940 resultados para utilities
Energy Conservation Measure (ECM) project selection is made difficult given real-world constraints, limited resources to implement savings retrofits, various suppliers in the market and project financing alternatives. Many of these energy efficient retrofit projects should be viewed as a series of investments with annual returns for these traditionally risk-averse agencies. Given a list of ECMs available, federal, state and local agencies must determine how to implement projects at lowest costs. The most common methods of implementation planning are suboptimal relative to cost. Federal, state and local agencies can obtain greater returns on their energy conservation investment over traditional methods, regardless of the implementing organization. This dissertation outlines several approaches to improve the traditional energy conservations models. Any public buildings in regions with similar energy conservation goals in the United States or internationally can also benefit greatly from this research. Additionally, many private owners of buildings are under mandates to conserve energy e.g., Local Law 85 of the New York City Energy Conservation Code requires any building, public or private, to meet the most current energy code for any alteration or renovation. Thus, both public and private stakeholders can benefit from this research. The research in this dissertation advances and presents models that decision-makers can use to optimize the selection of ECM projects with respect to the total cost of implementation. A practical application of a two-level mathematical program with equilibrium constraints (MPEC) improves the current best practice for agencies concerned with making the most cost-effective selection leveraging energy services companies or utilities. The two-level model maximizes savings to the agency and profit to the energy services companies (Chapter 2). An additional model presented leverages a single congressional appropriation to implement ECM projects (Chapter 3). Returns from implemented ECM projects are used to fund additional ECM projects. In these cases, fluctuations in energy costs and uncertainty in the estimated savings severely influence ECM project selection and the amount of the appropriation requested. A risk aversion method proposed imposes a minimum on the number of “of projects completed in each stage. A comparative method using Conditional Value at Risk is analyzed. Time consistency was addressed in this chapter. This work demonstrates how a risk-based, stochastic, multi-stage model with binary decision variables at each stage provides a much more accurate estimate for planning than the agency’s traditional approach and deterministic models. Finally, in Chapter 4, a rolling-horizon model allows for subadditivity and superadditivity of the energy savings to simulate interactive effects between ECM projects. The approach makes use of inequalities (McCormick, 1976) to re-express constraints that involve the product of binary variables with an exact linearization (related to the convex hull of those constraints). This model additionally shows the benefits of learning between stages while remaining consistent with the single congressional appropriations framework.
En el ámbito financiero es necesario percibir coherentemente la información arrojada por los informes de las compañías, las empresas interactúan con otras organizaciones e impactan a sus stakeholders, las variables exógenas macroeconómicas o políticas modifican su oportunidad operativa y financiera; este continuo devenir genera extensos informes que pueden nublar la visibilidad de las características claves y aquellas preguntas que indagan acerca de la vitalidad de una organización, para comprender si la empresa genera valor, y de ser así, si lo está haciendo sostenidamente; de lo contrario se debe revisar, con fundamentos sólidos, y si es decisión de los socios, con un criterio claro tener la posibilidad de realizar una oferta de venta -- De requerirse la generación de una propuesta de venta para el caso específico de EPSA, materia de estudio de este documento, es necesario establecer un marco de operación en el entorno eléctrico colombiano y su estrategia, revisando los riesgos a los cuales se expone en su devenir empresarial y, finalmente, aplicar una metodología de valoración por flujos de caja libres descontados, metodología que permite la formación de un precio de venta aplicable por acción, valor que en síntesis responde a las proyecciones de la situación del mercado, la estrategia de la compañía, su entorno económico y las apreciaciones personales que a través de un análisis de sensibilidad permiten determinar el impacto de determinadas dinámicas socioeconómicas que permean a EPSA
En este trabajo de investigación, se diseñó y desarrollo un panel prefabricado para aplicaciones arquitectónicas, compuesto por fibras naturales. El panel fue elaborado a partir de una mezcla de fibras vegetales de tamo de arroz y cabuya, con partículas de arena silícea, los cuales, están aglomerados con una resina de silicato de sodio. La mezcla de estos materiales tiene buenas propiedades de trabajabilidad, compactación y con la aplicación de dióxido de carbono CO2, esta mezcla se solidifica rápidamente. Esta técnica, facilita el proceso de producción en serie de los paneles prefabricados de fibras naturales. A través del moldeo con una prensa manual, se obtuvo paneles con buenas propiedades y características de resistencia, módulo de ruptura, densidad y contenido de humedad; además de tener medidas modulares, texturas de agradable aspecto superficial y criterios de reversibilidad. Los paneles también presentan favorables cualidades de aislamiento térmico y acústico. Sus aplicaciones y utilidades son para revestimiento en espacios interiores de: muros, cielo raso y tabiquería liviana o decorativa. Finalmente se generó una propuesta de instalación de los paneles, utilizando de igual forma recursos renovables y sostenibles.
