986 resultados para theatrical productions


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Many of hydrocarbon reserves existing in the world are formed by heavy oils (°API between 10 and 20). Moreover, several heavy oil fields are mature and, thus, offer great challenges for oil industry. Among the thermal methods used to recover these resources, steamflooding has been the main economically viable alternative. Latent heat carried by steam heats the reservoir, reducing oil viscosity and facilitating the production. This method has many variations and has been studied both theoretically and experimentally (in pilot projects and in full field applications). In order to increase oil recovery and reduce steam injection costs, the injection of alternative fluid has been used on three main ways: alternately, co-injected with steam and after steam injection interruption. The main objective of these injection systems is to reduce the amount of heat supplied to the reservoir, using cheaper fluids and maintaining the same oil production levels. This works discusses the use of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane and water as an alternative fluid to the steam. The analyzed parameters were oil recoveries and net cumulative oil productions. The reservoir simulation model corresponds to an oil reservoir of 100 m x 100 m x 28 m size, on a Cartesian coordinates system (x, y and z directions). It is a semi synthetic model with some reservoir data similar to those found in Brazilian Potiguar Basin. All studied cases were done using the simulator STARS from CMG (Computer Modelling Group, version 2009.10). It was found that waterflood after steam injection interruption achieved the highest net cumulative oil compared to other fluids injection. Moreover, it was observed that steam and alternative fluids, co-injected and alternately, did not present increase on profitability project compared with steamflooding


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The 1980s, at UFRN represented a moment of resumption of student struggles. The major goals of the student movement in this period was the fight against the authoritarian regime and for the democracy within and outside the university. In this context, events, activities, artistic and cultural productions were organized in order to make a critical policy for the procedure, trying to establish a dialogue between the university community and the population. Our work has made a research on cultural practices of the student movement in the 1980s. We did an analysis on the process of democratic transition in Brazil, the political participation of youth, their cultural practices in the country, society and politics in the RN, the student movement at UFRN and its cultural practices. We also discussed the concept of culture and cultural practices, but also pointed each of the the main activities and cultural productions organized by students of UFRN in that period. As methodological resource, were used the oral sources, the academic literature on the subject and newspaper pieces, newsletters and advertisement material of the students


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This study aims to analyze the relationship between music and religion in Max Weber s life and work, in a perspective that combines its intellectual productions in Sociology, in religion and art subfields. We developed a research in order to revisit the concept of rationalization, present in Weberian thought, and also to discuss how music and religion, as distinct spheres of life, star conflicts and alliances and build particular attitudes of action in the world, having the appearance of a rationality based on calculation in a central position to understand the construction of musical technique in the West and the autonomy of aesthetic enjoyment from religious enjoyment, previously linked. Regarding the procedure analysis, we built a symbolic cartography, according to Santos (2000), from selected works of Max Weber, as Religious rejections in the world and their directions (1982), among others. With the activity, we identified similarities and differences between music and religion in the author thoughts. We consider that the studied dimensions are important in Weberian analysis of the constitution of modern society and its cultural system, showing two distinct approaches to the issue of rationalization in the West


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Homosexuality has been gaining strength in Cinema from the late twentieth century, when there is a dissemination of freedoms around the peripheral or marginal sexualities. Based on this assumption, it was formulated in the dissertation work, an analysis of the relationship between Cinema and Sexuality in order to understand, describe, reflect and analyze possible changes around the performative behaviors of male homosexual from the introduction of them in film production, arising from the mass culture industry. These productions are located in three different decades. In this case, the Cinema has not only the reproductive character of realities, but also a producing agent and consolidating them. The methodology applied was discourse analysis of three film works, namely La Cage aux Folles (1978), In & Out (1997) and Boat Trip (2002). The image, research object of this work, is developed by a mass culture that will produce mass identities which is characterized by crystallization of clichés around the gay world


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A produção de 'Niagara Rosada' na entressafra, embora sendo uma excelente opção para os viticultores de Jales-SP, é problemática devido à dificuldade de emissão e desenvolvimento das brotações após a poda, realizada nos meses de ocorrência de temperaturas inferiores a 10ºC, o que tem causado pequenas produções e desestímulo entre os viticultores. Visando a solucionar este problema, foram conduzidos seis experimentos nos anos de 2001 e 2002, cujo objetivo foi verificar o efeito do ethephon aplicado antes da poda sobre o número de cachos, a produção e a qualidade da uva. Foram testadas as doses 0; 3; 6 e 9L.ha-1 de ethephon aplicado via foliar. Concluiu-se que o uso de ethephon proporcionou aumento do número de cachos e da produtividade de 'Niagara Rosada', especialmente quando da ocorrência de condições climáticas desfavoráveis e com satisfatório grau de enfolhamento. A utilização de ethephon na dose de 9L.ha-1 proporcionou aumento da produtividade da uva 'Niagara Rosada' na entressafra.


