977 resultados para thyroid scintiscanning
Aspergillosis is caused by fungus of Aspergillus genus. Is a multifactorial secondary disease and occurs mainly to immunodeficiency. Goiter is the name to non-inflammatory and non-neoplasic thyroid growth which affecting the animal metabolism. In this report we describe a case of aspergillosis and colloidal goiter in a male Black-masked lovebird (Agapornis personata) diagnosed by post mortem exam. The bird was presented for examination due to severe respiratory signs. An initial palliative treatment was performed in order to relieve the symptoms. Despite this, the patient came to die without performing additional ancillary tests. On gross exam, a pulmonary nodule was observed from which we were able to isolate Aspergillus fumigatus on microbial culture. Histological assessment revealed pulmonary aspergilosis and colloid goiter. Based on histopathological and microbiological assessments we conclude that infection probably was secondary to colloid goiter.
The diagnosis of various diseases has become more accessible and accurate with the rapid development of imaging modalities aiming to assist in medical diagnosis, and thereby in veterinary medicine. Different diagnostic imaging modalities such as ultrasonography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and scintigraphy can be performed to obtain information about thyroid diseases, each one with advantages and disadvantages, depending on the thyroid disease in question. Diagnostic imaging is a tool that not only assists in the diagnosis, but also helps treatment and assessment of prognosis of thyroid diseases. The aim of this article is to discuss the limitations and benefits of each diagnostic imaging modality available in the veterinary medical field, and also to present the newest diagnostic imaging modalities in order to maximize and make more accurate diagnosis of thyroid diseases.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR
tabula tabular tachyauxesis tachyblastic tachygen tachygenesis tachytelic tactic tactile tactoreceptors taenia taeniate taenidium taenioglossate tagma tagmata tagmosis tail tailfan Takakura's talon talus tandem tangent tangoreceptor tanylobous tapetal tapetum tapinoma-odor Tardigrada tardigrades tarsal tarsation tarsite tarsomere tarsungulus tarsus taste tautonomy tautonym taxa taxes taxis taxis taxodont taxometrics taxon taxonomic taxonomist taxonomy tectiform tectostracum tectum teeth teges tegillum tegmen tegmentum tegula tegular tegulum tegumen tegument tegumentary tela telaform telamon telegonic teleiochrysalis telenchium teleoconch teleodont teleology teleotrocha telepod telescope telescopic teletrophic telioderma teliophan telmophage telocentric telodendria telofemur telogonic telolecithal telomitic telophase telophragma telopod telopodite telorhabdions telosonic telostome telosynapsis telosyndesis telotarsus telotaxis telotroch telson template temporal tenacipeds tenaculum tenent teneral tensor tentacle tentacular tentaculocyst tentaculozooid tentilla tentorial tentorium tenuous teratocyte teratogen teratogenesis teratogyne teratology terebella terebra terebrant terebrate teres terete terga tergal tergite tergolateral tergopleural tergopore tergum tergum termen terminal terminalia termitarium termitophile terranes terrestrial terricolous territory tertiary tertibrach tertibrachial tessellate test testaceology testaceous test-cross testes testis testisac testudinate tetanus tetany tetractinal tetractine tetrad tetradelphic tetramerous tetramorphic tetraploid tetrapod tetrapterous tetrasomic tetrathyridial tetrathyridium tetraxon tetraxonid thalassophilous thallus thamnophilous thanatocoenosis thanatosis theca thecae thecal thecate thelycum thelygenesis thelygenous thelyotokous thelyotoky theory thermocline thermophile thermophobe thermoreceptor thermotaxis thickness thigmotactic thigmotaxis thigmotropism third-form thoraces thoracic thoracomere thoracopod(ite) thorax thoraxes thread thylacium thylacogen thyridial thyridium thyroid thysanuriform tibia tibial tibiotarsal tibiotarsus Tiedemann's tiled timbal tinctorial tine tissue tissue titilla titillae titillator tocopherol tocospermal tocospermia tocostome tokostome tomentose tomentum Tomosvary tone tonic tonofibrillae tonus topochemical topogamodeme topomorph topomorphic toponym topotype tori torma tormogen tornote tornus torose torpid torqueate torsion tortuose torulose torus totipotent totomount toxa toxicognath toxicology toxin toxinosis toxoglossate toxoid trabecula trabeculate trabeculated trachea tracheae tracheal tracheate tracheoblast tracheolar tracheoles trachychromatic tract Tragardh's tragus transad transcoxa transcurrent transect transection transformation transient transitional translocation translucent transmission