947 resultados para single-stranded DNA binding protein


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Abstract Background The CHD7 (Chromodomain Helicase DNA binding protein 7) gene encodes a member of the chromodomain family of ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling enzymes. Mutations in the CHD7 gene are found in individuals with CHARGE, a syndrome characterized by multiple birth malformations in several tissues. CHD7 was identified as a binding partner of PBAF complex (Polybromo and BRG Associated Factor containing complex) playing a central role in the transcriptional reprogramming process associated to the formation of multipotent migratory neural crest, a transient cell population associated with the genesis of various tissues. CHD7 is a large gene containing 38 annotated exons and spanning 200 kb of genomic sequence. Although genes containing such number of exons are expected to have several alternative transcripts, there are very few evidences of alternative transcripts associated to CHD7 to date indicating that alternative splicing associated to this gene is poorly characterized. Findings Here, we report the cloning and characterization by experimental and computational studies of a novel alternative transcript of the human CHD7 (named CHD7 CRA_e), which lacks most of its coding exons. We confirmed by overexpression of CHD7 CRA_e alternative transcript that it is translated into a protein isoform lacking most of the domains displayed by the canonical isoform. Expression of the CHD7 CRA_e transcript was detected in normal liver, in addition to the DU145 human prostate carcinoma cell line from which it was originally isolated. Conclusions Our findings indicate that the splicing event associated to the CHD7 CRA_e alternative transcript is functional. The characterization of the CHD7 CRA_e novel isoform presented here not only sets the basis for more detailed functional studies of this isoform, but, also, contributes to the alternative splicing annotation of the CHD7 gene and the design of future functional studies aimed at the elucidation of the molecular functions of its gene products.


