980 resultados para 306-U1313C
Fipronil is a phenylpyrazolic insecticide that is widely used in agriculture and has been recently used to control the cattle tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. Because of the serious problems associated with resistance to the available acaricides, this product has been used as an important alternative to control acaricide-resistant ticks. The objective of this work was to analyse the fipronil sensitivity of ticks that were collected from farms with a history of fipronil use by larval bioassays. A total of 11 Brazilian tick populations were studied: one population from Rio Grande do Sul, one population from Mato Grosso do Sul and nine populations from Sao Paulo. To validate the assays, susceptible reference strains, POA (Porto Alegre, Brazil) and Mozo (Dilave, Uruguay), and ticks from six different farms that never used fipronil were tested. The resistance of various tick populations to technical grade fipronil (95.3%) was primarily evaluated using the larvae immersion test (LIT) and the larval packet test (LPT), when a sufficient number of larvae was collected. Using the LIT, the resistance ratios (RR(50)) of the tick populations from Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso do Sul were 14.9 and 2.6, respectively, and the populations derived from Sao Paulo had RR(50)s ranging from 2.5 to 6.9. Four populations were evaluated with the LPT, and two populations displayed lower RR(50), while other populations displayed higher RR(50) than those determined by the LIT. This article reports the first cases of fipronil resistance in Brazil and highlights the LIT as a more sensitive technique for the evaluation of fipronil resistance in R. (B) microplus ticks. We suggest the use of the LIT as an evaluation tool for monitoring fipronil resistance in the control programmes of R. (B) microplus. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The gas-phase ion/molecule reactions of F(-) and EtO(-) with Ge(OEt)(4) yield readily and exclusively pentacoordinated complexes XGe(OEt)(4)(-) (X = F, EtO) at pressures in the 10(-8) T range as observed by FT-ICR techniques. These hypervalent species are prone to undergo sequential fragmentations induced by infrared multiphoton excitation that lead to a variety of germyl and germanate anions. In the case of FGe(OEt)(4)(-), three primary competitive channels are observed in the IRMPD process that can be identified as (EtO)(3)GeO(-), F(EtO)(2)GeO(-) and (EtO)(3)Ge(-). Ab initio calculations have been carried out to characterize the primary fragmentation paths induced by IRMPD and the most favorable structure of the resulting anions. The gas-phase acidity of a number of these germanium-containing ions have been estimated by bracketing experiments and by theoretical calculations. Germanate anions such as (EtO)(3)GeO(-) undergo some interesting reactions with H(2)S to give rise to anions such as (EtO)(3)GeS(-) and (EtO)(2)Ge(OH)S(-). (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
SOUZA, Roberto Vidal de. Os canais de distribuição como parte do composto de marketing adotado na comercialização de produtos evangélicos: fatores de sucesso da Rua Conde de Sarzedas. 2013. 134f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração)-Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul, São Caetano do Sul, 2013.
O trabalho procura mapear e interpretar o processo de formação de caixa decompondo e analisando as atividades que contribuem para liberar ou retirar recursos do fluxo de caixa. Procura também avançar no problema da determinação do nível ótimo de liquidez que deve ser mantido pelas empresas.
Using national accounts data for the revenue-GDP and expenditure GDP ratios from 1947 to 1992, we examine two central issues in public finance. First, was the path of public debt sustainable during this period? Second, if debt is sustainable, how has the government historically balanced the budget after hocks to either revenues or expenditures? The results show that (i) public deficit is stationary (bounded asymptotic variance), with the budget in Brazil being balanced almost entirely through changes in taxes, regardless of the cause of the initial imbalance. Expenditures are weakly exogenous, but tax revenues are not;(ii) a rational Brazilian consumer can have a behavior consistent with Ricardian Equivalence (iii) seignorage revenues are critical to restore intertemporal budget equilibrium, since, when we exclude them from total revenues, debt is not sustainable in econometric tests.