transposed transscutal transstadial transtilla transverse trapeziform trapezium trapezoid trema tremata Trematoda trenchant trepan triact triactinal triad triaene triage triangle triangular triangulate triaulic triaxial triaxon tribe tribocytic trichite trichobothrium trichobranchia trichobranchiate trichocerous trichodes trichodeum trichodragmata trichogen trichoid trichomes trichophore trichopore trichosors trichostichal trichotomous trichroism tricolumella tricomes tricostate tricrepid tricuspid tricuspidate tridactyl trident tridentate trifid trifurcate triglycerides trignathan trigonal trigoneutism trilabiate trilateral trilobate trilocular trimorphic trimorphism Trinominal triordinal tripartite tripectinate triplet triploblastic triploid triquetral triquetrous triradiate triradiates tritocerebral tritocerebrum tritocerebrum tritonymph tritosternum triturate triungulin triungulinid trivial trivium trivoltine trixenic troch trochal trochalopodous trochantellus trochanter trochanteral trochantin trochi trochiform trochlea trocholophous trochophore trochosphere trochus troglobiont troglodytic troglophile trogloxene tropeic trophal trophallactic trophallaxis trophamnion trophi trophic trophidium trophobiont trophobiont trophobiosis trophobiotic trophocytes trophodisc trophogeny trophoporic trophorhinium trophosome trophotaxis trophothylax trophozooid trophus tropis tropism tropotaxis trumpet truncate truncation trunk trypsin tryptic tryptophan tryptophane T-tubule tube tube-feet tubercle tubercula tuberculate tuberculose tuberiferous tubicolous tubifacient tubule tubulus tubus tuft Tullgren tumefaction tumescence tumid tumulus tunic tunica tunicary tunicate turbinate turgid turreted turriculate tychoparthenogenesis tylasters tylenchoid tyli tyloid tyloides tylosis tylostyle tylote tylus tymbal tympanal tympanal tympanic tympanum Tyndall type typhlosole typologist typolysis typostasis
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the ability of orbital apex crowding volume measurements calculated with multidetector-computed tomography to detect dysthyroid optic neuropathy. METHODS: Ninety-three patients with Graves' orbitopathy were studied prospectively. All of the patients underwent a complete neuro-ophthalmic examination and computed tomography scanning. Volumetric measurements were calculated from axial and coronal contiguous sections using a dedicated workstation. Orbital fat and muscle volume were estimated on the basis of their attenuation values (in Hounsfield units) using measurements from the anterior orbital rim to the optic foramen. Two indexes of orbital muscle crowding were calculated: i) the volumetric crowding index, which is the ratio between soft tissue (mainly extraocular muscles) and orbital fat volume and is based on axial scans of the entire orbit; and ii) the volumetric orbital apex crowding index, which is the ratio between the extraocular muscles and orbital fat volume and is based on coronal scans of the orbital apex. Two groups of orbits (with and without dysthyroid optic neuropathy) were compared. RESULTS: One hundred and two orbits of 61 patients with Graves' orbitopathy met the inclusion criteria and were analyzed. Forty-one orbits were diagnosed with Graves' orbitopathy, and 61 orbits did not have optic neuropathy. The two groups of orbits differed significantly with regard to both of the volumetric indexes (p<0.001). Although both indexes had good discrimination ability, the volumetric orbital apex crowding index yielded the best results with 92% sensitivity, 86% specificity, 81%/94% positive/negative predictive value and 88% accuracy at a cutoff of 4.14. CONCLUSION: This study found that the orbital volumetric crowding index was a more effective predictor of dysthyroid optic neuropathy than previously described computed tomography indexes were.
This study aimed to verify the impact of inhalable particulate matter (PM10) on cancer incidence and mortality in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Statistical techniques were used to investigate the relationship between PM10 on cancer incidence and mortality in selected districts. For some types of cancer (skin, lung, thyroid, larynx, and bladder) and some periods, the correlation coefficients ranged from 0.60 to 0.80 for incidence. Lung cancer mortality showed more correlations during the overall period. Spatial analysis showed that districts distant from the city center showed higher than expected relative risk, depending on the type of cancer According to the study, urban PM10 can contribute to increased incidence of some cancers and may also contribute to increased cancer mortality. The results highlight the need to adopt measures to reduce atmospheric PM10 levels and the importance of their continuous monitoring.
