1000 resultados para seleção de cultivar


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Não disponível


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Organizational change is occurring in the Brazilian agribusiness from sugar cane in recent decades. Aspects of management in this sector are being changed due to the importance of its products, especially ethanol and electricity. It is observed in the literature a lack of quantitative studies in this Brazilian sector, particularly the selection of sugarcane varieties for planting. This study proposes the use of Goal Programming (GP) with Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to select efficient varieties of sugarcane for planting in a sugar and ethanol milling company. The study allowed the identification of efficient sugarcane varieties. This way, it helped the company to make more reliable decisions, favoring the increase of productivity


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The study of mathematical modeling assists in evaluation of the capacity of production and measurement of generation time of biogas in landfills, enabling the implantation of projects of energy generation from methane. Thus, the work aims, by simulating scenarios of potential methane generation in the landfill in Rio Claro, the use of field data from methane flow and waste grounded parameters as references for selecting values of k e L0 used to estimate methane generation model in LandGEM. As a result it was found that compared the characteristics adopted in the four scenarios recommended by the USEPA literature with those found in the landfill of Rio Claro (high amount of organic matter in the waste landed and daily practice of leachate recirculation), the scenario that apparently better represent the rate of methane generation is the scenario 01, with k = 0.7 and L0 = 96. Now, the adjustment of parameters in relation to the data field of methane flow, the value of L0 which best fits the methane generation from the landfill in Rio Claro is 150, while for k the line behavior that best represents the reality are values between 0.7 and 0.3. Regarding the parameters of the waste grounded, between the suggested values of k, 0,3 is most consistent with the intermediate level of biological degradation of the residue grounded, while L0 due to the biodegradability of the waste, a new value between 120 and 150 may be more appropriate for the study


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The implementation of an Export and Processing Zone (ZEPs) brings several benefits to the local, state and federal economy, but often, only socioeconomic factors are considered, apart from several other factors that should be analyzed, such as the environment. In this context of industrialization and the struggle for sustainable development, this work propose to incorporate the environmental variable in the decision process for establishing industrial areas, in particular, the ZPE in the city of Fernandópolis, São Paulo state, Brazil, by examining several physical and environmental factors such as slope intervals, geological features, pedological factors and land use. Developed using a multicriteria analysis, a model has been elaborated, where these factors have received a proportional value according with their importance, supported by a GIS tool (Geographical Information System) and remote sensing products, such as images from CBERS satellite and SRTM radar, showing the suited areas for industrial activities, considering environmental conditions. This model may assist to take better decision about the ZPE implementation area and to reduce the negative environmental impacts that would result of poorly planned locations


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Since its origin, soccer has been conquering followers all over the world. As a consequence of this cultural phenomenon, countless works are being done aiming to analyze the game systems and the fundamentals carried out by a team. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the Brazilian Soccer Team’s game systems and actions with ball possession in the 1958, 1962 and 2002 World Cup finals. Specifically, the paper analyzed the actions that occur during the match, such as control, dribble, pass, shot, foul and tackling. In order to achieve that, the Skout software (Barros et al., 2006) was utilized and, through it, all fundamentals carried out by the Brazilian team were identified and codified in a virtual field. The data from each match was transported into the Matlab® software, in which the zone of major action of each player was analyzed, represented by the main axis. The outcome showed that the game systems put into practice by the Brazilian team in the 1958 and 1962 World Cup finals didn’t present significant changes, nevertheless, regarding the 2002 final, there was a great difference. The Brazilian team got similar percentages in the technical actions carried out in the three World Cup finals analyzed, however, in absolute numbers, the passes, the shots and the dribbles decreased while the fouls increased.


