925 resultados para tensionless vaginal tape


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Estudiar los caracteres que han sido considerados femeninos y comprobar en qué medida son ciertos. Explica los caracteres corporales y la inestabilidad neurovegetativa de las mujeres, analiza los caracteres psicológicos que han sido atribuidos a las mismas, éstos son: pasividad, masoquismo, instinto maternal, emotividad, erotismo, sensibilidad, infantilismo, complejo de inferioridad, ansiedad, envidia, inmoralidad, rivalidad, pudor, narcisismo, hipocresía, hostilidad, espíritu de contradicción, derrotismo, resignación, mediocridad, fanatismo, utilitarismo, materialismo, avaricia. Y finalmente estudia las facultades intelectuales de las mujeres. 1) Los caracteres que la mujer posee independientemente de su puesto social y cultural son los corporales, la inestabilidad neurovegetativa, un especial erotismo, la sensibilidad, el infantilismo físico y el pudor. 2) Los caracteres corporales de la mujer europea presentan una diferencia clara con respecto a los del hombre. Las hormonas masculinas producen mayor musculatura mientras que las femeninas mayor adiposidad. Las diferencias funcionales no pueden suprimirse por completo, aunque sí reducirse por efecto de la educación. En resistencia vital, tradicionalmente la mujer ha superado al hombre, aunque actualmente esta diferencia se va suprimiendo, por efecto de la vida activa. 3) El organismo femenino es inestable por naturaleza. Periódicamente tiene lugar en él, una serie de trastornos relacionados con la función reproductora. Todos los meses se realiza la maduración de un óvulo acompañado de una serie de reacciones. Sube la tensión arterial antes del flujo sanguíneo y baja enseguida, aumenta la velocidad del pulso y a veces la temperatura llegando en casos hasta la fiebre. Aumenta el metabolismo basal y disminuye el número de glóbulos rojos. Las sales que transporta la sangre actúan sobre el ovario, la tiroides y la hipófisis cuya actividad ha aumentado. Esa inestabilidad de las glándulas provoca una gran fragilidad nerviosa que alcanza el sistema central. La mujer en esos días es emotiva, nerviosa e irritable. Con la fecundación esta enajenación es más profunda. Pero los desequilibrios de la mujer no desencadenan en ineptitud. 4) El papel erótico de la mujer es pasivo por naturaleza y costumbre. Tiene una doble sensualidad, la clitoriana, agresiva y la vaginal, pasiva. La madurez de la mujer lleva consigo el desarrollo del erotismo vaginal, pero sin que desaparezca del todo el clitoridiano. Quiere ser acariciada y abrazada por unos brazos fuertes y al mismo tiempo necesita acariciar algo suave y delicado. Su excitación erótica es de una intensidad y profundiad mayor que la del hombre. Pero sus resistencias morales pueden impedir la aparición del placer. El ritmo de su sexualidad no coincide con el de la masculina, tarda más en gozar y su voluptuosidad es de distinta forma. 5) Todos los autores coinciden en aplicar a la mujer una mayor sensibilidad. Se interesa más por las personas que por los hechos objetivos. Gracias a esta cualidad desarrolla gran tacto, comprensión, empatía e identificación. 6) Las demás características de la mujer no hacen más que reflejar la situación dependiente de la mujer con respecto al hombre. Alguna, como el amor maternal, no es exclusiva de la mujer, pues es una característica humana no ligada a la maternidad. En los últimos años, la mujer ha visto abierto el camino hacia nuevas funciones, aunque no ha perdido las que tenía anteriormente. Con este cambio ha desarrollado una serie de rasgos nuevos, en mayor número de los que ha perdido en esta ampliación de su campo de actividad. Entre ellos podemos contar las capacidades prácticas, confianza en sí misma y eficiencia. Además, sus intereses son más objetivos e impersonales que los de sus antepasados, acepta y actúa conforme a la moral contractual del mundo en el que se ha introducido. Confía más en su propio juicio, por lo que depende menos de la opinión ajena.


