986 resultados para vital statistics


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The death has been considered a forbidden issue. To develop studies that promote reflections about it allows the enlargement of the understanding as regarding the death as about life in that both are related during the human existence. This research aimed to understand the death’s conceptions and family meanings to three different generations. For this goal, through phenomenological methodology, were achieved individual interviews with adolescents, both his parents and the grandfather, all belonging to the same family. After to understand the participant’s experiences, six thematic categories were created: a) Death’s meanings; b) The death of himself; c) The death of another and/or its possibility; d) Sources of support; e) The family in the death’s presence; f) The life in the death’s inevitability presence. From these categories, the dates were phenomenologically. The participants showed similar reports in several times, confirming the literature that says that the daily life experiences among the family members take the family to form a peculiar way to understand and an interpret their experiences. This identity family, however, did not prevent each participant to develop his particular history based in idiosyncratic elements and associated with the stage of life cycle that it is. The reports showed that the prohibition of death in society is still very present, which prevents that discussions about the issue are present in daily life. This study provided for participants to reflect on their experiences around the phenomenon of death and, consequently, about the inseparable relationship between living and dying. It has also reiterated the literature, showing the similarity of views among the family members of three generations face a vital phenomenon potentially impacting the life cycle of individual and family.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The aims of this in vivo study were to compare the effectiveness and color stability of at-home and in-office bleaching techniques and to evaluate whether the use of light sources can alter bleaching results. According to preestablished criteria, 40 patients were selected and randomly divided into four groups according to bleaching treatment: (1) at-home bleaching with 10% carbamide peroxide, (2) in-office bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide (HP) without a light source, (3) in-office bleaching with 35% HP with quartz-tungsten-halogen light, and (4) in-office bleaching with 35% HP with a light-emitting diode/laser. Tooth shade was evaluated using the VITA Classical Shade Guide before bleaching as well as after the first and third weeks of bleaching. Tooth shade was evaluated again using the same guide 1 and 6 months after the completion of treatment. The shade guide was arranged to yield scores that were used for statistical comparison. Statistical analysis using the Kruskal-Wallis test showed no significant differences among the groups for any time point (P > .01). There was no color rebound in any of the groups. The bleaching techniques tested were equally effective. Light sources are unnecessary to bleach teeth. (Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2012;32:303-309.)


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It has been recently shown numerically that the transition from integrability to chaos in quantum systems and the corresponding spectral fluctuations are characterized by 1/f(alpha) noise with 1 <= alpha <= 2. The system of interacting trapped bosons is inhomogeneous and complex. The presence of an external harmonic trap makes it more interesting as, in the atomic trap, the bosons occupy partly degenerate single-particle states. Earlier theoretical and experimental results show that at zero temperature the low-lying levels are of a collective nature and high-lying excitations are of a single-particle nature. We observe that for few bosons, the P(s) distribution shows the Shnirelman peak, which exhibits a large number of quasidegenerate states. For a large number of bosons the low-lying levels are strongly affected by the interatomic interaction, and the corresponding level fluctuation shows a transition to a Wigner distribution with an increase in particle number. It does not follow Gaussian orthogonal ensemble random matrix predictions. For high-lying levels we observe the uncorrelated Poisson distribution. Thus it may be a very realistic system to prove that 1/f(alpha) noise is ubiquitous in nature.


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Statistics is a required course in virtually all undergraduate programs in Brazilian universities. In addition, undergraduate programs in Statistics are offered in many public universities. However, despite the importance of this science, there are no systematic studies in the national literature regarding the characterization of the faculty staff, which is responsible for the teaching of statistics in the country. In this context, this paper presents a description of the faculty members of undergraduate courses in Statistics. This description was based on a descriptive sample, related to aspects of their education and scientific production. A prediction of future demand for PhDs in Statistics to fill the vacancies is also provided based on the retirement of faculty members in undergraduate courses in Statistics in the country.


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It is a well-established fact that statistical properties of energy-level spectra are the most efficient tool to characterize nonintegrable quantum systems. The statistical behavior of different systems such as complex atoms, atomic nuclei, two-dimensional Hamiltonians, quantum billiards, and noninteracting many bosons has been studied. The study of statistical properties and spectral fluctuations in interacting many-boson systems has developed interest in this direction. We are especially interested in weakly interacting trapped bosons in the context of Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) as the energy spectrum shows a transition from a collective nature to a single-particle nature with an increase in the number of levels. However this has received less attention as it is believed that the system may exhibit Poisson-like fluctuations due to the existence of an external harmonic trap. Here we compute numerically the energy levels of the zero-temperature many-boson systems which are weakly interacting through the van der Waals potential and are confined in the three-dimensional harmonic potential. We study the nearest-neighbor spacing distribution and the spectral rigidity by unfolding the spectrum. It is found that an increase in the number of energy levels for repulsive BEC induces a transition from a Wigner-like form displaying level repulsion to the Poisson distribution for P(s). It does not follow the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble prediction. For repulsive interaction, the lower levels are correlated and manifest level-repulsion. For intermediate levels P(s) shows mixed statistics, which clearly signifies the existence of two energy scales: external trap and interatomic interaction, whereas for very high levels the trapping potential dominates, generating a Poisson distribution. Comparison with mean-field results for lower levels are also presented. For attractive BEC near the critical point we observe the Shnirelman-like peak near s = 0, which signifies the presence of a large number of quasidegenerate states.


