994 resultados para (de)palatalization patterns, 15th–16th century Portuguese


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biochemistry


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente Perfil de Gestão de Sistemas Ambientais


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Propaganda represented the sacrifice of soldiers in war and praised the power of the country. It has been around these images that all over the world entire populations were mobilized on the expectation of victory. Through the static image of printed posters or the newspaper news projected in cinemas all over the globe, governments sought to promote a patriotic spirit, encouraging the effort of individual sacrifice by sending a clear set of messages that directly appealed to the voluntary enlistment in the armies, messages that explained the important of rationing essential goods, of the intensification of food production or the purchase of war bonds, exacerbating feelings, arousing emotions and projecting an image divided between the notion of superiority and the idea of fear of the opponent. From press, in the First World War, to radio in World War II, to television and cinema from the 1950s onwards, propaganda proved to be a weapon as deadly as those managed by soldiers in the battlefield. That’s why it is essential to analyse and discuss the topic of War and Propaganda in the Twentieth Century. This conference is organized by the IHC and the CEIS20 and is part of the Centennial Program of the Great War, organized by the IHC, and the International Centennial Program coordinated by the Imperial War Museum in London.


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RESUMO: Os psicofármacos desempenham um papel central no tratamento das doenças mentais. Apesar das divergências verificadas nos padrões de prescrição de psicofármacos intra e inter países, diversos estudos têm alertado para os riscos da polifarmácia e da sobredosagem, particularmente de antipsicóticos. Em Portugal, o Plano Nacional de Saúde Mental 2007-2016 prevê a monitorização periódica do padrão de prescrição de psicofármacos. No entanto, apenas existem dados relativos à utilização de psicofármacos em ambulatório, faltando dados relativos ao padrão de prescrição nos cuidados especializados. Este estudo teve como principal objetivo estabelecer o Padrão de Prescrição de Psicofármacos em Unidades de Internamento Agudo de Serviços de Psiquiatria em Portugal e determinar a prevalência da polifarmácia e sobredosagem antipsicótica, de modo a recolher dados que possam servir de base para posteriores monitorizações. Métodos: “Censo de 1 dia” da prescrição de psicofármacos em 12 Unidades de Internamento Agudo de Psiquiatria em Portugal, num total de 272 doentes. Resultados: A larga maioria (94,1%) dos doentes incluídos estava medicada com mais do que um psicofármaco. Apenas 1,1% dos doentes não tinham qualquer psicofármaco prescrito e 4,8% encontravam-se em monoterapia. A média de psicofármacos prescritos por doente era de 3,2±1,3, significativamente superior nos indivíduos do sexo feminino, naqueles com antecedentes de acompanhamento em consulta de psiquiatria, nos que tinham internamentos prévios e nos que estavam internados voluntariamente. As classes de psicofármacos mais prescritas de modo regular eram os antipsicóticos (prescritos a 87,5% dos doentes), as benzodiazepinas (81,2% dos doentes), os antidepressivos (39% dos doentes) e os estabilizadores de humor (31,6% dos doentes). Dos doentes medicados com antipsicóticos, 41,6% tinham prescritos pelo menos 2 antipsicóticos em associação e esta prescrição combinada era significativamente superior nos doentes com internamento prévio e naqueles que tinham prescrito um antipsicótico injetável de ação prolongada. Excluindo as prescrições em SOS, encontraram-se prescritas doses de antipsicóticos superiores às recomendadas em 13,9% dos doentes, os quais eram significativamente mais novos. A sobredosagem antipsicótica era significativamente superior nos doentes do sexo masculino, nos desempregados e reformados, naqueles com internamento prévio, nos que estavam internados compulsivamente, naqueles com diagnóstico de “esquizofrenia ou outra psicose”, naqueles medicados com antipsicóticos em associação e nos que faziam antipsicóticos injetáveis de ação prolongada. Incluindo as prescrições de antipsicóticos em SOS, presentes em mais de metade dos doentes, a percentagem de doentes em sobredosagem antipsicótica atingia os 49,2%. Conclusão: Os resultados são indicadores de práticas de prescrição divergentes das recomendadas, o que pode ter implicações clínicas e económicas. Parece imperativo otimizar a prescrição de psicofármacos nas unidades de internamento agudo de psiquiatria em Portugal, no sentido de melhorar a qualidade dos serviços prestados ---------------- ABSTRACT: Psychotropic drugs play a central role in the treatment of mental disorders. Despite the variation in patterns of psychotropic prescription within and between countries, several studies have warned about the risks of prescribing more than one psychotropic drug at a time and “high-doses”, particularly antipsychotics. The Portuguese National Mental Health Plan (2007–2016) includes regular monitoring of patterns of psychiatric drug prescription. However, there is only available data on the pattern of use in outpatients, but no information regarding prescribing patterns at the level of specialized care. This study aimed to establish psychotropic drug prescribing patterns in acute psychiatric wards across Portugal and to determine the prevalence of antipsychotic polypharmacy and “high-doses” treatment, in order to collect data that can serve as a baseline for future monitoring. Methods: "One day census" of psychotropic drug prescribing in 12 Acute Inpatient Psychiatry Units in Portugal, in a total of 272 patients. Results: The majority (94.1%) of patients were treated with more than one psychotropic drug. Only 1.1% of patients had no psychotropic drugs prescribed and 4.8% were on monotherapy. The average prescribed psychotropics per patient was 3.2 ± 1.3, significantly higher in females, in patients with a psychiatry history, in patients with previous admissions and in patients admitted voluntarily. The most commonly prescribed classes of psychotropic drugs on a regular basis were: antipsychotics (87.5% of patients), benzodiazepines (81.2% of patients), antidepressants (39% of patients) and mood stabilizers (31.6% of patients). Of patients taking antipsychotics, 41.6% had at least 2 antipsychotics prescribed in combination, and this prescription combination was significantly higher in patients with previous hospitalization and those who had been prescribed a long-acting injectable antipsychotic. Excluding p.r.n. prescriptions, we verified higher than recommended antipsychotic doses in 13.9% of patients, which were significantly younger. Antipsychotic “high-doses” was significantly higher in males, unemployed and pensioner patients, patients with previous hospitalization, involuntary admitted patients, those diagnosed with "schizophrenia or other psychosis", patients with a combination of 2 or more antipsychotics and in patients with long-acting injectable antipsychotics. Including antipsychotics p.r.n. prescriptions, present in more than a half of patients, the percentage of those on antipsychotic “high-doses” reached 49.2%. Conclusion: These results are indicative of prescribing practices divergent of those that are recommended, and this may have clinical and economic implications. It seems imperative to optimize the prescription of psychotropic drugs in Portuguese Acute Inpatient Psychiatry Units, in order to improve the quality of services provided.