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Mejorar la calidad de enseñanza, mediante un estudio de la formación docente en Venezuela en relación con las experiencias docentes en otras latitudes. Proponer un método de innovación educativa para el perfeccionamiento docente. Seis instructores de Matemáticas de la Escuela de Educación de la Universidad de Carabobo, tres para el grupo experimental y tres para el grupo control. Método descriptivo: sobre la situación de la formación docente en Venezuela. Método comparativo: entre la situación en Venezuela y la situación en otras latitudes. Investigación aplicada: sobre técnicas de práctica docente. Propuesta de investigación experimental: para determinar la influencia de la capacitación educativa de los educadores universitarios en el rendimiento escolar. Métodos de práctica docente: microenseñanza, aplicación práctica de técnicas didácticas y revisión y modelado mediante video-tape; dramatización, representación de un hecho o fenómeno a través del desempeño de papeles teatrales; modelo WWSC, programa clínico basado en una serie de cursos-laboratorio; modelo Universidad de California, simulación de problemas reales de enseñanza que enfatizan la función de toma de decisiones del educador; modelo de clínica de enseñanza, trabajo en grupo de profesores para asistir a cada miembro del grupo en el mejoramiento de sus destrezas de enseñanza. No existe por parte de las instituciones una política tendente a instrumentar la capacitación pedagógica de los profesionales que ingresan en universidades o centros superiores. Todo plan de estudios de formación de docentes debería comprender: estudios generales; aplicación de las Ciencias Humanas y Sociales a la educación; estudios específicos sobre el campo en que se ejerce la docencia; práctica de la enseñanza; métodos innovadores de formación docente, microenseñanza, dramatización, modelo WWSC, modelo Universidad de California, modelo clínica de enseñanza; propuesta de método tridimensional, que consiste en utilizar la microenseñanza aplicada a la práctica docente tradicional. Consta de tres partes: Seminario de metodología de la enseñanza; Curso de capacitación pedagógica para educadores universitarios; Proyecto de investigación evaluativo. Comparando la práctica docente en Venezuela con la de otros países latinoamericanos podemos concluir que el estado actual de la práctica docente en ambos casos es tradicional. La microenseñanza por sí sola estaría limitada, ya que da una idea de la enseñanza como actividad compuesta de pequeños casos aislados, cuando en realidad es una actividad compleja donde una técnica no tiene valor sino es vista en su contexto. Con el método tridimensional se trata de proporcionar al estudiante docente el mayor número de experiencias para que logre integrar el componente teórico con el práctico, permitiéndole alcanzar mayor efectividad, sensibilización y destreza para el ejercicio profesional.


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Cette communication se propose d’en présenter la première étape qui concerne des professeursstagiaires en formation initiale. Après avoir décrit l’activité, nous en analyserons la mise en pratique dans deux dispositifs de formation. Pour ce faire, nous avons élaboré des indicateurs de reconnaissance de la transformation de l’activité du professeur débutant (Garcia-Debanc, 2009; Cogis, Elalouf, Brinker, 2009). En conclusion, nous tenterons de préciser quelques-unes des conditions d’une appropriation potentiellement réussie


