986 resultados para strategic communication
Iowa’s adult correctional system carries out its legal mandate of protecting the public and promoting offender rehabilitation through a continuum of institution and community evidence based services and interventions. This continuum is designed with recognition that for most offenders, reentry planning starts upon admission to the corrections system. The effective and efficient management of offenders in accordance with their risk and carcinogenic needs (those needs that contribute to criminality) is accomplished through targeted programming, release preparation, and transition services. Success in these endeavors assists offenders to become productive members of the community and makes it less likely that they will re-offend, resulting in lowered recidivism rates. In 1990 the Department’s prison recidivism rate was 44.7% and today it is 30.3%. Our overall desired outcome is to reduce the prison recidivism rate to 25% during the next five years by focusing resources toward our highest risk offenders.
This report outlines the strategic plan for Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division including, goals and mission.
Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan for the Iowa Insurance Division
The Department of Human Services (DHS) provides services to over 900,000 Iowans on an annual basis this is the strategic plan.
This report outlines the strategic plan for Iowa National Guard, goals and mission.
This report outlines the strategic plan for Iowa Division of banking including, goals and mission.
This report outlines the strategic plan for Iowa Veterans Home, goals and mission.
This commentary came from within the framework of integrating the humanities in medicine and from accompanying research on disease-related issues by teams involving clinicians and researchers in medical humanities. The purpose is to reflect on the challenges faced by researchers when conducting emotionally laden research and on how they impact observations and subsequent research findings. This commentary is furthermore a call to action since it promotes the institutionalization of a supportive context for medical humanities researchers who have not been trained to cope with sensitive medical topics in research. To that end, concrete recommendations regarding training and supervision were formulated.
The aim of this study was to find whether there were interprofessional differences in specific elements of communication with terminal cancer patients and decision-making processes that concern such patients. Given that interdisciplinary team work is one of the basic values in palliative care, if there are conflicting views between professions on such important issues it is most important to know about these and to understand them. A questionnaire utilized in an earlier survey of palliative care physicians and addressing their attitudes to and beliefs about specific elements of communication and decision making was sent to a sample of palliative care nurses working in the same regions, i.e. the French-speaking parts of Switzerland, Belgium and France. After a second mailing (reminder), 135 of the 163 questionnaires (83%) were returned. There was general agreement between nurses and physicians on questions dealing with perceptions of patients' knowledge of their diagnosis and stage of disease, patients' need for information, "do not resuscitate" orders and ethical principles in decision-making processes. Statistically significant, but small, differences between professional groups were only observed for a minority of the questions. Interprofessional differences in specific elements of communication with terminal cancer patients and decision-making processes affecting these patients were not so marked that they could be called "conflicting interprofessional views."
Agency Strategic Plan
While the previous chapter by L. Fallowfield and V. Jenkins focuses on different communication skills training (CST) concepts currently being utilized, this chapter reviews and comments the scientific evidence of the impact of CST on improving communication skills. The aim of this chapter is not to provide a complete review of the evidence-this has already been done in systematic reviews-but to discuss the scientific evidence and reflect on the available results and relevant topics for further investigations.
The Division of Tobacco Use Prevention and Control works to reduce tobacco use and the toll of tobacco-caused disease and death by preventing youth from starting, helping Iowans to quit, and preventing exposure to secondhand smoke. Tobacco is the leading preventable cause of death for Iowans, taking the lives of more than 4,400 adults each year. Estimated annual health care costs in Iowa directly related to tobacco use now total $1 billion.
DES FRONTIERES ENTRE TEXTE ET CONTEXTE : POINTS DE VUE THEORIQUES - Sur la métacommunication / C. Sluzki - De l'amour du texte à l'amour du contexte / J. Cosnier - Le dialogue entre l'intra-psychique et l'interpersonnel : une perspective développmentale / D. Stern - Texte et contexte. La perspective thermodynamique / R. Fivaz - Une position constructiviste pour la thérapie familiale / L. Hoffman MICROPROCESSUS DANS LES CONVERSATIONS : POINTS DE VUE EMPIRIQUES ET DEVELOPPEMENTAUX - Le contrat comme relation. Une étude des cadres sociaux du consentement / M. Modak - Recherche sur les axiomes de "Une logique de la communication" / J. Beavin-Bavelas - Distance physique ou distance psychique ? Les formations corporelles parents-bébé comme contextes de l'autonomisation dans la famille / C. Gertsch-Bettens - L'encadrement parental dans le jeu à trois. Une recherche exploratoire d'inspiration systémique / A. Corbosz-Warnery - L'évolution des formations corporelles lors de thérapies familiales en fonction de l'alliance thérapeutique / S. Serpa-Rusconi, P.-A. Doudin - Genèse de la négociation interpersonnelle des conflits : point de vue pragmatique / H. Jisa LES RECONTEXTUALISATIONS EN THERAPIE FAMILIALE - De l'ajustement du cadre en thérapie familiale / F. Seywert, E. Fivaz Depeursinge - Les questions réflexives, source d'autoguérison / K. Tomm...[et al.] - Langage et changement. L'usage de paroles-clés en thérapie / J. Pereira - Texte et contexte en psychosomatique : des modèles réductionnistes à une épistémologie de la complexité / L. Onnis