975 resultados para 2-Epoxy-3-(p-nitrophenoxy) propane


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Se aborda la naturaleza y la estructura de la did??ctica universitaria como campo de estudios especializados sobre los procesos de ense??anza y aprendizaje en la universidad. El conocimiento did??ctico se construye a trav??s del estudio sistem??tico de las pr??cticas docentes. La estructura de la disciplina viene configurada por nueve variables principales, determinadas seg??n las distintas relaciones existentes entre profesores, alumnos y contenidos. Finalmente, se analizan las aportaciones que la did??ctica universitaria puede hacer al proceso de convergencia hacia el Espacio Europeo de Educaci??n Superior.


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La educaci??n p??blica ha tenido entre sus prop??sitos fundamentales, crear una ciudadan??a conformada por un conjunto de valores compartidos. En este sentido, ha desempe??ado la misi??n de integrar y socializar pol??ticamente a los individuos en una comunidad de ciudadanos. De ah??, las diversas iniciativas para incluirla en los curr??culos escolares. En relaci??n con la escuela y la formaci??n para la ciudadan??a, se muestra como organizar pedag??gicamente el curr??culo escolar y qu?? formaci??n del profesorado es m??s adecuada, tanto inicial como permanente. Tambi??n se tratan distintas estrategias did??cticas y la organizaci??n escolar en cuanto a las estructuras necesarias para favorecer el aprendizaje de la ciudadan??a y la integraci??n de la diversidad.


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Monográfico con el título: 'La Universidad de la Convergencia. Los nuevos planes de estudio: ¿Contenidos de reforma?'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Monográfico con el título: 'La Universidad de la Convergencia. Los nuevos planes de estudio: ¿Contenidos de reforma?'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Monográfico con el título: 'La Universidad de la Convergencia. Los nuevos planes de estudio: ¿Contenidos de reforma?'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Monográfico con el título: 'La Universidad de la Convergencia. Los nuevos planes de estudio: ¿Contenidos de reforma?'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Monográfico con el título: 'Hacia una cultura de paz en la escuela'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Monográfico con el título: 'Hacia una cultura de paz en la escuela'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Monográfico con el título: 'Hacia una cultura de paz en la escuela'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Bibliograf??a al final del art??culo


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Bibliograf??a al final del art??culo


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In vitro fermentations were carried out by using a model of the human colon to simulate microbial activities of lower gut bacteria. Bacterial populations (and their metabolic products) were evaluated under the effects of various fermentable substrates. Carbohydrates tested were polydextrose, lactitol, and fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS). Bacterial groups of interest were evaluated by fluorescence in situ hybridization as well as by species-specific PCR to determine bifidobacterial species and percent-G+C profiling of the bacterial communities present. Short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) produced during the fermentations were also evaluated. Polydextrose had a stimulatory effect upon colonic bifidobacteria at concentrations of 1 and 2% (using a single and pooled human fecal inoculum, respectively). The bifidogenic effect was sustained throughout all three vessels of the in vitro system (P = 0.01 seen in vessel 3), as corroborated by the bacterial community profile revealed by %G+C analysis. This substrate supported a wide variety of bifidobacteria and was the only substrate where Bifidobacterium infantis was detected. The fermentation of lactitol had a deleterious effect on both bifidobacterial and bacteroides populations (P = 0.01) and decreased total cell numbers. SCFA production was stimulated, however, particularly butyrate (beneficial for host colonocytes). FOS also had a stimulatory effect upon bifidobacterial and lactobacilli populations that used a single inoculum (P = 0.01 for all vessels) as well as a bifidogenic effect in vessels 2 and 3 (P = 0.01) when a pooled inoculum was used. A decrease in bifidobacteria throughout the model was reflected in the percent-G+C profiles.


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The variations of tropical precipitation are antiphased between the hemispheres on orbital timescales. This antiphasing arises through the alternating strength of incoming solar radiation in the two hemispheres, which affects monsoon intensity and hence the position of the meridional atmospheric circulation of the Hadley cells(1-4). Here we compare an oxygen isotopic record recovered from a speleothem from northeast Brazil for the past 26,000 years with existing reconstructions of precipitation in tropical South America(5-8). During the Holocene, we identify a similar, but zonally oriented, antiphasing of precipitation within the same hemisphere: northeast Brazil experiences humid conditions during low summer insolation and aridity when summer insolation is high, whereas the rest of southern tropical South America shows opposite characteristics. Simulations with a general circulation model that incorporates isotopic variations support this pattern as well as the link to insolation-driven monsoon activity. Our results suggest that convective heating over tropical South America and associated adjustments in large-scale subsidence over northeast Brazil lead to a remote forcing of the South American monsoon, which determines most of the precipitation changes in the region on orbital timescales.


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Canalizing genes possess such broad regulatory power, and their action sweeps across a such a wide swath of processes that the full set of affected genes are not highly correlated under normal conditions. When not active, the controlling gene will not be predictable to any significant degree by its subject genes, either alone or in groups, since their behavior will be highly varied relative to the inactive controlling gene. When the controlling gene is active, its behavior is not well predicted by any one of its targets, but can be very well predicted by groups of genes under its control. To investigate this question, we introduce in this paper the concept of intrinsically multivariate predictive (IMP) genes, and present a mathematical study of IMP in the context of binary genes with respect to the coefficient of determination (CoD), which measures the predictive power of a set of genes with respect to a target gene. A set of predictor genes is said to be IMP for a target gene if all properly contained subsets of the predictor set are bad predictors of the target but the full predictor set predicts the target with great accuracy. We show that logic of prediction, predictive power, covariance between predictors, and the entropy of the joint probability distribution of the predictors jointly affect the appearance of IMP genes. In particular, we show that high-predictive power, small covariance among predictors, a large entropy of the joint probability distribution of predictors, and certain logics, such as XOR in the 2-predictor case, are factors that favor the appearance of IMP. The IMP concept is applied to characterize the behavior of the gene DUSP1, which exhibits control over a central, process-integrating signaling pathway, thereby providing preliminary evidence that IMP can be used as a criterion for discovery of canalizing genes.


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The CH(2)Cl(2) and MeOH extracts from leaves of Piper caldense were subjected to chromatographic separation procedures to afford the new prenylated benzoic acid, caldensinic acid (3-[(2`E,6`E,10`E)-11`-carboxy-3`,7`,15`-trimethylhexadeca-2`,6`,10`,14`-tetraenyl]-4,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid) whose structure was determined by spectral analysis, mainly NMR ((1)H, (13)C, HSQC, HMBC) and ESI-MS. The natural compound and derivatives displayed antifungal activity against the phytopathogenic fungi Cladosporium cladosporioides and C. sphaerospermum by direct bioautography. (C) 2009 Phytochemical Society of Europe. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.