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Aquesta tesi està centrada en l'estudi dels períodes de regressió i transició. A partir dels treballs de van de Rijt-Plooij & Plooij (1992) sobre els períodes de regressió, l'autor analitza les característiques comportamentals d'aquests períodes i la relació que tenen amb els períodes de transició. Els períodes de regressió s'entenen com uns moments del desenvolupament durant els quals els nens perden la homeostasi del seu organisme i manifesten una sèrie de conductes pertorbadores per a la mare. El matrimoni Plooij manté que els períodes de regressió són la manifestació de les reorganitzacions cerebrals que tenen lloc durant el període postnatal, i constitueixen la base de les noves habilitats que el nen va adquirint. Així, doncs, l'augment de l'atenció que la mare dispensa al nen durant els períodes de regressió esdevé una font estimular imprescindible en els processos d'educació i culturalització de l'infant. Per tant, els períodes de regressió estan íntimament relacionats amb els períodes durant els quals apareixen nous comportaments qualitativament diferents dels anteriors, que es manifesten de forma ràpida i sobtada, permetent una certa sistematització del procés evolutiu, per la qual cosa s'han denominat transicions. Van de Rijt-Plooij & Plooij, i també nosaltres, considerem que els períodes de regressió són índexs dels períodes de transició. Per aquesta raó també s'han denominar reprogressions. Tanmateix, els períodes de regressió es poden convertir en una font de conflictes que, en situació de risc, poden degenerar en maltractament infantil i, fins i tot, esdevenir el germen de possibles patogènies. Com veiem, els conceptes de període de regressió i transició es troben a l'encreuament entre la fisiologia, la psicologia i la psicopatologia del desenvolupament i, el seu estudi establiria un pont interdisciplinar que contribuiria a la construcció d'un model biopsicosocial del desenvolupament. Els objectius del nostre estudi varen ser comprovar si els períodes descrits per van de Rijt-Plooij i Plooij (1992) també els podem observar en un grup de nens de la població catalana sense problemes socio-econòmics o sanitaris aparents. Per altra banda, vàrem voler comprovar si els períodes de regressió tenen relació amb els períodes de transició. El disseny d'investigació correspon a un model longitudinal i transversal. Es varen seguir -mitjançant entrevistes, qüestionaris i observacions- vint diades mare-nen durant catorze mesos, repartides en quatre cohorts de cinc diades cada una d'elles. Partint d'uns criteris establerts a priori per a la categorització dels períodes de regressió i transició, vàrem estudiar la temporalitat d'ambdós tipus de períodes. També s'ha aprofundit sobre les característiques comportamentals i dinàmiques dels períodes de regressió. Respecte les dades, els percentatges màxims dels períodes de regressió del nostre grup d'estudi han aparegut a les setmanes: 5, 8, 12-13, 18, 26-27, 35, 43 i 52. La mitjana setmanal de cada període ha sigut de dues setmanes. Les nostres dades confirmen les obtingudes en la investigació de van de Rijt-Plooij & Plooij. Tanmateix, també hem trobat diferències (els períodes de regressió de l'estudi holandès són més llargs i coincideixen més) que ens suggereixen que la cultura podrien estar actuant en la forma de presentació del períodes de regressió. Pel que fa a la relació entre els períodes de regressió i l'emergència de nous comportaments (períodes de transició), els resultats mostren que les freqüències màximes dels períodes de regressió sempre es troben poques setmanes abans de les freqüències màximes dels períodes de transició. Per tant, és possible que els períodes de regressió siguin indicadors dels períodes de transició.


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Com o presente trabalho, pretendeu realizar-se um resumo bibliográfico, seguido de um estudo de campo, contribuindo para uma melhor identificação da metrite puerperal, dos factores responsáveis pelo seu desenvolvimento, bem como das consequências que diariamente provoca nas explorações de bovinos leiteiros em Portugal. O estudo foi realizado numa exploração leiteira de grande dimensão, e contou com uma amostragem de 202 animais que completaram a gestação entre final de Outubro e fim de Fevereiro e que foram sujeitos a um exame de monitorização das vacas recém-paridas. Durante o exame, foi possível observar a metrite puerperal em 37,8% das vacas. Constatou-se também que a palpação vaginal é um método extremamente eficaz, prático e útil na detecção da metrite puerperal em explorações de grandes dimensões. Na análise dos factores de risco, constatou-se que a incidência da metrite não se encontrou significativamente correlacionada com o número de lactações, com o período do ano em que se diagnosticou a metrite, com os partos distócicos ou com a retenção placentária. Ao dia 30-37 pp., os animais com metrite puerperal tiveram maior probabilidade de desenvolver endometrite clínica. As vacas com metrite puerperal também apresentaram menor quantidade de leite produzido, e afectaram a performance reprodutiva com um aumento do intervalo parto-concepção, do número serviços até concepção e com diminuição da taxa de animais gestantes ao 1º serviço.


