963 resultados para polimeri side-chain push-pull-push ottica non lineare (NLO) Third Harmonic Generation (THG)
Occult hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection has been reported as cases in which HBV DNA was detected despite the absence of any HBV serological markers or in cases in which anti-HBc antibody was the sole marker. The aim of the present study was to determine, using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), whether HBV infection occurs in hepatitis C and non-A-E hepatitis patients without serological evidence of hepatitis B infection in São Paulo State. Two different populations were analyzed: 1) non-A-E hepatitis patients, including 12 patients with acute and 50 patients with chronic hepatic disorders without serological evidence of infection with known hepatitis viruses; 2) 43 patients previously diagnosed as hepatitis C with positive results for anti-HCV and HCV RNA. Among hepatitis C patients, anti-HBc was detected in 18.6% of the subjects. Three different sets of primers were employed for HBV DNA detection by nested PCR, covering different HBV genes: C, S and X. HBV-DNA was not detected in any sample, whereas the positive controls did produce signals. The lack of HBV DNA detection with these pairs of primers could be due to a very low viral load or to the presence of mutations in their annealing sites. The latter is unlikely as these primers were screened against an extensive dataset of HBV sequences. The development of more sensitive methods, such as real time PCR, to detect circular covalent closed DNA is necessary in order to evaluate this question since previous studies have shown that cryptic hepatitis B might occur.
The aim of the present study was to determine if there is an association between the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and apolipoprotein E (apo E) genes and the serum lipid profile in pregnancy and puerperium. Non-diabetic women of European descent in the third semester of pregnancy (N = 120) were selected. Those with diseases or other condition that could modify their lipid profile were excluded from the study (N = 32). Serum lipids were measured by routine laboratory procedures and genomic DNA was extracted by a salting out method. LPL (PvuII and HindIII) and apo E (HhaI) SNPs were detected by the polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism. Categorical and continuous variables were compared by the chi-square test and Student t-test or ANOVA, respectively. Women carrying the LPL P1P1 genotype had higher serum LDL cholesterol (N = 21; 155 ± 45 mg/dL) than women carrying the P1P2/P2P2 genotypes (N = 67; 133 ± 45 mg/dL; P = 0.032). During the puerperium period, serum levels of triglycerides and VLDL cholesterol were significantly reduced in women carrying the P1P1 (73%, P = 0.006) and P1P2 (51%, P = 0.002) genotypes but not in women carrying the P2P2 genotype (23%, P > 0.05). On the other hand, serum concentrations of lipids did not differ between the LPL HindIII and apo E genotypes during pregnancy and after delivery. We conclude that LPL PvuII SNP is associated with variations in serum lipids during pregnancy and the puerperal period in non-diabetic women.
During thyroid tumor progression, cellular de-differentiation may occur and it is commonly accompanied by metastatic spread and loss of iodine uptake. Retinoic acid (RA) administration might increase iodine uptake in about 40% of patients, suggesting that RA could be a promising therapeutic option for radioiodine non-responsive thyroid carcinoma, although a prospective study with a long-term follow-up has not been reported. This was a clinical prospective study assessing the value of 13-cis-RA in patients with advanced thyroid carcinoma and its impact on major outcomes such as tumor regression and cancer-related death with a long-term follow-up of patients submitted to radioiodine (131I) therapy after RA administration. Sixteen patients with inoperable disease and no significant radioiodine uptake on post-therapy scan were selected. Patients were treated orally with 13-cis-RA at a dose of 1.0 to 1.5 mg·kg-1·day-1 for 5 weeks and then submitted to radioiodine therapy (150 mCi) after thyroxine withdrawal. A whole body scan was obtained 5 to 7 days after the radioactive iodine therapy. RECIST criteria were used to evaluate the response. An objective partial response rate was observed in 18.8%, a stable disease rate in 25% and a progression disease rate in 56.2%. Five patients died (62.5%) in the group classified as progression of disease. Progression-free survival rate (PFS) ranged from 72 to 12 months, with a median PFS of 26.5 months. RA may be an option for advanced de-differentiated thyroid cancer, due to the low rate of side effects.