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Die DNA-Doppelhelix ist eine relativ dicke (Ø ≈ 2 nm), kompakte und dadurch auf kurzen Längenskalen relativ steife Verbindung (lp[dsDNA] ≈ 50-60 nm), mit einer klar definierten Struktur, die durch biologische Methoden sehr präzise manipuliert werden kann. Die Auswirkungen der primären Sequenz auf die dreidimensionale Strukturbildung ist gut verstanden und exakt vorhersagbar. Des Weiteren kann DNA an verschiedenen Stellen mit anderen Molekülen verknüpft werden, ohne dass ihre Selbsterkennung gestört wird. Durch die helikale Struktur besteht außerdem ein Zusammenhang zwischen der Lage und der räumlichen Orientierung von eingeführten Modifikationen. Durch moderne Syntheseverfahren lassen sich beliebige Oligonukleotidsequenzen im Bereich bis etwa 150-200 Basen relativ preiswert im Milligrammmaßstab herstellen. Diese Eigenschaften machen die DNA zu einem idealen Kandidaten zur Erzeugung komplexer Strukturen, die durch Selbsterkennung der entsprechenden Sequenzen gebildet werden. In der hier vorgelegten Arbeit wurden einzelsträngige DNA-Abschnitte (ssDNA) als adressierbare Verknüpfungsstellen eingesetzt, um verschiedene molekulare Bausteine zu diskreten nicht periodischen Strukturen zu verbinden. Als Bausteine dienten flexible synthetische Polymerblöcke und semiflexible Doppelstrang-DNA-Abschnitte (dsDNA), die an beiden Enden mit unterschiedlichen Oligonukleotidsequenzen „funktionalisiert“ sind. Die zur Verknüpfung genutzten Oligonukleotidabschnitte wurden so gewählt (n > 20 Basen), dass ihre Hybridisierung zu einer bei Raumtemperatur stabilen Doppelstrangbildung führt. Durch Kombination der Phosphoramiditsynthese von DNA mit einer festkörpergestützten Blockkopplungsreaktion konnte am Beispiel von Polyethylenoxiden ein sehr effektiver Syntheseweg zur Herstellung von ssDNA1-PEO-ssDNA2-Triblockcopolymeren entwickelt werden, der sich problemlos auf andere Polymere übertragen lassen sollte. Die Längen und Basenabfolgen der beiden Oligonukleotidsequenzen können dabei unabhängig voneinander frei gewählt werden. Somit wurden die Voraussetzungen geschaffen, um die Selbsterkennung von Oligonukleotiden durch Kombination verschiedener Triblockcopolymere zur Erzeugung von Multiblockcopolymeren zu nutzen, die mit klassischen Synthesetechniken nicht zugänglich sind. Semiflexible Strukturelemente lassen sich durch die Synthese von Doppelstrangfragmenten mit langen überstehenden Enden (sticky-ends) realisieren. Die klassischen Ansätze der molekularen Genetik zur Erzeugung von sticky-ends sind in diesem Fall nicht praktikabel, da sie zu Einschränkungen im Bezug auf Länge und Sequenz der überhängenden Enden führen. Als Methode der Wahl haben sich zwei verschiedene Varianten der Polymerase Kettenreaktion (PCR) erwiesen, die auf der Verwendung von teilkomplementären Primern beruhen. Die eigentlichen Primersequenzen wurden am 5´-Ende entweder über ein 2´-Desoxyuridin oder über einen kurzen Polyethylenoxid-Spacer (n = 6) mit einer frei wählbaren „sticky-end-Sequenz“ verknüpft. Mit diesen Methoden sind sowohl 3´- als auch 5´-Überhänge zugänglich und die Länge der Doppelstrangabschnitte kann über einen breiten Molmassenbereich sehr exakt eingestellt werden. Durch Kombination derartiger Doppelstrangfragmente mit den biosynthetischen Triblockcopolymeren lassen sich Strukturen erzeugen, die als Modellsysteme zur Untersuchung verschiedener Biomoleküle genutzt werden können, die in Form eines mehrfach gebrochenen Stäbchens vorliegen. Im letzten Abschnitt wurde gezeigt, dass durch geeignete Wahl der überstehenden Enden bzw. durch Hybridisierung der Doppelstrangfragmente mit passenden Oligonukleotiden verzweigte DNA-Strukturen mit Armlängen von einigen hundert Nanometern zugänglich sind. Im Vergleich zu den bisher veröffentlichten Methoden bietet diese Herangehensweise zwei entscheidende Vorteile: Zum einen konnte der Syntheseaufwand auf ein Minimum reduziert werden, zum anderen ist es auf diesem Weg möglich die Längen der einzelnen Arme, unabhängig voneinander, über einen breiten Molmassenbereich zu variieren.


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The aim of the research project discussed in this thesis was to study the inhibition of aerobic glycolysis, that is the metabolic pathway exploited by cancer cells for the ATP generation. This observation has led to the evaluation of glycolytic inhibitors as potential anticancer agents. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is the only enzyme whose inhibition should allow a blocking of aerobic glycolysis of tumor cells without damaging the normal cells which, in conditions of normal functional activity and sufficient oxygen supply, do not need this enzyme. In preliminar experiments we demonstrated that oxamic acid and tartronic acid, two LDH competitive inhibitors, impaired aerobic glycolysis and replication of cells from human hepatocellular carcinoma. Therefore, we proposed that the depletion of ATP levels in neoplastic cells, could improved the chemotherapeutic index of associated anticancer drugs; in particular, it was studied the association of oxamic acid and multi-targeted kinase inhibitors. A synergistic effect in combination with sorafenib was observed, and we demonstrated that this was related to the capacity of sorafenib to hinder the oxidative phosphorylation, so that cells were more dependent to aerobic glycolysis. These results linked to LDH blockage encouraged us to search for LDH inhibitors more powerful than oxamic acid; thus, in collaboration with the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Bologna University we identified a new molecule, galloflavin, able to inhibit both A and B isoforms of LDH enzyme. The effects of galloflavin were studied on different human cancer cell lines (hepatocellular carcinoma, breast cancer, Burkitt’s lymphoma). Although exhibiting different power on the tested cell lines, galloflavin was constantly found to inhibit lactate and ATP production and to induce cell death, mainly in the form of apoptosis. Finally, as LDH-A is able to bind single stranded DNA, thus stimulating cell transcription, galloflavin effects were also studied on this other LDH function.


