990 resultados para uridine diphosphate-glucuronosyl transferase 1A1 x 28
[Rede am offenen Grabe, gehalten den 2. Mai 1837 von J. Maier]
von J. Hirsch
Vorbesitzer: Caspar Bintz;
von N. Frankfurter
von J. Maier
The fine balance between proliferation and apoptosis plays a primary role in carcinogenesis. Proto-oncogenes that induce both proliferation and apoptosis provide a powerful inbuilt system to inhibit clonal expansion of cells with high proliferation rates. This provides a restraint to the development of neoplasms. C-myc expressing cells undergo apoptosis in low serum by an unknown mechanism. Several lines of evidence suggested that c-myc induces apoptosis by a transcriptional mechanism. However, the target genes of this program have not been fully defined. Protein synthesis inhibitors induce apoptosis in c-myc over-expressing cells at high serum levels suggesting that inhibition of synthesis of a survival factor may induce apoptosis. We show that the expression of c-myc directly correlates with an increase in the level of a survival protein, bcl-$\rm x\sb{L},$ and a decrease in the pro-apoptotic protein, bax, at both the protein and mRNA level. Furthermore, a significant decrease of the bcl-$\rm x\sb{L}$ protein levels is observed under low serum conditions. In order to investigate the mechanism of regulation of bcl-$\rm x\sb{L}$ and bax by c-myc, the bcl-x and bax promoters were cloned, sequenced and shown to contain c-myc binding sites. The chloramephenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) reporter assay was used to demonstrate activation of the bcl-x promoter by increasing levels of c-myc when co-transfected in COS cells. The bax promoter was also shown to be transrepressed in c-myc expressing cells. The role of bcl-$\rm x\sb{L}$ in apoptosis regulation in c-myc cell lines in normal and low serum was then investigated. Cells lines expressing c-myc and bcl-$\rm x\sb{L}$ were generated and were shown to be resistant to apoptosis induction in low serum. Furthermore, cell lines expressing c-myc, anti-sense bcl-$\rm x\sb{L}$ and $\beta$-galactosidase demonstrated significantly enhanced rates of apoptosis in high serum compared to c-myc Rat 1a cells. These findings suggest that c-myc activates a survival program involving bcl-$\rm x\sb{L}$ upregulation and bax downregulation. However, this survival signal is reduced under low serum conditions by the relative downregulation of bcl-$\rm x\sb{L}$ allowing for apoptosis to proceed. These data also directly demonstrates that downregulation in the level of bcl-$\rm x\sb{L}$ associated with low serum conditions is a critical determinant of c-myc induced apoptosis. ^
Se evaluaron los cambios en la radiación transmitida a través de films fotoselectivos (FS) fluorescentes y el impacto de estos cambios sobre la producción de tres cultivares de rosa para corte Fuego Negro, Maroussia y Anna. Se observó que los FS nuevos o expuestos a la radiación solar vs. noFS disminuyen la transmisión de radiación azul (A) (-28,4 a -32,9%, respectivamente), incrementan el R produciendo una relación R:RL mayor (+3,6%), si bien transmiten algo menos de radiación fotosintéticamente activa que los noFS nuevos. El número de rosas producidas fue significativamente mayor bajo el FS vs. noFS en los tres cv (+24, +32 y +36% en Anna, Fuego Negro y Maroussia, respectivamente), con un peso fresco y seco (PF y PS) significativamente mayor y tallos florales más largos en Anna y Maroussia (50,69 y 43,91 cm vs. 38,91 y 40,04 cm en invierno y primavera, respectivamente), y pimpollos significativamente más largos y de mayor PF y PS en los tres cv. Mayor relación R:RL y menor UV-A y A en la radiación transmitida por films FS aumentaron la cantidad y calidad de determinados cultivares de rosas mostrando una alternativa a los reguladores químicos de crecimiento.
El volumen que reseñamos constituye las ACTAS de las XXIII Jornadas Nacionales de Literatura Francesa y Francófona que se llevaron a cabo en Mendoza, en la sede de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la U.N.Cuyo, los días 27, 28 y 29 de mayo de 2010.