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Portable system of energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence was used to determine the elemental composition of 68 pottery fragments from Sambaqui do Bacanga, an archeological site in Sao Luis, Maranhao, Brazil. This site was occupied from 6600 BP until 900 BP. By determining the element chemical composition of those fragments, it was possible to verify the existence of engobe in 43 pottery fragments. Obtained from two-dimensional graphs and hierarchical cluster analysis performed in fragments of stratigraphies from surface and 113-cm level, and 10 to 20, 132 and 144-cm level, it was possible to group these fragments in five distinct groups, according to their stratigraphies. The results of data grouping (two-dimensional graphics) are in agreement with hierarchical cluster analysis by Ward method. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Abstract Background Measurement of vital capacity (VC) by spirometry is the most widely used technique for lung function evaluation, however, this form of assessment is costly and further investigation of other reliable methods at lower cost is necessary. Objective: To analyze the correlation between direct vital capacity measured with ventilometer and with incentive inspirometer in patients in pre and post cardiac surgery. Methodology Cross-sectional comparative study with patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Respiratory parameters were evaluated through the measurement of VC performed by ventilometer and inspirometer. To analyze data normality the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied, for correlation the Pearson correlation coefficient was used and for comparison of variables in pre and post operative period Student's t test was adopted. We established a level of ignificance of 5%. Data was presented as an average, standard deviation and relative frequency when needed. The significance level was set at 5%. Results We studied 52 patients undergoing cardiac surgery, 20 patients in preoperative with VC-ventilometer: 32.95 ± 11.4 ml/kg and VC-inspirometer: 28.9 ± 11 ml/Kg, r = 0.7 p < 0.001. In the post operatory, 32 patients were evaluated with VC-ventilometer: 28.27 ± 12.48 ml/kg and VC-inspirometer: 26.98 ± 11 ml/Kg, r = 0.95 p < 0.001. Presenting a very high correlation between the evaluation forms studied. Conclusion There was a high correlation between DVC measures with ventilometer and incentive spirometer in pre and post CABG surgery. Despite this, arises the necessity of further studies to evaluate the repercussion of this method in lowering costs at hospitals.


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The Spin-Statistics theorem states that the statistics of a system of identical particles is determined by their spin: Particles of integer spin are Bosons (i.e. obey Bose-Einstein statistics), whereas particles of half-integer spin are Fermions (i.e. obey Fermi-Dirac statistics). Since the original proof by Fierz and Pauli, it has been known that the connection between Spin and Statistics follows from the general principles of relativistic Quantum Field Theory. In spite of this, there are different approaches to Spin-Statistics and it is not clear whether the theorem holds under assumptions that are different, and even less restrictive, than the usual ones (e.g. Lorentz-covariance). Additionally, in Quantum Mechanics there is a deep relation between indistinguishabilty and the geometry of the configuration space. This is clearly illustrated by Gibbs' paradox. Therefore, for many years efforts have been made in order to find a geometric proof of the connection between Spin and Statistics. Recently, various proposals have been put forward, in which an attempt is made to derive the Spin-Statistics connection from assumptions different from the ones used in the relativistic, quantum field theoretic proofs. Among these, there is the one due to Berry and Robbins (BR), based on the postulation of a certain single-valuedness condition, that has caused a renewed interest in the problem. In the present thesis, we consider the problem of indistinguishability in Quantum Mechanics from a geometric-algebraic point of view. An approach is developed to study configuration spaces Q having a finite fundamental group, that allows us to describe different geometric structures of Q in terms of spaces of functions on the universal cover of Q. In particular, it is shown that the space of complex continuous functions over the universal cover of Q admits a decomposition into C(Q)-submodules, labelled by the irreducible representations of the fundamental group of Q, that can be interpreted as the spaces of sections of certain flat vector bundles over Q. With this technique, various results pertaining to the problem of quantum indistinguishability are reproduced in a clear and systematic way. Our method is also used in order to give a global formulation of the BR construction. As a result of this analysis, it is found that the single-valuedness condition of BR is inconsistent. Additionally, a proposal aiming at establishing the Fermi-Bose alternative, within our approach, is made.


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Throughout the twentieth century statistical methods have increasingly become part of experimental research. In particular, statistics has made quantification processes meaningful in the soft sciences, which had traditionally relied on activities such as collecting and describing diversity rather than timing variation. The thesis explores this change in relation to agriculture and biology, focusing on analysis of variance and experimental design, the statistical methods developed by the mathematician and geneticist Ronald Aylmer Fisher during the 1920s. The role that Fisher’s methods acquired as tools of scientific research, side by side with the laboratory equipment and the field practices adopted by research workers, is here investigated bottom-up, beginning with the computing instruments and the information technologies that were the tools of the trade for statisticians. Four case studies show under several perspectives the interaction of statistics, computing and information technologies, giving on the one hand an overview of the main tools – mechanical calculators, statistical tables, punched and index cards, standardised forms, digital computers – adopted in the period, and on the other pointing out how these tools complemented each other and were instrumental for the development and dissemination of analysis of variance and experimental design. The period considered is the half-century from the early 1920s to the late 1960s, the institutions investigated are Rothamsted Experimental Station and the Galton Laboratory, and the statisticians examined are Ronald Fisher and Frank Yates.


