983 resultados para semi-parabolic quantum well


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Quantum cellular automata (QCA) is a new technology in the nanometer scale and has been considered as one of the alternative to CMOS technology. In this paper, we describe the design and layout of a serial memory and parallel memory, showing the layout of individual memory cells. Assuming that we can fabricate cells which are separated by 10nm, memory capacities of over 1.6 Gbit/cm2 can be achieved. Simulations on the proposed memories were carried out using QCADesigner, a layout and simulation tool for QCA. During the design, we have tried to reduce the number of cells as well as to reduce the area which is found to be 86.16sq mm and 0.12 nm2 area with the QCA based memory cell. We have also achieved an increase in efficiency by 40%.These circuits are the building block of nano processors and provide us to understand the nano devices of the future.


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Restricted area heterojunctions, an array of lead sulfide colloidal quantum dots (PbS-CQDs) and crystalline silicon, are studied with a non-destructive remote contact light beam induced current (RC-LBIC) technique. As well as getting good quality active area images we observed an anomalous unipolar signal response for the PbS-CQD/n-Si devices and a conventionally expected bipolar signal profile for the PbS-CQD/p-Si devices. Interestingly, our simulation results consistently yielded a unipolar and bipolar nature in the signals related to the PbSCQD/n-Si and PbS-CQD/p-Si heterostructures, respectively. In order to explain the physical mechanism involved in the unipolar signal response of the PbS-CQD/n-Si devices, we propose a model based on the band alignment in the heterojunctions, in addition to the distribution of photo-induced excess majority carriers across the junction. Given that the RC-LBIC technique is well suited to this context, the presence of these two distinct mechanisms (the bipolar and unipolar nature of the signals) needs to be considered in order to have a better interpretation of the data in the characterization of an array of homo/heterojunctions.


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Semiconductor quantum dots have replaced conventional inorganic phosphors in numerous applications. Despite their overall successes as emitters, their impact as laser materials has been severely limited. Eliciting stimulated emission from quantum dots requires excitation by intense short pulses of light typically generated using other lasers. In this Letter, we develop a new class of quantum dots that exhibit gain under conditions of extremely low levels of continuous wave illumination. We observe thresholds as low as 74 mW/cm(2) in lasers made from these materials. Due to their strong optical absorption as well as low lasing threshold, these materials could possibly convert light from diffuse, polychromatic sources into a laser beam.


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A semi-gas kinetics (SGK) model for performance analyses of flowing chemical oxygen-iodine laser (COIL) is presented. In this model, the oxygen-iodine reaction gas flow is treated as a continuous medium, and the effect of thermal motions of particles of different laser energy levels on the performances of the COIL is included and the velocity distribution function equations are solved by using the double-parameter perturbational method. For a premixed flow, effects of different chemical reaction systems, different gain saturation models and temperature, pressure, yield of excited oxygen, iodine concentration and frequency-shift on the performances of the COIL are computed, and the calculated output power agrees well with the experimental data. The results indicate that the power extraction of the SGK model considering 21 reactions is close to those when only the reversible pumping reaction is considered, while different gain saturation models and adjustable parameters greatly affect the output power, the optimal threshold gain range, and the length of power extraction.


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In a time when Technology Supported Learning Systems are being widely used, there is a lack of tools that allows their development in an automatic or semi-automatic way. Technology Supported Learning Systems require an appropriate Domain Module, ie. the pedagogical representation of the domain to be mastered, in order to be effective. However, content authoring is a time and effort consuming task, therefore, efforts in automatising the Domain Module acquisition are necessary.Traditionally, textbooks have been used as the main mechanism to maintain and transmit the knowledge of a certain subject or domain. Textbooks have been authored by domain experts who have organised the contents in a means that facilitate understanding and learning, considering pedagogical issues.Given that textbooks are appropriate sources of information, they can be used to facilitate the development of the Domain Module allowing the identification of the topics to be mastered and the pedagogical relationships among them, as well as the extraction of Learning Objects, ie. meaningful fragments of the textbook with educational purpose.Consequently, in this work DOM-Sortze, a framework for the semi-automatic construction of Domain Modules from electronic textbooks, has been developed. DOM-Sortze uses NLP techniques, heuristic reasoning and ontologies to fulfill its work. DOM-Sortze has been designed and developed with the aim of automatising the development of the Domain Module, regardless of the subject, promoting the knowledge reuse and facilitating the collaboration of the users during the process.