Unlike the methodological sciences such as mathematics and decision theory, which use the hypothetical-deductive method and may be fully expressed in complex mathematical models because their only truth criterion is logical consistency, the substantive sciences have as their truth criterion the correspondence to reality, adopt an empirical-deductive method, and are supposed to generalize from and often unreliable regularities and tendencies. Given this assumption, it is very difficult for economists to predict economic behavior, particularly major financial crises.
Delmas-Marty, Mireille. Por um direito comum (tradução de Maria Ermantina de Almeida Prado Galvão). São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2004, 306 p..
O trabalho que se apresenta surge no âmbito do Mestrado em “Arte e Património, no Contemporâneo e Actual”. O assunto tratado é a história do cinema na Madeira, desde o seu aparecimento até ao final da década de vinte do século XX. A principal fonte usada foi a imprensa regional, uma vez que existem poucos estudos sobre o tema. Esta foi estudada entre Março de 1895 e Dezembro de 1930. Dada a extensão temporal estudada e alguns problemas técnicos (envio para microfilmagem, de algumas publicações, em Lisboa), a análise não foi tão exaustiva quanto o pretendido. Os jornais foram seleccionados de forma aleatória e de acordo com a sua disponibilidade no Arquivo Regional da Madeira. No primeiro capítulo faz-se um enquadramento histórico do assunto a estudar, onde se caracteriza a época e se analisa os primórdios do cinema de forma geral na Europa e em Portugal e, de modo mais específico, na Madeira. O segundo capítulo é relativo à exibição de filmes na Ilha, sendo esta análise efectuada para as décadas em estudo. O terceiro capítulo trata a produção cinematográfica na Madeira, onde são referidos os principais nomes de realizadores e/ou produtores locais e se apresenta uma listagem de filmes realizados e/ou produzidos por madeirenses ou filmados na Região.
BRUNO, S. S. ; SOUSA, M. B. C. . Modulação pela progesterona da sensibilidade dolorosa a estímulos mecânicos e isquêmicos em mulheres saudáveis e jovens. RBGO. Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia , v. 30, p. 306-311, 2008
TORRES, F ; FILHO, M.S. ; ANTUNES, C. ; KALININE, E. ; ANTONIOLLI, E. ; PORTELA, Luis Valmor ; SOUZA, Diogo Onofre ; TORT, A. B. L. . Electrophysiological effects of guanosine and MK-801 in a quinolinic acid-induced seizure model. Experimental Neurology , v. 221, p. 296-306, 2010
Papyllary cystic tumor of the pancreas, so-called Frantz’s tumor, is rare. Clinical presentation of this disease is usually a slowly growing abdominal mass with or without abdominal pain, affecting predominantly young females. Its pathogenesis is still unknown . Surgical resection is usually curative, and prognosis is excellent. The authors report two pancreatic tumor cases(Frantz’s tumor) in women aged 26 and 31 years old. Pre operative assessment showed a solid-cystic tumor of the tail and body of the pancreas. An extended distal pancreatectomy was performed without splenic preservation
The aim of this work is to understand the morphological expression of ground occupation by the higher income population, by focusing on population distribution in accordance with income layers and demographical density, as well as topological accessibility (HILLIER and HANSON, 1984) resulting from the urban grid structure. It endeavors to identify a functional organizing principle regarding the intra-urban space of Natal capital city of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, the research focus. In order to achieve this, census data as well as syntactic data were utilized for mapping and spatial analysis of income patterns, topological accessibility and demographical density using Geographical Information System GIS. The organizing principle was named as the Form of Privilege, a pattern that concentrates or tends to concentrate wealth, topological accessibility and low demographical density. Attempting to assess its extent, beyond Natal, this principle was applied to other Brazilian northeastern capitals such as: Fortaleza, CE; Teresina, PI; Aracaju, SE; Recife, PE; and João Pessoa, PB. Findings point out that although the urban structures of these cities are not immune to the Form of Privilege, Natal is emblematic of this phenomenon, a fact that demonstrates the perverse character of its spatial process, which historically creates privileged areas within the city, by means of the appropriation of accessibility as well as of the many urban benesses that are related to it by higher income groups at the expense of the major part of the population, which though being the people mostly in need of the benefits originating from the urban form are excluded from them