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One of the basic concepts of molecular self-assembly is that the morphology of the aggregate is directly related to the structure and interaction of the aggregating molecules. This is not only true for the aggregation in bulk solution, but also for the formation of Langmuir films at the air/water interface. Thus, molecules at the interface do not necessarily form flat monomolecular films but can also aggregate into multilayers or surface micelles. In this context, various novel synthetic molecules were investigated in terms of their morphology at the air/water interface and in transferred films. rnFirst, the self-assembly of semifluorinated alkanes and their molecular orientation at the air/water interface and in transferred films was studied employing scanning force microscopy (SFM) and Kelvin potential force microscopy. Here it was found, that the investigated semifluorinated alkanes aggregate to form circular surface micelles with a diameter of 30 nm, which are constituted of smaller muffin-shaped subunits with a diameter of 10 nm. A further result is that the introduction of an aromatic core into the molecular structure leads to the formation of elongated surface micelles and thus implements a directionality to the self-assembly. rnSecond, the self-assembly of two different amphiphilic hybrid materials containing a short single stranded desoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequence was investigated at the air/water interface. The first molecule was a single stranded DNA (11mer) molecule with two hydrophobically modified 5-(dodec-1-ynyl)uracil nucleobases at the terminal 5'-end of the oligonucleotide sequence. Isotherm measurements revealed the formation of semi-stable films at the air/water interface. SFM imaging of films transferred via Langmuir-Blodgett technique supported this finding and indicated mono-, bi- and multilayer formation, according to the surface pressure applied upon transfer. Within these films, the hydrophilic DNA sequence was oriented towards air covering 95% of the substrate.rnSimilar results were obtained with a second type of amphiphile, a DNA block copolymer. Furthermore, the potential to perform molecular recognition experiments at the air/water interface with these DNA hybrid materials was evaluated.rnThird, polyglycerol ester molecules (PGE), which are known to form very stable foams, were studies. Aim was to elucidate the molecular structure of PGE molecules at the air/water interface in order to comprehend the foam stabilization mechanism. Several model systems mimicking the air/water interface of a PGE foam and methods for a noninvasive transfer were tested and characterized by SFM. It could be shown, that PGE stabilizes the air/water interface of a foam bubble by formation of multiple surfactant layers. Additionally, a new transfer technique, the bubble film transfer was established and characterized by high speed camera imaging.The results demonstrate the diversity of structures, which can be formed by amphiphilic molecules at the air/water interface and after film transfer, as well as the impact of the chemical structure on the aggregate morphology.


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The human respiratory tract pathogen Moraxella catarrhalis is a naturally competent microorganism. However, electrotransformation has long been used to introduce foreign DNA into this organism. This study demonstrated that electrotransformants obtained with linear or circular nonreplicating plasmid DNA originated exclusively from natural transformation processes taking place during the recovery phase after the application of current. Only replicating plasmid DNA could be introduced into M. catarrhalis by electrotransformation, in a type IV pilus-independent manner. Electrotransformation with homologous genomic DNA indicated that restriction of double-stranded DNA was independent of type III restriction-methylation systems. Nontransformability of M. catarrhalis by electrotransformation was observed using double- as well as single-stranded DNA. In addition, the study showed that natural competence is a very constant feature of M. catarrhalis.