Objective Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is highly prevalent in rheumatic diseases and is recognized as a new independent cardiovascular risk factor. This study was undertaken to determine the clinical significance of MetS in patients with primary antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). Methods Seventy-one primary APS patients and 73 age- and sex-matched healthy controls were included. Serum samples were tested for lipid profile, Lp(a), glucose, insulin, thyroid-stimulating hormone, free T4, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein level, and uric acid. MetS was defined by the International Diabetes Federation criteria, and insulin resistance was established using the homeostasis model assessment index. Results The prevalence of MetS was 33.8%, and further comparison between primary APS patients with and without MetS revealed that the former had a higher frequency of arterial events (79.2% versus 42.6%; P = 0.003), angina (29.2% versus 2.1%; P = 0.002), and positive lupus anticoagulant antibody (95.8% versus 76.6%; P = 0.049). In addition, primary APS patients with MetS, as expected, had a higher prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors. On multivariate analysis, only MetS was independently associated with arterial events in primary APS. Conclusion Coexistence of primary APS and MetS seems to identify a subgroup of patients with higher risk of arterial events, suggesting that MetS may aggravate existing endothelial abnormalities of primary APS.
Galectin-3 has been implicated in the tumor development via its mediation of the Wnt signaling pathway. Likewise, glycogen synthase kinase-3beta (GSK3 beta) also plays a role in the Wnt signaling pathway by controlling the levels of cytoplasmic beta-catenin. Altered GSK3 beta expression has been described in various tumors, but to date, there are no studies evaluating its expression in models of oral carcinogenesis. Additionally, it is unknown whether the absence of galectin-3 regulates the expression of GSK3 beta. To this end, Gal3-deficient (Gal3(-/-)) and wild-type (Gal3(+/+)) male mice were treated with 4NQO for 16 weeks and sacrificed at week 16 and 32. The tongues were removed, processed, and stained with H&E to detect dysplasias and carcinomas. An immunohistochemical assay was performed to determine the level of P-GSK3 beta-Ser9 expression in both groups. Carcinomas were more prevalent in Gal3(+/+) than Gal3(-/-) mice (55.5% vs. 28.5%), but no statistical difference was reached. In the dysplasias, the proportion of cells positive for P-GSK3 beta-Ser9 was slightly higher in Gal3(+/+) than Gal3(-/-) mice (63% vs. 61%). In the carcinomas, a significant difference between Gal3(+/+) and Gal3(-/-) mice was found (74% vs. 59%; p=0.02). P-GSK3 beta-Ser9-positive cells slightly decreased from the progression of dysplasias to carcinomas in Gal3(-/-) mice (61% vs. 59%; p>0.05). However, a significant increase in P-GSK3 beta-Ser9 expression was observed from dysplasias to carcinomas in Gal3(+/+) mice (63% vs. 74%; p=0.01). In conclusion, these findings suggest that fully malignant transformation of the tongue epithelium is associated with increased P-GSK3 beta-Ser9 expression in Gal3(+/+) mice, but not in Gal3(-/-) mice.
Background: Glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) is highly expressed in muscle and fat tissue, where triiodothyronine (T-3) induces solute carrier family 2 facilitated glucose transporter member 4 (SLC2A4) gene transcription. T-3 was also shown to rapidly increase glucose uptake in myocytes exposed to cycloheximide, indicating that it might act nongenomically to regulate GLUT4 availability. We tested this hypothesis by evaluating, in thyroidectomized rats (Tx rats), the acute and/or chronic T-3 effects on GLUT4 mRNA expression and polyadenylation, protein content, and trafficking to the plasma membrane (PM) in skeletal muscle, as well as on blood glucose disappearance rate (kITT) after insulin administration. Methods: Rats were surgically thyroidectomized and treated with T-3 (0.3 to 100 mu g/100 g body weight) from 10 minutes to 5 days, and killed thereafter. Sham-operated (SO) rats were used as controls. Total RNA was extracted from the skeletal muscles (soleus [SOL] and extensorum digitalis longus [EDL]) and subjected to Northern blotting analysis using rat GLUT4 cDNA probe. Total protein was extracted and subjected to specific centrifugations for subcellular fractionation, and PM as well as microsomal (M) fractions were subjected to Western blotting analysis, using anti-GLUT4 antiserum as a probe. GLUT4 mRNA polyadenylation was examined by a rapid amplification of cDNA ends-poly(A) test (RACE-PAT). Results: Thyroidectomy reduced skeletal muscle GLUT4 mRNA, mRNA poly(A) tail length, protein content, and trafficking to the PM, as well as the kITT. The acute T-3 treatment rapidly (30 minutes) increased all these parameters compared with Tx rats. The 5-day T-3 treatment increased GLUT4 mRNA and protein expression, and restored GLUT4 trafficking to the PM and kITT to SO values. Conclusions: The results presented here show for the first time that, in parallel to its transcriptional action on the SLC2A4 gene, T-3 exerts a rapid post-transcriptional effect on GLUT4 mRNA polyadenylation, which might increase transcript stability and translation efficiency, leading to the increased GLUT4 content and availability to skeletal muscle, as well as on GLUT4 translocation to the PM, improving the insulin sensitivity, as shown by the kITT.
