927 resultados para submerged fermentation


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We report on results from two types of data-logger attached to hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys coriacea) in the breeding season at the Seychelles, Indian Ocean. Conventional time-depth recorders (TDRs) showed prolonged bouts of long dives to the seabed, consistent with benthic resting. This behaviour has been widely reported in sea turtles and appears to be a common feature for energy conservation. An Inter-Mandibular Angle Sensor (IMASEN) recorded mouth opening and buccal pumping by one turtle for 2.5 days. Buccal pumping occurred widely while the turtle was submerged, consistent with a function of olfactory sensory perception of the turtle's environment. However, buccal pumping stopped during the middle of long benthic dives consistent with the turtle entering a phase of sleep. It therefore appears that by recording buccal oscillations, it is possible to assess the state of consciousness of turtles allowing the eco-physiology of diving to be more fully explored. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Predicting the velocity within the ship’s propeller jet is the initial step to investigate the scouring made by the propeller jet. Albertson et al. (1950) suggested the investigation of a submerged jet can be undertaken through observation of the plain water jet from an orifice. The plain water jet investigation of Albertson et al. (1950) was based on the axial momentum theory. This has been the basis of all subsequent work with propeller jets. In reality, the velocity characteristic of a ship’s propeller jet is more complicated than a plain water jet. Fuehrer and Römisch (1977), Blaauw and van de Kaa (1978), Berger et al. (1981), Verhey (1983) and Hamill (1987) have carried out investigations using physical model. This paper reviews the state-of-art of the equations used to predict the time-averaged axial, tangential and radial components of velocity within the zone of flow establishment and the zone of established flow of a ship’s propeller jet.


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Red algae (Rhodophyta) are an ancient group with unusual morphological, biochemical, and life-history features including a complete absence of flagella. Although the red algae present many opportunities for studying speciation, this has rarely been explicitly addressed. Here, we examine an aspect of paternal gene flow by determining fertilization success of female Neosiphonia harveyi (Ceramiales), which retains a morphological record of all successful and unsuccessful female gametes. High fertilization rates were observed except when there were no males at all within the tidepool, or in a submerged marina environment. Small numbers of reproductive males were able to saturate fertilization rates, suggesting that limited availability of sperm may be less significant in red algae than previously thought. In another member of the Ceramiales, Antithamnion, relatively large chromosomes permit karyological identification of polyploids. The Western Pacific species Antithamnion sparsum is closely related to the diploid species Antithamnion defectum, known only from the Eastern Pacific, and appears to have evolved from it. Molecular evidence suggests that A. sparsum is an autopolyploid, and that the European species known as Antithamnion densum is divergent from the A. sparsum/defectum complex.


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1. Lough Neagh and Lough Beg Special Protection Area (SPA, hereafter Lough Neagh) is an important non-estuarine site in Britain and Ireland for overwintering wildfowl. Multivariate analysis of the winter counts showed a state-shift in the waterbird community following winter 2000/2001, mostly due to rapid declines in abundance (46–57% declines in the mean mid-winter January counts between 1993–2000 and 2002–2009) of members of the diving duck guild (pochard Aythya ferina, tufted duck Aythya fuligula and goldeneye Bucephala clangula) and coot (Fulica atra), a submerged macrophyte feeder.
2. Only pochard showed correlations between declines at Lough Neagh and those of overall species flyway population indices to suggest that global changes could contribute to declines at the site. However, indices from the Republic of Ireland showed no overall decline in the rest of Ireland. Tufted duck indices at the site were inversely related to indices in Great Britain. Lough Neagh goldeneye indices were positively correlated with indices in the Republic of Ireland and Great Britain, suggesting that short-stopping could contribute to declines at the site. Coot declines at Lough Neagh did not correlate with trends elsewhere, suggesting local factors involved in the decline.
3. These analyses indicate that although there are potentially different explanations for the dramatic declines in these four waterbird species at this site, the simultaneous nature of the declines across two feeding guilds strongly
suggest that local factors (such as loss of submerged macrophytes and benthic invertebrates) were involved. An assessment of the food supply, local disturbance and other factors at Lough Neagh is required to find an explanation for the observed adverse trends in wintering numbers of the affected species.
4. This study highlights the potential of waterbird community structure to reflect the status of aquatic systems, but confirms the need to establish site-specific factors responsible for the observed changes in abundance of key waterbird species at a site.


