972 resultados para recent advances


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Two-dimensional (2D) crystallisation of Membrane proteins reconstitutes them into their native environment, the lipid bilayer. Electron crystallography allows the structural analysis of these regular protein–lipid arrays up to atomic resolution. The crystal quality depends on the protein purity, ist stability and on the crystallisation conditions. The basics of 2D crystallisation and different recent advances are reviewed and electron crystallography approaches summarised. Progress in 2D crystallisation, sample preparation, image detectors and automation of the data acquisition and processing pipeline makes 2D electron crystallography particularly attractive for the structural analysis of membrane proteins that are too small for single-particle analyses and too unstable to form three-dimensional (3D) crystals.


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Since the immunochemical identification of the bullous pemphigoid antigen 230 (BP230) as one of the major target autoantigens of bullous pemphigoid (BP) in 1981, our understanding of this protein has significantly increased. Cloning of its gene, development and characterization of animal models with engineered gene mutations or spontaneous mouse mutations have revealed an unexpected complexity of the gene encoding BP230. The latter, now called dystonin (DST), is composed of at least 100 exons and gives rise to three major isoforms, an epithelial, a neuronal and a muscular isoform, named BPAG1e (corresponding to the original BP230), BPAG1a and BPAG1b, respectively. The various BPAG1 isoforms play a key role in fundamental processes, such as cell adhesion, cytoskeleton organization, and cell migration. Genetic defects of BPAG1 isoforms are the culprits of epidermolysis bullosa and complex, devastating neurological diseases. In this review, we summarize recent advances of our knowledge about several BPAG1 isoforms, their role in various biological processes and in human diseases.


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Drugs targeting the immune system such as corticosteroids, antihistamines and immunosuppressants have been widely exploited in the treatment of inflammatory, allergic and autoimmune disorders during the second half of the 20th century. The recent advances in immunopharmacological research have made available new classes of clinically relevant drugs. These comprise protein kinase inhibitors and biologics, such as monoclonal antibodies, that selectively modulate the immune response not only in cancer and autoimmunity but also in a number of other human pathologies. Likewise, more effective vaccines utilizing novel antigens and adjuvants are valuable tools for the prevention of transmissible infectious diseases and for allergen-specific immunotherapy. Consequently, immunopharmacology is presently considered as one of the expanding fields of pharmacology. Immunopharmacology addresses the selective regulation of immune responses and aims to uncover and exploit beneficial therapeutic options for typical and non-typical immune system-driven unmet clinical needs. While in the near future a number of new agents will be introduced, improving the effectiveness and safety of those currently in use is imperative for all researchers and clinicians working in the fields of immunology, pharmacology and drug discovery. The newly formed ImmuPhar (http://iuphar.us/index.php/sections-subcoms/immunopharmacology) is the Immunopharmacology Section of the International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (IUPHAR, http://iuphar.us/). ImmuPhar provides a unique international expert-lead platform that aims to dissect and promote the growing understanding of immune (patho)physiology. Moreover, it challenges the identification and validation of drug targets and lead candidates for the treatment of many forms of debilitating disorders, including, among others, cancer, allergies, autoimmune and metabolic diseases.


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PURPOSE Recent advances in optogenetics and gene therapy have led to promising new treatment strategies for blindness caused by retinal photoreceptor loss. Preclinical studies often rely on the retinal degeneration 1 (rd1 or Pde6b(rd1)) retinitis pigmentosa (RP) mouse model. The rd1 founder mutation is present in more than 100 actively used mouse lines. Since secondary genetic traits are well-known to modify the phenotypic progression of photoreceptor degeneration in animal models and human patients with RP, negligence of the genetic background in the rd1 mouse model is unwarranted. Moreover, the success of various potential therapies, including optogenetic gene therapy and prosthetic implants, depends on the progress of retinal degeneration, which might differ between rd1 mice. To examine the prospect of phenotypic expressivity in the rd1 mouse model, we compared the progress of retinal degeneration in two common rd1 lines, C3H/HeOu and FVB/N. METHODS We followed retinal degeneration over 24 weeks in FVB/N, C3H/HeOu, and congenic Pde6b(+) seeing mouse lines, using a range of experimental techniques including extracellular recordings from retinal ganglion cells, PCR quantification of cone opsin and Pde6b transcripts, in vivo flash electroretinogram (ERG), and behavioral optokinetic reflex (OKR) recordings. RESULTS We demonstrated a substantial difference in the speed of retinal degeneration and accompanying loss of visual function between the two rd1 lines. Photoreceptor degeneration and loss of vision were faster with an earlier onset in the FVB/N mice compared to C3H/HeOu mice, whereas the performance of the Pde6b(+) mice did not differ significantly in any of the tests. By postnatal week 4, the FVB/N mice expressed significantly less cone opsin and Pde6b mRNA and had neither ERG nor OKR responses. At 12 weeks of age, the retinal ganglion cells of the FVB/N mice had lost all light responses. In contrast, 4-week-old C3H/HeOu mice still had ERG and OKR responses, and we still recorded light responses from C3H/HeOu retinal ganglion cells until the age of 24 weeks. These results show that genetic background plays an important role in the rd1 mouse pathology. CONCLUSIONS Analogous to human RP, the mouse genetic background strongly influences the rd1 phenotype. Thus, different rd1 mouse lines may follow different timelines of retinal degeneration, making exact knowledge of genetic background imperative in all studies that use rd1 models.


