907 resultados para substance
Background: Alcohol consumption has beneficial effects on mortality which are mainly due to reduction in cardiovascular disease. These are believed to be due, at least in part, to the increase in plasma high-density lipoprotein (HDL) which is associated with alcohol consumption. It has been proposed that ADH3 genotype modifies the relationships between alcohol intake and cardiovascular disease by altering the HDL response to alcohol. The aim of this paper was to test for effects of ADH2 and ADH3 genotypes on the response of HDL components to habitual alcohol consumption. Methods: Adult male and female subjects were genotyped for ADH2 and ADH3; and plasma HDL cholesterol, apolipoprotein A-I, and apolipoprotein A-II were measured. Nine hundred one subjects had both ADH2 and ADH3 genotypes and HDL cholesterol results, while 753 had both genotypes and all three lipid results. The effect of alcohol intake on the three measured HDL components, and a factor score derived from them, was estimated for each of the ADH2 and ADH3 genotype groups. Results: All the measured components of HDL increased with increasing alcohol consumption over the range of intakes studied, 0-4 drinks per day. There were no significant interactions between alcohol consumption and ADH2 or ADH3 genotypes. Conclusions: The concept that alcohol dehydrogenase genotype and alcohol metabolic rate modify the effects of alcohol on plasma HDL concentration is not supported by our results.
Context Previous studies have reported that early initiation of cannabis (marijuana) use is a significant risk factor for other drug use and drug-related problems. Objective To examine whether the association between early cannabis use and subsequent progression to use of other drugs and drug abuse/dependence persists after controlling for genetic and shared environmental influences. Design Cross-sectional survey conducted in 1996-2000 among an Australian national volunteer sample of 311 young adult (median age, 30 years) monozygotic and dizygotic same-sex twin pairs discordant for early cannabis use (before age 17 years). Main Outcome Measures Self-reported subsequent nonmedical use of prescription sedatives, hallucinogens, cocaine/other stimulants, and opioids; abuse or dependence on these drugs (including cannabis abuse/dependence); and alcohol dependence. Results Individuals who used cannabis by age 17 years had odds of other drug use, alcohol dependence, and drug abuse/dependence that were 2.1 to 5.2 times higher than those of their co-twin, who did not use cannabis before age 17 years. Controlling for known risk factors (early-onset alcohol or tobacco use, parental conflict/separation, childhood sexual abuse, conduct disorder, major depression, and social anxiety) had only negligible effects on these results. These associations did not differ significantly between monozygotic and dizygotic twins. Conclusions Associations between early cannabis use and later drug use and abuse/dependence cannot solely be explained by common predisposing genetic or shared environmental factors. The association may arise from the effects of the peer and social context within which cannabis is used and obtained. In particular, early access to and use of cannabis may reduce perceived barriers against the use of other illegal drugs and provide access to these drugs.
Drug overdose is a major cause of Premature death and morbidity among heroin users. This article examines recent research into heroin overdose to inform interventions that will reduce the rate of overdose death. The demographic characteristics of overdose cases are discussed, including factors associated with overdose: polydrug use, drug purity, drug tolerance, routes of administration, and suicide. Responses by heroin users at overdoses are also examined. Potential interventions to reduce the rate of overdose and overdose-related morbidity are examined in light of the emerging data in this field.
Objectives: The aim was to determine whether methadone maintenance treatment reduced heroin use, syringe sharing and HIV or hepatitis C incidence among prisoners. Methods: All eligible prisoners seeking drug treatment were randomised to methadone or a waitlist control group from 1997 to 1998 and followed up after 4 months. Heroin use was measured by hair analysis and self report; drugs used and injected and syringe sharing were measured by self report. Hepatitis C and HIV incidence was measured by serology. Results: Of 593 eligible prisoners, 382 (64%) were randomised to MMT (n = 191) or control (n = 191). 129 treated and 124 control subjects were followed up at 5 months. Heroin use was significantly lower among treated than control subjects at follow up. Treated subjects reported lower levels of drug injection and syringe sharing at follow up. There was no difference in HIV or hepatitis C incidence. Conclusions: Consideration should be given to the introduction of prison methadone programs particular where community based programs exist. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The authors identify key issues that researchers, funding bodies, ethics committees and ethicists might consider in contemplating research subject payment ethics. They argue that what is missing from the broader debate is due consideration of ethics committee decision processes; research subject reasons for participation; and current research practices. The authors explore these issues and how they relate to existing guidelines on voluntary consent, and arguments that have been proposed for and against research subject payments. (non- author abstract)
In Australia people aged 65 years or older currently comprise 12.1% of the population. This has been estimated to rise to 24.2% by 2051. Until recently there has been relatively little research on alcohol and other drug use disorders among these individuals but, given the ageing population, this issue is likely to become of increasing importance and prominence. Epidemiological research shows a strong age-related decline in the prevalence of alcohol and other drug use disorders with age. Possible reasons for this include: age-related declines in the use and misuse of alcohol and other drugs; increased mortality among those with a lifetime history of alcohol and other drug use disorders; historical differences in exposure to and use of alcohol and other drugs. Despite the age-related decline in the prevalence of these disorders, they do still occur among those aged 65 years or older and, given historical changes in exposure to and use of illicit drugs, it likely that the prevalence of these disorders among older-aged individuals will rise. Specific issues faced by older-aged individuals with alcohol and other drug use problems are discussed. These include: interactions with prescribed medications, under-recognition and treatment of alcohol and drug problems, unintentional injury and social isolation. Finally, a brief discussion of treatment issues is provided.