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During alcoholic fermentation, the products build up and can, ultimately, kill the organism due to their effects on the cell's macromolecular systems. The effects of alcohols on the steady-state kinetic parameters of the model enzyme ß-galactosidase were studied. At modest concentrations (0 to 2 M), there was little effect of methanol, ethanol, propanol and butanol on the kinetic constants. However, above these concentrations, each alcohol caused the maximal rate, V (max), to fall and the Michaelis constant, K (m), to rise. Except in the case of methanol, the chaotropicity of the solute, rather than its precise chemical structure, determined and can, therefore, be used to predict inhibitory activity. Compounds which act as compatible solutes (e.g. glycerol and other polyols) generally reduced enzyme activity in the absence of alcohols at the concentration tested (191 mM). In the case of the ethanol- or propanol-inhibited ß-galactosidase, the addition of compatible solutes was unable to restore the enzyme's kinetic parameters to their uninhibited levels; addition of chaotropic solutes such as urea tended to enhance the effects of these alcohols. It is possible that the compatible solutes caused excessive rigidification of the enzyme's structure, whereas the alcohols disrupt the tertiary and quaternary structure of the protein. From the point of view of protecting enzyme activity, it may be unwise to add compatible solutes in the early stages of industrial fermentations; however, there may be benefits as the alcohol concentration increases.


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Malignant tumors metabolize glucose to lactate even in the presence of oxygen (aerobic glycolysis). The metabolic switch from oxidative glycolysis to non-oxidative fermentation of glucose and proteins performed by the tumor cells seems to be associated with TKTL1 and pAkt overexpression. Therefore the aim of the present study was to investigate the expression of TKTL1 and pAkt in human specimens of endometrial cancer as compared to benign endometrium. Additionally, expression of the glucose transporter GLUT1 was also investigated as aerobic glycolysis is associated with an increased need for glucose.


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Due to its low digestibility in the small intestine, a major fraction of the polyol isomalt reaches the colon. However, little is known about effects on the intestinal microflora. During two 4-week periods in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over design, nineteen healthy volunteers consumed a controlled basal diet enriched with either 30 g isomalt or 30 g sucrose daily. Stools were collected at the end of each test phase and various microbiological and luminal markers were analysed. Fermentation characteristics of isomalt were also investigated in vitro. Microbiological analyses of faecal samples indicated a shift of the gut flora towards an increase of bifidobacteria following consumption of the isomalt diet compared with the sucrose diet (P


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A natural subgroup (that we refer to as Saccharomyces uvarum) was identified, within the heterogeneous species Saccharomyces bayanus. The typical electrophoretic karyotype, interfertility of hybrids between strains, distinctive sugar fermentation pattern, and uniform fermentation characteristics in must, indicated that this subgroup was not only highly homogeneous, but also clearly distinguishable from other species within the Saccharomyces sensu stricto group. Investigation of the S. bayanus type strain and other strains that have been classified as S. bayanus, confirmed the apparent lack of homogeneity and, in some cases, supported the hypothesis that they are natural hybrids. Copyright (C) 1999 Federation of European Microbiological Societies.


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L-Lactate was produced from xylose using electrodialysis culture (ED-C)-associated product separation. In a medium containing 50 g xylose/l, the ED-C was completed in only 32 h (i.e. less than half the time taken by the control culture, without electrodialysis). At 80 g xylose/l, the control culture was unable to consume more than 50 g xylose/1, whereas the ED-C showed increased xylose consumption and was completed by 45 h. The maximum rate of lactate production in the ED-C was higher than that in the control culture. ED-C was also carried out (at 80 g initial xylose/ l) with a supply of fresh xylose-free medium. This ED-C was completed within 30 h, which represents a reduction in fermentation time of 15 h when compared to ED-C without addition of xylose-free medium. Thus, rapid production of L-lactate was achieved by using ED-C which supplied fresh xylose-free medium.


