974 resultados para 1857-10-21


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I pattern di espressione genica permettono di valutare se gli organismi siano soggetti a stress ambientali, spesso associati a stress ossidativo e produzione di specie reattive dell’ossigeno, che possono essere analizzate per studiare gli effetti sub-letali indotti dall’ambiente negli organismi. Scopo di questa ricerca è stato valutare la possibilità di utilizzo dell’ascidia coloniale B. schlosseri come biomarker in ambiente lagunare. Le colonie, esposte a diverse condizioni ambientali nella Laguna di Venezia, sono state confrontate con esemplari allevati in condizioni di controllo. La ricerca si è concentrata in 2 siti con diverso grado di idrodinamicità e impatto antropico. Mentre nel sito 1, più vicino alla bocca di porto, si è rilevata la presenza di Tunicati, il sito 2 ne è privo. Il sito 2 ha registrato valori di pH e temperatura più alti. Inoltre, nel sito 2 è stata rilevata una mortalità maggiore delle colonie e alterazioni della morfologia nelle colonie sopravvissute. Ciò suggerisce che il sito 2 presenti condizioni avverse per B. schlosseri. Sui campioni di B. schlosseri sono state eseguite PCR semiquantitative per analizzare l’espressione di un gruppo di geni coinvolto nella risposta allo stress ossidativo: la glutammato cistein ligasi la glutatione sintetasi, 2 isoforme di glutatione perossidasi e la superossido dismutasi (SOD). Tutti i geni presentano livelli di trascrizione doppi nelle colonie del sito 1 rispetto al controllo. Viceversa, il sito 2 mostra livelli di espressione di poco superiori al controllo. Analisi spettrofotometriche evidenziano che le attività enzimatiche di SOD e catalasi sono più alte nel sito 2 rispetto al sito 1. Si può pertanto ipotizzare che le colonie esposte al sito 2 siano soggette a un maggiore stress. B. schlosseri appare dunque un buon indicatore dello stato ecologico dell’ambiente lagunare, entro parametri di pH e temperatura in cui abitualmente vive.


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Un discreto numero di molecole biologicamente attive contenute nei cibi vegetali si suppone esercitino un ruolo preventivo e favorevole su molteplici funzioni dell’organismo, con meccanismi d’azione spesso legati alla modulazione diretta e indiretta dello stress ossidativo. Acido ascorbico, tocoferoli, carotenoidi, polifenoli, posseggono attività antiossidante e giocano un ruolo positivo nella conservazione dello stato di salute. L’elevato contenuto di essi nei peperoni dolci (Capsicum Annuum L.) ha incrementato l’interesse nei confronti di questi vegetali da parte del settore agronomico e dell’industria alimentare. È tuttavia noto che la concentrazione di composti bioattivi può essere molto diversa anche tra cultivar della stessa specie vegetale ed è pertanto importante evidenziare il contenuto quali-quantitativo delle varie molecole nelle diverse cultivar di peperoni dolci, in modo da evidenziare le più ricche di tali componenti. Occorre però tenere conto anche della biodisponibilità e bioaccessibilità dei diversi componenti funzionali. Infatti il possibile effetto positivo di tali molecole non dipende solo dal loro contenuto nell’alimento ma soprattutto dalla quantità che viene rilasciata dalla matrice alimentare durante il processo digestivo, e che quindi risulta essere potenzialmente biodisponibile e attivo nell’organismo. Scopo della ricerca presentata è stato valutare e confrontare la digeribilità e la bioaccessibilità di alcuni composti bioattivi antiossidanti in peperoni dolci rossi e gialli appartenenti a due diverse cultivar, Lamuyo e Corno di Toro. Il contenuto fenolico totale e di vitamina C, l’attività antiossidante totale sono stati determinati nei campioni di peperone digeriti in vitro, e comparati ai prodotti freschi, evidenziando differenze significative in termini di bioaccessibilità in particolare tra i peperoni rossi delle due cultivar. Sebbene il processo di digestione in vitro sia una simulazione parziale ed incompleta di quanto accade in vivo, la valutazione di un alimento dopo averlo sottoposto a tale processo rappresenta un importante progresso nello studio delle proprietà e del valore nutrizionale degli alimenti.


