesirable's behaviors.
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This experiment was performed aiming to evaluate tiller population density, forage mass and its morphological components on pastures of Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk. during deferment. The treatments encompassed four deferred grazing periods (18, 46, 74 and 121 days). A randomized block design with two replications was used. The numbers of vegetative tillers (VT), reproductive tillers (RT) and dead tillers (DT) in the pasture were determined. The masses of green leaf blade (GLBM), dead stem (DSM) and dead forage (DFM) were also determined. There was a reduction in the number of VT (from 1, 491 to 944 tiller m-2) during the deferment period. RT and DT numbers were not influenced by the deferment periods. Their averages were 211 and 456 tiller m-2, respectively. Longer deferring periods resulted in an increase in GSM (from 2, 965 to 4, 877 kg ha-1 of dry mass) and DFM (from 2, 324 to 4, 823 kg ha-1 of dry mass), but it did not influence GLBM (average of 2, 047 kg ha-1 of dry mass). In Viçosa, Minas Gerais State Brazil, Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk pasture fertilized and deferred in the beginning of March must be kept deferred for about 70 days in order to conciliate both quality and quantity forage production.
This work describes a method to determine Cu at wide range concentrations in a single run without need of further dilutions employing high-resolution continuum source flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Different atomic lines for Cu at 324. 754 nm, 327. 396 nm, 222. 570 nm, 249. 215 nm and 224. 426 nm were evaluated and main figures of merit established. Absorbance measurements at 324. 754 nm, 249. 215 nm and 224. 426 nm allows the determination of Cu in the 0. 07-5. 0 mg L -1, 5. 0-100 mg L -1 and 100-800 mg L -1 concentration intervals respectively with linear correlation coefficients better than 0. 998. Limits of detection were 21 μg L -1, 310 μg L -1 and 1400 μg L -1 for 324. 754 nm, 249. 215 nm and 224. 426 nm, respectively and relative standard deviations (n = 12) were ≤ 2. 7%. The proposed method was applied to water samples spiked with Cu and the results were in agreement at a 95% of confidence level (paired t-test) with those obtained by line-source flame atomic absorption spectrometry.
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The efficiency in image classification tasks can be improved using combined information provided by several sources, such as shape, color, and texture visual properties. Although many works proposed to combine different feature vectors, we model the descriptor combination as an optimization problem to be addressed by evolutionary-based techniques, which compute distances between samples that maximize their separability in the feature space. The robustness of the proposed technique is assessed by the Optimum-Path Forest classifier. Experiments showed that the proposed methodology can outperform individual information provided by single descriptors in well-known public datasets. © 2012 IEEE.
Endometriosis is an estrogen-dependent inflammatory disease, common in young women, characterized by the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity. This ectopic endometrial tissue is most commonly found in the ovaries, peritoneum, uterosacral ligaments and rectovaginal cul-de-sac, with extremely rare involvement of the appendix. The main symptom is chronic abdominal pain, and the diagnosis is often made later, after the result of the histopathological examination. This study reports a 34-year-old patient complaining of chronic pelvic pain refractory to medical treatment, having undergone diagnostic laparotomy. During the surgery, we observed the presence of endometrioma fixed to the uterine wall, and the appendix was enlarged, but without evidence of inflammation. Endometrioma resection and appendectomy were performed, with good postoperative recovery. The anatomopathological exam showed endometriosis in the cecal appendix.
The aim of the present study was to perform a leishmaniasis survey in horses from Araçatuba, São Paulo, an endemic area of Brazil. Of the 466 horses tested for the presence of anti-Leishmania chagasi titers by ELISA, 68 (14.59%) were seropositive, with titers varying between 0.324 and 0.813. ELISA positive samples were also tested by immunocromatography and 19/466 (4.08%) were positive. The results of the present study indicated that equines are in contact and can attract phlebotomines, and highlight the necessity of a more accurate investigation on the role played by the horses living in endemic areas, in order to help to control the spread of the illness.
Plasma processing of carbon fibers (CFs) is aimed to provide better contact and adhesion between individual plies without decrease in the CF mechanical resistance. This paper deals with surface modification of CFs by an atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) for enhancing the adhesion between the CF and the polymeric matrix. The scanning electron microscopy of the treated samples revealed many small particles distributed over entire surface of the fiber. These particles are product of the fiber surface etching during the DBD treatment that removes the epoxy layer covering as-received samples. The alteration of the CF surface morphology was also confirmed by the Atomic force microscopy (AFM), which indicated that the CF roughness increased as a result of the plasma treatment. The analysis of the surface chemical composition provided by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy showed that oxygen and nitrogen atoms are incorporated onto the surface. The polar oxygen groups formed on the surface lead to the increasing of the CF surface energy. The results of interlaminar shear strength test (short beam) of CFs/polypropylene composites demonstrated a greater shear resistance of the composites made with CFs treated by DBD than the one with untreated fibers. Both the increase in surface roughness and the surface oxidation contribute for the enhancement of CF adhesion properties. © 2012 IEEE.