Leprosy is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been applied to detect M. leprae in different clinical samples and urine seems to be attractive for this purpose. PCR was used to improve the sensitivity for diagnosing leprosy by amplifying a 151-bp PCR fragment of the M. leprae pra gene (PCR-Pra) in urine samples. Seventy-three leprosy patients (39 males and 34 females, 14 to 78 years old) were selected for leprosy diagnosis at a reference laboratory in Maringá, PR, Brazil. Of these, 36 were under anti-leprosy multidrug therapy with dapsone and rifampicin for tuberculoid (TT) and dapsone, rifampicin and clofazimine for borderline (BB) and lepromatous (LL) forms. The control group contained 50 healthy individuals without any clinical history of leprosy. DNA isolated from leprosy patients’ urine samples was successfully amplified by PCR-Pra in 46.6% (34/73) of the cases. The positivity of PCR-Pra for patients with the TT form was 75% for both patients under treatment and non-treated patients (P = 0.1306). In patients with the LL form, PCR-Pra positivity was 52 and 30% for patients under treatment and non-treated patients, respectively (P = 0.2386). PCR-Pra showed a statistically significant difference in detecting M. leprae between the TT and LL forms of leprosy in patients under treatment (P = 0.0033). Although the current study showed that the proposed PCR-Pra has some limitations in the detection of M. leprae, this method has the potential to be a useful tool for leprosy diagnosis mainly in TT leprosy where the AFB slit-skin smear is always negative.
Myoclonus induced by etomidate during induction of general anesthesia is undesirable. This study evaluated the effect of dexmedetomidine (DEX) pretreatment on the incidence and severity of etomidate-induced myoclonus. Ninety patients undergoing elective surgical procedures were randomly allocated to three groups (n=30 each) for intravenous administration of 10 mL isotonic saline (group I), 0.5 µg/kg DEX in 10 mL isotonic saline (group II), or 1.0 µg/kg DEX in 10 mL isotonic saline (group III) over 10 min. All groups subsequently received 0.3 mg/kg etomidate by intravenous push injection. The incidence and severity of myoclonus were recorded for 1 min after etomidate administration and the incidence of cardiovascular adverse events that occurred between the administration of the DEX infusion and 1 min after tracheal intubation was recorded. The incidence of myoclonus was significantly reduced in groups II and III (30.0 and 36.7%), compared with group I (63.3%). The incidence of severe sinus bradycardia was significantly increased in group III compared with group I (P<0.05), but there was no significant difference in heart rate in groups I and II. There were no significant differences in the incidence of low blood pressure among the 3 groups. Pretreatment with 0.5 and 1.0 µg/kg DEX significantly reduced the incidence of etomidate-induced myoclonus during anesthetic induction; however, 0.5 µg/kg DEX is recommended because it had fewer side effects.
Liver fibrosis occurring as an outcome of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) can precede the development of cirrhosis. We investigated the effects of sorafenib in preventing liver fibrosis in a rodent model of NASH. Adult Sprague-Dawley rats were fed a choline-deficient high-fat diet and exposed to diethylnitrosamine for 6 weeks. The NASH group (n=10) received vehicle and the sorafenib group (n=10) received 2.5 mg·kg-1·day-1 by gavage. A control group (n=4) received only standard diet and vehicle. Following treatment, animals were sacrificed and liver tissue was collected for histologic examination, mRNA isolation, and analysis of mitochondrial function. Genes related to fibrosis (MMP9, TIMP1, TIMP2), oxidative stress (HSP60, HSP90, GST), and mitochondrial biogenesis (PGC1α) were evaluated by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). Liver mitochondrial oxidation activity was measured by a polarographic method, and cytokines by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Sorafenib treatment restored mitochondrial function and reduced collagen deposition by nearly 63% compared to the NASH group. Sorafenib upregulated PGC1α and MMP9 and reduced TIMP1 and TIMP2 mRNA and IL-6 and IL-10 protein expression. There were no differences in HSP60, HSP90 and GST expression. Sorafenib modulated PGC1α expression, improved mitochondrial respiration and prevented collagen deposition. It may, therefore, be useful in the treatment of liver fibrosis in NASH.