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Using variothermal polymer micro-injection molding, disposable arrays of eight polymer micro-cantilevers each 500 μm long, 100 μm wide and 25 μm thick were fabricated. The present study took advantage of an easy flow grade polypropylene. After gold coating for optical read-out and asymmetrical sensitization, the arrays were introduced into the Cantisens(®) Research system to perform mechanical and functional testing. We demonstrate that polypropylene cantilevers can be used as biosensors for medical purposes in the same manner as the established silicon ones to detect single-stranded DNA sequences and metal ions in real-time. A differential signal of 7 nm was detected for the hybridization of 1 μM complementary DNA sequences. For 100 nM copper ions the differential signal was found to be (36 ± 5) nm. Nano-mechanical sensing of medically relevant, nanometer-size species is essential for fast and efficient diagnosis.


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9-$\beta$-D-arabinofuranosyl-2-fluoroadenine (F-ara-A) is an analogue of adenosine and 2$\sp\prime$-deoxyadenosine with potent antitumor activity both in vitro and in vivo. The mechanism of action of F-ara-A was evaluated both in whole cells and in experimental systems with purified enzymes. F-ara-A was converted to its 5$\sp\prime$-triphosphate F-ara-ATP in cells and then incorporated into DNA in a self-limiting manner. About 98% of the incorporated F-ara-AMP residues were located at the 3$\sp\prime$-termini of DNA strands, suggesting a chain termination property of this compound. DNA synthesis in CEM cells was inhibited by F-ara-A treatment with an IC$\sb{50}$ value of 1 $\mu$M. Cells were not able to restore the normal level of DNA synthesis even after being cultured in drug-free medium for 40 h. A DNA primer extension assay with M13mp18(+) single-stranded DNA template using purified human DNA polymerases $\alpha$ and further revealed that F-ara-ATP competed with dATP for incorporation into the A sites of the elongating DNA strands. The incorporation of F-ara-AMP into DNA resulted in a termination of DNA synthesis at the incorporated A sites. Pol $\alpha$ and $\delta$ were not able to efficiently extend the DNA primer with F-ara-AMP at its 3$\sp\prime$-end. Furthermore, the presence of F-ara-AMP at the 3$\sp\prime$-end of an oligodeoxyribonucleotide impaired its ligation with an adjacent DNA fragment by human and T4 ligases. Human DNA polymerase $\alpha$ incorporated more F-ara-AMP into DNA than polymerase $\delta$ and was more sensitive to the inhibition by F-ara-ATP, suggesting that polymerase $\alpha$ may be a preferred target for this analogue. On the other hand, DNA-dependent nucleotide turnover experiments and sequencing gel analysis demonstrated that DNA polymerase $\delta$ was able to remove the incorporated F-ara-AMP residue from the 3$\sp\prime$-end of the DNA strand with its 3$\sp\prime$-5$\sp\prime$ exonuclease activity in vitro, subsequently permitting further elongation of the DNA strand.^ The incorporation of F-ara-AMP into DNA was linearly correlated both with the inhibition of DNA synthesis and with the loss of clonogenicity. Termination of DNA synthesis and deletion of genetic material resulted from F-ara-AMP incorporation may be the mechanism responsible for cytotoxicity of F-ara-A. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.) ^


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Rolling Circle Amplification (RCA) is an isothermal enzymatic method generating single-stranded DNA products consisting of concatemers containing multiple copies of the reverse complement of the circular template precursor. Little is known on the compatibility of modified nucleoside triphosphates (dN*TPs) with RCA, which would enable the synthesis of long, fully modified ssDNA sequences. Here, dNTPs modified at any position of the scaffold were shown to be compatible with rolling circle amplification, yielding long (>1 kb), and fully modified single-stranded DNA products. This methodology was applied for the generation of long, cytosine-rich synthetic mimics of telomeric DNA. The resulting modified oligo-nucleotides displayed an improved resistance to fetal bovine serum.