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Pleural infection is a frequent clinical condition. Prompt treatment has been shown to reduce hospital costs, morbidity and mortality. Recent advances in treatment have been variably implemented in clinical practice. This statement reviews the latest developments and concepts to improve clinical management and stimulate further research. The European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS) Thoracic Domain and the EACTS Pleural Diseases Working Group established a team of thoracic surgeons to produce a comprehensive review of available scientific evidence with the aim to cover all aspects of surgical practice related to its treatment, in particular focusing on: surgical treatment of empyema in adults; surgical treatment of empyema in children; and surgical treatment of post-pneumonectomy empyema (PPE). In the management of Stage 1 empyema, prompt pleural space chest tube drainage is required. In patients with Stage 2 or 3 empyema who are fit enough to undergo an operative procedure, there is a demonstrated benefit of surgical debridement or decortication [possibly by video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS)] over tube thoracostomy alone in terms of treatment success and reduction in hospital stay. In children, a primary operative approach is an effective management strategy, associated with a lower mortality rate and a reduction of tube thoracostomy duration, length of antibiotic therapy, reintervention rate and hospital stay. Intrapleural fibrinolytic therapy is a reasonable alternative to primary operative management. Uncomplicated PPE [without bronchopleural fistula (BPF)] can be effectively managed with minimally invasive techniques, including fenestration, pleural space irrigation and VATS debridement. PPE associated with BPF can be effectively managed with individualized open surgical techniques, including direct repair, myoplastic and thoracoplastic techniques. Intrathoracic vacuum-assisted closure may be considered as an adjunct to the standard treatment. The current literature cements the role of VATS in the management of pleural empyema, even if the choice of surgical approach relies on the individual surgeon's preference.


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Smartphone-App zur Kohlenhydratberechnung Neue Technologien wie Blutzuckersensoren und moderne Insulinpumpen prägten die Therapie des Typ-1-Diabetes (T1D) in den letzten Jahren in wesentlichem Ausmaß. Smartphones sind aufgrund ihrer rasanten technischen Entwicklung eine weitere Plattform für Applikationen zur Therapieunterstützung bei T1D. GoCARB Hierbei handelt es sich um ein zur Kohlenhydratberechnung entwickeltes System für Personen mit T1D. Die Basis für Endanwender stellt ein Smartphone mit Kamera dar. Zur Berechnung werden 2 mit dem Smartphone aus verschiedenen Winkeln aufgenommene Fotografien einer auf einem Teller angerichteten Mahlzeit benötigt. Zusätzlich ist eine neben dem Teller platzierte Referenzkarte erforderlich. Die Grundlage für die Kohlenhydratberechnung ist ein Computer-Vision-gestütztes Programm, das die Mahlzeiten aufgrund ihrer Farbe und Textur erkennt. Das Volumen der Mahlzeit wird mit Hilfe eines dreidimensional errechneten Modells bestimmt. Durch das Erkennen der Art der Mahlzeiten sowie deren Volumen kann GoCARB den Kohlenhydratanteil unter Einbeziehung von Nährwerttabellen berechnen. Für die Entwicklung des Systems wurde eine Bilddatenbank von mehr als 5000 Mahlzeiten erstellt und genutzt. Resümee Das GoCARB-System befindet sich aktuell in klinischer Evaluierung und ist noch nicht für Patienten verfügbar.


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Aphids are important herbivores of both wild and cultivated plants. Plants rely on unique mechanisms of recognition, signalling and defence to cope with the specialized mode of phloem feeding by aphids. Aspects of the molecular mechanisms underlying aphid-plant interactions are beginning to be understood. Recent advances include the identification of aphid salivary proteins involved in host plant manipulation, and plant receptors involved in aphid recognition. However, a complete picture of aphid-plant interactions requires consideration of the ecological outcome of these mechanisms in nature, and the evolutionary processes that shaped them. Here we identify general patterns of resistance, with a special focus on recognition, phytohormonal signalling, secondary metabolites and induction of plant resistance. We discuss how host specialization can enable aphids to co-opt both the phytohormonal responses and defensive compounds of plants for their own benefit at a local scale. In response, systemically induced resistance in plants is common and often involves targeted responses to specific aphid species or even genotypes. As co-evolutionary adaptation between plants and aphids is ongoing, the stealthy nature of aphid feeding makes both the mechanisms and outcomes of these interactions highly distinct from those of other herbivore-plant interactions. © 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited.