Both the gaseous and the particulate phases of tobacco and cannabis smoke contain a similar range of harmful chemicals. However, differing patterns of inhalation mean that smoking a 'joint' of cannabis results in exposure to significantly greater amounts of combusted material than with a tobacco cigarette. The histopathological effects of cannabis smoke exposure include changes consistent with acute and chronic bronchitis. Cellular dysplasia has also been observed, suggesting that, like tobacco smoke, cannabis exposure has the potential to cause malignancy. These features are consistent with the clinical presentation. Symptoms of cough and early morning sputum production are common (20-25%) even in young individuals who smoke cannabis alone. Almost all studies indicate that the effects of cannabis and tobacco smoking are additive and independent. Public health education should dispel the myth that cannabis smoking is relatively safe by highlighting that the adverse respiratory effects of smoking cannabis are similar to those of smoking tobacco, even although it remains to be confirmed that smoking cannabis alone leads to the development of chronic lung disease.
Writing the body of the mother: Narrative moments in Tsushima Yuko, Ariyoshi Sawako and Enchi Fumiko
This discussion argues the transformative potential inherent in the corporeal experience of motherhood as represented in selected textual moments of Japanese narrative. Narratives that address the experiences of the body of the mother are informed and given substance by an intense physicality, and thus have the potential to contest processes of social inscription in addition to suggesting alternative possibilities for all readers, not just those occupying an embodied maternal space. The discussion features brief events from the work of three writers who have written as mothers: Tsushima Y(u)macrko, Ariyoshi Sawako and Enchi Fumiko. In Yama o hashiru onna (1980; translated as Woman Running in the Mountains, 1991), Tsushima Y(u)macrko invites the reader to consider the embodied response to light of Takiko, a young pregnant woman. Emiko, the protagonist of Hishoku (Without Colour, 1967) by Ariyoshi Sawako, is the Japanese wife of an African American and has just given birth to a child. The daughter protagonist in Enchi Fumiko's 'Kami' ('Hair', 1957) operates a hairdressing business that is viable only with her mother's unpaid labour. The narratives are read through a matrix of post-structuralist theories of embodiment, drawing on the work of writers such as Julia Kristeva, Luce Irigaray and Elizabeth Grosz.
Aim To assess the effectiveness of a program of computer-generated tailored advice for callers to a telephone helpline, and to assess whether it enhanced a series of callback telephone counselling sessions in aiding smoking cessation. Design Randomized controlled trial comparing: (1) untailored self-help materials; (2) computer-generated tailored advice only, and (3) computer-generated tailored advice plus callback telephone counselling. Assessment surveys were conducted at baseline, 3, 6 and 12 months. Setting Victoria, Australia. Participants A total of 1578 smokers who called the Quitline service and agreed to participate. Measurements Smoking status at follow-up; duration of cessation, if quit; use of nicotine replacement therapy; and extent of participation in the callback service. Findings At the 3-month follow-up, significantly more (chi(2)(2) = 16.9; P < 0.001) participants in the computer-generated tailored advice plus telephone counselling condition were not smoking (21%) than in either the computer-generated advice only (12%) or the control condition (12%). Proportions reporting not smoking at the 12-month follow-up were 26%, 23% and 22%, respectively (NS) for point prevalence, and for 9 months sustained abstinence; 8.2, 6.0, and 5.0 (NS). In the telephone counselling group, those receiving callbacks were more likely than those who did not to have sustained abstinence at 12 months (10.2 compared with 4.0, P < 0.05). Logistic regression on 3-month data showed significant independent effects on cessation of telephone counselling and use of NRT, but not of computer-generated tailored advice. Conclusion Computer-generated tailored advice did not enhance telephone counselling, nor have any independent effect on cessation. This may be due to poor timing of the computer-generated tailored advice and poor integration of the two modes of advice.
