997 resultados para secondary constriction


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Over the last 20 years much has been done to encourage female students to choose computing courses and computing careers. Some instances of positive effects have been reported, yet the proportional disparity in gender in this discipline continues to grow. This paper reports on a program called 'Digital Divas'. Digital Divas aims to scaffold positive perceptions around computing in the early years of secondary school by involving female students in upbeat computing experiences over a semester. It introduces university undergraduates to the secondary classroom to provide informal role models and mentors, as well as interactions with young computing professionals. This classroom environment enables computer applications to be more strongly linked with future careers. The commitment to a semester length unit was influential in changing perceptions about girls and computing, and the program was supported by the wider school community. We posit that this type of curriculum intervention is needed and has the potential to build technical human capital in female students.


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Rechargeable lithium batteries have long been considered an attractive alternative power source for a wide variety of applications. Safety and stability1 concerns associated with solvent-based electrolytes has necessitated the use of lithium intercalation materials (rather than lithium metal) as anodes, which decreases the energy storage capacity per unit mass. The use of solid lithium ion conductors - based on glasses, ceramics or polymers - as the electrolyte would potentially improve the stability of a lithium metal anode while alleviating the safety concerns. Glasses and ceramics conduct via a fast ion mechanism, in which the lithium ions move within an essentially static framework. In contrast, the motion of ions in polymer systems is similar to that in solvent-based electrolytes - motion is mediated by the dynamics of the host polymer, thereby restricting the conductivity to relatively low values. Moreover, in the polymer systems, the motion of the lithium ions provides only a small fraction of the overall conductivity2, which results in severe concentration gradients during cell operation, causing premature failure3. Here we describe a class of materials, prepared by doping lithium ions into a plastic crystalline matrix, that exhibit fast lithium ion motion due to rotational disorder and the existence of vacancies in the lattice. The combination of possible structural variations of the plastic crystal matrix and conductivities as high as 2 3 1024 S cm21 at 60 8C make these materials very attractive for secondary battery applications.


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The soil-borne pathogen, Phytophthora cinnamomi, continues to cause severe dieback in Australian native forest species and is of great international significance due to its global distribution. This research established a protocol to successfully identify phyto-chemicals associated with the defense response of plants challenged by the disease caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi.


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Secondary ion emission from water ice has been studied using Au+, Au3+, and C60+ primary ions. In contrast to the gas phase in which the spectra are dominated by the (H2O)nH+ series of ions, the spectra from ice using all three primary ions are principally composed of two series of cluster ions (H2O)nH+ and (H2O)n+. Dependent on the conditions, the unprotonated series can dominate the spectra. Since in the gas phase (H2O)n+ is unstable with respect to the formation of the protonated ion series, the presence of the solid must provide a means to stabilize their formation. The cluster ion yields under Au+ bombardment are very low and can be understood in terms of sputtering on the borderline between linear cascade and thermal spike behavior. There is a 104 increase in yield across the whole spectrum compared to Au+ when Au3+ and C60+ species are used as primary ions. The character of the spectra differed between these two primary ions, but insights into the mechanism of secondary ion emission for both is discussed within an energy deposition framework provided by the fluid flow-based mesoscale energy deposition footprint (MEDF) model that predicts a cone-shaped zone of activation and emission. C60+ differs from Au3+ in that it delivers its energy closer to the surface, and it is argued this has consequences for the cluster ion distribution and yield. Increasing the ion dose by sputtering suppresses the yield of (H2O)n+ and increases the yield of the protonated ions in the small cluster region, whereas the yield in the large cluster regime is suppressed significantly. The three primary ions show rather different behavior, and this is discussed in the light of the sputtering models. Finally, negative ion spectra including cluster ions have been observed for the first time. C60+ delivers the highest yields, but these are less than 10 times the positive ion yields, probably because the O and OH fragment ions on which the clusters are based are easily neutralized by protons.


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This chapter draws on practitioner research with classes in a surburban secondary college in Melbourne, Australia to examine some of the complex interactions between school literacy practices and the literacy practices students engage in within school and outside of school. In particular, it focuses on student texts as instances of successful experiences of using multiliteracies for reading, writing and speaking in English classrooms.


