997 resultados para stem water potential
Ulmus minor es una especie arbórea originaria de Europa cuyas poblaciones han sido diezmadas por el hongo patógeno causante de la enfermedad de la grafiosis. La conservación de los olmos exige plantearse su propagación a través de plantaciones y conocer mejor su ecología y biología. Ulmus minor es un árbol de ribera, pero frecuentemente se encuentra alejado del cauce de arroyos y ríos, donde la capa freática sufre fuertes oscilaciones. Por ello, nuestra hipótesis general es que esta especie es moderadamente resistente tanto a la inundación como a la sequía. El principal objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es entender desde un punto de vista funcional la respuesta de U. minor a la inundación, la sequía y la infección por O. novo-ulmi; los factores que posiblemente más influyen en la distribución actual de U. minor. Con este objetivo se persigue dar continuidad a los esfuerzos de conservación de esta especie que desde hace años se dedican en varios centros de investigación a nivel mundial, ya que, entender mejor los mecanismos que contribuyen a la resistencia de U. minor ante la inoculación con O. novo-ulmi y factores de estrés abiótico ayudará en la selección y propagación de genotipos resistentes a la grafiosis. Se han planteado tres experimentos en este sentido. Primero, se ha comparado la tolerancia de brinzales de U. minor y U. laevis – otro olmo ibérico – a una inmersión controlada con el fin de evaluar su tolerancia a la inundación y comprender los mecanismos de aclimatación. Segundo, se ha comparado la tolerancia de brinzales de U. minor y Quercus ilex – una especie típica de ambientes Mediterránea secos – a la falta de agua en el suelo con el fin de evaluar el grado de tolerancia y los mecanismos de aclimatación a la sequía. El hecho de comparar dos especies contrastadas responde al interés en entender mejor cuales son los procesos que conducen a la muerte de una planta en condiciones de sequía – asunto sobre el que hay una interesante discusión desde hace algunos años. En tercer lugar, con el fin de entender mejor la resistencia de algunos genotipos de U. minor a la grafiosis, se han estudiado las diferencias fisiológicas y químicas constitutivas e inducidas por O. novo-ulmi entre clones de U. minor seleccionados a priori por su variable grado de resistencia a esta enfermedad. En el primer experimento se observó que los brinzales de U. minor sobrevivieron 60 días inmersos en una piscina con agua no estancada hasta una altura de 2-3 cm por encima del cuello de la raíz. A los 60 días, los brinzales de U. laevis se sacaron de la piscina y, a lo largo de las siguientes semanas, fueron capaces de recuperar las funciones fisiológicas que habían sido alteradas anteriormente. La conductividad hidráulica de las raíces y la tasa de asimilación de CO2 neta disminuyeron en ambas especies. Por el contrario, la tasa de respiración de hojas, tallos y raíces aumentó en las primeras semanas de la inundación, posiblemente en relación al aumento de energía necesario para desarrollar mecanismos de aclimatación a la inundación, como la hipertrofia de las lenticelas que se observó en ambas especies. Por ello, el desequilibrio del balance de carbono de la planta podría ser un factor relevante en la mortalidad de las plantas ante inundaciones prolongadas. Las plantas de U. minor (cultivadas en envases de 16 litros a media sombra) sobrevivieron por un prolongado periodo de tiempo en verano sin riego; la mitad de las plantas murieron tras 90 días sin riego. El cierre de los estomas y la pérdida de hojas contribuyeron a ralentizar las pérdidas de agua y tolerar la sequía en U. minor. Las obvias diferencias en tolerancia a la sequía con respecto a Q. ilex se reflejaron en la distinta capacidad para ralentizar la aparición del estrés hídrico tras dejar de regar y para transportar agua en condiciones de elevada tensión en el xilema. Más relevante es que las plantas con evidentes síntomas de decaimiento previo a su muerte exhibieron pérdidas de conductividad hidráulica en las raíces del 80% en ambas especies, mientras que las reservas de carbohidratos apenas variaron y lo hicieron de forma desigual en ambas especies. Árboles de U. minor de 5 y 6 años de edad (plantados en eras con riego mantenido) exhibieron una respuesta a la inoculación con O. novo-ulmi consistente con ensayos previos de resistencia. La conductividad hidráulica del tallo, el potencial hídrico foliar y la tasa de asimilación de CO2 neta disminuyeron significativamente en relación a árboles inoculados con agua, pero solo en los clones susceptibles. Este hecho enlaza con el perfil químico “más defensivo” de los clones resistentes, es decir, con los mayores niveles de suberina, ácidos grasos y compuestos fenólicos en estos clones que en los susceptibles. Ello podría restringir la propagación del hongo en el árbol y preservar el comportamiento fisiológico de los clones resistentes al inocularlos con el patógeno. Los datos indican una respuesta fisiológica común de U. minor a la inundación, la sequía y la infección por O. novo-ulmi: pérdida de conductividad hidráulica, estrés hídrico y pérdida de ganancia neta de carbono. Pese a ello, U. minor desarrolla varios mecanismos que le confieren una capacidad moderada para vivir en suelos temporalmente anegados o secos. Por otro lado, el perfil químico es un factor relevante en la resistencia de