El presente documento muestra un análisis sobre las decisiones, ventajas y desventajas asociadas con la ampliación de la cobertura de la oferta de energía prepago que tiene el Grupo EPM -- Todo esto evidenciado desde un punto de vista financiero y social que permitan conocer en detalle las implicaciones de esta decisión -- El Grupo EPM tiene en su propósito, la construcción de territorios sostenibles en todos los lugares donde tenga presencia -- Antioquia representa su mercado natural de origen, donde tiene el mayor porcentaje de usuarios y en sus objetivos siempre ha estado presente realizar intervenciones que permitan mejorar las condiciones de vida a través de soluciones de acceso y comprabilidad -- El Grupo siempre está en una constante búsqueda de generar valor agregado a los usuarios y desarrollar ofertas que permitan el disfrute de los servicios públicos domiciliarios, entendiendo las diferentes realidades y circunstancias que se viven en los territorios -- Una de las alternativas más exitosas desarrolladas por la empresa y en la cual ha sido líder en el mercado, es el esquema de energía prepago implementado desde el 2006 -- La energía prepago fue estructurada como una oferta que generaría beneficio para el Grupo representado en unos menores costos en los servicios de reconexión, suspensiones, cortes y unas mejoras en los índices de recaudo, para los usuarios les daba un mayor control sobre sus consumos y poder tener una forma de pago que se ajustara a la forma como reciben los ingresos -- La iniciativa ha dejado unos resultados positivos, sin embargo en las diferentes investigaciones y encuestas de satisfacción se identifica una oportunidad de mejora, debido a que algunos usuarios manifestaban el deseo y necesidad de hacer parte de esta oferta pero se les negaba el acceso debido a que no cumplían con las condiciones de entrada, razón por la cual se decidió realizar un análisis de estas condiciones de entrada y revisar la posibilidad de implementar algunos cambios -- El objetivo de esta investigación será hacer un análisis de la oferta de energía prepago actual de EPM para inferir algunos impactos económicos, sociales y regulatorios que tendría para el Grupo aumentar la cobertura de su mercado objetivo, contribuyendo así a mejorar la situación de comprabilidad de las comunidades vulnerables del Departamento de Antioquia -- Para ello se realiza un análisis de factibilidad de ampliar el esquema de energía prepago a partir de un modelo financiero y los resultados de talleres e investigaciones de percepción de los usuarios atendidos bajo esta modalidad
The present work analyzes the fast evolution of gated communities in Natal-RN´s urban space. Characterized by the occupation of large areas, providing private security and utilities, this kind of real estate use arises a long list of questions and issues from society and scholars, due to privatization of urban space, bending of law constraints and the lack of an integrated planning of the cities where they are built. The reasons for its fast growth in Brazil s urban areas are analyzed, considering the impact on formal urban planning and municipal services and on the identification of urbanistic, architectural pattern and constraints, as well as legal, social and economic issues. This study is based on the detailed analysis of the first three units of gated communities built in the urban space in Natal, between 1995 and 2003, including their evolution throughout time and the specific social and economic reasons for its present widespread adoption in Brazilian real estate market and, particulary, in our city. The main objective of this piece of work is to answer the why s and how s these phenomena evolved, setting a basis for the definition of adequate public policies and regulation of this kind of urban land use
Access to improved potable water sources is recognized as one of the key factors in improving health and alleviating global poverty. In recently years, substantial investments have been made internationally in potable water infrastructure projects, allowing 2.3 billion people to gain access to potable water from 1990-2012. One such project was planned and installed in Solla, Togo, a rural village in the northern part of the country, from 2010-2012. Ethnographic studies revealed that, while the community has access to potable water, an estimated 45% of the village’s 1500 residents still rely on unprotected sources for drinking and cooking. Additionally, inequality in system use based on income level was revealed, with the higher income groups accessing the system more regularly than lower income groups. Cost, as well as the availability of cheaper sources, was identified as the main deterrent from using the new water distribution system. A new water-pricing scheme is investigated here with the intention of making the system accessible to a greater percentage of the population. Since 2012, a village-level water committee has been responsible for operations and maintenance (O&M), fulfilling the community management model that is recommended by many development theorists in order to create sustainable projects. The water committee received post-construction support, mostly in the form of technical support during system breakdowns, from the Togolese Ministry of Water and Sanitation (MWSVH). While this support has been valuable in maintaining a functional water supply system in Solla, the water committee still has managerial challenges, particularly with billing and fee collection. As a result, the water