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The present thesis aims to get to know and to analyze the elements which make up the poetical performance of the Fandango from Canguaretama confirming/corroborating an eminently theatrical model. It still highlights the producers´ history, its asset production and its insertion in community where we had contact with two other types of performances: the daily and the ritualistic. Such actions both combine and present different meanings and objectives, promoting distinct readings and experiences. Looking at these three ways of performances poetic, daily, and ritual enabled to go deeper in cultural aspects of the studied community and, thus, check over what is going on in these events, how they accord with and conceive a popular performance context. The research could substantiate the existence of a theatrical model whose performance by means of the voice and active presence of playful bodies, implied in getting to know the consolidation of a cultural patrimony which reveals us the past, but, especially, the present, its people and its place


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The debate around the thematic of Corporate Social Responsibility - CSR involves economic, social, cultural and symbolic aspects in the relations established between company and society. In Brazilian reality, the CSR, understood as enterprise actions, external and/or internal, that contributes to social and ambient improvement, gains greater visibility in 1990 decade. Although the significant increase of theoretical productions about CSR pertinent elements, it is still scarce the studies that treats about the relation company/society in the northeastern reality, and singularly, in Rio Grande do Norte. It was in this perspective, that, in being the salt industry one of most important in the potiguar economic history formation , the present work investigated practicies and perceptions of salt entrepreneurship about CSR. Considering all the Rio Grande do Norte salt industry history phases, since the period of the Brazil s settling, as well as the characteristics of the study object, was opted to the qualitative research, objectified in interviews half-structuralized realized with the salt segment entrepreneurs, as well as professionals of ambient management and human resources working in potiguar salt segment. The research main results indicated a coexistence between the mechanisms of management seated on personal and paternalists relations, typical of traditional salt industry, and the emergency of innovative elements typical of the modern management, like the CSR. In this context, a tension between continuity and rupture with the traditional mechanisms of management in salt entrepreneurship actions


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The thesis describes parallel possibilities between the knowledge built in theatre and in Science. The narrative is constructed through a reflexive observation of the process of making a threatical play, specifically O Tempo da Chuva by Grupo Beira de Teatro , in analogy to the process of making a scientific theory, specifically the one described by Werner Heisenberg in his book Physics and Beyond: encounters and conversations . It sets a dialog with authors/actors from various areas of knowledge, such as Edgar Morin, Werner Heisenberg, René Descartes, Paul Feyerabend, Paul Caro, Juremir Machado da Silva, Maria da Conceição de Almeida, Renato Ferracini, among others. It discusses the hypothesis that Science is the process of building and the theatrical process of building a play can also be systematized, likewise science. The thesis defends, as the complexities science may suggest, a method as a strategy. Developed throughout the process, such method could only be verified at the end, when the elements of the setting of atomic physics theories and theatre were correlated. Questions such as: the place of theatre and science in our contemporary society and the political and ethical role of artists and scientists are at the episthemological basis of this narrative which we have started, but it is not even close to a conclusion


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Objetivou-se avaliar a produção e a qualidade do biogás e do biofertilizante obtidos em biodigestores abastecidos com dejetos de suínos, nas fases inicial, crescimento e terminação, alimentados com dietas formuladas à base de milho ou sorgo. Foram utilizados 20 biodigestores de bancada, com tempo de retenção hidráulica de 30 dias, e cargas diárias que continham 4,0 a 6,0% de sólidos totais (ST) e 3,6 a 5,2% de sólidos voláteis (SV). Nos efluentes dos biodigestores, foram verificados teores médios de ST variando de 1,6 a 2,0% e de SV entre 1,2 e 1,6%. As reduções médias de ST foram de 57,7 a 64,7% e de SV de 61,7 a 69,0%, sendo que houve diferença somente na fase de terminação, na qual as maiores reduções médias foram para biodigestores abastecidos com dejetos de animais alimentados com dietas à base de milho. Nos biodigestores abastecidos com dejetos de animais em fase inicial e de crescimento, alimentados com dietas formuladas à base de milho, foram verificadas maiores produções médias de biogás e os maiores potenciais médios de produção de biogás. Os potenciais médios obtidos foram 0,033; 0,181; 0,685; 0,788 e 1,132 m³ por kg de afluente, estrume, ST adicionados, SV adicionados e SV reduzidos, respectivamente. Não foram verificadas diferenças quanto ao teor médio de metano no biogás entre dietas e fases. As concentrações médias dos nutrientes N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn, Zn e Cu no afluente e efluente dos biodigestores variaram entre as dietas e fases.