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The family Hyalidae comprises more than one hundred species, distributed worldwide. They are common and abundant in the littoral and shallow sublittoral habitats and they play an important role in the coastal food chain. Most studies about this family were dealing with taxonomy and ecology, while very little is known about phylogenetic relationship among genera and species. In the present study we aim to achieve the first approach of the phylogenetic patterns of this family in NE Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, and to perform the first insight into the phylogeography Apohyale prevostii along both the North Atlantic coasts. In order to do that, eight species belonging to the genera Apohyale, Hyale, Serejohyale and Protohyale were investigated using the mitochondrial COI-5P barcode region. Specimens were collected along European and Moroccan Atlantic rocky shores, including Iceland, the British Isles, Macaronesia and in the Mediterranean Sea. Sequences of A. prevostii, from the NW Atlantic Ocean, available in BOLD and GenBank, were retrieved. As expected, phylogenetic analyses showed highly-divergent clades, clearly discriminating among different species clusters, confirming their morphology-based identifications. Although, within A. perieri, A. media, A. stebbingi, P. (Protohyale) schmidtii and S. spinidactylus, high genetic diversity was found, revealing putative cryptic species. The clade of A. prevostii and A. stebbingi appears well supported and divided from the other two congeneric species, and P. (Protohyale) schmidtii shows a basal divergence. The north-western Atlantic coasts were recently colonized by A. prevostii after the last glacial maximum from the European populations showing also a common haplotype in every population analysed. The use of the COI-5P as DNA barcode provided a good tool to underline the necessity of a revision of this emblematic family, as well as to discern taxonomically the possible new species flagged with this molecular device.


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Tolerance to low temperature and high pressure may allow shallow-water species to extend bathymetric range in response to changing climate, but adaptation to contrasting shallow-water environments may affect tolerance to these factors. The brackish shallow-water shrimp Palaemon varians demonstrates remarkable tolerance to elevated hydrostatic pressure and low temperature, but inhabits a highly variable environment: environmental adaptation may therefore make P. varians tolerances unrepresentative of other shallow-water species. Critical thermal maximum (CTmax), critical hydrostatic pressure maximum (CPmax), and acute respiratory response to hydrostatic pressure were assessed in the shallow-water shrimp Palaemon serratus, which inhabits a more stable intertidal habitat. P. serratus’ CTmax was 22.3°C when acclimated at 10°C, and CPmax was 5.9, 10.1, and 14.1 MPa when acclimated at 5, 10, and 15°C respectively: these critical tolerances were consistently lower than P. varians. Respiratory responses to acute hyperbaric exposures similarly indicated lower tolerance to hydrostatic pressure in P. serratus than in P. varians. Contrasting tolerances likely reflect physiological adaptation to differing environments and reveal that the capacity for depth-range extension may vary among species from different habitats.


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Il rinnovato interesse da parte dei consumatori per le caratteristiche nutrizionali degli alimenti incentiva la ricerca in campo agroalimentare a sviluppare nuovi prodotti per il mercato attuale sempre più attento a salute e benessere. È in questo contesto che nasce a livello europeo il progetto Bake4Fun mirato allo sviluppo di soluzioni biotecnologiche innovative per la messa a punto di nuovi prodotti da forno funzionali. Nell’ambito di questo progetto europeo, lo scopo dello studio oggetto di questo elaborato di laurea è stato quello di valutare le proprietà antiossidanti e antinfiammatorie di diverse tipologie di pani creati ad hoc con farina di frumento o di farro e sottoposti a fermentazione convenzionale o con pasta madre (sourdough). Il farro appartiene alla famiglia dei cosiddetti “cereali antichi” e grazie al suo elevato profilo nutrizionale si presenta come un promettente candidato per la produzione di alimenti dalle proprietà benefiche. Similmente anche diverse tipologie di fermentazione sembrano in grado di possedere caratteristiche salutistiche. Pertanto, nell’ambito di B4F sono stati formulati e prodotti diversi tipi di pane e se ne sono voluti studiare i possibili effetti antiossidanti ed antiinfiammatori in vivo sul modello sperimentale del suino. Dopo 30 giorni di dieta arricchita con i diversi prodotti sperimentali miscelate in un rapporto di 1:1 con una dieta standard è stato valutato lo stato redox plasmatico mediante l’analisi di tre indicatori del danno ossidativo, quali TAC, GSH e TBARS. Il grado d’infiammazione è stato invece valutato attraverso l’analisi di otto citochine (IFNα, IFNγ, IL-1β, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10 e TNFα) utilizzando un saggio multiparametrico di tipo ELISA. Tutti gli animali impiegati godevano di buona salute ed i loro plasmi sono stati analizzati sia all’inizio (T0) sia alla fine (T30) dell’esperimento. Sebbene i risultati conseguiti in relazione allo status ossidativo ed infiammatorio nei suini impiegati non abbiano evidenziato particolari differenze tra i diversi tipi di diete sperimentali, non si esclude che eventuali variazioni delle condizioni sperimentali possano portare a conclusioni diverse o che gli effetti siano maggiormente visibili a livello di altri parametri quali, ad esempio, la variazione della microflora intestinale o l’indice glicemico dei prodotti. Questa possibilità unitamente all’importanza degli effetti salutistici dei cereali antichi e delle diverse tipologie di fermentazione, giustificate da altre ricerche in letteratura, sottolineano la necessità di ulteriori studi in questo ambito.