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The theories of relativity and quantum mechanics, the two most important physics discoveries of the 20th century, not only revolutionized our understanding of the nature of space-time and the way matter exists and interacts, but also became the building blocks of what we currently know as modern physics. My thesis studies both subjects in great depths --- this intersection takes place in gravitational-wave physics.

Gravitational waves are "ripples of space-time", long predicted by general relativity. Although indirect evidence of gravitational waves has been discovered from observations of binary pulsars, direct detection of these waves is still actively being pursued. An international array of laser interferometer gravitational-wave detectors has been constructed in the past decade, and a first generation of these detectors has taken several years of data without a discovery. At this moment, these detectors are being upgraded into second-generation configurations, which will have ten times better sensitivity. Kilogram-scale test masses of these detectors, highly isolated from the environment, are probed continuously by photons. The sensitivity of such a quantum measurement can often be limited by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, and during such a measurement, the test masses can be viewed as evolving through a sequence of nearly pure quantum states.

The first part of this thesis (Chapter 2) concerns how to minimize the adverse effect of thermal fluctuations on the sensitivity of advanced gravitational detectors, thereby making them closer to being quantum-limited. My colleagues and I present a detailed analysis of coating thermal noise in advanced gravitational-wave detectors, which is the dominant noise source of Advanced LIGO in the middle of the detection frequency band. We identified the two elastic loss angles, clarified the different components of the coating Brownian noise, and obtained their cross spectral densities.

The second part of this thesis (Chapters 3-7) concerns formulating experimental concepts and analyzing experimental results that demonstrate the quantum mechanical behavior of macroscopic objects - as well as developing theoretical tools for analyzing quantum measurement processes. In Chapter 3, we study the open quantum dynamics of optomechanical experiments in which a single photon strongly influences the quantum state of a mechanical object. We also explain how to engineer the mechanical oscillator's quantum state by modifying the single photon's wave function.

In Chapters 4-5, we build theoretical tools for analyzing the so-called "non-Markovian" quantum measurement processes. Chapter 4 establishes a mathematical formalism that describes the evolution of a quantum system (the plant), which is coupled to a non-Markovian bath (i.e., one with a memory) while at the same time being under continuous quantum measurement (by the probe field). This aims at providing a general framework for analyzing a large class of non-Markovian measurement processes. Chapter 5 develops a way of characterizing the non-Markovianity of a bath (i.e.,whether and to what extent the bath remembers information about the plant) by perturbing the plant and watching for changes in the its subsequent evolution. Chapter 6 re-analyzes a recent measurement of a mechanical oscillator's zero-point fluctuations, revealing nontrivial correlation between the measurement device's sensing noise and the quantum rack-action noise.

Chapter 7 describes a model in which gravity is classical and matter motions are quantized, elaborating how the quantum motions of matter are affected by the fact that gravity is classical. It offers an experimentally plausible way to test this model (hence the nature of gravity) by measuring the center-of-mass motion of a macroscopic object.

The most promising gravitational waves for direct detection are those emitted from highly energetic astrophysical processes, sometimes involving black holes - a type of object predicted by general relativity whose properties depend highly on the strong-field regime of the theory. Although black holes have been inferred to exist at centers of galaxies and in certain so-called X-ray binary objects, detecting gravitational waves emitted by systems containing black holes will offer a much more direct way of observing black holes, providing unprecedented details of space-time geometry in the black-holes' strong-field region.

The third part of this thesis (Chapters 8-11) studies black-hole physics in connection with gravitational-wave detection.

Chapter 8 applies black hole perturbation theory to model the dynamics of a light compact object orbiting around a massive central Schwarzschild black hole. In this chapter, we present a Hamiltonian formalism in which the low-mass object and the metric perturbations of the background spacetime are jointly evolved. Chapter 9 uses WKB techniques to analyze oscillation modes (quasi-normal modes or QNMs) of spinning black holes. We obtain analytical approximations to the spectrum of the weakly-damped QNMs, with relative error O(1/L^2), and connect these frequencies to geometrical features of spherical photon orbits in Kerr spacetime. Chapter 11 focuses mainly on near-extremal Kerr black holes, we discuss a bifurcation in their QNM spectra for certain ranges of (l,m) (the angular quantum numbers) as a/M → 1. With tools prepared in Chapter 9 and 10, in Chapter 11 we obtain an analytical approximate for the scalar Green function in Kerr spacetime.