ciertos genotipos a la grafiosis. Futuros estudios deberían examinar como este perfil químico y la resistencia a la grafiosis se ven alteradas por el estrés abiótico. ABSTRACT Ulmus minor is a native European elm species whose populations have been decimated by the Dutch elm disease (DED). An active conservation of this species requires large-scale plantations and a better understanding of its biology and ecology. U. minor generally grows close to water channels. However, of the Iberian riparian tree species, U. minor is the one that spread farther away from rivers and streams. For these reasons, we hypothesize that this species is moderately tolerant to both flooding and drought stresses. The main aim of the present PhD thesis is to better understand the functional response of U. minor to the abiotic stresses – flooding and drought – and the biotic stress – DED – that can be most influential on its distribution. The overarching goal is to aid in the conservation of this emblematic species through a better understanding of the mechanisms that contribute to resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses; an information that can help in the selection of resistant genotypes and their expansion in large-scale plantations. To this end, three experiments were set up. First, we compared the tolerance to experimental immersion between seedlings of U. minor and U. laevis – another European riparian elm species – in order to assess their degree of tolerance and understand the mechanisms of acclimation to this stress. Second, we investigated the tolerance to drought of U. minor seedlings in comparison with Quercus ilex (an oak species typical of dry Mediterranean habitats). Besides assessing and understanding U. minor tolerance to drought at the seedling stage, the aim was to shed light into the functional alterations that trigger drought-induced plant mortality – a matter of controversy in the last years. Third, we studied constitutive and induced physiological and biochemical differences among clones of variable DED resistance, before and following inoculation with Ophiostoma novo-ulmi. The goal is to shed light into the factors of DED resistance that is evident in some genotypes of U. minor, but not others. Potted seedlings of U. minor survived for 60 days immersed in a pool with running water to approximately 2-3 cm above the stem collar. By this time, U. minor seedlings died, whereas U. laevis seedlings moved out of the pool were able to recover most physiological functions that had been altered by flooding. For example, root hydraulic conductivity and leaf photosynthetic CO2 uptake decreased in both species; while respiration initially increased with flooding in leaves, stems and roots possibly to respond to energy demands associated to mechanisms of acclimation to soil oxygen deficiency; as example, a remarkable hypertrophy of lenticels was soon observed in flooded seedlings of both species. Therefore, the inability to maintain a positive carbon balance somehow compromises seedling survival under flooding, earlier in U. minor than U. laevis, partly explaining their differential habitats. Potted seedlings of U. minor survived for a remarkable long time without irrigation – half of plants dying only after 90 days of no irrigation in conditions of high vapour pressure deficit typical of summer. Some mechanisms that contributed to tolerate drought were leaf shedding and stomata closure, which reduced water loss and the risk of xylem cavitation. Obviously, U. minor was less tolerant to drought than Q. ilex, differences in drought tolerance resulting mostly from the distinct capacity to postpone water stress and conduct water under high xylem tension among species. More relevant was that plants of both species exhibited similar symptoms of root hydraulic failure (i.e. approximately 80% loss of hydraulic conductivity), but a slight and variable depletion of non-structural carbohydrate reserves preceding dieback. Five- and six-year-old trees of U. minor (planted in the field with supplementary watering) belonging to clones of contrasted susceptibility to DED exhibited a different physiological response to inoculation with O. novo-ulmi. Stem hydraulic conductivity, leaf water potential and photosynthetic CO2 uptake decreased significantly relative to control trees inoculated with water only in DED susceptible clones. This is consistent with the “more defensive” chemical profile observed in resistant clones, i.e. with higher levels of saturated hydrocarbons (suberin and fatty acids) and phenolic compounds than in susceptible clones. These compounds could restrict the spread of O. novo-ulmi and contribute to preserving the near-normal physiological function of resistant trees when exposed to the pathogen. These results evidence common physiological responses of U. minor to flooding, drought and pathogen infection leading to xylem water disruption, leaf water stress and reduced net carbon gain. Still, seedlings of U. minor develop various mechanisms of acclimation to abiotic stresses that can play a role in surviving moderate periods of flood and drought. The chemical profile appears to be an important factor for the resistance of some genotypes of U. minor to DED. How abiotic stresses such as flooding and drought affect the capacity of resistant U. minor clones to face O. novo-ulmi is a key question that must be contemplated in future research.