Background: Human neuronal protein (hNP22) is a gene with elevated messenger RNA expression in the prefrontal cortex of the human alcoholic brain. hNP22 has high homology with a rat protein (rNP22). These proteins also share homology with a number of cytoskeleton-interacting proteins. Methods: A rabbit polyclonal antibody to an 18-amino acid epitope was produced for use in Western and immunohistochemical analysis. Samples from the human frontal and motor cortices were used for Western blots (n = 10), whereas a different group of frontal cortex and hippocampal samples were obtained for immunohistochemistry (n = 12). Results: The hNP22 antibody detected a single protein in both rat and human brain. Western blots revealed a significant increase in hNP22 protein levels in the frontal cortex but not the motor cortex of alcoholic cases. Immunohistochemical studies confirmed the increased hNP22 protein expression in all cortical layers. This is consistent with results previously obtained using Northern analysis. Immunohistochemical analysis also revealed a significant increase of hNP22 immunoreactivity in the CA3 and CA4 but not other regions of the hippocampus. Conclusions: It is possible that this protein may play a role in the morphological or plastic changes observed after chronic alcohol exposure and withdrawal, either as a cytoskeleton-interacting protein or as a signaling molecule.
Background: Although excessive ethanol consumption is known to lead to a variety of adverse effects in the heart, the molecular mechanisms of such effects have remained poorly defined. We hypothesized that posttranslational covalent binding of reactive molecular species to proteins occurs in the heart in response to acute ethanol exposure. Methods: The generation of protein adducts with several aldehydic species was examined by using monospecific antibodies against adducts with malondialdehyde (MDA), acetaldehyde (AA), MDA-AA hybrids, and hydroxyethyl radicals. Specimens of heart tissue were obtained from rats after intraperitoneal injections with alcohol (75 mmol/kg body weight) with or without pretreatment with cyanamide (0.05 mmol/kg body weight), an aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitor. Results: The amounts of MDA and unreduced AA adducts were found to be significantly increased in the heart of the rats treated with ethanol, cyanamide, or both, whereas no other adducts were detected in statistically significant quantities. Immunohistochemical studies for characterization of adduct distribution revealed sarcolemmal adducts of both MDA and AA in the rats treated with ethanol and cyanamide in addition to intracellular adducts, which were also present in the group treated with ethanol alone. Conclusions: These findings support the role of enhanced lipid peroxidation and the generation of protein-aldehyde condensates in vivo as a result of excessive ethanol intake. These findings may have implications in the molecular mechanisms of cardiac dysfunction in alcoholics.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da extração da madeira de seis espécies, quatro nativas (candeia, cedro, cerejeira e jacarandá-caviúna) e duas exóticas (E. citriodora e E. gumifera), em diferentes solventes, na resistência ao apodrecimento causado pelo fungo da podridão-parda Gloeophyllum trabeum. O material foi ensaiado na forma de serragem, em face da maior facilidade para os procedimentos de extração. Dentre os resultados, pode-se destacar a baixa perda de massa ocorrida na madeira de cedro (Cedrela fissilis), evidenciando sua elevada resistência natural ao fungo testado e, ainda, à incapacidade dos solventes utilizados na retirada de compostos que conferem resistência ao apodrecimento. As madeiras de candeia (Vanillosmopsis erythropappa), cerejeira (Amburana cearensis), jacarandá-caviúna (Machaerium scleroxylon) e de eucaliptos (Corymbia citriodora e Eucalyptus gummifera) também apresentaram elevada resistência natural, em função da baixa perda de massa ocorrida, quando expostas ao fungo G. trabeum. Essas madeiras, quando totalmente extraídas, apresentaram elevados valores de perda de massa. No que diz respeito ao material extraído por diferentes solventes de forma isolada, observou-se, na candeia, que o solvente mais eficiente na retirada de substâncias que conferem resistência ao apodrecimento foi o diclorometano. Com relação ao cedro, o mais eficiente foi o metanol. Na cerejeira, por meio da mistura de etanol/tolueno retiraram-se mais substâncias, ao passo que no jacarandá-caviúna foi o metanol. Nas madeiras de eucaliptos, o metanol foi mais eficiente na retirada de componentes tóxicos ao fungo utilizado neste estudo, devendo destacar ainda, no E. gummifera, a eficiência da água quente na retirada de tais compostos. No C. citriodora, os valores de perda de massa, em razão das extrações em água fria, em água quente, em diclorometano e ao natural (não-extraída), foram muito baixos.