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[ 1] The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) 40-year Reanalysis (ERA-40) ozone and water vapor reanalysis fields during the 1990s have been compared with independent satellite data from the Halogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE) and Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) instruments on board the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS). In addition, ERA-40 has been compared with aircraft data from the Measurements of Ozone and Water Vapour by Airbus In-Service Aircraft (MOZAIC) program. Overall, in comparison with the values derived from the independent observations, the upper stratosphere in ERA-40 has about 5 - 10% more ozone and 15 - 20% less water vapor. This dry bias in the reanalysis appears to be global and extends into the middle stratosphere down to 40 hPa. Most of the discrepancies and seasonal variations between ERA-40 and the independent observations occur within the upper troposphere over the tropics and the lower stratosphere over the high latitudes. ERA-40 reproduces a weaker Antarctic ozone hole, and of less vertical extent, than the independent observations; values in the ozone maximum in the tropical stratosphere are lower for the reanalysis. ERA-40 mixing ratios of water vapor are considerably larger than those for MOZAIC, typically by 20% in the tropical upper troposphere, and they may exceed 60% in the lower stratosphere over high latitudes. The results imply that the Brewer-Dobson circulation in the ECMWF reanalysis system is too fast, as is also evidenced by deficiencies in the way ERA-40 reproduces the water vapor "tape recorder'' signal in the tropical stratosphere. Finally, the paper examines the biases and their temporal variation during the 1990s in the way ERA-40 compares to the independent observations. We also discuss how the evaluation results depend on the instrument used, as well as on the version of the data.


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Purpose This work probed the topical delivery and skin-staining properties of a novel co-drug, naproxyl-dithranol (Nap-DTH), which comprises anti-inflammatory (naproxen) and anti-proliferative (dithranol) moieties. Method Freshly excised, full-thickness porcine ear skin was dosed with saturated solutions of the compounds. After 24 h, the skin was recovered and used to prepare comparative depth profiles by the tape-stripping technique and to examine the extent of skin staining. Results Depth profiles showed that Nap-DTH led to a 5-fold increase in drug retention in the skin compared to dithranol. The application of Nap-DTH also demonstrated improved stability, resulting in lower levels of dithranol degradation products in the skin. Furthermore, significantly less naproxen from hydrolysed Nap-DTH permeated into the receptor phase compared to naproxen when applied alone (0.08 ± 0.03 nmol cm-² and 180 ± 60 nmol cm-², respectively). Moreover, the reduced staining of the skin was very apparent for Nap-DTH compared to dithranol. Conclusions Topical delivery of Nap-DTH not only improves the delivery of naproxen and dithranol, but also reduces unwanted effects of the parent moieties, in particular the skin staining, which is a major issue concerning the use of dithranol.


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The management of straw residue can be a concern in non-inversion tillage systems where straw tends to be incorporated at shallow depths or left on the soil surface. This can lead to poor crop establishment because straw residue can impede or hinder crop emergence and growth. Small container-based experiments were undertaken using varying amounts of wheat straw residue either incorporated or placed oil the soil surface. The effects on (lays to seedling emergence, percentage emergence, seedling dry-weight and soil temperature using sugar beet and oilseed rape were investigated because these crops often follow wheat in a cropping sequence. The position of the straw residue was found to be the primary factor in reducing crop emergence and growth. Increasing the amount of straw residue (from 3.3 t ha(-1) to 6.7 t ha(-1)) did not show any consistent trends in reducing crop emergence or growth. However, in some instances, results indicated that an interaction between the position and the amount of straw residue Occurred particularly when the straw and seed was placed on the soil surface. Straw placed on the soil surface significantly reduced mean day-time soil temperature by approximately 2.5 degrees C compared to no residue. When the seed and straw was placed on the soil Surface a lack of seed-to-soil contact caused a reduction in emergence by approximately 30% because of the restriction in available moisture that limited the ability for seed imbibition. This trend was reversed when the seed was placed in the soil, but with straw residue still on the soil surface, because the surface straw was likely to reduce moisture evaporation and improved seed-to-soil contact that led to rapid emergence. In general, when straw was mixed in or placed on the soil surface along with the seed, sugar beet and oilseed rape emergence and early growth biomass was significantly restricted by approximately 50% compared to no residue. The consequences of placing seed with or near to straw residue have been shown to cause a restriction in crop establishment. In both oilseed tape and sugar beet, this could lead to a reduction in final crop densities, poor, uneven growth and potentially lower yields that could lower financial margins. Therefore, if farmers are planning to use non-inversion tillage methods for crop establishment, the management and removal of straw residue from near or above the seed is considered important for successful crop establishment. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Environmental conditions during the early life stages of birds can have significant effects on the quality of sexual signals in adulthood, especially song, and these ultimately have consequences for breeding success and fitness. This has wide-ranging implications for the rehabilitation protocols undertaken in wildlife hospitals which aim to return captive-reared animals to their natural habitat. Here we review the current literature on bird song development and learning in order to determine the potential impact that the rearing of juvenile songbirds in captivity can have on rehabilitation success. We quantify the effects of reduced learning on song structure and relate this to the possible effects on an individual's ability to defend a territory or attract a mate. We show the importance of providing a conspecific auditory model for birds to learn from in the early stages post-fledging, either via live- or tape-tutoring and provide suggestions for tutoring regimes. We also highlight the historical focus on learning in a few model species that has left an information gap in our knowledge for most species reared at wildlife hospitals.


