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A near-bottom geological and geophysical survey was conducted at the western intersection of the Siqueiros Transform Fault and the East Pacific Rise. Transform-fault shear appears to distort the east flank of the rise crest in an area north of the fracture zone. In ward-facing scarps trend 335° and do not parallel the regional axis of spreading. Small-scale scarps reveal a hummocky bathymetry. The center of spreading is not a central peak but rather a 20-40 m deep, 1 km wide valley superimposed upon an 8 km wide ridge-crest horst. Small-scale topography indicates widespread volcanic flows within the valley. Two 0.75 km wide blocks flank the central valley. Fault scarps are more dominant on the western flank. Their alignment shifts from directions intermediate to parallel to the regional axis of spreading (355°). A median ridge within the fracture zone has a fault-block topography similar to that of the East Pacific Rise to the north. Dominant eastward-facing scarps trending 335° are on the west flank. A central depression, 1 km wide and 30 m deep, separates the dominantly fault-block regime of the west from the smoother topography of the east flank. This ridge originated by uplift due to faulting as well as by volcanism. Detailed mapping was concentrated in a perched basin (Dante's Hole) at the intersection of the rise crest and the fracture zone. Structural features suggest that Dante's Hole is an area subject to extreme shear and tensional drag resulting from transition between non-rigid and rigid crustal behavior. Normal E-W crustal spreading is probably taking place well within the northern confines of the basin. Possible residual spreading of this isolated rise crest coupled with shear drag within the transform fault could explain the structural isolation of Dante's Hole from the remainder of the Siqueiros Transform Fault.
The cores and dredges described in this report were taken on the Southern Borderland (SOB) Expedition in February-March 1960 by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography from the R/V Spencer F. Baird. A total of 34 cores and dredges were recovered and are available at Scripps for sampling and study.
The cores described in this report were taken on the CLIMAX I Expedition in September 1968 by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography from the R/V Horizon. A total of 3 cores were recovered and are available at Scripps for sampling and study.
The cores and dredges described in this report were taken on the PROA Expedition in April 1962 until August 1962 by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography from the R/V Spencer F. Baird. A total of 180 cores and dredges were recovered and are available at Scripps for sampling and study.
A 0.25 m US Naval Electronics Lab box corer was used to take replicate samples from an oligotrophic bottom under the North Pacific Central Water Mass (approx. 28 degrees N, 155 degrees W). The bottom is a red clay with manganese nodules at a depth of 5500-5800 m. Macrofaunal density ranges from 84 to 160 individuals per m super(2) and is therefore much the same as in Northwest Atlantic Gyre waters. Of the macrofaunal taxa, polychaetes dominate (55 per cent), followed by tanaids (18 per cent), bivalves (7 per cent), and isopods (6 per cent). Meiofaunal taxa were only partially retained by the 297 micrometer screen used in washing. Even then, they are 1.5-3.9 times as abundant as the microfaunal taxa, with nematodes being numerically dominant by far. Foraminifera seem to comprise an important portion of the community, but could not be assessed accurately because of the inability to discriminate living and dead tests. Remains of what are probably xenophyophoridans are also very important, but offer the same problem. Faunal diversity is extremely high, with deposit feeders comprising the overwhelming majority. Most spp are rare, being encountered only once. The distributions of only 3 spp show any significant deviation from randomness. The polychaete fauna from box cores collected from 90 m to the north was not significantly different from that of the principal study locality. Concordance appeared at several taxonomic levels, from spp through microfaunal/ meiofaunal relationships. As a result, the variation in total animal abundance shows aggregation among cores. The authors discuss Sokolova's concept of a deep-sea oligotrophic zone dominated by suspension feeders, and reconcile it with our present findings. The high diversity of the fauna combined with the low food level contradict theories that relate diversity directly with productivity.
The cores described in this report were taken on JAPANYON Expedition in June-September 1961 by Scripps Institution of Oceanography from, the R/V Spencer F. Baird. A total of 85 cores and dredges were recovered and are available at Scripps for sampling and study. The coring sites are all in the eastern tropical central Pacific.
A box model is presented to simulate changes in Mediterranean long-term average salinity and d18O over the past 20,000 years. Simulations are validated by comparison with observations. Sensitivity tests illustrate robustness with respect to the main assumptions and uncertainties. The results show that relative humidity over the Mediterranean remained relatively constant around 70%, apparently narrowly constrained to the lower end of the range observed globally over sea surfaces by the basin's land-locked character. Isotopic depletion in run off, relative to the present, is identified as the main potential cause of depletions in the Mediterranean d18O record. Also, slight increases in relative humidity (of the order of 5%) might have caused very pronounced isotopic depletions, such as that in sapropel S5 of the penultimate interglacial maximum. The model shows distinctly non proportional responses of d18O and salinity to environmental change, which argues against the use of isotope residuals in Mediterranean paleosalinity reconstructions.
The cores and dredges described in this report were taken on the HILO Expedition in March-April 1962 by Scripps Institution of Oceanography from, the R/V Stranger. A total of 21 cores and dredges were recovered and are available at Scripps for sampling and study.