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This work proposes a study on the materials selections and processes for the manufacture of aircraft and showing a methodology to reduce the manufacturing cost. The DFMA can be understood as a methodology that aims at reducing manufacturing and assembly costs and coupled with the increase of product quality through design simplifications. The most commonly material used in the manufacture of aircraft is aluminum alloys due to these possess great structural strength, good elasticity, and being stainless having a low specific weight (about 1/3 that of steel), reducing the weight of the aircraft. A case study in which an operation in the process of verifying the quality was generating unnecessary costs time / man for the company was also developed. The problem solution was simple, just removing the attachment process. It was found that the DFMA methodology is extremely important for the simplification of processes and projects, contributing to the reduction of manufacturing costs of aircraft


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The oil and biodiesel are oily substances which, if spilled or thrown out in the environment, can cause serious damages. In this context, bioremediation techniques can be used to the recovering of sites degradated by mineral or vegetable oil, besides them, the biodegradation. However, it is necessary that there are microorganism strains used to degradate the contaminant, previously selected for the fast, efficient and minimum impact remediation. The main objective of this study was to isolate microorganism strains coming from different ecological recesses and verify their potentiality on biodegradating oil and biodiesel. Strains of bacteria, fungi and yeasts were isolated from soils contaminated by hydrocarbons (diesel, gasoline, grease) before, by doing striations on culture plates. On the biodegradation tests, it was used the redox indicator, 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol (DCPIP), then, after the indicador’s discoloration, the absorbance of the suspension obtained was measured. 46 different microorganism strains were isolated, and the oil, when it was used as a carbon resource, it was degradate easier than the biodiesel. The experiments showed that, in a period, the site impacted by oil spills recovers itself by the biodegradation, in aerobic conditions, by the redox activity.


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The optimal supply chain management (SCM) is considered by the companies a new frontier in order to gain efficiently competitive advantage. Through the SCM companies must define their competitive strategies by positioning inside the supply chain wich belongs both as suppliers and as consumers. The main objectives of SCM is integrate multiple suppliers to satisfy the market demand and make possible the synergies between the parts of the supply chain in order to better serve the consumer Meanwhile, selection, evaluation and development of suppliers play important roles in establishing an efficient supply chain. Thus, the SCM covers elements such as manufacturing, assembly, raw materials, and distribution to the final consumer. Due to the factors described, the focus of this paper is to present the Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP) application as an appropriate and structured method for the supplier selection of a strategic line of low voltage transformers of a transformers industry and compare it with the selection process currently used by this industry, showing the advantages of applying a multiple criteria decision making method. In this study, the research methodology used was modeling and simulation


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L’audit, c’est un outil de gestion très important pour que les organisations puissent accomplir la réussite. Selon le fait qu’il n’y a pas des modèles d’aide à l’audit, il existe une opportunité de recherche. En considerant les Méthodes d’Aide à la Décision, il y a des plusieurs type d’applications. L’objectif de la recherche c’est la proposition d’un modèle capable de sélectionner des processus pour faire l’audit dans une distributeur de carburant en considerant la prise de décision en groupe. La modélisation normative empirique c’est la méthode de recherche utilisée. Un modèle qui utilise l’Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) et la prise de décision en groupe a été proposé face aux difficultés d’un département d’Audit Interne. Le modèle proposé présente les poids des processus et permet leur priorisations dans un scénario determiné. Pour l’application de ce modèle présenté, on a utilisé cinq critères et 26 alternative (processus). L’information de jugement a été bien founi par trois spécialistes du département. Quelques rendez-vous avec les participants ont été pris pour obtenir et réviser les donnés ainsi que discuter les résultats. Les résultats obtenus par le modèle permettent d’identifier les processus qu’il faut plus d’attention. L’équipe a considéré le modèle comme une proposition d’aide à la prise de décision très pertinent pour le département d’Audit Interne


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This paper aims at examining the hypothesis that the choice among the different strategies of relativization available in the Portuguese grammar is motivated by a lesser or greater degree of transparency between form and meaning, which implies, correlatively, lesser or greater degree of ease in cognitive processing. In addition, the lesser or greater degree of transparency allows to postulate a hierarchical ordering for the strategies in correspondence to a greater or a lesser degree of ease in cognitive processing.


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This paper discussed the model of Nash bargaining (NASH, 1950, 1953), which its arbitration function is invariant for the linear transformations. A more robust model was proposed with respect to the incommensurable effect. The result obtained by the optimization process was not influenced by the units or the amplitude values of these measures. The risk and the return is measured in portfolios of assets and defined a risk metric, return and a method to handle the risk and return. For this, we made a review on the main characteristics of Brazilian industry funds and their evolution over the past years, in addition to treating on the risk in the financial market, the importance of portfolio selection and the Markowitz Model. Are made closing remarks, an analysis of the results, some suggests, concerns and how such concerns can be improved and / or explored in future studies


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Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS