911 resultados para wood chemistry
The Bernoulli's model for vibration of beams is often used to make predictions of bending modulus of elasticity when using dynamic tests. However this model ignores the rotary inertia and shear. Such effects can be added to the solution of Bernoulli's equation by means of the correction proposed by Goens (1931) or by Timoshenko (1953). But to apply these corrections it is necessary to know the E/G ratio of the material. The objective of this paper is the determination of the E/G ratio of wood logs by adjusting the analytical solution of the Timoshenko beam model to the dynamic testing data of 20 Eucalyptus citriodora logs. The dynamic testing was performed with the logs in free-free suspension. To find the stiffness properties of the logs, the residue minimization was carried out using the Genetic Algorithm (GA). From the result analysis one can reasonably assume E/G = 20 for wood logs.
INVESTIGATING THE PRESENCE OF THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE IN UNIVERSITY GENERAL CHEMISTRY TEXTBOOKS. This paper aims at analyzing the history of science content of three general chemistry textbooks used in Brazilian universities: the translations of Kotz and Treichel's Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity, Atkins and Jones's Chemical Principles, and Garritz and Chamizo's Quimica. Results revealed different trends for the inclusion of history of science in chemistry teaching. Katz & Treichel and Atkins & Jones used history mainly as curiosity and ornament. Garritz & Chamizo adopted the historical approach as one of the organizing axis of their textbook. Nevertheless, the historical content of the three textbooks may be criticized from current historiographical standpoint.
We have developed an efficient method for the synthesis of functionalized C-glycosyl 1,2,3-triazoles through a Cu(1)-promoted azide-alkyne 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition between a TMS-protected C-alkynyl-glycoside and organic azides. The reaction was accelerated by ultrasound irradiation and the addition of a base was not necessary to obtain the 1,2,3-triazole product. Moreover, further manipulation of the products led to chiral molecules with a C-glycoside linkage. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
There are several techniques to characterize the elastic modulus of wood and those currently using the natural frequencies of vibration stand out as they are non-destructive techniques, producing results that can be repeated and compared over time. This study reports on the effectiveness of the testing methods based on the natural frequencies of vibration versus static bending to obtain the elastic properties of reforested structural wood components usually employed in civil construction. The following components were evaluated: 24 beams of Eucalyptus sp. with nominal dimensions (40 x 60 x 2.000 mm) and 14 beams of Pinus oocarpa with nominal dimensions (45 x 90 x 2.300 mm) both without treatment; 30 boards with nominal dimensions (40 x 240 x 2.010 mm) and 30 boards with nominal dimensions (40 x 240 x 3.050 mm), both of Pinus oocarpa and with chromate copper arsenate (CCA) preservative treatment. The results obtained in thiswork show good correlation when compared to the results obtained by the static bending mechanical method, especially when applying the natural frequency of longitudinal vibration. The use of longitudinal frequency was reliable and practical, therefore recommended for determining the modulus of elasticity of wood structural elements. It was also found that no specific support is needed for the specimens using the longitudinal frequency, as well as no previous calibrations, reducing the execution time and enabling to test many samples.
Five 2-hydroxy-3-substituted-aminomethyl naphthoquinones, nine 1,2,3-triazolic para-naphthoquinones, five nor-beta-lapachone-based 1,2,3-triazoles, and several other naphthoquinonoid compounds were synthesized and evaluated against the infective bloodstream form of Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas disease, continuing our screening program for new trypanocidal compounds. Among all the substances, 16-18, 23, 25-29 and 30-33 were herein described for the first time and fifteen substances were identified as more potent than the standard drug benznidazole, with IC50/24 h values in the range of 10.9-101.5 mu M. Compounds 14 and 19 with Selectivity Index of 18.9 and 6.1 are important structures for further studies. (C) 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Context. Detections of molecular lines, mainly from H-2 and CO, reveal molecular material in planetary nebulae. Observations of a variety of molecules suggest that the molecular composition in these objects differs from that found in interstellar clouds or in circumstellar envelopes. The success of the models, which are mostly devoted to explain molecular densities in specific planetary nebulae, is still partial however. Aims. The present study aims at identifying the influence of stellar and nebular properties on the molecular composition of planetary nebulae by means of chemical models. A comparison of theoretical results with those derived from the observations may provide clues to the conditions that favor the presence of a particular molecule. Methods. A self-consistent photoionization numerical code was adapted to simulate cold molecular regions beyond the ionized zone. The code was used to obtain a grid of models and the resulting column densities are compared with those inferred from observations. Results. Our models show that the inclusion of an incident flux of X-rays is required to explain the molecular composition derived for planetary nebulae. We also obtain a more accurate relation for the N(CO)/N(H-2) ratio in these objects. Molecular masses obtained by previous works in the literature were then recalculated, showing that these masses can be underestimated by up to three orders of magnitude. We conclude that the problem of the missing mass in planetary nebulae can be solved by a more accurate calculation of the molecular mass.
