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We consider a binary Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) described by a system of two-dimensional (2D) Gross-Pitaevskii equations with the harmonic-oscillator trapping potential. The intraspecies interactions are attractive, while the interaction between the species may have either sign. The same model applies to the copropagation of bimodal beams in photonic-crystal fibers. We consider a family of trapped hidden-vorticity (HV) modes in the form of bound states of two components with opposite vorticities S(1,2) = +/- 1, the total angular momentum being zero. A challenging problem is the stability of the HV modes. By means of a linear-stability analysis and direct simulations, stability domains are identified in a relevant parameter plane. In direct simulations, stable HV modes feature robustness against large perturbations, while unstable ones split into fragments whose number is identical to the azimuthal index of the fastest growing perturbation eigenmode. Conditions allowing for the creation of the HV modes in the experiment are discussed too. For comparison, a similar but simpler problem is studied in an analytical form, viz., the modulational instability of an HV state in a one-dimensional (1D) system with periodic boundary conditions (this system models a counterflow in a binary BEC mixture loaded into a toroidal trap or a bimodal optical beam coupled into a cylindrical shell). We demonstrate that the stabilization of the 1D HV modes is impossible, which stresses the significance of the stabilization of the HV modes in the 2D setting.
A search for depletion of the combined flux of active neutrino species over a 735 km baseline is reported using neutral-current interaction data recorded by the MINOS detectors in the NuMI neutrino beam. Such a depletion is not expected according to conventional interpretations of neutrino oscillation data involving the three known neutrino flavors. A depletion would be a signature of oscillations or decay to postulated noninteracting sterile neutrinos, scenarios not ruled out by existing data. From an exposure of 3.18 x 10(20) protons on target in which neutrinos of energies between similar to 500 MeV and 120 GeV are produced predominantly as nu(mu), the visible energy spectrum of candidate neutral-current reactions in the MINOS far detector is reconstructed. Comparison of this spectrum to that inferred from a similarly selected near-detector sample shows that of the portion of the nu(mu) flux observed to disappear in charged-current interaction data, the fraction that could be converting to a sterile state is less than 52% at 90% confidence level (C. L.). The hypothesis that active neutrinos mix with a single sterile neutrino via oscillations is tested by fitting the data to various models. In the particular four-neutrino models considered, the mixing angles theta(24) and theta(34) are constrained to be less than 11 degrees and 56 degrees at 90% C. L., respectively. The possibility that active neutrinos may decay to sterile neutrinos is also investigated. Pure neutrino decay without oscillations is ruled out at 5.4 standard deviations. For the scenario in which active neutrinos decay into sterile states concurrently with neutrino oscillations, a lower limit is established for the neutrino decay lifetime tau(3)/m(3) > 2.1 x 10(-12) s/eV at 90% C.L.
Measurements of double-helicity asymmetries in inclusive hadron production in polarized p + p collisions are sensitive to helicity-dependent parton distribution functions, in particular, to the gluon helicity distribution, Delta g. This study focuses on the extraction of the double-helicity asymmetry in eta production ((p) over right arrow + (p) over right arrow -> eta + X), the eta cross section, and the eta/pi(0) cross section ratio. The cross section and ratio measurements provide essential input for the extraction of fragmentation functions that are needed to access the helicity-dependent parton distribution functions.
We consider a simple Maier-Saupe statistical model with the inclusion of disorder degrees of freedom to mimic the phase diagram of a mixture of rodlike and disklike molecules. A quenched distribution of shapes leads to a phase diagram with two uniaxial and a biaxial nematic structure. A thermalized distribution, however, which is more adequate to liquid mixtures, precludes the stability of this biaxial phase. We then use a two-temperature formalism, and assume a separation of relaxation times, to show that a partial degree of annealing is already sufficient to stabilize a biaxial nematic structure.
The PHENIX experiment has measured the suppression of semi-inclusive single high-transverse-momentum pi(0)'s in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. The present understanding of this suppression is in terms of energy loss of the parent (fragmenting) parton in a dense color-charge medium. We have performed a quantitative comparison between various parton energy-loss models and our experimental data. The statistical point-to-point uncorrelated as well as correlated systematic uncertainties are taken into account in the comparison. We detail this methodology and the resulting constraint on the model parameters, such as the initial color-charge density dN(g)/dy, the medium transport coefficient <(q) over cap >, or the initial energy-loss parameter epsilon(0). We find that high-transverse-momentum pi(0) suppression in Au+Au collisions has sufficient precision to constrain these model-dependent parameters at the +/- 20-25% (one standard deviation) level. These constraints include only the experimental uncertainties, and further studies are needed to compute the corresponding theoretical uncertainties.