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This thesis addresses whether it is possible to build a robust memory device for quantum information. Many schemes for fault-tolerant quantum information processing have been developed so far, one of which, called topological quantum computation, makes use of degrees of freedom that are inherently insensitive to local errors. However, this scheme is not so reliable against thermal errors. Other fault-tolerant schemes achieve better reliability through active error correction, but incur a substantial overhead cost. Thus, it is of practical importance and theoretical interest to design and assess fault-tolerant schemes that work well at finite temperature without active error correction.

In this thesis, a three-dimensional gapped lattice spin model is found which demonstrates for the first time that a reliable quantum memory at finite temperature is possible, at least to some extent. When quantum information is encoded into a highly entangled ground state of this model and subjected to thermal errors, the errors remain easily correctable for a long time without any active intervention, because a macroscopic energy barrier keeps the errors well localized. As a result, stored quantum information can be retrieved faithfully for a memory time which grows exponentially with the square of the inverse temperature. In contrast, for previously known types of topological quantum storage in three or fewer spatial dimensions the memory time scales exponentially with the inverse temperature, rather than its square.

This spin model exhibits a previously unexpected topological quantum order, in which ground states are locally indistinguishable, pointlike excitations are immobile, and the immobility is not affected by small perturbations of the Hamiltonian. The degeneracy of the ground state, though also insensitive to perturbations, is a complicated number-theoretic function of the system size, and the system bifurcates into multiple noninteracting copies of itself under real-space renormalization group transformations. The degeneracy, the excitations, and the renormalization group flow can be analyzed using a framework that exploits the spin model's symmetry and some associated free resolutions of modules over polynomial algebras.


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Mechanical resonators are the most basic and ubiquitous physical systems known. In on-chip form, they are used to process high frequency signals in every cell phone, television, and laptop. They have also been in the last few decades in different shapes and forms, a critical part of progress in quantum information sciences with kilogram-scale mirrors for gravitational wave detection measuring motion at its quantum limits, and the motion of single ions being used to link qubits for quantum computation.

Optomechanics is a field primarily concerned with coupling light to the motion of mechanical structures. This thesis contains descriptions of recent work with mechanical systems in the megahertz to gigahertz frequency range, formed by nanofabricating novel photonic/phononic structures on a silicon chip. These structures are designed to have both optical and mechanical resonances, and laser light is used to address and manipulate their motional degrees of freedom through radiation pressure forces. We laser cool these mechanical resonators to their ground states, and observe for the first time the quantum zero-point motion of a nanomechanical resonator. Conversely, we show that engineered mechanical resonances drastically modify the optical response of our structures, creating large effective optical nonlinearities not present in bulk silicon. We experimentally demonstrate aspects of these nonlinearities by proposing and observing ``electromagnetically induced transparency'' and light slowed down to 6 m/s, as well as wavelength conversion, and generation of nonclassical optical radiation. Finally, the application of optomechanics to longstanding problems in quantum and classical communications are proposed and investigated.


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A novel phase-type quantum-dot-array diffraction grating (QDADG) is reported. In contrast to an earlier amplitude-type QDADG [C. Wang , Rev. Sci. Instrum. 78, 053503 (2007)], the new phase-type QDADG would remove the zeroth order diffraction at some certain wavelength, as well as suppressing the higher-order diffractions. In this paper, the basic concept, the fabrication, the calibration techniques, and the calibration results are presented. Such a grating can be applied in the research fields of beam splitting, laser probe diagnostics, and so on.


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In the first part I perform Hartree-Fock calculations to show that quantum dots (i.e., two-dimensional systems of up to twenty interacting electrons in an external parabolic potential) undergo a gradual transition to a spin-polarized Wigner crystal with increasing magnetic field strength. The phase diagram and ground state energies have been determined. I tried to improve the ground state of the Wigner crystal by introducing a Jastrow ansatz for the wave function and performing a variational Monte Carlo calculation. The existence of so called magic numbers was also investigated. Finally, I also calculated the heat capacity associated with the rotational degree of freedom of deformed many-body states and suggest an experimental method to detect Wigner crystals.

The second part of the thesis investigates infinite nuclear matter on a cubic lattice. The exact thermal formalism describes nucleons with a Hamiltonian that accommodates on-site and next-neighbor parts of the central, spin-exchange and isospin-exchange interaction. Using auxiliary field Monte Carlo methods, I show that energy and basic saturation properties of nuclear matter can be reproduced. A first order phase transition from an uncorrelated Fermi gas to a clustered system is observed by computing mechanical and thermodynamical quantities such as compressibility, heat capacity, entropy and grand potential. The structure of the clusters is investigated with the help two-body correlations. I compare symmetry energy and first sound velocities with literature and find reasonable agreement. I also calculate the energy of pure neutron matter and search for a similar phase transition, but the survey is restricted by the infamous Monte Carlo sign problem. Also, a regularization scheme to extract potential parameters from scattering lengths and effective ranges is investigated.