committee has only received 2% - 25% of the fees owed at each private connection and public tap stand, making their finances vulnerable when future repairs and capital replacements are necessary. A new management structure is proposed by the MWSVH that will pay utilities workers a wage and will hire an accountant in order to improve the local management and increase revenue. This proposal is analyzed under the new water pricing schemes that are presented. Initially, the rural water supply system was powered by a diesel-generator, but in 2013, a solar photo-voltaic power supply was installed. The new system proved a fiscal improvement for the village water committee, since it drastically reduced their annual O&M costs. However, the new system pumps a smaller volume of water on a daily basis and did not meet the community’s water needs during the dry season of 2014. A hydraulic network model was developed to investigate the system’s reliability under diesel-generator (DGPS) and solar photovoltaic (PVPS) power supplies. Additionally, a new system layout is proposed for the PVPS that allows pumping directly into the distribution line, circumventing the high head associated with pumping solely to the storage tank. It was determined that this new layout would allow for a greater volume of water to be provided to the demand points over the course of a day, meeting a greater fraction of the demand than with the current layout.
Michigan depends heavily on fossil fuels to generate electricity. Compared with fossil fuels, electricity generation from renewable energy produces less pollutants emissions. A Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) is a mandate that requires electric utilities to generate a certain amount of electricity from renewable energy sources. This thesis applies the Cost-Benefits Analysis (CBA) method to investigate the impacts of implementing a 25% in Michigan by 2025. It is found that a 25% RPS will create about $20.12 billion in net benefits to the State. Moreover, if current tax credit policies will not change until 2025, its net present value will increase to about $26.59 billion. Based on the results of this CBA, a 25% RPS should be approved. The result of future studies on the same issue can be improved if more state specific data become available.
Thesis (Ph.D, Community Health & Epidemiology) -- Queen's University, 2016-10-03 22:59:05.858
Demands for mechanisms to pay for adaptation to climate risks have multiplied rapidly as concern has shifted from greenhouse gas mitigation alone to also coping with the now-inevitable impacts. A number of viable approaches to how to pay for those adjustments to roads, drainage systems, lifeline utilities and other basic infrastructure are emerging, though untested at the scale required across the nation, which already has a trillion-dollar deferred maintenance and replacement problem. There are growing efforts to find new ways to harness private financial resources via new market arrangements to meet needs that clearly outstrip public resources alone, as well as to utilize and combine public resources more effectively. To date, mechanisms are often seen through a specific lens of scale, time, and method, for example national versus local and public versus market-based means. The purpose here is to integrate a number of those perspectives and also to highlight the following in particular. Current experience with seemingly more pedestrian needs like stormwater management funding is in fact a learning step towards new approaches for broader adaptation needs, using re-purposed but existing fiscal tools. The resources raised from new large-scale market approaches for using catastrophe- and resiliency-bond-derived funds will have their use embodied and operationalized in many separate local and state projects. The invention and packaging of innovative projects—the pre-development phase—will be pivotal to better using fiscal resources of many types. Those efforts can be greatly aided or hindered by larger national and especially state government policy, regulatory and capital market arrangements. Understanding the path to integration of effort across these scales deserves much more attention. Examples are given of how federal, state and local roles are each dimensions of that frontier, how existing tools can apply in new ways and how smart project creation plays a role.
Santee Cooper publishes PowerSource, a corporate quarterly magazine that profiles the many ways Santee Cooper and employees work to full the mission of improving the quality of life for South Carolinians.
The South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff publishes The Water Wellspring, a newsletter for water and wastewater utilities with agency program and service information.
The South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff publishes The Water Wellspring, a newsletter for water and wastewater utilities with agency program and service information.
The South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff publishes The Water Wellspring, a newsletter for water and wastewater utilities with agency program and service information.
The South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff publishes The Water Wellspring, a newsletter for water and wastewater utilities with agency program and service information.
The South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff publishes The Water Wellspring, a newsletter for water and wastewater utilities with agency program and service information.