We propose and analyze two different Bayesian online algorithms for learning in discrete Hidden Markov Models and compare their performance with the already known Baldi-Chauvin Algorithm. Using the Kullback-Leibler divergence as a measure of generalization we draw learning curves in simplified situations for these algorithms and compare their performances.
The lightest supersymmetric particle may decay with branching ratios that correlate with neutrino oscillation parameters. In this case the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has the potential to probe the atmospheric neutrino mixing angle with sensitivity competitive to its low-energy determination by underground experiments. Under realistic detection assumptions, we identify the necessary conditions for the experiments at CERN's LHC to probe the simplest scenario for neutrino masses induced by minimal supergravity with bilinear R parity violation.
We study the potential of the CERN large hadron collider to probe the spin of new massive vector boson resonances predicted by Higgsless models. We consider its production via weak boson fusion which relies only on the coupling between the new resonances and the weak gauge bosons. We show that the large hadron collider will be able to unravel the spin of the particles associated with the partial restoration of unitarity in vector boson scattering for integrated luminosities of 150-560 fb(-1), depending on the new state mass and on the method used in the analyses.
Cross sections of (120)Sn(alpha,alpha)(120)Sn elastic scattering have been extracted from the alpha-particle-beam contamination of a recent (120)Sn((6)He,(6)He)(120)Sn experiment. Both reactions are analyzed using systematic double-folding potentials in the real part and smoothly varying Woods-Saxon potentials in the imaginary part. The potential extracted from the (120)Sn((6)He,(6)He)(120)Sn data may be used as the basis for the construction of a simple global (6)He optical potential. The comparison of the (6)He and alpha data shows that the halo nature of the (6)He nucleus leads to a clear signature in the reflexion coefficients eta(L) : The relevant angular momenta L with eta(L) >> 0 and eta(L) << 1 are shifted to larger L with a broader distribution. This signature is not present in the alpha-scattering data and can thus be used as a new criterion for the definition of a halo nucleus.
We show that the common singularities present in generic modified gravity models governed by actions of the type S = integral d(4)x root-gf(R, phi, X). with X = -1/2 g(ab)partial derivative(a)phi partial derivative(b)phi, are essentially the same anisotropic instabilities associated to the hypersurface F(phi) = 0 in the case of a nonminimal coupling of the type F(phi)R, enlightening the physical origin of such singularities that typically arise in rather complex and cumbersome inhomogeneous perturbation analyses. We show, moreover, that such anisotropic instabilities typically give rise to dynamically unavoidable singularities, precluding completely the possibility of having physically viable models for which the hypersurface partial derivative f/partial derivative R = 0 is attained. Some examples are explicitly discussed.
Multispectral widefield optical imaging has the potential to improve early detection of oral cancer. The appropriate selection of illumination and collection conditions is required to maximize diagnostic ability. The goals of this study were to (i) evaluate image contrast between oral cancer/precancer and non-neoplastic mucosa for a variety of imaging modalities and illumination/collection conditions, and (ii) use classification algorithms to evaluate and compare the diagnostic utility of these modalities to discriminate cancers and precancers from normal tissue. Narrowband reflectance, autofluorescence, and polarized reflectance images were obtained from 61 patients and 11 normal volunteers. Image contrast was compared to identify modalities and conditions yielding greatest contrast. Image features were extracted and used to train and evaluate classification algorithms to discriminate tissue as non-neoplastic, dysplastic, or cancer; results were compared to histologic diagnosis. Autofluorescence imaging at 405-nm excitation provided the greatest image contrast, and the ratio of red-to-green fluorescence intensity computed from these images provided the best classification of dysplasia/cancer versus non-neoplastic tissue. A sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 85% were achieved in the validation set. Multispectral widefield images can accurately distinguish neoplastic and non-neoplastic tissue; however, the ability to separate precancerous lesions from cancers with this technique was limited. (C) 2010 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. [DOI: 10.1117/1.3516593]
In one-component Abelian sandpile models, the toppling probabilities are independent quantities. This is not the case in multicomponent models. The condition of associativity of the underlying Abelian algebras imposes nonlinear relations among the toppling probabilities. These relations are derived for the case of two-component quadratic Abelian algebras. We show that Abelian sandpile models with two conservation laws have only trivial avalanches.