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Dissertation to obtain a Master Degree in Molecular Genetics and Biomedicine


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This article focuses on the different images of Mediterranean Portugal developed by three important Portuguese social scientists of the 20th century: the geographer Orlando Ribeiro, the ethnologist Jorge Dias and the social anthropologist José Cutileiro. The article argues that these different images stem from different ideological attitudes towards the countryside, ranging from pastoral to counter-pastoral, and are also related to different ways of addressing the links between the countryside and national identity.


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Drawing its information from different documents in Portuguese and French archives, this article examines the evolution of Portuguese colonial policies towards Islam, focusing on the special case of Mozambique. Such policies evolved from an attitude of neglect and open repression, prevalent in the early years of the colonial war that broke out in 1965, when Muslims were perceived as the main supporters of the anti-colonial guerrilla in northern Mozambique, to an approach that tried to isolate ‘African Muslims’ from foreign influences in order to align them with the Portuguese. The article analyses the latter strategy, assessing its successes and failures, and the contributions made by several of those who were involved.


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RESUMO: A dor lombar crónica (DLC) é uma das condições clínicas mais comuns e com elevados custos socioeconómicos no mundo ocidental. Estudos recentes indicam que os utentes com DLC apresentam diferentes padrões de atividade que influenciam os níveis de incapacidade funcional. Contudo, a evidência acerca destas associações é, ainda, limitada e inconclusiva. Em Portugal, não existe, do nosso conhecimento, nenhuma escala validada para a população portuguesa que meça estes padrões de atividade em utentes com DLC. Objetivos: Adaptar culturalmente a escala Patterns of Activity Measure – Pain (POAM-P) para a população portuguesa com dor lombar crónica inespecífica (DLCI) e contribuir para a sua validação. Metodologia: A versão original (inglesa) do POAM-P foi traduzida e adaptada para a língua portuguesa (POAM-P-VP) através de uma equipa multidisciplinar que incluiu tradutores, retrotradutores (cegos e independentes), peritos de diferentes áreas e utentes com DLCI, de acordo com as recomendações de linhas orientadoras atuais para este processo. A análise factorial e das propriedades psicométricas da POAM-P-VP contou com uma amostra de 132 utentes. A consistência interna foi analisada através do coeficiente alpha de Cronbach (α) e para a análise da fiabilidade teste-reteste recorreu-se ao coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (ICC:2,1). A análise da validade de construto convergente e discriminativa das componentes da POAM-P-VP foi conseguida através da aplicação da versão portuguesa da escala Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia (TSK-13-VP), e recorrendo ao cálculo do coeficiente de Spearman. Todos os cálculos estatísticos foram realizados no software IBM SPSS Statistics (versão 20). Resultados: A análise factorial permitiu identificar três componentes da POAM-P-VP (evitamento, persistência excessiva e persistência consistente com a dor), sendo estruturalmente diferentes das subescalas do POAM-P original. Estas componentes apresentaram uma consistência interna boa a elevada. As componentes 1 e 2 apresentaram uma fiabilidade teste-reteste moderada a excelente, e a componente 3 uma fiabilidade teste-reteste pobre, limitando o seu poder de uso na prática clínica e em investigação. Relativamente à validade de construto, nenhuma das hipóteses estabelecidas no estudo apriori foram verificadas, não podendo aferir acerca da relação dos padrões de atividade com a cinesiofobia, medida pelo TSK-13-VP. Porém, a componente de evitamento da POAM-P-VP parece medir conteúdos partilhados com a TSK-13-VP (rs = 0.15, p<0.048). Conclusão: A adaptação e contributo para a validação da versão portuguesa da escala POAM-P constituiu um ponto de partida para a existência de um instrumento de medição de padrões de atividade de utentes portugueses com DLC, requerendo mais estudos para a sua validação. Apesar de algumas limitações, considera-se que este estudo é de grande importância para os fisioterapeutas e investigadores que buscam um maior conhecimento e efetividade das abordagens de intervenção em utentes com dor lombar crónica.