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Objectives: To assess the potential source of variation that surgeon may add to patient outcome in a clinical trial of surgical procedures. Methods: Two large (n = 1380) parallel multicentre randomized surgical trials were undertaken to compare laparoscopically assisted hysterectomy with conventional methods of abdominal and vaginal hysterectomy; involving 43 surgeons. The primary end point of the trial was the occurrence of at least one major complication. Patients were nested within surgeons giving the data set a hierarchical structure. A total of 10% of patients had at least one major complication, that is, a sparse binary outcome variable. A linear mixed logistic regression model (with logit link function) was used to model the probability of a major complication, with surgeon fitted as a random effect. Models were fitted using the method of maximum likelihood in SAS((R)). Results: There were many convergence problems. These were resolved using a variety of approaches including; treating all effects as fixed for the initial model building; modelling the variance of a parameter on a logarithmic scale and centring of continuous covariates. The initial model building process indicated no significant 'type of operation' across surgeon interaction effect in either trial, the 'type of operation' term was highly significant in the abdominal trial, and the 'surgeon' term was not significant in either trial. Conclusions: The analysis did not find a surgeon effect but it is difficult to conclude that there was not a difference between surgeons. The statistical test may have lacked sufficient power, the variance estimates were small with large standard errors, indicating that the precision of the variance estimates may be questionable.


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This paper shows the process of the virtual production development of the mechanical connection between the top leaf of a dual composite leaf spring system to a shackle using finite element methods. The commercial FEA package MSC/MARC has been used for the analysis. In the original design the joint was based on a closed eye-end. Full scale testing results showed that this configuration achieved the vertical proof load of 150 kN and 1 million cycles of fatigue load. However, a problem with delamination occurred at the interface between the fibres going around the eye and the main leaf body. To overcome this problem, a second design was tried using transverse bandages of woven glass fibre reinforced tape to wrap the section that is prone to delaminate. In this case, the maximum interlaminar shear stress was reduced by a certain amount but it was still higher than the material’s shear strength. Based on the fact that, even with delamination, the top leaf spring still sustained the maximum static and fatigue loads required, the third design was proposed with an open eye-end, eliminating altogether the interface where the maximum shear stress occurs. The maximum shear stress predicted by FEA is reduced significantly and a safety factor of around 2 has been obtained. Thus, a successful and safe design has been achieved.