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The spatio-temporal distribution of megistobenthic crustacean assemblages from the Antalya Gulf, located in the Levantine Sea is described. In order to provide a comprehensive overview of the spatio-temporal patterns of the crustacean community, 3 transect including depth of 10, 25, 75, 125 and 200 m, were studied between 2014 and 2015 to investigate their association with a set of environmental parameters in representative months of each season (spring, summer, autumn and winter). For its economic importance in Levantine waters, a focus analysis of deep-water rose shrimp Parapenaeus longirostris (Lucas, 1846) was done, to investigate the length frequency composition of the population of the Antalya Gulf. A total of 58 crustacean species were encountered in the study area, of these species identified, 18 species were recognized as alien species in the Mediterranean Sea. Throughout the year the most frequent species of the study were the hermit crab Pagurus prideaux (Leach, 1815) and Parapenaeus longirostris (Lucas, 1846) followed by the Indo-Pacific swimming crab Charybdis longicollis (Leene, 1938) and by the invasive shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus (Spence Bate, 1888). Few species contributing to a high amount to the total biomass were found throughout the year. These species were Charybdis longicollis and Parapenaeus longirostris. Stations of the study area showed similar values of diversity indices of benthic crustacean community among the three transect. The highest values of faunistic indices were detected in autumn and winter (October and February), and also varied along the depth gradient, with the highest values found between 25 and 75 meters. The multivariate analyses conducted on the abundance data point out major differences between depths and between seasons. Therefore, according to cluster analysis and ordination over abundance and biomass, three main crustacean assemblages were detected: the first corresponding to shallow bottoms (10, 25 meters), the second corresponding to intermediate waters (75 meters) and the last to deeper waters (125, 200 meters). Depth was the main factor governing the distribution of megistobenthic crustacean in the area. Besides the depth, the structure of the sediment is the most important factor in determining the crustacean assemblage. Therefore, all factors governing the crustacean distribution were found to be related to the bottom depth. The population of Parapenaeus longirostris in the Antalya Gulf showed significant differences in depth. It was found that females dominated the population of the study area (65.11%), and were significantly larger than males for each cohort identified. The size-weight relationships revealed a slight negative allometry in growth, a bit more pronounced in females than in males.


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Rationale: To provide a better understanding of cognitive functioning, motor outcome, behavior and quality of life after childhood stroke and to study the relationship between variables expected to influence rehabilitation and outcome (age at stroke, time elapsed since stroke, lateralization, location and size of lesion). Methods: Children who suffered from stroke between birth and their eighteenth year of life underwent an assessment consisting of cognitive tests (WISC-III, WAIS-R, K-ABC, TAP, Rey-Figure, German Version of the CVLT) and questionnaires (Conner's Scales, KIDSCREEN). Results: Twenty-one patients after stroke in childhood (15 males, mean 11;11 years, SD 4;3, range 6;10-21;2) participated in the study. Mean Intelligence Quotients (IQ) were situated within the normal range (mean Full Scale IQ 96.5, range IQ 79-129). However, significantly more patients showed deficits in various cognitive domains than expected from a healthy population (Performance IQ p = .000; Digit Span p = .000, Arithmetic's p = .007, Divided Attention p = .028, Alertness p = .002). Verbal IQ was significantly better than Performance IQ in 13 of 17 patients, independent of the hemispheric side of lesion. Symptoms of ADHD occurred more often in the patients' sample than in a healthy population (learning difficulties/inattention p = .000; impulsivity/hyperactivity p = .006; psychosomatics p = .006). Certain aspects of quality of life were reduced (autonomy p = .003; parents' relation p = .003; social acceptance p = .037). Three patients had a right-sided hemiparesis, mean values of motor functions of the other patients were slightly impaired (sequential finger movements p = .000, hand alternation p = .001, foot tapping p = .043). In patients without hemiparesis, there was no relation between the lateralization of lesion and motor outcome. Lesion that occurred in the midst of childhood (5-10 years) led to better cognitive outcome than lesion in the very early (0-5 years) or late childhood (10-18 years). Other variables such as presence of seizure, elapsed time since stroke and size of lesion had a small to no impact on prognosis. Conclusion: Moderate cognitive and motor deficits, behavioral problems, and impairment in some aspects of quality of life frequently remain after stroke in childhood. Visuospatial functions are more often reduced than verbal functions, independent of the hemispheric side of lesion. This indicates a functional superiority of verbal skills compared to visuospatial skills in the process of recovery after brain injury. Compared to the cognitive outcome following stroke in adults, cognitive sequelae after childhood stroke do indicate neither the lateralization nor the location of the lesion focus. Age at stroke seems to be the only determining factor influencing cognitive outcome.