Partial ownership interests are a widespread phenomenon in modern corporate environment. Unless minority shareholding affords the target to exercise control over the target, they do currently not have to be notified to the European Commission under EU merger regime. However, economic research has long suggested that when linking competing or non-horizontally positioned undertakings particularly in industries with few competitors, minority shareholdings even far below the majority of shares or voting rights could lead to higher prices or lower output volumes to the detriment of consumers. The Commission has recognized this issue and proceeded to suggest an extension of the merger regime to catch also certain non-controlling minority acquisitions. Horizontal non-controlling minority shareholdings create a positive correlation between the sales revenues of the partial acquirer and target. Through the equity interest the acquirer will internalise a fraction, proportional to the financial rights attached to the shareholding, of the profit of the target. This will incentivise the acquirer to contribute to increasing the target’s business profits by increasing its own sales price (horizontal unilateral effects). When a minority stake is held in a vertically related or a conglomerate company, the minority acquirer could be allowed to hamper or eliminate the target’s rivals’ access either to inputs (input foreclosure) or customers (customer foreclosure), depending on which level of the supply chain the parties are (vertical unilateral effects). Under certain circumstances minority share acquisitions could also lessen competition because they facilitate collusion between companies active in the market (coordinated effects). Economic theory confirms that non-controlling minority shareholdings may under certain circumstances create anti-competitive effects that are unlikely to be remedies by pro-competitive effects. However, they are likely to be of less significant nature than anticompetitive effects created by full mergers. This derives fore mostly from the fact that a minority share acquirer carries all the costs associated with its unilateral action but will internalise only a fraction of the lost profits. This is likely to limit the acquirer’s incentive to raise price and the profitability of such behavior. Having in mind that the number of potentially problematic cases is expected to be next to negligible, the limited potential competitive effects of non-controlling minority share acquisitions cannot be seen to clearly merit extension of the scope of the EUMR. The system suggested by the Commission is particularly ill-fitted for such purpose given the clear lack of legal certainty and considerable administrative burden associated with it.
Perfluoratut alkyyliyhdisteet eli PFAS-yhdisteet ovat synteettisiä orgaanisia yhdisteitä, joissa on fluorattu hiiliketju. Hiilen ja fluorin väliset vahvat sidokset ovat muodostuneet ongelmaksi jätevedenpuhdistamoilla, sillä yhdisteet eivät hajoa puhdistamoilla käytössä olevilla vedenpuhdistusmenetelmillä. Yhdisteitä kertyy luontoon jätevesien mukana. Kandidaatintyössä on vertailtu yhdisteitä sisältävien vesien käsittelymenetelmiä parhaiten soveltuvan menetelmän löytämiseksi. Menetelmien kustannuksia tai soveltuvuutta vedenpuhdistamomittakaavan prosessiksi ei ole arvioitu. Lisäksi työssä on koottu yhdisteitä sisältävien jätevesien analysointiin sopivia analyysimenetelmiä. Soveltuvat puhdistus- ja analyysimenetelmät on esitelty uusien tieteellisten artikkelien pohjalta. Mahdollisia erotusmenetelmiä ovat membraanierotus ja sorptio. Membraaneista soveltuvimpia ovat nanosuodatus- ja käänteisosmoosimembraanit, joilla erottuvat jopa 0,0001 μm:n kokoiset partikkelit. PFAS-yhdisteet voidaan erottaa sorptiolla muun muassa aktiivihiileen. Yhdisteiden rakenne hajoaa nykyaikaisilla hapetusmenetelmillä ja polttamalla lietteen mukana. Hapettaminen permanganaatin avulla ei tuottanut hyvää tulosta, mutta fotokemiallisella hapetuksella ja alhaisen lämpötilan plasmatekniikalla (NTP) yhdisteiden rakenne hajosi lähes kokonaan. Fotokemiallinen hapetus onnistui erityisesti perfluorokarboksyylihapoilla, joiden rakenne hajosi jopa kolmessa tunnissa. Yleisimmin käytetty analyysimenetelmä on nestekromatografin ja massaspektrometrin yhdistelmä (LC-MS/MS) ja matriisivaikutus minimoidaan tyypillisesti kiinteäfaasiuutolla (SPE). Työssä esitellyistä käsittelymenetelmistä parhaiten soveltuva on NTP-menetelmä, koska sillä saatiin tutkimusten mukaan hajotettua yhdisteiden rakenne muita menetelmiä lyhyemmässä ajassa ja se soveltuu parhaiten kaikille PFAS-yhdisteille. NTP-menetelmässä ei tarvita katalyyttiä tai lisäkemikaaleja. Voimakkaana hapettimena toimivat epästabiilit hydroksyyliradikaalit, jotka syntyvät koronapurkauksen kautta. Koronapurkauksessa muodostuu myös otsonia ja lisäksi vapaa happi voi tehostaa hapettumista. Menetelmässä muodostuvien hajoamistuotteiden hallinta vaatii lisätutkimusta. Mahdollinen hallintakeino voisi olla esimerkiksi hapettumisessa vapautuvien fluoridi-ionien saostaminen. Muodostuvien hajoamistuotteiden toksisuutta voitaisiin tarkkailla biosensorilla.