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We theoretically show that selection of a single quantum path in high-order harmonics generation can be realized in a few-optical-cycle regime with two-color schemes. We also demonstrate, in theory as well, the generation of spectrally smooth and ultrabroad extreme ultraviolet supercontinuum in argon gas which can produce single similar to 79 as pulses with currently available ultrafast laser sources. Our finding can be beneficial for generating isolated sub-100 as extreme ultraviolet pulses.


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Accurate simulation of quantum dynamics in complex systems poses a fundamental theoretical challenge with immediate application to problems in biological catalysis, charge transfer, and solar energy conversion. The varied length- and timescales that characterize these kinds of processes necessitate development of novel simulation methodology that can both accurately evolve the coupled quantum and classical degrees of freedom and also be easily applicable to large, complex systems. In the following dissertation, the problems of quantum dynamics in complex systems are explored through direct simulation using path-integral methods as well as application of state-of-the-art analytical rate theories.


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This work reports investigations upon weakly superconducting proximity effect bridges. These bridges, which exhibit the Josephson effects, are produced by bisecting a superconductor with a short (<1µ) region of material whose superconducting transition temperature is below that of the adjacent superconductors. These bridges are fabricated from layered refractory metal thin films whose transition temperature will depend upon the thickness ratio of the materials involved. The thickness ratio is changed in the area of the bridge to lower its transition temperature. This is done through novel photolithographic techniques described in the text, Chapter 2.

If two such proximity effect bridges are connected in parallel, they form a quantum interferometer. The maximum zero voltage current through this circuit is periodically modulated by the magnetic flux through the circuit. At a constant bias current, the modulation of the critical current produces a modulation in the dc voltage across the bridge. This change in dc voltage has been found to be the result of a change in the internal dissipation in the device. A simple model using lumped circuit theory and treating the bridges as quantum oscillators of frequency ω = 2eV/h, where V is the time average voltage across the device, has been found to adequately describe the observed voltage modulation.

The quantum interferometers have been converted to a galvanometer through the inclusion of an integral thin film current path which couples magnetic flux through the interferometer. Thus a change in signal current produces a change in the voltage across the interferometer at a constant bias current. This work is described in Chapter 3 of the text.

The sensitivity of any device incorporating proximity effect bridges will ultimately be determined by the fluctuations in their electrical parameters. He have measured the spectral power density of the voltage fluctuations in proximity effect bridges using a room temperature electronics and a liquid helium temperature transformer to match the very low (~ 0.1 Ω) impedances characteristic of these devices.

We find the voltage noise to agree quite well with that predicted by phonon noise in the normal conduction through the bridge plus a contribution from the superconducting pair current through the bridge which is proportional to the ratios of this current to the time average voltage across the bridge. The total voltage fluctuations are given by <V^2(f ) > = 4kTR^2_d I/V where R_d is the dynamic resistance, I the total current, and V the voltage across the bridge . An additional noise source appears with a strong 1/f^(n) dependence , 1.5 < n < 2, if the bridges are fabricated upon a glass substrate. This excess noise, attributed to thermodynamic temperature fluctuations in the volume of the bridge, increases dramatically on a glass substrate due to the greatly diminished thermal diffusivity of the glass as compared to sapphire.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo central analisar o Sistema Penitenciário do Estado do Rio de Janeiro a partir do regime semi-aberto, tendo como campo de análise o Instituto Penal Oscar Stevenson, situado em Benfica, no município do Rio de Janeiro, voltado para um público carcerário feminino. Buscou-se verificar, sob o enfoque das presas, a expectativa e possibilidades de retorno ao convívio social; analisar os aspectos jurídico-institucionais referentes ao regime semi-aberto, no que tange a obtenção dos benefícios, junto a Lei de Execução Penal e identificar quais as parcerias que viabilizam a inserção delas no mercado de trabalho. Para a efetivação desse trabalho utilizou-se, preferencialmente os pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos da pesquisa quali-quantitativa, pois foi trabalhado não só no nível da objetividade, mas também no significado das ações e relações humanas, sabendo que a realidade prisional é perpassada por questões de cunho opressor, punitivo, em função de preconizar a segurança. Foram realizados também levantamentos de dados bibliográficos e censitários, bem como entrevistas semi-estruturadas junto aos agentes penitenciários do setor de educação e classificação e principalmente as presas. A análise do material coletado permitiu confirmar as hipóteses da pesquisa: i) que a ausência de oportunidades que garantam às presas os benefícios do regime semi-aberto não se dá por falta de instrumentos legais, mas sim pela burocracia no cadastramento e poucas parcerias de cursos profissionalizantes, empresas privadas que absorvam mão-de-obra das presas do regime semi-aberto; e ii) e que no momento em que as presas ainda estavam no regime fechado, não tiveram oportunidades de se capacitarem e também os vínculos familiares não foram mantidos, com isso dificultando que estas usufruam dos benefícios do regime semi-aberto. E, conseqüentemente, sendo cada vez mais adiado o seu retorno gradativo ao convívio social, através da progressão de regime.