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This research studies the tradition of epiphany in the community of Cipó de Baixo, which belongs to the city of Pedro II, in the state of Piauí. Readings were made seeeking to emphasize the processivity of the play that navigates between permanence and change. The study starts with a social context of the community, in dialogue with the life history of the owner of the epiphany, Raimundo Milú: strong figure who, along with his family networks, as well as networks of patronage and friendship, struggles for the resistence of the play. The description of the ceremony of Kings, with its constituent parts, punctuates the remarkable character of Cipó community epiphany. This detailed understanding of the play favors the understanding of some of the social vines that serve as the basis for the warp of this cultural practice: modernization vine, where we explore the general motivation of Cipó community epiphany transformations - modernity; family and community exchange vine, which describes the scheme that holds the permanence of the play; masculinity vine, explains the strong gender system that crosses Cipó community epiphany; reinvented tradition vine, where we locate the uniqueness of Cipó community epiphany tradition and its dialogues with modern dynamism; conflict between generation vine, depicts the differences between generations and how they contribute to the dialogue between the traditional and the new; theatrical spectacle vine, describes the play as a performative activity. Thus, we build a social scheme that analyzes the play of Kings of Cipó community as a whole, where change and continuity plan a cultural plot on their own


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The oil activities in Brazil had been started in an intensive way in the end of the 30 s and in the beginning of the 40 s. Many of the brazilians fields discovered in the past are nowadays in decline. They are called ―mature fields‖. These fields, because of the decline situation that characterizes them, are not interesting for the majors. The majors want the big fields and big productions. On the other hand, they could be interesting for the small and medium enterprises. The mature oil fields are instruments of development, they have oil and the oil production is an activity connected with many social and economics benefits: jobs, taxes, royalties, etc. The Brazilian State, in this context, needs to realize actions to promote the activities in the mature oil fields, especially with the work of the small and mediums enterprises. Many of the onshore brazilian mature fields are located at the Northeast, a region matched by many social and economic problems. The activities in the mature fields of the Northeast Region could solve some of its problems. The present research analyses the mature oil fields and its situations in Brazil, making criticisms and suggestions. The methodology adopted is theoretical and descriptive, with literature review, case law and legislation (Constituição Federal de 1988, ―Law of the Oil‖). This research examines the following points: mature fields rounds and its documents, name and definition of the mature fields, definition of small and medium enterprises, environmental aspects, concentration of certain activities of the sector and the royalties


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Avaliaram-se os efeitos da idade do animal e da proporção de volumoso nas dietas sobre a biodigestão anaeróbia dos dejetos de cabritos Saanen. Foram utilizadas as fezes produzidas por cabritos Saanen aos 90, 120 e 150 dias de idade e alimentados com dietas de três relações volumoso:concentrado (80:20, 60:40 e 40:60), representando as dietas 1, 2 e 3, respectivamente. Utilizaram-se biodigestores tipo batelada de bancada com capacidade para 12 litros de substrato em fermentação e 8% de sólidos totais iniciais para determinação das produções e dos potenciais de produção de biogás e metano, da redução de sólidos voláteis e quantificação dos teores de minerais no afluente e efluente. As maiores reduções de sólidos voláteis foram observadas nos substratos preparados com as fezes de cabritos aos 150 dias alimentados com a dieta com relação volumoso:concentrado de 40:60. Os melhores rendimentos de substrato ou fezes foram obtidos com os dejetos dos cabritos de 120 e 150 dias de idade alimentados com a dieta com relação volumoso:concentrado 40:60. As maiores concentrações de minerais nos biodigestores foram observadas para as fezes de cabritos de 150 dias de idade alimentados com a dieta com relação volumoso:concentrado 40:60. A biodigestão anaeróbia é eficiente na remoção de coliformes nos dejetos de caprinos, proporcionando efluentes com no máximo 4,3 × 10² coliformes totais termotolerantes por grama de material.


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O experimento foi realizado em Jaboticabal-SP, sob ambiente protegido, objetivando avaliar quatro substratos (Rendimax-Estufa®, areia, solo coberto com filme de polietileno preto e solo descoberto) e quatro híbridos de tomateiro tipo cereja ('Mascot', 'Gisela', 'Cheri' e 'Sweet Million'), sendo os substratos comercial e areia acondicionados em sacos plásticos. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 4 x 4, com quatro repetições. Utilizou-se irrigação por gotejamento, sendo a dotação hídrica realizada em função dos dados obtidos em um tanque Classe A. A solução nutritiva utilizada foi a recomendada por Castellane & Araújo (1995) para a cultura do tomateiro. Os frutos foram colhidos semanalmente, durante o período de 24/11/2000 a 24/01/2001, sendo avaliados o número e produtividade diária de frutos. Os cultivos em solo proporcionaram maior produção diária que no substrato comercial e em areia, para os híbridos Gisele e 'Mascot'. O híbrido 'Gisela' mostrou-se mais produtivo nos cultivos em solo, enquanto o híbrido 'Cheri', embora tenha proporcionado menores produções em peso, produziu maior número de frutos por planta. A produtividade dos tratamentos mais produtivos foi satisfatória, estando de acordo com os padrões de produção para a cultura no Brasil.