966 resultados para tidal creeks


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We measured carbon, nitrogen, protein, bacterial and microalgal abundance, and mineral-specific surface area in sediments from the feeding zone of undisturbed Saccoglossus kowalewskyi, as well as in their fresh egesta. Comparison of results using surficial material 1 mm) and the top 3 mm of sediments indicated ingestion of surficial material by the enteropneusts. Assuming the surficial sediment as a food source results in apparent absorption efficiencies of 15% for TOC, 35% for TON, 60% for protein and 86% for microalgae. The C:N ratio of the apparently absorbed material was 4.2, consistent with an amino acid-rich diet. Protein- nitrogen uptake, however, accounted for only about 28% of total nitrogen absorption, indicating a dominant use of non-protein nitrogen . Bacterial and microalgal contributions to dietary nitrogen uptake were no more than 3% and 4% respectively. Active worms maintain 2 foraging areas with an average total foraging volume of 0.9 cm3 and a volume ingestion rate of 0.06 to 0.12 cm3 ind.-1 h-1. If the preferred feeding zone of these enteropneusts is the nitrogen -enriched surficial layer, we estimate that their feeding activities will deplete the available food resources every 8 to 16 h and they may rely on biological and tidal redistribution of surface material.


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Its unique tidal marshes, ecology, geology, scenic areas, and fascinating history make the Connecticut River a treasure to residents and visitors alike. It is one of the 1,713 “Wetlands of International Importance” designated throughout the world by the International Ramsar Convention. This photo essay also describes the education efforts underway by Connecticut Sea Grant and its partners to assist educators with resource materials.


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We investigated tree sway and crown collision behavior of even-aged lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud. var. latifolia Engelm.) stands of different structure in Alberta, Canada, to examine how these factors might affect loss of leaf area as stands mature. The Two Creeks stand (TC) had high density and slender trees, while the Chickadee stand (CH) had stout trees. The TC stand was then thinned (TCT) to reduce the stand density. For each stand, simultaneous tree sways of a group of 10 trees were monitored with biaxial clinometers during wind speed of 5 m/s (canopy top). Crown collisions were reconstructed by combining sway displacement of individual trees with their respective crown dimensions. Comparing the sway statistics between stands with contrasting mean bole slenderness (TC and CH) indicated that more slender trees have greater sway displacements, faster sway speeds, and a greater depth of collision. Disturbance by thinning increased sway displacements, sway speeds, and depth of collisions at TCT. Tree sway patterns were circular in shape and not aligned with wind direction, but patterns were elongated after thinning. This demonstrates the high frequency of crown collision experienced by stands with slender trees and supports the notion that crown collisions result in empty space between crowns of trees.


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Background. Diarrhea and malnutrition are the leading causes of mortality for children age one to four in the Dominican Republic. Communities within the Miches watershed lack sanitation infrastructure and water purification systems, which increases the risk of exposure to water-borne pathogens. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to analyze health information gathered through household interviews and to test water samples for the presence of diarrheagenic pathogens and antibiotic-resistant bacteria within the Miches watershed. Methods. Frequency counts and thematic analysis were used to investigate Human Health Survey responses and Fisher's exact test was used to determine correlation between water source and reported illness. Bacteria cultured from water samples were analyzed by Gram stain, real-time PCR, API® 20E biochemical identification, and for antibiotic resistance. Results. Community members reported concerns about water sources with respect to water quality, availability, and environmental contamination. Pathogenic strains of E. coli were present in the water samples. Drinking aquifer water was positively-correlated with reported stomach aches (p=0.04) while drinking from rivers or creeks was associated with the reported absence of “gripe” (cold or flu) (p=0.01). The lack of association between reported illnesses and water source for the majority of variables suggested that there were multiple vehicles of disease transmission. Antibiotic resistant bacteria were isolated from the water samples tested. Conclusions. The presence of pathogenic E. coli in water samples suggested that water is at least one route of transmission for diarrheagenic pathogens in the Miches watershed. The presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the water samples may indicate the proliferation of resistance plasmids in the environment as a result of antibiotic overuse in human and animal populations and a lack of sanitation infrastructure. An intervention that targets areas of hygiene, sanitation, and water purification is recommended to limit human exposure to diarrheagenic pathogens and antibiotic-resistant organisms. ^