-------------- ABSTRACT: Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is one of the most common clinical conditions as well as one with high economical costs within western countries. Recent studies have shown that patients with LBP present different patterns of activity which influence their levels of functional capacity. However, evidence on these associations is still limited and inconclusive. To our knowledge, there is in Portugal no valid scale for measuring these patterns of activity in CLBP patients. Purpose: Culturally adapt the Patterns of Activity Measure – Pain (POAM-P) scale to the Portuguese population with non-specific chronic low back pain (NSLBP) and contribute to its validation. Method: The original English version of POAM-P was blindly and independently translated, back translated and adapted to the Portuguese language (POAM-P-VP) by a multidisciplinary team of translators, experts from different fields, and patients with NSLBP, according to established guidelines for this process. Factorial and psychometric properties’ analysis of POAM-P-VP comprised a sample of 132 patients. The internal consistency was analyzed based on Cronbach's alpha-coefficient (α) and for test-retest reliability analysis the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) was used. The analysis of convergent and discriminant construct validity of POAM-P-VP components was achieved through the use of the Portuguese version of the Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia (TSK-13-VP), using the Spearman coefficient calculation. All statistical calculations were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics software (v.20). Results: The factor analysis allowed for the identification of three components of POAM-P-VP (avoidance, excessive persistence and pain-contingent persistence), structurally different from the original POAM-P subscales. These components demonstrated a good to high level of internal consistency. Components 1 and 2 demonstrated moderate to excellent test-retest reliability, whereas component 3 presented low test-retest reliability thus limiting its clinical and investigative use. With regard to construct validity, none of the previously established hypothesis was verified, therefore not making it possible to assess the relation between activity patterns and kinesiophobia, measured by TSK-13-VP. However, the avoidance component of POAM-P-VP seems to share measurable contents with TSK-13-VP (rs = 0.15, p<0.048). Conclusion: The adaptation and contribution to the validation of the Portuguese version of POAM-P scale, sets a starting point to the existence of a useful instrument for measuring activity patterns in Portuguese CLBP patients, requiring further studies towards its validation. Despite some limitations, this study is considered of high importance to physiotherapists as well as investigators in search of deeper knowledge and effective practical approaches on chronic low back pain patients.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a method of image diagnose proven to be of undeniable importance when it comes to neuro and cardio related diseases. In fact, these diseases (such as: ischemic heart disease, stroke and acute myocardial infection) have high incidence in Portugal. For these reasons, the allocation of this medical technology should not be considered with light thoughts. In fact, making decision of resource allocation in health care can be a very complex and contested matter. The impacts of new technology allocation, such MRI, can be assessed in a variety of ways. However, a fundamental component should always be present: the use of evidence-based decision-making methods. One of these methods is Technology Assessment (TA). This paper aims to characterize the equity on access of the Portuguese population in general, to a specific medical device such as MRI, under the TA point of view. It is hoped to promote a bridge of scientific knowledge between the gap on research and policy-making through TA that can emerge as a tool to aid decision-makers in the organization of health systems. There are gaps in providing healthcare, due to geographical imbalances, with some areas unable to provide certain specialized services, as hospitals in the countryside do not provide all medical specialties. Portugal has also a large independent private sector that provides diagnostic and therapeutic services to NHS users under contracts called conventions. These medical contracts cover ambulatory health facilities for laboratory tests and examinations such as diagnostic tests and Radiology. However, there is no convention from the NHS when concerning the MRI exam. Therefore, this reality can be considered a limitation in the access of the general population to this kind of clinical exam. TA can play an useful and important role in helping the decision-makers to explore potential gains that might be achieved by introducing a more rational decision making into health care management, namely into the Radiology area, regarding the allocation of MRI equipment.