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On August 2931, 2004, 84 academic and industry scientists from 16 countries gathered in Copper Mountain, Colorado USA to discuss certain issues at the forefront of the science of probiotics and prebiotics. The format for this invitation only meeting included six featured lectures: engineering human vaginal lactobacilli to express HIV inhibitory molecules (Peter Lee, Stanford University), programming the gut for health (Thaddeus Stappenbeck, Washington University School of Medicine), immune modulation by intestinal helminthes (Joel Weinstock, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics), hygiene as a cause of autoimmune disorders (G. A. Rook, University College London), prebiotics and bone health (Connie Weaver, Purdue University) and prebiotics and colorectal cancer risk (Ian Rowland, Northern Ireland Centre for Food and Health). In addition, all participants were included in one of eight discussion groups on the topics of engineered probiotics, host-commensal bacteria communication, 'omics' technologies, hygiene and immune regulation, biomarkers for healthy people, prebiotic and probiotic applications to companion animals, development of a probiotic dossier, and physiological relevance of prebiotic activity. Brief conclusions from these discussion groups are summarized in this paper.


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The inaugural meeting of the International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) was held May 3 to May 5 2002 in London, Ontario, Canada. A group of 63 academic and industrial scientists from around the world convened to discuss current issues in the science of probiotics and prebiotics. ISAPP is a non-profit organization comprised of international scientists whose intent is to strongly support and improve the levels of scientific integrity and due diligence associated with the study, use, and application of probiotics and prebiotics. In addition, ISAPP values its role in facilitating communication with the public and healthcare providers and among scientists in related fields on all topics pertinent to probiotics and prebiotics. It is anticipated that such efforts will lead to development of approaches and products that are optimally designed for the improvement of human and animal health and well being. This article is a summary of the discussions, conclusions, and recommendations made by 8 working groups convened during the first ISAPP workshop focusing on the topics of: definitions, intestinal flora, extra-intestinal sites, immune function, intestinal disease, cancer, genetics and genomics, and second generation prebiotics. Humans have evolved in symbiosis with an estimated 1014 resident microorganisms. However, as medicine has widely defined and explored the perpetrators of disease, including those of microbial origin, it has paid relatively little attention to the microbial cells that constitute the most abundant life forms associated with our body. Microbial metabolism in humans and animals constitutes an intense biochemical activity in the body, with profound repercussions for health and disease. As understanding of the human genome constantly expands, an important opportunity will arise to better determine the relationship between microbial populations within the body and host factors (including gender, genetic background, and nutrition) and the concomitant implications for health and improved quality of life. Combined human and microbial genetic studies will determine how such interactions can affect human health and longevity, which communication systems are used, and how they can be influenced to benefit the host. Probiotics are defined as live microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host.1 The probiotic concept dates back over 100 years, but only in recent times have the scientific knowledge and tools become available to properly evaluate their effects on normal health and well being, and their potential in preventing and treating disease. A similar situation exists for prebiotics, defined by this group as non-digestible substances that provide a beneficial physiological effect on the host by selectively stimulating the favorable growth or activity of a limited number of indigenous bacteria. Prebiotics function complementary to, and possibly synergistically with, probiotics. Numerous studies are providing insights into the growth and metabolic influence of these microbial nutrients on health. Today, the science behind the function of probiotics and prebiotics still requires more stringent deciphering both scientifically and mechanistically. The explosion of publications and interest in probiotics and prebiotics has resulted in a body of collective research that points toward great promise. However, this research is spread among such a diversity of organisms, delivery vehicles (foods, pills, and supplements), and potential health targets such that general conclusions cannot easily be made. Nevertheless, this situation is rapidly changing on a number of important fronts. With progress over the past decade on the genetics of lactic acid bacteria and the recent, 2,3 and pending, 4 release of complete genome sequences for major probiotic species, the field is now armed with detailed information and sophisticated microbiological and bioinformatic tools. Similarly, advances in biotechnology could yield new probiotics and prebiotics designed for enhanced or expanded functionality. The incorporation of genetic tools within a multidisciplinary scientific platform is expected to reveal the contributions of commensals, probiotics, and prebiotics to general health and well being and explicitly identify the mechanisms and corresponding host responses that provide the basis for their positive roles and associated claims. In terms of human suffering, the need for effective new approaches to prevent and treat disease is paramount. The need exists not only to alleviate the significant mortality and morbidity caused by intestinal diseases worldwide (especially diarrheal diseases in children), but also for infections at non-intestinal sites. This is especially worthy of pursuit in developing nations where mortality is too often the outcome of food and water borne infection. Inasmuch as probiotics and prebiotics are able to influence the populations or activities of commensal microflora, there is evidence that they can also play a role in mitigating some diseases. 5,6 Preliminary support that probiotics and prebiotics may be useful as intervention in conditions including inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, allergy, cancer (especially colorectal cancer of which 75% are associated with diet), vaginal and urinary tract infections in women, kidney stone disease, mineral absorption, and infections caused by Helicobacter pylori is emerging. Some metabolites of microbes in the gut may also impact systemic conditions ranging from coronary heart disease to cognitive function, suggesting the possibility that exogenously applied microbes in the form of probiotics, or alteration of gut microecology with prebiotics, may be useful interventions even in these apparently disparate conditions. Beyond these direct intervention targets, probiotic cultures can also serve in expanded roles as live vehicles to deliver biologic agents (vaccines, enzymes, and proteins) to targeted locations within the body. The economic impact of these disease conditions in terms of diagnosis, treatment, doctor and hospital visits, and time off work exceeds several hundred billion dollars. The quality of life impact is also of major concern. Probiotics and prebiotics offer plausible opportunities to reduce the morbidity associated with these conditions. The following addresses issues that emerged from 8 workshops (Definitions, Intestinal Flora, Extra-Intestinal Sites, Immune Function, Intestinal Disease, Cancer, Genomics, and Second Generation Prebiotics), reflecting the current scientific state of probiotics and prebiotics. This is not a comprehensive review, however the study emphasizes pivotal knowledge gaps, and recommendations are made as to the underlying scientific and multidisciplinary studies that will be required to advance our understanding of the roles and impact of prebiotics, probiotics, and the commensal microflora upon health and disease management.


