994 resultados para sports monitoring


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Tarve tälle työlle on noussut sanomapalvelinsoveluksissa (servers) esiintyvistä ongelmista. Sanomapalvelinsovelluksia käytetään lähettämään ja vastaanottamaan sanomia paperiteollisuuden myynnin ja jakelun järjestelmässä maantieteellisesti erillään olevista paperiteollisuuden tehtaista. Sanomapalvelinsovelusten kunnollinen toimivuus on tärkeää koko järjestelmän toimivuuden kannalta, koska nämä palvelimet käsittelevät päivittäin tuhansia sanomia, jotka sisältävät merkityksellistä järjestelmätietoa. Tässä työssä on tutkittu mahdollisia toteutustekniikoita ja näihin tutkimuksiin pohjautuen toteutettu työkalut sanomapalvelinsovellusten testaukseen ja valvontaan. Sovellus-arkkituuritekniikoita tutkittaessa tutkimus rajattiin 3-tasoarkkitehtuuritekniikkaan, erityisesti TUXEDOTM -järjestelmätekniikkaan, koska toteutettavaa sovellusta käytetään hajautetussa sovellusympäristössä. Sovellusasiakkaan (client) toteutusta varten tutkittiin ja vertailtiin XML-tekniikkaa ja Microsoft Visual C++ -tekniikkaa käytettynä Tieto-Enatorin Phobos Interaktiivisen C++ -luokkakirjaston kanssa. XML-tekniikoita sekä Visual C++ ja Phobos-luokkakirjasto –tekniikkaa tutkittiin niiltä osin, mitä tarvittiin sanomamerkkijonojen katseluun. XML-tietokantatekniikoita tutkittiin mahdollisena vaihtoehtona tietokanta ja sovelluspalvelintekniikalle. Työn ensimmäisenä tavoitteena oli toteuttaa työkalu sanomapalvelinsovellusten testaamiseen. Toisena tavoitteena oli toteuttaa työkalu sanomien sisällön oikeellisuuden valvontaan. Kolmantena tavoitteena oli analysoida olemassaolevaa sanomavirheiden valvontasovellusta ja kehittää sitä eteenpäin. Diplomityön tuloksena toteutettiin sovellus sanomapalvelinsovellusten testaamiseen ja valvontaan. Tutkituista asiakassovelustekniikoista valittiin toteutus-tekniikaksi MS Visual C++ käytettynä Phobos Interaktiivisen C++ luokkakirjaston kanssa tekniikan tunnettavuuden vuoksi. 3-taso TUXEDOTM-tekniikka valittiin sovelluksen arkkitehtuuriksi. Lisäksi löydettiin parannuksia olemassa oleviin sanoma-virheiden valvontatoimintoihin. Tutkitut toteutustekniikat ovat yleisiä ja niitä voidaan käyttää, kun toteutetaan samanlaisia sovelluksia samanlaisiin sovellusympäristöihin.


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The variability observed in drug exposure has a direct impact on the overall response to drug. The largest part of variability between dose and drug response resides in the pharmacokinetic phase, i.e. in the dose-concentration relationship. Among possibilities offered to clinicians, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM; Monitoring of drug concentration measurements) is one of the useful tool to guide pharmacotherapy. TDM aims at optimizing treatments by individualizing dosage regimens based on blood drug concentration measurement. Bayesian calculations, relying on population pharmacokinetic approach, currently represent the gold standard TDM strategy. However, it requires expertise and computational assistance, thus limiting its large implementation in routine patient care. The overall objective of this thesis was to implement robust tools to provide Bayesian TDM to clinician in modern routine patient care. To that endeavour, aims were (i) to elaborate an efficient and ergonomic computer tool for Bayesian TDM: EzeCHieL (ii) to provide algorithms for drug concentration Bayesian forecasting and software validation, relying on population pharmacokinetics (iii) to address some relevant issues encountered in clinical practice with a focus on neonates and drug adherence. First, the current stage of the existing software was reviewed and allows establishing specifications for the development of EzeCHieL. Then, in close collaboration with software engineers a fully integrated software, EzeCHieL, has been elaborated. EzeCHieL provides population-based predictions and Bayesian forecasting and an easy-to-use interface. It enables to assess the expectedness of an observed concentration in a patient compared to the whole population (via percentiles), to assess the suitability of the predicted concentration relative to the targeted concentration and to provide dosing adjustment. It allows thus a priori and a posteriori Bayesian drug dosing individualization. Implementation of Bayesian methods requires drug disposition characterisation and variability quantification trough population approach. Population pharmacokinetic analyses have been performed and Bayesian estimators have been provided for candidate drugs in population of interest: anti-infectious drugs administered to neonates (gentamicin and imipenem). Developed models were implemented in EzeCHieL and also served as validation tool in comparing EzeCHieL concentration predictions against predictions from the reference software (NONMEM®). Models used need to be adequate and reliable. For instance, extrapolation is not possible from adults or children to neonates. Therefore, this work proposes models for neonates based on the developmental pharmacokinetics concept. Patients' adherence is also an important concern for drug models development and for a successful outcome of the pharmacotherapy. A last study attempts to assess impact of routine patient adherence measurement on models definition and TDM interpretation. In conclusion, our results offer solutions to assist clinicians in interpreting blood drug concentrations and to improve the appropriateness of drug dosing in routine clinical practice.