We analyzed the effect of short-term water deficits at different periods of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) leaf development on the spatial and temporal patterns of tissue expansion and epidermal cell division. Six water-deficit periods were imposed with similar and constant values of soil water content, predawn leaf water potential and [ABA] in the xylem sap, and with negligible reduction of the rate of photosynthesis. Water deficit did not affect the duration of expansion and division. Regardless of their timing, deficits reduced relative expansion rate by 36% and relative cell division rate by 39% (cells blocked at the G0-G1 phase) in all positions within the leaf. However, reductions in final leaf area and cell number in a given zone of the leaf largely differed with the timing of deficit, with a maximum effect for earliest deficits. Individual cell area was only affected during the periods when division slowed down. These behaviors could be simulated in all leaf zones and for all timings by assuming that water deficit affects relative cell division rate and relative expansion rate independently, and that leaf development in each zone follows a stable three-phase pattern in which duration of each phase is stable if expressed in thermal time (C. Granier and F. Tardieu [1998b] Plant Cell Environ 21: 695–703).
We tested the hypothesis that the degree of anisotropic expansion of plant tissues is controlled by the degree of alignment of cortical microtubules or cellulose microfibrils. Previously, for the primary root of maize (Zea mays L.), we quantified spatial profiles of expansion rate in length, radius, and circumference and the degree of growth anisotropy separately for the stele and cortex, as roots became thinner with time from germination or in response to low water potential (B.M. Liang, A.M. Dennings, R.E. Sharp, T.I. Baskin [1997] Plant Physiol 115:101–111). Here, for the same material, we quantified microtubule alignment with indirect immunofluorescence microscopy and microfibril alignment throughout the cell wall with polarized-light microscopy and from the innermost cell wall layer with electron microscopy. Throughout much of the growth zone, mean orientations of microtubules and microfibrils were transverse, consistent with their parallel alignment specifying the direction of maximal expansion rate (i.e. elongation). However, where microtubule alignment became helical, microfibrils often made helices of opposite handedness, showing that parallelism between these elements was not required for helical orientations. Finally, contrary to the hypothesis, the degree of growth anisotropy was not correlated with the degree of alignment of either microtubules or microfibrils. The mechanisms plants use to specify radial and tangential expansion rates remain uncharacterized.
In wheat (Triticum aestivum) seedlings subjected to a mild water stress (water potential of −0.3 MPa), the leaf-elongation rate was reduced by one-half and the mitotic activity of mesophyll cells was reduced to 42% of well-watered controls within 1 d. There was also a reduction in the length of the zone of mesophyll cell division to within 4 mm from the base compared with 8 mm in control leaves. However, the period of division continued longer in the stressed than in the control leaves, and the final cell number in the stressed leaves reached 85% of controls. Cyclin-dependent protein kinase enzymes that are required in vivo for DNA replication and mitosis were recovered from the meristematic zone of leaves by affinity for p13suc1. Water stress caused a reduction in H1 histone kinase activity to one-half of the control level, although amounts of the enzyme were unaffected. Reduced activity was correlated with an increased proportion of the 34-kD Cdc2-like kinase (an enzyme sharing with the Cdc2 protein of other eukaryotes the same size, antigenic sites, affinity for p13suc1, and H1 histone kinase catalytic activity) deactivated by tyrosine phosphorylation. Deactivation to 50% occurred within 3 h of stress imposition in cells at the base of the meristematic zone and was therefore too fast to be explained by a reduction in the rate at which cells reached mitosis because of slowing of growth; rather, stress must have acted more immediately on the enzyme. The operation of controls slowing the exit from the G1 and G2 phases is discussed. We suggest that a water-stress signal acts on Cdc2 kinase by increasing phosphorylation of tyrosine, causing a shift to the inhibited form and slowing cell production.