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Millets are major food and feed sources in the developing world especially in the semi-arid tropical regions of Africa and Asia. The most widely cultivated millets are pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.], finger millet [Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn], foxtail millet [Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauvois], Japanese barnyard millet [Echinochloa esculneta (A. Braun) H. Scholz], Indian Barnyard millet [Echinochloa frumetacea Link], kodo millet [Paspalum scrobiculatum L.], little millet [Panicum sumatrense Roth.ex.Roem. & Schult.], proso millet [Panicum miliaceum L.], tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] and fonio or acha [Digitaria exilis (Kippist) Stapf and D. iburua Stapf]. Millets are resilient to extreme environmental conditions especially to inadequate moisture and are rich in nutrients. Millets are also considered to be a healthy food, mainly due to the lack of gluten (a substance that causes coeliac disease) in their grain. Despite these agronomic, nutritional and health-related benefits, millets produce very low yield compared to major cereals such as wheat and rice. This extremely low productivity is related to the challenging environment in which they are extensively cultivated and to the little research investment in these crops. Recently, several national and international initiatives have begun to support the improvement of diverse millet types.


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It is well accepted that tumorigenesis is a multi-step procedure involving aberrant functioning of genes regulating cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, genome stability, angiogenesis and motility. To obtain a full understanding of tumorigenesis, it is necessary to collect information on all aspects of cell activity. Recent advances in high throughput technologies allow biologists to generate massive amounts of data, more than might have been imagined decades ago. These advances have made it possible to launch comprehensive projects such as (TCGA) and (ICGC) which systematically characterize the molecular fingerprints of cancer cells using gene expression, methylation, copy number, microRNA and SNP microarrays as well as next generation sequencing assays interrogating somatic mutation, insertion, deletion, translocation and structural rearrangements. Given the massive amount of data, a major challenge is to integrate information from multiple sources and formulate testable hypotheses. This thesis focuses on developing methodologies for integrative analyses of genomic assays profiled on the same set of samples. We have developed several novel methods for integrative biomarker identification and cancer classification. We introduce a regression-based approach to identify biomarkers predictive to therapy response or survival by integrating multiple assays including gene expression, methylation and copy number data through penalized regression. To identify key cancer-specific genes accounting for multiple mechanisms of regulation, we have developed the integIRTy software that provides robust and reliable inferences about gene alteration by automatically adjusting for sample heterogeneity as well as technical artifacts using Item Response Theory. To cope with the increasing need for accurate cancer diagnosis and individualized therapy, we have developed a robust and powerful algorithm called SIBER to systematically identify bimodally expressed genes using next generation RNAseq data. We have shown that prediction models built from these bimodal genes have the same accuracy as models built from all genes. Further, prediction models with dichotomized gene expression measurements based on their bimodal shapes still perform well. The effectiveness of outcome prediction using discretized signals paves the road for more accurate and interpretable cancer classification by integrating signals from multiple sources.


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The genomic era brought by recent advances in the next-generation sequencing technology makes the genome-wide scans of natural selection a reality. Currently, almost all the statistical tests and analytical methods for identifying genes under selection was performed on the individual gene basis. Although these methods have the power of identifying gene subject to strong selection, they have limited power in discovering genes targeted by moderate or weak selection forces, which are crucial for understanding the molecular mechanisms of complex phenotypes and diseases. Recent availability and rapid completeness of many gene network and protein-protein interaction databases accompanying the genomic era open the avenues of exploring the possibility of enhancing the power of discovering genes under natural selection. The aim of the thesis is to explore and develop normal mixture model based methods for leveraging gene network information to enhance the power of natural selection target gene discovery. The results show that the developed statistical method, which combines the posterior log odds of the standard normal mixture model and the Guilt-By-Association score of the gene network in a naïve Bayes framework, has the power to discover moderate/weak selection gene which bridges the genes under strong selection and it helps our understanding the biology under complex diseases and related natural selection phenotypes.^