In this analysis a 3.5 years data set of aerosol and precipitation chemistry, obtained in a remote site in Central Amazonia (Balbina, (1A degrees 55' S, 59A degrees 29' W, 174 m a.s.l.), about 200 km north of Manaus) is discussed. Aerosols were sampled using stacked filter units (SFU), which separate fine (d < 2.5 mu m) and coarse mode (2.5 mu m < d < 10.0 mu m) aerosol particles. Filters were analyzed for particulate mass (PM), Equivalent Black Carbon (BCE) and elemental composition by Particle Induced X-Ray Emission (PIXE). Rainwater samples were collected using a wet-only sampler and samples were analyzed for pH and ionic composition, which was determined using ionic chromatography (IC). Natural sources dominated the aerosol mass during the wet season, when it was predominantly of natural biogenic origin mostly in the coarse mode, which comprised up to 81% of PM10. Biogenic aerosol from both primary emissions and secondary organic aerosol dominates the fine mode in the wet season, with very low concentrations (average 2.2 mu g m(-3)). Soil dust was responsible for a minor fraction of the aerosol mass (less than 17%). Sudden increases in the concentration of elements as Al, Ti and Fe were also observed, both in fine and coarse mode (mostly during the April-may months), which we attribute to episodes of Saharan dust transport. During the dry periods, a significant contribution to the fine aerosols loading was observed, due to the large-scale transport of smoke from biomass burning in other portions of the Amazon basin. This contribution is associated with the enhancement of the concentration of S, K, Zn and BCE. Chlorine, which is commonly associated to sea salt and also to biomass burning emissions, presented higher concentration not only during the dry season but also for the April-June months, due to the establishment of more favorable meteorological conditions to the transport of Atlantic air masses to Central Amazonia. The chemical composition of rainwater was similar to those ones observed in other remote sites in tropical forests. The volume-weighted mean (VWM) pH was 4.90. The most important contribution to acidity was from weak organic acids. The organic acidity was predominantly associated with the presence of acetic acid instead of formic acid, which is more often observed in pristine tropical areas. Wet deposition rates for major species did not differ significantly between dry and wet season, except for NH4+, citrate and acetate, which had smaller deposition rates during dry season. While biomass burning emissions were clearly identified in the aerosol component, it did not present a clear signature in rainwater. The biogenic component and the long-range transport of sea salt were observed both in aerosols and rainwater composition. The results shown here indicate that in Central Amazonia it is still possible to observe quite pristine atmospheric conditions, relatively free of anthropogenic influences.
CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL FACTORS INFLUENCING LEAD AND COPPER CONTAMINATION IN DRINKING WATER: APPROACH FOR A CASE STUDY IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. Lead and copper concentrations in drinking water increase considerably on going from municipality reservoirs to the households sampled in Ribeirao Preto (SP-Brazil). Flushing of only 3 liters of water reduced metal concentrations by more than 50%. Relatively small changes in water pH rapidly affected corrosion processes in lead pipes, while water hardness appeared to have a long-term effect. This approach aims to encourage University teachers to use its content as a case study in disciplines of Instrumental Analytical Chemistry and consequently increase knowledge about drinking water contamination in locations where no public monitoring of trace metals is in place.
This work is part of a study that focused on analyzing the contributions of didactic activities related to scientific language rhetoric characteristics aimed at developing students' abilities to identify such characteristics in chemistry scientific texts and critical reading of those texts. In this study, we present the theoretical basis adopted to determine the scientific discourse characteristics and for the production of the didactic material used in those activities. Latour, Coracini and Campanario studies on persuasive rhetorical strategies present in scientific articles aided the production of such material.
Assuming that textbooks give literary expression to cultural and ideological values of a nation or group, we propose the analysis of chemistry textbooks used in Brazilian universities throughout the twentieth century. We analyzed iconographic and textual aspects of 31 textbooks which had significant diffusion in the context of Brazilian universities at that period. As a result of the iconographic analysis, nine categories of images were proposed: (1) laboratory and experimentation, (2) industry and production, (3) graphs and diagrams, (4) illustrations related to daily life, (5) models, (6) illustrations related to the history of science, (7) pictures or diagrams of animal, vegetable or mineral samples, (8) analogies and (9) concepts of physics. The distribution of images among the categories showed a different emphasis in the presentation of chemical content due to a commitment to different conceptions of chemistry over the period. So, we started with chemistry as an experimental science in the early twentieth century, with an emphasis change to the principles of chemistry from the 1950s, culminating in a chemistry of undeniable technological influence. Results showed that reflections not only on the history of science, but on the history of science education, may be useful for the improvement of science education.