Maize (Zea mays L.) plants were grown to the nine-leaf stage. Despite a saturating N supply, the youngest mature leaves (seventh position on the stem) contained little NO3− reserve. Droughted plants (deprived of nutrient solution) showed changes in foliar enzyme activities, mRNA accumulation, photosynthesis, and carbohydrate and amino acid contents. Total leaf water potential and CO2 assimilation rates, measured 3 h into the photoperiod, decreased 3 d after the onset of drought. Starch, glucose, fructose, and amino acids, but not sucrose (Suc), accumulated in the leaves of droughted plants. Maximal extractable phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activities increased slightly during water deficit, whereas the sensitivity of this enzyme to the inhibitor malate decreased. Maximal extractable Suc phosphate synthase activities decreased as a result of water stress, and there was an increase in the sensitivity to the inhibitor orthophosphate. A correlation between maximal extractable foliar nitrate reductase (NR) activity and the rate of CO2 assimilation was observed. The NR activation state and maximal extractable NR activity declined rapidly in response to drought. Photosynthesis and NR activity recovered rapidly when nutrient solution was restored at this point. The decrease in maximal extractable NR activity was accompanied by a decrease in NR transcripts, whereas Suc phosphate synthase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase mRNAs were much less affected. The coordination of N and C metabolism is retained during drought conditions via modulation of the activities of Suc phosphate synthase and NR commensurate with the prevailing rate of photosynthesis.
The application of a moderate water deficit (water potential of −1.3 MPa) to pea (Pisum sativum L. cv Lincoln) leaves led to a 75% inhibition of photosynthesis and to increases in zeaxanthin, malondialdehyde, oxidized proteins, and mitochondrial, cytosolic, and chloroplastic superoxide dismutase activities. Severe water deficit (−1.9 MPa) almost completely inhibited photosynthesis, decreased chlorophylls, β-carotene, neoxanthin, and lutein, and caused further conversion of violaxanthin to zeaxanthin, suggesting damage to the photosynthetic apparatus. There were consistent decreases in antioxidants and pyridine nucleotides, and accumulation of catalytic Fe, malondialdehyde, and oxidized proteins. Paraquat (PQ) treatment led to similar major decreases in photosynthesis, water content, proteins, and most antioxidants, and induced the accumulation of zeaxanthin and damaged proteins. PQ decreased markedly ascorbate, NADPH, ascorbate peroxidase, and chloroplastic Fe-superoxide dismutase activity, and caused major increases in oxidized glutathione, NAD+, NADH, and catalytic Fe. It is concluded that, in cv Lincoln, the increase in catalytic Fe and the lowering of antioxidant protection may be involved in the oxidative damage caused by severe water deficit and PQ, but not necessarily in the incipient stress induced by moderate water deficit. Results also indicate that the tolerance to water deficit in terms of oxidative damage largely depends on the legume cultivar.
Vertical profiles of dissolved and particulate 230Th and 231Pa were obtained across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) in the southern Atlantic. North of the Polar Front, dissolved and total 230Th increase with depth in conformity with published scavenging models. There is no depletion of 230Th or 231Pa in the water column south of the Polar Front, thought to be an area of enhanced biological productivity. 230Th concentrations increase three-fold to the Weddell Sea across the ACC. Dissolved and total 231Pa concentrations are relatively constant below 500 m depth at about 0.3 dpm m**-3, and change little with depth or latitude. The results from the Weddell Gyre are explained by a mixing-scavenging model that takes into account the input of lower Circumpolar Deep Water through upwelling, which is the main source of water in the Weddell Gyre and is enriched in 230Th but not in 231Pa. 230Th accumulates in the Weddell Gyre as a result of a reduction in the scavenging rate and by ingrowth from 234U. Ingrowth is more significant for 230Th than for 231Pa because the residence time of water in the gyre (about 35 years) is similar to the scavenging residence time of Th in the south Atlantic (29 years) but shorter than that of Pa (120 years). It is argued that changes in 230Th accumulation in the past may reflect changes in water residence time and in the formation rate of Weddell Sea Deep Water.