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Fungal growth inhibition by ethanol was compared with that caused by five other agents of water stress (at 25, 40 and 42.5°C), using Aspergillus oryzae. Ethanol, KCl, glycerol, glucose, sorbitol, and polyethylene glycol 400 were incorporated into media at concentrations corresponding to water activity (a(w)) values in the range 1 to 0.75. Generally, as temperature increased there was a decrease in the a(w) value at which optimum growth occurred. The a(w) limit for growth on KCl, glycerol, glucose, sorbitol, or polyethylene glycol 400 media was about 0.85, regardless of temperature. However, the a(w) limit for growth on ethanol media varied between 0.97 and 0.99 a(w) and was temperature-dependent. Water stress accounted for up to 31, 18 and 6% of growth inhibition by ethanol at 25, 40, and 42.5°C, respectively. For media containing ethanol, the decrease in growth rate per unit of a(w) reduction was greater as temperature increased. However, ethanol-induced water stress remained constant regardless of temperature, suggesting that other inhibitory effects of ethanol are closely temperature- dependent. Water stress may account for considerably more than 30% of growth inhibition by ethanol in cells that remain metabolically active at higher ethanol concentrations.


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This review considers the effect of ethanol-induced water stress on yeast metabolism and integrity. Ethanol causes water stress by lowering water activity (a(w)) and thereby interferes with hydrogen bonding within and between hydrated cell components, ultimately disrupting enzyme and membrane strut and function. The impact of ethanol on the energetic status of water is considered in relation to cell metabolism. Even moderate ethanol concentrations (5 to 10%, w/v) cause a sufficient reduction of a(w) to have metabolic consequences. When exposed to ethanol, cells synthesize compatible solutes such as glycerol and trehalose that protect against water stress and hydrogen-bond disruption. Ethanol affects the control of gene expression by the mechanism that is normally associated with (so-called) osmotic control. Furthermore, ethanol-induced water stress has ecological implications.


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Fermentation products can chaotropically disorder macromolecular systems and induce oxidative stress, thus inhibiting biofuel production. Recently, the chaotropic activities of ethanol, butanol and vanillin have been quantified (5.93, 37.4, 174kJkg(-1)m(-1) respectively). Use of low temperatures and/or stabilizing (kosmotropic) substances, and other approaches, can reduce, neutralize or circumvent product-chaotropicity. However, there may be limits to the alcohol concentrations that cells can tolerate; e.g. for ethanol tolerance in the most robust Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains, these are close to both the solubility limit (<25%, w/v ethanol) and the water-activity limit of the most xerotolerant strains (0.880). Nevertheless, knowledge-based strategies to mitigate or neutralize chaotropicity could lead to major improvements in rates of product formation and yields, and also therefore in the economics of biofuel production.


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Background: Cigarette smoke induces a pro-inflammatory response in airway epithelial cells but it is not clear which of the various chemicals contained within cigarette smoke (CS) should be regarded as predominantly responsible for these effects. We hypothesised that acrolein, nicotine and acetylaldehyde, important chemicals contained within volatile cigarette smoke in terms of inducing inflammation and causing addiction, have immunomodulatory effects in primary nasal epithelial cell cultures (PNECs).

Methods: PNECs from 19 healthy subjects were grown in submerged cultures and were incubated with acrolein, nicotine or acetylaldehyde prior to stimulation with Pseudomonas aeruginosa lipopolysaccharide (PA LPS). Experiments were repeated using cigarette smoke extract (CSE) for comparison. IL-8 was measured by ELISA, activation of NF-κB by ELISA and Western blotting, and caspase-3 activity by Western blotting. Apoptosis was evaluated using Annexin-V staining and the terminal transferase-mediated dUTP nick end-labeling (TUNEL) method.

Results: CSE was pro-inflammatory after a 24 h exposure and 42% of cells were apoptotic or necrotic after this exposure time. Acrolein was pro-inflammatory for the PNEC cultures (30 μM exposure for 4 h inducing a 2.0 fold increase in IL-8 release) and also increased IL-8 release after stimulation with PA LPS. In contrast, nicotine had anti-inflammatory properties (0.6 fold IL-8 release after 50 μM exposure to nicotine for 24 h), and acetylaldehyde was without effect. Acrolein and nicotine had cellular stimulatory and anti-inflammatory effects respectively, as determined by NF-κB activation. Both chemicals increased levels of cleaved caspase 3 and induced cell death.

Conclusions: Acrolein is pro-inflammatory and nicotine anti-inflammatory in PNEC cultures. CSE induces cell death predominantly by apoptotic mechanisms.