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The human DMTF1 (DMP1) transcription factor, a DNA binding protein that interacts with cyclin D, is a positive regulator of the p14ARF (ARF) tumor suppressor. Our earlier studies have shown that three differentially spliced human DMP1 mRNAs, α, β and γ, arise from the human gene. We now show that DMP1α, β and γ isoforms differentially regulate ARF expression and promote distinct cellular functions. In contrast to DMP1α, DMP1β and γ did not activate the ARF promoter, whereas only β resulted in a dose-dependent inhibition of DMP1α-induced transactivation of the ARF promoter. Ectopic expression of DMP1β reduced endogenous ARF mRNA levels in human fibroblasts. The DMP1β- and γ-isoforms share domains necessary for the inhibitory function of the β-isoform. That DMP1β may interact with DMP1α to antagonize its function was shown in DNA binding assays and in cells by the close proximity of DMP1α/β in the nucleus. Cells stably expressing DMP1β, as well as shRNA targeting all DMP1 isoforms, disrupted cellular growth arrest induced by serum deprivation or in PMA-derived macrophages in the presence or absence of cellular p53. DMP1 mRNA levels in acute myeloid leukemia samples, as compared to granulocytes, were reduced. Treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia patient samples with all-trans retinoic acid promoted differentiation to granulocytes and restored DMP1 transcripts to normal granulocyte levels. Our findings imply that DMP1α- and β-ratios are tightly regulated in hematopoietic cells and DMP1β antagonizes DMP1α transcriptional regulation of ARF resulting in the alteration of cellular control with a gain in proliferation.


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The hydrolysis and the reactivity of two dinuclear p-cymene ruthenium monothiolato complexes, [(η6-p-MeC6H4Pri)2Ru2Cl2(µ-Cl)(µ-S-m-9-B10C2H11)] (1) and [(η6-p-MeC6H4Pri)2¬Ru2Cl2(µ-Cl)¬(µ-S¬CH2-p-C6H4-NO2)] (2), and of two dinuclear p-cymene ruthenium dithiolato complexes, [(η6-p-MeC6H4Pri)2Ru2(µ-SCH2CH2Ph)2Cl2] (3) and [(η6-p-Me¬C6H4¬Pri)2¬Ru2(S¬CH2¬C6H4-p-O¬Me)2¬Cl2] (4) towards amino acids, nucleotides, and a single-stranded DNA dodecamer were studied using NMR and mass spectrometry. In aqueous solutions at 37 °C, the monothiolato com¬plexes 1 and 2 undergo rapid hydrolysis, irrespective of the pH value, the predominant species in D2O/acetone-d6 solution at equilibrium being the neutral hydroxo complexes [(η6-p-Me¬C6H4¬Pri)2Ru2(OD)2(µ-OD)(µ-SR)]. The dithiolato complexes 3 and 4 are stable in water under acidic conditions, but undergo slow hydrolysis under neutral and basic conditions. In both cases, the cationic hydroxo complexes [(η6-p-MeC6H4Pri)2Ru2(µ-SR)2¬(OD)¬(CD3CN)]+ are the only spe¬cies observed in D2O/CD3CN at equilibrium. Surprisingly, no adducts are observed upon addition of an excess of L-methionine or L-histidine to the aqueous solutions of the complexes. Upon addition of an excess of L-cysteine, on the other hand, 1 and 2 form the unusual cationic trithiolato complexes [(η6-p-MeC6H4Pri)2¬Ru2{µ-SCH2CH(NH2)COOH}2(µ-SR)]+ containing two bridging cysteinato li¬gands, while 3 and 4 yield cationic trithiolato complexes [(η6-p-MeC6H4Pri)2Ru2[µ-SCH2CH¬(NH2)COOH](µ-SR)2]+ containing one bridging cysteinato ligand. A representative of catio¬nic trithiolato complexes containing a cysteinato bridge of this type, [(η6-p-MeC6H4Pri)2¬Ru2[µ-S¬CH2CH(NH2)COOH](µ-SCH2-p-C6H4-But)2]+ (6) could be synthesised from the di¬thiolato complex [(η6-p-Me¬C6H4¬Pri)2-Ru2(S¬CH2¬C6H4-p-But)2Cl2] (5), isolated as the tetra¬fluo¬ro¬borate salt and fully characterised. Moreover, the mono- and dithiolato complexes 1 - 4 are inert toward nucleotides and DNA, suggesting that DNA is not a target of cytotoxic thiolato-bridged arene ruthenium complexes. In contrast to the trithiolato complexes, monothiolato and dithio¬lato complexes hydrolyse and react with L-cysteine. These results may have im¬portant implications for the mode of action of thiolato-bridged dinuclear arene ruthenium drug candidates, and suggest that their modes of action are different to those of other arene ruthenium complexes.