With each directed acyclic graph (this includes some D-dimensional lattices) one can associate some Abelian algebras that we call directed Abelian algebras (DAAs). On each site of the graph one attaches a generator of the algebra. These algebras depend on several parameters and are semisimple. Using any DAA, one can define a family of Hamiltonians which give the continuous time evolution of a stochastic process. The calculation of the spectra and ground-state wave functions (stationary state probability distributions) is an easy algebraic exercise. If one considers D-dimensional lattices and chooses Hamiltonians linear in the generators, in finite-size scaling the Hamiltonian spectrum is gapless with a critical dynamic exponent z=D. One possible application of the DAA is to sandpile models. In the paper we present this application, considering one- and two-dimensional lattices. In the one-dimensional case, when the DAA conserves the number of particles, the avalanches belong to the random walker universality class (critical exponent sigma(tau)=3/2). We study the local density of particles inside large avalanches, showing a depletion of particles at the source of the avalanche and an enrichment at its end. In two dimensions we did extensive Monte-Carlo simulations and found sigma(tau)=1.780 +/- 0.005.
The structure of laser glasses in the system (Y(2)O(3))(0.2){(Al(2)O(3))(x))(B(2)O(3))(0.8-x)} (0.15 <= x <= 0.40) has been investigated by means of (11)B, (27)Al, and (89)Y solid state NMR as well as electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) of Yb-doped samples. The latter technique has been applied for the first time to an aluminoborate glass system. (11)B magic-angle spinning (MAS)-NMR spectra reveal that, while the majority of the boron atoms are three-coordinated over the entire composition region, the fraction of three-coordinated boron atoms increases significantly with increasing x. Charge balance considerations as well as (11)B NMR lineshape analyses suggest that the dominant borate species are predominantly singly charged metaborate (BO(2/2)O(-)), doubly charged pyroborate (BO(1/2)(O(-))(2)), and (at x = 0.40) triply charged orthoborate groups. As x increases along this series, the average anionic charge per trigonal borate group increases from 1.38 to 2.91. (27)Al MAS-NMR spectra show that the alumina species are present in the coordination states four, five and six, and the fraction of four-coordinated Al increases markedly with increasing x. All of the Al coordination states are in intimate contact with both the three-and the four-coordinate boron species and vice versa, as indicated by (11)B/(27)Al rotational echo double resonance (REDOR) data. These results are consistent with the formation of a homogeneous, non-segregated glass structure. (89)Y solid state NMR spectra show a significant chemical shift trend, reflecting that the second coordination sphere becomes increasingly ""aluminate-like'' with increasing x. This conclusion is supported by electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) data of Yb-doped glasses, which indicate that both borate and aluminate species participate in the medium range structure of the rare-earth ions, consistent with a random spatial distribution of the glass components.
Thanks to recent advances in molecular biology, allied to an ever increasing amount of experimental data, the functional state of thousands of genes can now be extracted simultaneously by using methods such as cDNA microarrays and RNA-Seq. Particularly important related investigations are the modeling and identification of gene regulatory networks from expression data sets. Such a knowledge is fundamental for many applications, such as disease treatment, therapeutic intervention strategies and drugs design, as well as for planning high-throughput new experiments. Methods have been developed for gene networks modeling and identification from expression profiles. However, an important open problem regards how to validate such approaches and its results. This work presents an objective approach for validation of gene network modeling and identification which comprises the following three main aspects: (1) Artificial Gene Networks (AGNs) model generation through theoretical models of complex networks, which is used to simulate temporal expression data; (2) a computational method for gene network identification from the simulated data, which is founded on a feature selection approach where a target gene is fixed and the expression profile is observed for all other genes in order to identify a relevant subset of predictors; and (3) validation of the identified AGN-based network through comparison with the original network. The proposed framework allows several types of AGNs to be generated and used in order to simulate temporal expression data. The results of the network identification method can then be compared to the original network in order to estimate its properties and accuracy. Some of the most important theoretical models of complex networks have been assessed: the uniformly-random Erdos-Renyi (ER), the small-world Watts-Strogatz (WS), the scale-free Barabasi-Albert (BA), and geographical networks (GG). The experimental results indicate that the inference method was sensitive to average degree k variation, decreasing its network recovery rate with the increase of k. The signal size was important for the inference method to get better accuracy in the network identification rate, presenting very good results with small expression profiles. However, the adopted inference method was not sensible to recognize distinct structures of interaction among genes, presenting a similar behavior when applied to different network topologies. In summary, the proposed framework, though simple, was adequate for the validation of the inferred networks by identifying some properties of the evaluated method, which can be extended to other inference methods.