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Intermittent wetlands are particularly at risk from secondary salinisation because salts are concentrated during drawdown. We conducted a field experiment to examine the effect of adding salt at two different concentrations (to achieve nominal conductivities of 1000 μS cm–1 (low salt) and 3000 μS cm–1 (high salt)) on water quality, freshwater plants and epiphytic diatoms in an intermittent wetland during a 3.3-month drawdown. Conductivity increased to 3000 and 8500 μS cm–1 in low-salt and high-salt treatments respectively. Salt was apparently lost to the sediments, causing protons to be released from the sediments and reducing water column pH from 6.9 to 5.5 in the low-salt treatment and to 4.0 in the high-salt treatments. Forty days after adding the salt, biomass, %cover and flower production in Potamogeton cheesmanii were significantly reduced, whereas Amphibromus fluitans was not significantly affected. The salt effect on Triglochin procera was intermediate between the other two macrophytes. Significant reductions in the density, species richness and diversity of epiphytic diatoms occurred in the high-salt, but not in the low-salt, treatments. Our work shows that increases in salinity, and thus conductivity (up to 8500 μS cm–1), in low-alkalinity intermittent wetlands can change water quality, with significant adverse effects on some macrophyte and diatom communities.


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Objective: To examine population-level evidence treatment gaps for cardiovascular risk among rural patients with existing cardiovascular disease or diabetes.

Methods: Three population surveys were undertaken in the Greater Green Triangle region of southeastern Australia 2004-2006. Adults aged 25-84 yrs were randomly selected using age/sex stratified electoral role samples. A representative 1690 participants were recruited (48% participation rate). Anthropometric, clinical and self-administered questionnaire chronic disease risk data were collected in accordance with the WHO MONICA protocol. Detailed investigation of cardiovascular and diabetes history, key cardiovascular risk factors, medication use and health behaviours were included.

Results: After adjusting for age and sex, an estimated 12% (sample n=272) of the population had one or more of coronary heart disease, stroke, or diabetes. Blood pressure was at target (<130/80 mmHg) for 26% of these individuals, and 61% were treated with antihypertensive medications. Lipid targets were achieved by 17% for total cholesterol (<4 mmol/L), 18% for LDL cholesterol (<2 mmol/L), 77% for HDL cholesterol (>1.0 mmol/L) and 44% for triglycerides (<1.5 mmol/L); overall 6% achieved all four lipid targets and 60% reported use of lipid-lowering therapy, including 51% overall using statins. Ten percent were current smokers, and four in every five patients (82%) had suboptimal BMI (outside the range 18.5 - 25.0).

Conclusions: All participants with uncontrolled blood pressure and most with uncontrolled lipids should be taking medications. The magnitude of evidence treatment gaps suggests existing models of care need fundamental reform and renewed focus on prevention.


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As the limitations of one‐off and disconnected professional learning programs for teachers are recognised, there is widespread interest in building learning communities and professional learning teams within schools. When considering how to build local learning communities, school and university partnerships are seen as offering rich possibilities for transformative professional action. Set in the context of the international agenda of “Education For All” (UNESCO, 2005) a model of sustained on‐going professional learning, developed in one large secondary school in Australia, is analysed. The social practices that generate action and participation for partnership members are then scrutinised for the legitimacy of school‐university partnerships and the contribution to enhancing teacher learning.


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The identification of RNA secondary structures has been among the most exciting recent developments in biology and medical science. It has been recognized that there is an abundance of functional structures with frameshifting, regulation of translation, and splicing functions. However, the inherent signal for secondary structures is weak and generally not straightforward due to complex interleaving substrings. This makes it difficult to explore their potential functions from various structure data. Our approach, based on a collection of predicted RNA secondary structures, allows us to efficiently capture interesting characteristic relations in RNA and bring out the top-ranked rules for specified association groups. Our results not only point to a number of interesting associations and include a brief biological interpretation to them. It assists biologists in sorting out the most significant characteristic structure patterns and predicting structurefunction relationships in RNA.


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Book review of Teaching Secondary School Mathematics : Research and Practice for the 21st Century by Merrilyn Goos, Gloria Stillman & Colleen Vale