The transpolar drift is strongly enriched in 228Ra accumulated on the wide Arctic shelves with subsequent rapid offshore transport. We present new data of Polarstern expeditions to the central Arctic and to the Kara and Laptev seas. Because 226Ra activities in Pacific waters are 30% higher than in Atlantic waters, we correct 226Ra for the Pacific admixture when normalizing 228Ra with 226Ra. The use of 228Ra decay as age marker critically depends on the constancy in space and time of the source activity, a condition that has not yet adequately been tested. While 228Ra decays during transit over the central basin, ingrowth of 228Th could provide an alternative age marker. The high 228Th/228Ra activity ratio (AR = 0.8-1.0) in the central basins is incompatible with a mixing model based on horizontal eddy diffusion. An advective model predicts that 228Th grows to an equilibrium AR, the value of which depends on the scavenging regime. The low AR over the Lomonosov Ridge (AR = 0.5) can be due to either rapid transport (minimum age without scavenging 1.1 year) or enhanced scavenging. Suspended particulate matter load (derived from beam transmission and particulate 234Th) and total 234Th depletion data show that scavenging, although extremely low in the central Arctic, is enhanced over the Lomonosov Ridge, making an age of 3 years more likely. The combined data of 228Ra decay and 228Th ingrowth confirm the existence of a recirculating gyre in the surface water of the eastern Eurasian Basin with a river water residence time of at least 3 years.
"Cooperative agreement no. CR818353."
Effects of water stress duration and intensity on gas exchange and leaf water potential were investigated in 7-month-old seedlings of a humid coastal provenance (Gympie) and a dry inland (Hungry Hills) provenance of E. cloeziana F. Muell. and in a dry inland (Chinchilla) provenance of E. argophloia Blakely supplied with 100% (T-100), 70% (T-70), 50% (T-50) of their water requirements, or were watered only after they were wilted at dawn (T-0). Seedlings of E. argophloia had the highest midday net photosynthetic rate (A), stomata] conductance (g(s)), stomatal density and predawn leaf water potential (Psi(pd)) in all treatments. The E. cloeziana provenances did not differ in these attributes. The T-70 and T-50 treatments caused reductions in A of 30% in E. argophloia, and 55% in the E. cloeziana provenances. Under the T-0 treatment, E. argophloia maintained higher rates of gas exchange at all levels of water stress than E. cloeziana provenances. The estimates of Psi(pd) and midday water potential (Psi(md)) at which plants remained wilted overnight were respectively: -2.7 and -4.1 MPa for E. cloeziana (humid), -2.8 and -4.0 MPa for E. cloeziana (dry) and, -3.7 and -4.9 MPa for E. argophloia. Following stress relief, both A and g(s) recovered more quickly in E. argophloia and in the dry provenance of E. cloeziana than in the humid provenance. We conclude that E. argophloia is more drought tolerant and has a potential for cultivation in the humid and semi humid climates, whilst E. cloeziana has greater potential in the humid subtropical climates.
Background and Aims Summer dormancy in perennial grasses has been studied inadequately, despite its potential to enhance plant survival and persistence in Mediterranean areas. The aim of the present work was to characterize summer dormancy and dehydration tolerance in two cultivars of Dactylis glomerata (dormant 'Kasbah', non-dormant 'Oasis') and their hybrid using physiological indicators associated with these traits. Methods Dehydration tolerance was assessed in a glasshouse experiment, while seasonal metabolic changes which produce putative protectants for drought, such as carbohydrates and dehydrins that might be associated with summer dormancy, were analysed in the field. Key Results The genotypes differed in their ability to survive increasing soil water deficit: lethal soil water potential (ψ(s)) was -3(.)4 MPa for 'Kasbah' (although non-dormant), -1(.)3 MPa for 'Oasis', and -1(.)6 MPa for their hybrid. In contrast, lethal water content of apices was similar for all genotypes (approx. 0(.)45 g H2O g d. wt(-1)), and hence the greater survival of 'Kasbah' can be ascribed to better drought avoidance rather than dehydration tolerance. In autumn-sown plants, 'Kasbah' had greatest dormancy, the hybrid was intermediate and 'Oasis' had none. The more dormant the genotype, the lower the metabolic activity during summer, and the earlier the activity declined in spring. Decreased monosaccharide content was an early indicator of dormancy induction. Accumulation of dehydrins did not correlate with stress tolerance, but dehydrin content was a function of the water status of the tissues, irrespective of the soil moisture. A protein of approx. 55 kDa occurred in leaf bases of the most dormant cultivar even in winter. Conclusions Drought avoidance and summer dormancy are correlated but can be independently expressed. These traits are heritable, allowing selection in breeding programmes.