The cores and dredges described in this report were taken during the Swedish Deep Sea Expedition from July 1947 until October 1948 aboard the S/S Albatross (Boström). A total of 370 cores and trawls during this World circumnavigation.
The cores and dredges described are taken during the MUKLUK expedition of the R/V Spencer Baird in July-August 1957 by the Scripps Institute of Oceanography. A total of 31 cores and dredges were recovered and are available at Scripps Institute of Oceanography for sampling and study.
A high-resolution study of benthic foraminiferal assemblages was performed on a ca. eight metre long sediment core from Gullmar Fjord on the west coast of Sweden. The results of 210Pb- and AMS 14C-datings show that the record includes the two warmest climatic episodes of the last 1500 years: the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) and the recent warming of the 20th century. Both periods are known to be anomalously warm and associated with positive NAO winter indices. Benthic foraminiferal successions of both periods are compared in order to find faunal similarities and common denominators corresponding to past climate changes. During the MWP, Adercotryma glomerata, Cassidulina laevigata and Nonionella iridea dominated the assemblages. Judging from dominance of species sensitive to hypoxia and the highest faunal diversity for the last ca. 2400 years, the foraminiferal record of the MWP suggests an absence of severe low oxygen events. At the same time, faunas and d13C values both point to high primary productivity and/or increased input of terrestrial organic carbon into the fjord system during the Medieval Warm Period. Comparison of the MWP and recent warming revealed different trends in the faunal record. The thin-shelled foraminifer N. iridea was characteristic of the MWP, but became absent during the second half of the 20th century. The recent Skagerrak-Kattegat fauna was rare or absent during the MWP but established in Gullmar Fjord at the end of the Little Ice Age or in the early 1900s. Also, there are striking differences in the faunal diversity and absolute abundances of foraminifera between both periods. Changes in primary productivity, higher precipitation resulting in intensified land runoff, different oxygen regimes or even changes in the fjord's trophic status are discussed as possible causes of these faunal differences.
Cores, submarine photography and dredges described in this report were taken during the R/V Eltanin Cruise 5 in 1962 by the Department of Geology, Florida State University. Cores and dredges were recovered for 31 stations and are available at the Antarctic Research Facility, Florida State University for sampling and study.
The purpose of this volume, the ninth in a series of similar publications (Goodell, 1964, 1965, 1968; Frakes 1971, 1973 ; Cassidy et al., 1977), is to continue a presentation to the research community of sediment core descriptions and attendant data of cored and otherwise obtained sediments retrieved in waters of the Southern Ocean aboard the research vessel, ARA Islas Orcadas (formerly, USNS Eltanin), as a part of the circumpolar survey begun by Eltanin in 1962 (see issue of Antarctic Journal of the United States, Vol. 8, No. 3, 1973). The data presented herein are concerned with the results of coring activities aboard cruise 1277 of Islas Orcadas, the third marine geology coring cruise of this vessel under the terms of the present United States-Argentine agreement. The core descriptions are organised as follows: 1) a brief summary of the coring objectives of the cruise, together with a discussion of core recovery; 2) a table and map of station location data for materials retrieved; 3) a table of tentative age-dates for each piston core; 4) an explanation of the laboratory procedures and descriptive criteria used in the description of the sediments, and 5) lithologic descriptions of the piston and trigger cores, and the piston and trigger core bag samples.
A sediment core from Reykjanes Ridge has been studied at 10- to 50-year time resolution to document variability of Holocene surface water conditions in the western North Atlantic and to evaluate effects of Holocene ice-rafting episodes. Diatom assemblages are converted to quantitative sea surface temperatures (SST) using three different transfer functions. Spectral and scale-space methods are also applied on the records to explore variability at different timescales. Diatom assemblage and SST records clearly show that decaying remnants of the Laurentide ice sheet strongly influenced early Holocene climate in the western North Atlantic. This overrode the predominance of Milankovitch forcing, which played a key role in the development of Holocene climate in the eastern North Atlantic and Nordic Seas. Superimposed on general Holocene climate change is high-frequency SST variability on the order of 1°-3°C. The record also documents climatic oscillations with 600- to 1000-, ~1500-, and 2500-year periodicities, with a time-dependent dominance of different periodicities through the Holocene; a clear change in variability occurred about 5 ka BP. The SST record also provides evidence for Holocene cooling events (HCE) that, in some cases, correlate to documented southward intrusions of ice into the North Atlantic.
This report is Volume 3 of Descriptions of WHOI rock dredge samples. This series represents a major effort to catalog the rock dredge samples in the WHOI Sea Floor samples collection, and to disseminate this information throughout the scientific community. Volume 3 contains sample descriptions and station data for the dredge stations from five cruises during the period September 1978 through December 1980. The material in this and subsequent volumes of rock descriptions was largely prepared onboard ship by the participating scientists. Volume 3 was printed prior to volumes 1 and 2 because of the excellent documentation of the samples represented in this volume.