The main causes of simple diffuse goiter (SDG) and multinodular goiter (MNG) are iodine deficiency, increase in serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) level, natural goitrogens, smoking, chronic malnutrition, and lack of selenium, iron, and zinc. Increasing evidence suggests that heredity is equally important. Treatment of SDG and MNG still focuses on L-thyroxine-suppressive therapy surgery. Radioiodine alone or preceded by recombinant human TSH stimulation is widely used in Europe and other countries. Each of these therapeutic options has advantages and disadvantages, with acute and long-term side effects.
To investigate whether there is an increased incidence of chronic autoimmune thyroiditis (CAT) in individuals living in the vicinity of industrial plants that manufacture petroleum byproducts in the state of So Paulo, Brazil. Between 1989 and 2004, 6,306 patients of both sexes, from 5 to 78 years old were divided in two groups according to their home location: Group 1: 3,356 residents living near industrial plants that manufacture petroleum byproducts (Region A), and Group 2: 2,950 residents living far from Region A in an area with predominantly steel industries (Region B). For all patients, we measured the serum levels of antithyroglobulin antibody, antithyroperoxidase antibody, triiodothyronine, thyroxine, free thyroxine and thyrostimulating hormone. Sonographic scans of the thyroid gland were also conducted. The proportion of patients with CAT coming from Region A increased from 2.5 % (5 patients with CAT/200 total patients) in 1992 to 57.6 % (106 patients with CAT/184 total patients) in 2001. This striking increase was highly significant (p < 0.001). Similar findings were not observed in Region B. The difference in the number of patients with CAT between 1989 and 2004 coming from Region A and Region B was highly significant (p < 0.001), with 905 CAT patients (83.95 %) in Region A and 173 CAT patients (16.05 %) in Region B. Our results showed a striking increase in the incidence of CAT in residents in the vicinity of large industrial plants that manufacture petroleum byproducts compared with residents living near steel industries, which opens the field to new areas of research.
Background Chyle fistulas may occur after left neck dissections that include level IV, due to injury of the thoracic duct or of 1 of its major branches. Despite being unusual, this complication carries substantial postoperative morbidity and even mortality. So far, no effective intraoperative maneuver has been reported to detect this fistula at the end of a neck dissection. In this cohort study, we sought to describe a simple new maneuver, intraoperative abdominal compression, which can effectively help to identify an open major lymphatic duct on level IV at the end of a neck dissection. Patients and Methods From March 1989 to September 2010, 206 patients underwent neck dissections involving left level IV, and underwent intraoperative abdominal compression. There were 119 men and 87 women, with ages ranging from 18 to 81 years (median, 52 years). One hundred forty-four patients had squamous cell carcinomas, 54 had thyroid carcinomas, 5 had malignant melanomas, and 3 had salivary cancers. Distribution by type of left neck dissection was: selective including levels II, III, and IV (73 cases; 35.4%), selective including levels II, III, IV, and V (55 cases; 26.6%), selective including levels I, II, III, and IV (12 cases; 5.8%), modified radical (47 cases; 22.8%), and radical (19 cases; 9.2%). In all cases, at the end of the procedure, the endotracheal tube was temporarily disconnected from the ventilator. Keeping the dissected level IV area under clear visualization, an abdominal compression was performed. At this moment, any detected lymphatic leak was carefully clamped and tied with nonabsorbable sutures. After ventilating the patient, the intraoperative abdominal compression was repeated to reassure complete occlusion of the lymphatic vessel. Results In 13 cases (6.3%), a chyle leak was detected after performing the intraoperative abdominal compression. All leaks except for 2 were successfully controlled after 1 attempt. In these 2 patients, a patch of muscle and fat tissue was applied with fibrin glue on the top. In 1 of these patients, another chyle leak in a different location was detected only at the second intraoperative abdominal compression, and was also effectively closed. Postoperatively, there were 2 (1%) chyle fistulas, both among these 13 cases, and all were successfully managed with clinical measures only. No fistulas occurred among the remaining 193 patients in whom intraoperative abdominal compression did not demonstrate lymphatic leak. Conclusion To our knowledge, this is the first description of a specific maneuver to actively detect a lymphatic fistula at the end of a left neck dissection involving level IV. In this study, intraoperative abdominal compression was able to detect an open lymphatic vessel in 6.3% of the cases, as well as to assure its effective sealing in the remaining 93.7% of the patients. Moreover, no life-threatening high-volume fistula was noted in this study. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Head Neck, 2012