Survival of vegetation on soil-capped mining wastes is often impaired during dry seasons due to the limited amount of water stored in the shallow soil capping. Growth and survival of Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) during soil drying on various layered capping sequences constructed of combinations of topsoil, subsoil, seawater-neutralised residue sand and low grade bauxite was determined in a glasshouse. The aim was to describe the survival of Rhodes grass in terms of plant and soil water relationships. The soil water characteristic curve and soil texture analysis was a good predictor of plant survival. The combination of soil with a high water holding capacity and low soil water diffusivity (e.g. subsoil with high clay contents) with soil having a high water holding capacity and high diffusivity (e.g. residue sand) gave best survival during drying down (up to 88 days without water), whereas topsoil and low grade bauxite were unsuitable (plants died within 18-39 days). Clayey soil improved plant survival by triggering a water stress response during peak evaporative water demand once residue sand dried down and its diffusivity fell below a critical range. Thus, for revegetation in seasonally dry climates, soil capping should combine one soil with low diffusivity and one or more soils with high total water holding capacity and high diffusivity.
Equisetum giganteum L., a giant horsetail, is one of the largest living members of an ancient group of non-flowering plants with a history extending back 377 million years. Its hollow upright stems grow to over 5 m in height. Equisetum giganteum occupies a wide range of habitats in southern South America. Colonies of this horsetail occupy large areas of the Atacama river valleys, including those with sufficiently high groundwater salinity to significantly reduce floristic diversity. The purpose of this research was to study the ecophysiological and biomechanical properties that allow E. giganteum to successfully colonize a range of habitats, varying in salinity and exposure. Stem ecophysiological behavior was measured via steady state porometry (stomatal conductance), thermocouple psychrometry (water potential), chlorophyll fluorescence, and ion specific electrodes (xylem fluid solutes). Stem biomechanical properties were measured via a 3-point bending apparatus and cross sectional imaging. Equisetum giganteum stems exhibit mechanical characteristics of semi-self-supporting plants, requiring mutual support or support of other vegetation when they grow tall. The mean elastic moduli (4.3 Chile, 4.0 Argentina) of E. giganteum in South America is by far the largest measured in any living horsetail. Stomatal behavior of E. giganteum is consistent with that of typical C3 vascular plants, although absolute values of maximum late morning stomatal conductance are very low in comparison to typical plants from mesic habitats. The internode stomata exhibit strong light response. However, the environmental sensitivity of stomatal conductance appeared less in young developing stems, possibly due to higher cuticular conductance. Exclusion of sodium (Na) and preferential accumulation of potassium (K) at the root level appears to be the key mechanism of salinity tolerance in E. giganteum. Overall stomatal conductance and chlorophyll fluorescence were little affected by salinity, ranging from very low levels up to half strength seawater. This suggests a high degree of salinity stress tolerance. The capacity of E. giganteum to adapt to a wide variety of environments in southern South America has allowed it to thrive despite tremendous environmental changes during their long tenure on Earth.
Oxygen atoms within fossil wood provide high-resolution records of climate change, particularly for the Quaternary. However, current analysis methods of fossil cellulose do not differentiate between different positions of the oxygen atoms. Here, we propose a refinement to tree-cellulose paleoclimatology modeling, using the cellulose-derived compound phenylglucosazone as the isotopic substrate. Stem samples from trees were collected at northern latitudes as low as 24°37′N and as high as 69°00′N. We extracted stem water and cellulose from each stem sample and analyzed them for their 18O content. In addition, we derived the cellulose to phenylglucosazone, a compound which lacks the oxygen attached to the second carbon of the cellulose–glucose moieties. Oxygen isotope analysis of phenylglucosazone allowed us to calculate the 18O content of the oxygen attached to the second carbon of the cellulose–glucose moieties. By way of these analyses, we tested two hypotheses: first, that the 18O content of the oxygen attached to second carbon will more closely reflect the 18O content of the stem water, and will not resemble the 18O content of either cellulose or its derivative phenylglucosazone. Second, tree-ring models that incorporate the variable oxygen isotope fractionation shown here and elsewhere are more accurate than those that do not. Our first hypothesis was rejected on the basis that the oxygen isotope ratios of the oxygen attached to the second carbon of the glucose moieties had a noisy isotopic signal with a large standard deviation and gave the poorest correlation with the oxygen isotope ratios of stem water. Related to this isotopic noise, we observed that the correlation between oxygen isotope ratios of phenylglucosazone with both stem water and relative humidity were higher than those observed for cellulose. Our hypothesis about tree-ring models which account for changes in the oxygen isotopic fractionation during cellulose synthesis was consistent only for the 18O content of phenylglucosazone. We showed that the tree-ring model based on the 18O content of phenylglucosazone was an improvement over existing models that are based on whole cellulose. Additionally, this approach may be used in other cellulose based archives such as peat deposits and lacustrine sediments.