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Researchers have spent decades refining and improving their methods for fabricating smaller, finer-tuned, higher-quality nanoscale optical elements with the goal of making more sensitive and accurate measurements of the world around them using optics. Quantum optics has been a well-established tool of choice in making these increasingly sensitive measurements which have repeatedly pushed the limits on the accuracy of measurement set forth by quantum mechanics. A recent development in quantum optics has been a creative integration of robust, high-quality, and well-established macroscopic experimental systems with highly-engineerable on-chip nanoscale oscillators fabricated in cleanrooms. However, merging large systems with nanoscale oscillators often require them to have extremely high aspect-ratios, which make them extremely delicate and difficult to fabricate with an "experimentally reasonable" repeatability, yield and high quality. In this work we give an overview of our research, which focused on microscopic oscillators which are coupled with macroscopic optical cavities towards the goal of cooling them to their motional ground state in room temperature environments. The quality factor of a mechanical resonator is an important figure of merit for various sensing applications and observing quantum behavior. We demonstrated a technique for pushing the quality factor of a micromechanical resonator beyond conventional material and fabrication limits by using an optical field to stiffen and trap a particular motional mode of a nanoscale oscillator. Optical forces increase the oscillation frequency by storing most of the mechanical energy in a nearly loss-less optical potential, thereby strongly diluting the effects of material dissipation. By placing a 130 nm thick SiO2 pendulum in an optical standing wave, we achieve an increase in the pendulum center-of-mass frequency from 6.2 to 145 kHz. The corresponding quality factor increases 50-fold from its intrinsic value to a final value of Qm = 5.8(1.1) x 105, representing more than an order of magnitude improvement over the conventional limits of SiO2 for a pendulum geometry. Our technique may enable new opportunities for mechanical sensing and facilitate observations of quantum behavior in this class of mechanical systems. We then give a detailed overview of the techniques used to produce high-aspect-ratio nanostructures with applications in a wide range of quantum optics experiments. The ability to fabricate such nanodevices with high precision opens the door to a vast array of experiments which integrate macroscopic optical setups with lithographically engineered nanodevices. Coupled with atom-trapping experiments in the Kimble Lab, we use these techniques to realize a new waveguide chip designed to address ultra-cold atoms along lithographically patterned nanobeams which have large atom-photon coupling and near 4π Steradian optical access for cooling and trapping atoms. We describe a fully integrated and scalable design where cold atoms are spatially overlapped with the nanostring cavities in order to observe a resonant optical depth of d0 ≈ 0.15. The nanodevice illuminates new possibilities for integrating atoms into photonic circuits and engineering quantum states of atoms and light on a microscopic scale. We then describe our work with superconducting microwave resonators coupled to a phononic cavity towards the goal of building an integrated device for quantum-limited microwave-to-optical wavelength conversion. We give an overview of our characterizations of several types of substrates for fabricating a low-loss high-frequency electromechanical system. We describe our electromechanical system fabricated on a Si3N4 membrane which consists of a 12 GHz superconducting LC resonator coupled capacitively to the high frequency localized modes of a phononic nanobeam. Using our suspended membrane geometry we isolate our system from substrates with significant loss tangents, drastically reducing the parasitic capacitance of our superconducting circuit to ≈ 2.5$ fF. This opens up a number of possibilities in making a new class of low-loss high-frequency electromechanics with relatively large electromechanical coupling. We present our substrate studies, fabrication methods, and device characterization.