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The iRODS system, created by the San Diego Supercomputing Centre, is a rule oriented data management system that allows the user to create sets of rules to define how the data is to be managed. Each rule corresponds to a particular action or operation (such as checksumming a file) and the system is flexible enough to allow the user to create new rules for new types of operations. The iRODS system can interface to any storage system (provided an iRODS driver is built for that system) and relies on its’ metadata catalogue to provide a virtual file-system that can handle files of any size and type. However, some storage systems (such as tape systems) do not handle small files efficiently and prefer small files to be packaged up (or “bundled”) into larger units. We have developed a system that can bundle small data files of any type into larger units - mounted collections. The system can create collection families and contains its’ own extensible metadata, including metadata on which family the collection belongs to. The mounted collection system can work standalone and is being incorporated into the iRODS system to enhance the systems flexibility to handle small files. In this paper we describe the motivation for creating a mounted collection system, its’ architecture and how it has been incorporated into the iRODS system. We describe different technologies used to create the mounted collection system and provide some performance numbers.


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Both airborne spores of Rhynchosporium secalis and seed infection have been implied as major sources of primary inoculum for barley leaf blotch (scald) epidemics in fields without previous history of barley cropping. However, little is known about their relative importance in the onset of disease. Results from both quantitative real-time PCR and visual assessments indicated that seed infection was the main source of inoculum in the field trial conducted in this study. Glasshouse studies established that the pathogen can be transmitted from infected seeds into roots, shoots and leaves without causing symptoms. Plants in the field trial remained symptomless for approximately four months before symptoms were observed in the crop. Covering the crop during part of the growing season was shown to prevent pathogen growth, despite the use of infected seed, indicating that changes in the physiological condition of the plant and/or environmental conditions may trigger disease development. However, once the disease appeared in the field it quickly became uniform throughout the cropping area. Only small amounts of R. secalis DNA were measured in 24 h spore-trap tape samples using PCR. Inoculum levels equivalent to spore concentrations between 30 and 60 spores per m3 of air were only detected on three occasions during the growing season. The temporal pattern and level of detection of R. secalis DNA in spore tape samples indicated that airborne inoculum was limited and most likely represented rain-splashed conidia rather than putative ascospores.