Background: Thyroid hormones (THs) act genomically to stimulate glucose transport by elevating glucose transporter (Slc2a) expression and glucose utilization by cells. However, nongenomic effects of THs are now emerging. Here, we assess how triiodothyronine (T-3) acutely affects glucose transport and the content of GLUT4, GLUT1, and GLUT3 at the surface of muscle cells, and possible interactions between T-3 and insulin action. Methods: Differentiated L6 myotubes transfected with myc-tagged Slc2a4 (L6-GLUT4myc) or Slc2a1 (L6-GLUT1myc) and wild-type L6 myotubes were studied in the following conditions: control, hypothyroid (Tx), Tx plus T3, Tx plus insulin, and Tx plus insulin and T-3. Results: Glucose uptake and GLUT4 content at the cell surface decreased in the Tx group relative to controls. T-3 treatment for 30 minutes increased glucose transport into L6-GLUT4myc cells without altering surface GLUT4 content, which increased only thereafter. The total amount of GLUT4 protein remained unchanged among the groups studied. The surface GLUT1 content of L6-GLUT1myc cells also remained unaltered after T-3 treatment; however, in these cells glucose transport was not stimulated by T-3. In wild-type L6 cells, although T-3 treatment increased the total amount of GLUT3, it did not change the surface GLUT3 content. Moreover, within 30 minutes, T-3 stimulation of glucose uptake was additive to that of insulin in L6-GLUT4myc cells. As expected, insulin elevated surface GLUT4 content and glucose uptake. However, interestingly, surface GLUT4 content remained unchanged or even dropped with T-3 plus insulin. Conclusions: These data reveal that T-3 rapidly increases glucose uptake in L6-GLUT4myc cells, which, at least for 30 minutes, did not depend on an increment in GLUT4 at the cell surface yet potentiates insulin action. We propose that this rapid T-3 effect involves activation of GLUT4 transporters at the cell surface, but cannot discount the involvement of an unknown GLUT.
Background: Thyroid hormones (THs) are known to regulate protein synthesis by acting at the transcriptional level and inducing the expression of many genes. However, little is known about their role in protein expression at the post-transcriptional level, even though studies have shown enhancement of protein synthesis associated with mTOR/p70S6K activation after triiodo-l-thyronine (T3) administration. On the other hand, the effects of TH on translation initiation and polypeptidic chain elongation factors, being essential for activating protein synthesis, have been poorly explored. Therefore, considering that preliminary studies from our laboratory have demonstrated an increase in insulin content in INS-1E cells in response to T3 treatment, the aim of the present study was to investigate if proteins of translational nature might be involved in this effect. Methods: INS-1E cells were maintained in the presence or absence of T3 (10(-6) or 10(-8) M) for 12 hours. Thereafter, insulin concentration in the culture medium was determined by radioimmunoassay, and the cells were processed for Western blot detection of insulin, eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2), p-eIF2, eIF5A, EF1A, eIF4E binding protein (4E-BP), p-4E-BP, p70S6K, and p-p70S6K. Results: It was found that, in parallel with increased insulin generation, T3 induced p70S6K phosphorylation and the expression of the translational factors eIF2, eIF5A, and eukaryotic elongation factor 1 alpha (eEF1A). In contrast, total and phosphorylated 4E-BP, as well as total p70S6K and p-eIF2 content, remained unchanged after T3 treatment. Conclusions: Considering that (i) p70S6K induces S6 phosphorylation of the 40S ribosomal subunit, an essential condition for protein synthesis; (ii) eIF2 is essential for the initiation of messenger RNA translation process; and (iii) eIF5A and eEF1A play a central role in the elongation of the polypeptidic chain during the transcripts decoding, the data presented here lead us to suppose that a part of T3-induced insulin expression in INS-1E cells depends on the protein synthesis activation at the post-transcriptional level, as these proteins of the translational machinery were shown to be regulated by T3.