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BACKGROUND: Single-center reports have identified retrograde ascending aortic dissection (rAAD) as a potentially lethal complication of thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR). METHODS AND RESULTS: Between 1995 and 2008, 28 centers participating in the European Registry on Endovascular Aortic Repair Complications reported a total of 63 rAAD cases (incidence, 1.33%; 95% CI, 0.75 to 2.40). Eighty-one percent of patients underwent TEVAR for acute (n=26, 54%) or chronic type B dissection (n=13, 27%). Stent grafts with proximal bare springs were used in majority of patients (83%). Only 7 (15%) patients had intraoperative rAAD, with the remaining occurring during the index hospitalization (n=10, 21%) and during follow-up (n=31, 64%). Presenting symptoms included acute chest pain (n=16, 33%), syncope (n=12, 25%), and sudden death (n=9, 19%) whereas one fourth of patients were asymptomatic (n=12, 25%). Most patients underwent emergency (n=25) or elective (n=5) surgical repair. Outcome was fatal in 20 of 48 patients (42%). Causes of rAAD included the stent graft itself (60%), manipulation of guide wires/sheaths (15%), and progression of underlying aortic disease (15%). CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of rAAD was low (1.33%) in the present analysis with high mortality (42%). Patients undergoing TEVAR for type B dissection appeared to be most prone for the occurrence of rAAD. This complication occurred not only during the index hospitalization but after discharge up to 1050 days after TEVAR. Importantly, the majority of rAAD cases were associated with the use of proximal bare spring stent grafts with direct evidence of stent graft-induced injury at surgery or necropsy in half of the patients.


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This article reports on a study of coherence in text-based log files from 120 two-party Instant Messaging (IM) conversations among a group of international students at a design school. The goals of the study were to investigate whether disrupted turn adjacency was an obstacle to coherence and to identify the linguistic strategies employed to maintain coherence. Additional signs of problematic coherence creation were also investigated, focusing on explicit signs of miscommunication. In this particular context, disrupted turn adjacency was not found to be a problem. Whereas devices for textual cohesion can be important, links between utterances can also be identified based on timing and distinctions between different types of feedback, as well as sequencing. The additional signs of miscommunication were all related to different aspects of problematic grounding. The article concludes with suggestions for design improvements to the IM tool.


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Recently, stable markerless 6 DOF video based handtracking devices became available. These devices simultaneously track the positions and orientations of both user hands in different postures with at least 25 frames per second. Such hand-tracking allows for using the human hands as natural input devices. However, the absence of physical buttons for performing click actions and state changes poses severe challenges in designing an efficient and easy to use 3D interface on top of such a device. In particular, for coupling and decoupling a virtual object’s movements to the user’s hand (i.e. grabbing and releasing) a solution has to be found. In this paper, we introduce a novel technique for efficient two-handed grabbing and releasing objects and intuitively manipulating them in the virtual space. This technique is integrated in a novel 3D interface for virtual manipulations. A user experiment shows the superior applicability of this new technique. Last but not least, we describe how this technique can be exploited in practice to improve interaction by integrating it with RTT DeltaGen, a professional CAD/CAS visualization and editing tool.