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It is usual to hear a strange short sentence: «Random is better than...». Why is randomness a good solution to a certain engineering problem? There are many possible answers, and all of them are related to the considered topic. In this thesis I will discuss about two crucial topics that take advantage by randomizing some waveforms involved in signals manipulations. In particular, advantages are guaranteed by shaping the second order statistic of antipodal sequences involved in an intermediate signal processing stages. The first topic is in the area of analog-to-digital conversion, and it is named Compressive Sensing (CS). CS is a novel paradigm in signal processing that tries to merge signal acquisition and compression at the same time. Consequently it allows to direct acquire a signal in a compressed form. In this thesis, after an ample description of the CS methodology and its related architectures, I will present a new approach that tries to achieve high compression by design the second order statistics of a set of additional waveforms involved in the signal acquisition/compression stage. The second topic addressed in this thesis is in the area of communication system, in particular I focused the attention on ultra-wideband (UWB) systems. An option to produce and decode UWB signals is direct-sequence spreading with multiple access based on code division (DS-CDMA). Focusing on this methodology, I will address the coexistence of a DS-CDMA system with a narrowband interferer. To do so, I minimize the joint effect of both multiple access (MAI) and narrowband (NBI) interference on a simple matched filter receiver. I will show that, when spreading sequence statistical properties are suitably designed, performance improvements are possible with respect to a system exploiting chaos-based sequences minimizing MAI only.


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Il progresso scientifico e le innovazioni tecnologiche nei campi dell'elettronica, informatica e telecomunicazioni, stanno aprendo la strada a nuove visioni e concetti. L'obiettivo della tesi è quello d'introdurre il modello del Cloud computing per rendere possibile l'attuale visione di Internet of Thing. Nel primo capitolo si introduce Ubiquitous computing come un nuovo modo di vedere i computer, cercando di fare chiarezza sulla sua definizione, la sua nascita e fornendo un breve quadro storico. Nel secondo capitolo viene presentata la visione di Internet of Thing (Internet delle “cose”) che si avvale di concetti e di problematiche in parte già considerate con Ubiquitous computing. Internet of Thing è una visione in cui la rete Internet viene estesa agli oggetti di tutti i giorni. Tracciare la posizione degli oggetti, monitorare pazienti da remoto, rilevare dati ambientali sono solo alcuni esempi. Per realizzare questo tipo di applicazioni le tecnologie wireless sono da considerare necessarie, sebbene questa visione non assuma nessuna specifica tecnologia di comunicazione. Inoltre, anche schede di sviluppo possono agevolare la prototipazione di tali applicazioni. Nel terzo capitolo si presenta Cloud computing come modello di business per utilizzare su richiesta risorse computazionali. Nel capitolo, vengono inizialmente descritte le caratteristiche principali e i vari tipi di modelli di servizio, poi viene argomentato il ruolo che i servizi di Cloud hanno per Internet of Thing. Questo modello permette di accelerare lo sviluppo e la distribuzione di applicazioni di Internet of Thing, mettendo a disposizione capacità di storage e di calcolo per l'elaborazione distribuita dell'enorme quantità di dati prodotta da sensori e dispositivi vari. Infine, nell'ultimo capitolo viene considerato, come esempio pratico, l'integrazione di tecnologie di Cloud computing in una applicazione IoT. Il caso di studio riguarda il monitoraggio remoto dei parametri vitali, considerando Raspberry Pi e la piattaforma e-Health sviluppata da Cooking Hacks per lo sviluppo di un sistema embedded, e utilizzando PubNub come servizio di Cloud per distribuire i dati ottenuti dai sensori. Il caso di studio metterà in evidenza sia i vantaggi sia le eventuali problematiche che possono scaturire utilizzando servizi di Cloud in applicazioni IoT.


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Blood aspiration is a significant forensic finding. In this study, we examined the value of postmortem computed tomography (CT) imaging in evaluating findings of blood aspiration. We selected 37 cases with autopsy evidence of blood in the lungs and/or in the airways previously submitted to total-body CT scanning. The CT-images were retrospectively analyzed. In one case with pulmonary blood aspiration, biopsy specimens were obtained under CT guide for histological examination. In six cases, CT detected pulmonary abnormalities suggestive of blood aspiration, not mentioned in the autopsy reports. CT reconstructions provided additional data about the distribution and extent of aspiration. In one needle-biopsied case, the pulmonary specimens showed blood in the alveoli. We suggest the use of CT imaging as a tool complementary to traditional techniques in cases of blood aspiration to avoid misdiagnosis, to guide the investigation of lung tissue, and to allow for more evidence-based inferences on the cause of death.