This research evaluated the natural resistance of Platanus x acerifolia, Luehea divaricate, Carya illinoinensis, Peltophorum dubium, Araucaria angustifolia, Eucalyptus grandis and Hovenia dulcis, to accelerated decay of the white-rot fungus Pycnoporus sanguineus. The Specific Density at 12% was determinated. The accelerated decay test was conducted with glass bottles (capacity of 500 mL) filled with 100 g of moist soil, autoclaved, and kept at 25 degrees C. The initial establishment of fungal colonies on plates was supported by samples of Pinus elliottii sapwood. In this study, three samples of dimensions 9.0 x 25.0 x 25.0 mm were used for each species evaluated and, after 16 weeks of incubation, the percentage loss of mass was calculated. The degree of natural resistance was performed according to the percentages of mass loss. The results obtained from weight loss were compared by Tukey test at 5%. The natural resistance of woods was not influenced by specific gravity The wood of Carya illinoinensis, Eucalyptus grandis, Platanus x acerifolia, Luehea divaricata and Peltophorum dubium were classified as very resistant, Houvenia dulcis as resistant and Araucaria angustifolia as moderate resistant.
Streamwater is affected by several processes in the watershed including anthropogenic activities that result in changes in water quality as well as in the functioning of these stream ecosystems. Therefore, this work aims to evaluate the concentration of major ions (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, NH4+, NO3-, NO2-, Cl-, SO42-, PO43-, HCO3-) in streams in the state of Sao Paulo (southeast Brazil). The sampling sites are located at undisturbed (ombrophilus dense forest, semideciduous forest and savanna - cerrado) and disturbed areas (pasture, urbanization and sugar cane crops). Streamwater chemistry varied according to land use change and, in general, was higher in disturbed sites. Streams located in undisturbed sites at Ribeira de Iguape/Alto Paranapanema watershed (streams 1, 2 and 3) seem to be regulated by soil characteristics, as the disturbed streams located at the same watershed covered by pasture (stream 7) showed high concentration for the most of the variables. Exception to streams located at Pontal do Paranapanema watershed where both disturbed (stream 8) and undisturbed streams (stream 4 and 5) presented similar patterns for almost all variables measured.
This study aimed to analyze the variation of wood density in the radial and longitudinal trunk of Eucalyptus grandis trees. Six 23 years old trees were selected and cross sections were cut in three longitudinal positions (DBH, 3.70, 6.10 m) of the log. The results showed that the apparent density of wood (i) increases in the radial direction, characterizing the juvenile wood and mature wood, (ii) no significant variation in base-top log direction was observed. Based on the radial profiles of density, the mature wood of Eucalyptus grandis can be applied in the manufacture of products with higher aggregated value (PMVAs).
The Corymbia citriodora is one of the most important forest species in Brazil and the reason is the diversity of its use, because it produces good quality wood and the leaves may be used for essential oil production. Although, there are not many studies about species and the handling effect in the nutritional balance. This study aimed to evaluate the biomass production and nutrient balance in the conventional production of essential oil and wood of Corymbia citriodora with sewage sludge application. The experiment design established was the randomized blocks, with four replicates and two treatments: 1 - fertilization with 10 tons ha(-1) (dry mass) of sewage sludge, supplemented with K and B, and 2 - mineral fertilization. It was evaluated the aerial biomass production, the nutrient export of the leaves, the essential oil and wood production at four years old. The trees that received application of sewage sludge produced 20 % more leaves biomass than the trees with mineral fertilization, resulting in larger oil production. Besides, the trees with sewage sludge application produced 14.2 tons ha(-1) yr(-1) of woody biomass that was 27 % higher than the treatment with mineral fertilization. For both treatments the N balance was negative, but treatment with sewage sludge application (-45 kg ha(-1)) was four times lower than the observed on mineral fertilization treatment (-185 kg ha(-1)). It may be concluded in this paper that the application of sewage sludge benefits the production of leaves biomass, essential oil and wood, besides result better nutritional balance of the Corymbia citriodora production system.
We collected and analyzed blood samples from 12 free-ranging jaguars (Panthera onca). Clinical examinations, hematolog, and serum chemistry indicate the jaguars were in good overall health. Results may help as values for free-ranging jaguars under the same handling conditions.