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Given the climatic changes around the world and the growing outdoor sports participation, existing guidelines and recommendations for exercising in naturally challenging environments such as heat, cold or altitude, exhibit potential shortcomings. Continuous efforts from sport sciences and exercise physiology communities aim at minimizing the risks of environmental-related illnesses during outdoor sports practices. Despite this, the use of simple weather indices does not permit an accurate estimation of the likelihood of facing thermal illnesses. This provides a critical foundation to modify available human comfort modeling and to integrate bio-meteorological data in order to improve the current guidelines. Although it requires further refinement, there is no doubt that standardizing the recently developed Universal Thermal Climate Index approach and its application in the field of sport sciences and exercise physiology may help to improve the appropriateness of the current guidelines for outdoor, recreational and competitive sports participation. This review first summarizes the main environmental-related risk factors that are susceptible to increase with recent climate changes when exercising outside and offers recommendations to combat them appropriately. Secondly, we briefly address the recent development of thermal stress models to assess the thermal comfort and physiological responses when practicing outdoor activities in challenging environments.


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Data are urgently needed to better understand processes of care in Swiss primary care (PC). A total of 2027 PC physicians, stratified by canton, were invited to participate in the Swiss Primary care Active Monitoring network, of whom 200 accepted to join. There were no significant differences between participants and a random sample drawn from the same physician databases based on sex, year of obtaining medical school diploma, or location. The Swiss Primary care Active Monitoring network represents the first large-scale, nationally representative practice-based research network in Switzerland and will provide a unique opportunity to better understand the functioning of Swiss PC.


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New oral targeted anticancer therapies are revolutionizing cancer treatment by transforming previously deadly malignancies into chronically manageable conditions. Nevertheless, drug resistance, persistence of cancer stem cells, and adverse drug effects still limit their ability to stabilize or cure malignant diseases in the long term. Response to targeted anticancer therapy is influenced by tumor genetics and by variability in drug concentrations. However, despite a significant inter-patient pharmacokinetic variability, targeted anticancer drugs are essentially licensed at fixed doses. Their therapeutic use could however be optimized by individualization of their dosage, based on blood concentration measurements via the therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM). TDM can increase the probability of therapeutic responses to targeted anticancer therapies, and would help minimize the risk of major adverse reactions.


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Concussion, a frequent injury in sports, is rarely evoked and often trivialized in children and teenagers. Knowledge of the diverse symptoms and signs to seek for is essential to an appropriate and secure management. The initial treatment relies on cognitive and physical rest followed by a progressive return to school and subsequently sport activities. The aim of this article is to review an injury whose prognosis is generally favourable, but whose rare complications can prove dramatic.


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In the context of globalized competition among territories, cities, regions and countries have to find new ways to be attractive to companies, investors, tourists and residents. In that perspective, major sports events (such as the Olympic Games or the FIFA World Cup) are often seen as a lever for territorial development. Based on that idea, many sports events hosting strategies have emerged in the 1980s and 1990s. However, the growing competition in the sports events' market and the gigantism of those major events, forced some territories to turn to smaller events. This necessary resize of their strategy raises the question of their capacity to meet the initial objectives, which aim usually at developing the economy and promoting the image of the host destination. This essay sketches out the evolution of a sports events hosting strategy in a city that does not have the resources (either financial, human or in terms of infrastructures) to attract major international sports events. The challenges they have to face and a possible solution based on the event portfolio perspective are discussed through the article.