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Cervical cancer is the leading cause of death and disease from malignant neoplasms among women in developing countries. Even though the Pap smear has significantly decreased the number of deaths from cervical cancer in the past years, it has its limitations. Researchers have developed an automated screening machine which can potentially detect abnormal cases that are overlooked by conventional screening. The goal of quantitative cytology is to classify the patient's tissue sample based on quantitative measurements of the individual cells. It is also much cheaper and potentially can take less time. One of the major challenges of collecting cells with a cytobrush is the possibility of not sampling any existing dysplastic cells on the cervix. Being able to correctly classify patients who have disease without the presence of dysplastic cells could improve the accuracy of quantitative cytology algorithms. Subtle morphologic changes in normal-appearing tissues adjacent to or distant from malignant tumors have been shown to exist, but a comparison of various statistical methods, including many recent advances in the statistical learning field, has not previously been done. The objective of this thesis is to use different classification methods applied to quantitative cytology data for the detection of malignancy associated changes (MACs). In this thesis, Elastic Net is the best algorithm. When we applied the Elastic Net algorithm to the test set, we combined the training set and validation set as "training" set and used 5-fold cross validation to choose the parameter for Elastic Net. It has a sensitivity of 47% at 80% specificity, an AUC 0.52, and a partial AUC 0.10 (95% CI 0.09-0.11).^


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Recent advances in radiometric dating result in significant improvements in the geological timescale and provide better insight into the timing of various processes and evolutions within the Earth's system. However, no radiometric ages are contained within the Givetian. Consequently, the absolute ages of the Givetian Stage boundaries, as well as the stage's duration, remain poorly constrained. As an alternative, the analysis of sedimentary cycles allows for the estimation of the duration of this stage. We examined the high-resolution magnetic susceptibility signals of four Givetian outcrops in the Givet area for a possible astronomical imprint, to fully understand the rates of evolutionary and environmental change. All four sections are firmly correlated and wavelet analyses of the magnetic susceptibility signals reveal the imprint of astronomical eccentricity forcing. The highly stable 405 kyr cycles constrain the duration of the Givetian Stage at 4.35±0.45 Myr, which is in good agreement with the International Chronostratigraphic Chart (5.0 Myr). The studied sections also exhibit an imprint of obliquity, suggesting a climatic teleconnection between low and high latitudes. The corresponding microfacies curves demonstrate similar astronomical imprint, and thereby indicate that the observed 10**5 year-scale cyclicity is the result of climatic and environmental change.


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La lectura y la escritura, potentes herramientas para aprender, se han constituido en temas relevantes para la investigación didáctica como respuesta a las dificultades confrontadas por los alumnos de diferentes niveles educativos al leer y producir textos. El presente trabajo se enmarca en una investigación inter-didácticas desarrollada desde el año 2000 -a través de sucesivos proyectos UBACyT-, que se centró originalmente en el estudio de las situaciones de lectura para aprender contenidos de ciencias sociales y ciencias naturales y en la actualidad aborda también el análisis del papel de la escritura en el aprendizaje de estos contenidos. Sintetizaremos aquí avances recientes vinculados con el estudio del desarrollo en el aula de situaciones de escritura para aprender contenidos históricos, considerando los resultados de varios trabajos de campo centrados en la enseñanza de un contenido específico: la catástrofe demográfica de la población aborigen durante la conquista de América


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La lectura y la escritura, potentes herramientas para aprender, se han constituido en temas relevantes para la investigación didáctica como respuesta a las dificultades confrontadas por los alumnos de diferentes niveles educativos al leer y producir textos. El presente trabajo se enmarca en una investigación inter-didácticas desarrollada desde el año 2000 -a través de sucesivos proyectos UBACyT-, que se centró originalmente en el estudio de las situaciones de lectura para aprender contenidos de ciencias sociales y ciencias naturales y en la actualidad aborda también el análisis del papel de la escritura en el aprendizaje de estos contenidos. Sintetizaremos aquí avances recientes vinculados con el estudio del desarrollo en el aula de situaciones de escritura para aprender contenidos históricos, considerando los resultados de varios trabajos de campo centrados en la enseñanza de un contenido específico: la catástrofe demográfica de la población aborigen durante la conquista de América


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La lectura y la escritura, potentes herramientas para aprender, se han constituido en temas relevantes para la investigación didáctica como respuesta a las dificultades confrontadas por los alumnos de diferentes niveles educativos al leer y producir textos. El presente trabajo se enmarca en una investigación inter-didácticas desarrollada desde el año 2000 -a través de sucesivos proyectos UBACyT-, que se centró originalmente en el estudio de las situaciones de lectura para aprender contenidos de ciencias sociales y ciencias naturales y en la actualidad aborda también el análisis del papel de la escritura en el aprendizaje de estos contenidos. Sintetizaremos aquí avances recientes vinculados con el estudio del desarrollo en el aula de situaciones de escritura para aprender contenidos históricos, considerando los resultados de varios trabajos de campo centrados en la enseñanza de un contenido específico: la catástrofe demográfica de la población aborigen durante la conquista de América