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The potential for significant human populations to experience long-term inhalation of formaldehyde and reports of symptomatology due to this exposure has led to a considerable interest in the toxicologic assessment of risk from subchronic formaldehyde exposures using animal models. Since formaldehyde inhalation depresses certain respiratory parameters in addition to its other forms of toxicity, there is a potential for the alteration of the actual dose received by the exposed individual (and the resulting toxicity) due to this respiratory effect. The respiratory responses to formaldehyde inhalation and the subsequent pattern of deposition were therefore investigated in animals that had received subchronic exposure to the compound, and the potential for changes in the formaldehyde dose received due to long-term inhalation evaluated. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to either 0, 0.5, 3, or 15 ppm formaldehyde for 6 hours/day, 5 days/week for up to 6 months. The patterns of respiratory response, deposition and the compensation mechanisms involved were then determined in a series of formaldehyde test challenges to both the upper and to the lower respiratory tracts in separate groups of subchronically exposed animals and age-specific controls (four concentration groups, two time points). In both the control and pre-exposed animals, there was a characteristic recovery of respiratory parameters initially depressed by formaldehyde inhalation to at or approaching pre-exposure levels within 10 minutes of the initiation of exposure. Also, formaldehyde deposition was found to remain very high in the upper and lower tracts after long-term exposure. Therefore, there was probably little subsequent effect on the dose received by the exposed individual that was attributable to the repeated exposures. There was a diminished initial minute volume response in test challenges of both the upper and lower tracts of animals that had received at least 16 weeks of exposure to 15 ppm, with compensatory increases in tidal volume in the upper tract and respiratory rate in the lower tract. However, this dose-related effect was probably not relevant to human risk estimation because this formaldehyde dose is in excess of that experienced by human populations. ^


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In order to reveal the structure of the sparsely known deeper sublittoral hard bottom communities of glacial Kongsfjorden, the macroepibenthos from six depth zones (30-200 m) was analysed. A total of 180 still images derived from 6-h video recorded at the Kongsfjordneset remotely operated vehicle station were assessed quantitatively. Overall 27 mainly suspension-feeding species/taxa were observed. Of these, two-thirds have an arcto-boreal distribution, while the remainder are cosmopolitan. The overall mean epibenthos abundance was 33 ind./m**2 with maximum values at 150 m depth (97.9 ind./m**2). The majority of the taxa inhabited the entire depth range. Encrusting red algae, an unidentified sponge and the sea anemone Urticina eques, characterized the assemblage of the shallow zone. The sea anemones Hormathia spp. were important below 30 m, the Serpulid polychaete Protula tubularia was characteristic for the community below 50 m and the demosponge Haliclona sp. was a key taxon between 100 and 200 m depth. Cluster analysis and non-metrical multidimensional scaling based on abundance data showed differences between the assemblages along the bathymetric gradient, but only in the shallower depths in relation to the substratum surface incline. As surface and tidal current impacts attenuate with increasing depth, there is a gradual trend from robust key species towards more fragile ones (i.e. P. tubularia), in line with the 'Physical control hypothesis'.


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From 1978 to 1981, intensive sedimentological investigations were carried out on the Northfrisian intertidal shoals between the small island of Gröde and Nordstrand lsland as a part of an interdisciplinary research projekt. The objective of this sedimentological study was to reveal long and short term tendencies in sedimentation and erosion in the environment. The presented study mainly concentrated on surface mapping in the tidal flats which based on more than 5000 sediment samples. The relative amounts of the grain-size fractions <0.063 mm and >0.125 mm are presented on maps. Predominant sediment typs are well sorted fine sands ("Wattsand") and muddy sands ("Schlicksand"), pure muds covering only small areas. The fine-grained deposits are either found in the lee-side of an island in elongated bays having a low waterdepth during high tide near the shore or near exposed "Klei" outcrops as well as sporadically on the edge of tidal rills. Together with standardized fields observations of biological and physical properties, the maps indicate a slight erosive tendency in large sections of the investigated area.


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Velocity and direction of the current under the sea ice of the EcIipse Sound between Baffin lsland and Bylot Island were measured with specially developed devices and registered on a recorder. During the period of registration (May-June 1972) an easterly current of 5-7 cm/s superimposed by tidal and local influences (max. 12 cm/s) was found. In addition , measurements of friction between steelcone surfaces und corresponding conical ice bores are reported on. The plotted results show the influence of ice-temperature, surface quality and in some cases the influence of time.


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EOT11a is a global (E)mpirical (O)cean (T)ide model derived in 2011 by residual analysis of multi-mission satellite (a)ltimeter data. EOT11a includes amplitudes and phases of the main astronomical tides M2, S2, N2, K2, 2N2, O1, K1, P2, and Q1, the non-linear constituent M4, the long period tides Mm and Mf, and the radiational tide S1. Ocean tides as well as loading tides are provided. EOT11a was computed by means of residual tidal analysis of multi-mission altimeter data from TOPEX/Poseidon, ERS-2, ENVISAT, and Jason-1/2, as far as acquired between September 1992 and April 2010. The resolution of 7.5'x7.5' is identical with FES2004 which was used as reference model for the residual tide analysis. The development of EOT11a was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under grant BO1228/6-2.