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Dysregulation of sleep or feeding has enormous health consequences. In humans, acute sleep loss is associated with increased appetite and insulin insensitivity, while chronically sleep-deprived individuals are more likely to develop obesity, metabolic syndrome, type II diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Conversely, metabolic state potently modulates sleep and circadian behavior; yet, the molecular basis for sleep-metabolism interactions remains poorly understood. Here, we describe the identification of translin (trsn), a highly conserved RNA/DNA binding protein, as essential for starvation-induced sleep suppression. Strikingly, trsn does not appear to regulate energy stores, free glucose levels, or feeding behavior suggesting the sleep phenotype of trsn mutant flies is not a consequence of general metabolic dysfunction or blunted response to starvation. While broadly expressed in all neurons, trsn is transcriptionally upregulated in the heads of flies in response to starvation. Spatially restricted rescue or targeted knockdown localizes trsn function to neurons that produce the tachykinin family neuropeptide Leucokinin. Manipulation of neural activity in Leucokinin neurons revealed these neurons to be required for starvation-induced sleep suppression. Taken together, these findings establish trsn as an essential integrator of sleep and metabolic state, with implications for understanding the neural mechanism underlying sleep disruption in response to environmental perturbation.


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The recurring translocation t(11;16)(q23;p13.3) has been documented only in cases of acute leukemia or myelodysplasia secondary to therapy with drugs targeting DNA topoisomerase II. We show that the MLL gene is fused to the gene that codes for CBP (CREB-binding protein), the protein that binds specifically to the DNA-binding protein CREB (cAMP response element-binding protein) in this translocation. MLL is fused in-frame to a different exon of CBP in two patients producing chimeric proteins containing the AT-hooks, methyltransferase homology domain, and transcriptional repression domain of MLL fused to the CREB binding domain or to the bromodomain of CBP. Both fusion products retain the histone acetyltransferase domain of CBP and may lead to leukemia by promoting histone acetylation of genomic regions targeted by the MLL AT-hooks, leading to transcriptional deregulation via aberrant chromatin organization. CBP is the first partner gene of MLL containing well defined structural and functional motifs that provide unique insights into the potential mechanisms by which these translocations contribute to leukemogenesis.


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The primase DnaG of Escherichia coli requires the participation of the replicative helicase DnaB for optimal synthesis of primer RNA for lagging strand replication. However, previous studies had not determined whether the activation of the primase or its loading on the template was accomplished by a helicase-mediated structural alteration of the single-stranded DNA or by a direct physical interaction between the DnaB and the DnaG proteins. In this paper we present evidence supporting direct interaction between the two proteins. We have mapped the surfaces of interaction on both DnaG and DnaB and show further that mutations that reduce the physical interaction also cause a significant reduction in primer synthesis. Thus, the physical interaction reported here appears to be physiologically significant.


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The v-jun oncogene encodes a nuclear DNA binding protein that functions as a transcription factor and is part of the activator protein 1 complex. Oncogenic transformation by v-jun is thought to be mediated by the aberrant expression of specific target genes. To identify such Jun-regulated genes and to explore the mechanisms by which Jun affects their expression, we have fused the full-length v-Jun and an amino-terminally truncated form of v-Jun to the hormone-binding domain of the human estrogen receptor. The two chimeric proteins function as ligand-inducible transactivators. Expression of the fusion proteins in chicken embryo fibroblasts causes estrogen-dependent transformation.