The purpose of this thesis is to find out how outbound logistics process can be improved by reducing unnecessary waste in a globally dispersed make-to-order (MTO) supply chain. The research problem was addressed by a multinational corporation that aims to find a solution for reducing unnecessary waste in their outbound logistics process. The focus is on customized products that are delivered via sea transportation. Theoretical framework for improving outbound logistics processes in globally dispersed MTO supply chain was created based on business process management, Porter’s value chain theory, value stream mapping and current reality tree. The empirical research was conducted by using constructive approach due to its ability to research a practical problem and to improve the existing practices. The data was collected from ten semi-structured interviews and three non-participant observations. By analysing the data and applying the theoretical framework, five types of waste were detected in the process that were seen to derive from six root causes. Practical solution was constructed to reduce the waste in the process by combining the existing literature with the ideas raising from empirical data. The results of this thesis suggest that a MNC with a globally dispersed MTO supply chain can improve its outbound logistics process by applying activities that enhance internal and external integration, collaboration and coordination, and increase predictability of the process. This research has practical relevance both for the case company as well as for other MNCs with globally dispersed MTO supply chains that aim to improve their outbound logistics processes. This research contributes to the BPM and CRA research by providing an evidence for their applicability in the new context.
The work in this thesis mainly deals with l,l-enediamines and ~ -substituted enamines (push-pull olefines) and their reactions, leading to the formation of a number of heterocycles. Various ~-substituted enamines were prepared by a 'one pot synthesis' in which a l,l-enediamine presumably acts as an intermediate. These enamines, various substituted crotonamides and propenamides, were made by using two different orthoesters, various secondary and primary amines and cyanoacetamide. Their structures, mechanism of formation and geometry are discussed. A synthetic route to various unsymmetrically substituted pyridines was examined. Two substituted pyridinones were obtained by using two different ~-substituted enamines and cyanoacetamide. In one case a dihydropyridine was isolated. This dihydropyridine, on heating in acidic conditions, gave a pyridinone, which confirmed this dihydropyridine as an intermediate in this pyridine synthesis. A new synthetic method was used to make highly substituted pyridinones, which involved the reaction of l,l-enediamines with the ~-substituted enamines. A one pot synthesis and an interrupted one pot synthesis were used to make these pyridinones. Two different orthoesters and three different secondary amines were used. Serendipitous formation of a pyrimidinone was observed when pyrrolidine was used as the secondary amine and triethyl orthopropionate was used as the orthoester. In all cases cyanoacetamide was used as the carbon acid. This pyridine synthesis was designed with aI, l-enediamine as the Michael donor and the ~ -substituted enamines as Michael acceptors. Substituted ureas were obtained in two cases, which was a surprise. Some pyrimidines were made by reacting two substituted enamines with two different amidines. When benzamidine was used, the expected pyrimidines were obtained. But, when 2-benzyl-2-thiopseudourea (which is also an amidine) was used, of the two expected pyrimidines, only one was obtained. In the other case, an additional substitution reaction took place in which the S-benzyl group was lost. An approach to quinazolone and benzothiadiazine synthesis is discussed. Two compounds were made from 1, I-dimorpholinoethene
Despite China's rapid growth in inbound tourism, the nature of its Canadian tourist market has been insufficiently studied. In response to this need, the objectives of this study are to identify China's destination image in Canadian students' minds, their possible internal motivations for visiting China as well as examining demographic influences on people's destination image formation. The study reviews image formation process and travel motivation categorisation, discusses their relationship, and implements Baloglu and McCleary's (1999) perceptual and affective image formation model and "push and pull factors" theory as its framework. A self-administered survey was applied to 424 undergraduate students in a Canadian university in early 2004. Exploratory factor analyses were conducted to identify perceived images and travel motivation. Summated means were calculated to illustrate the affective attitudes. A series of f-test and ANOVA tests were employed to examine the influence of demographics. An open-ended question format was adopted to analyse other images, motivations and visitation barriers that students may have. Findings demonstrate that cultural and natural attractions are the predominant image which the Canadian students have of China'; some stereotypes and negative images still influence the students' perception; travel service quality is largely unknown; increasing knowledge and seeking excitement and fun are the significant motivators in the likelihood of the Canadian students choosing to visit China; and personal interests may be a factor that significantly influences an individual's destination image and travel motivation. Raising awareness and increasing familiarity through promotion are suggested as methods to create a positive destination image of China.
Self-controlled KR practice has revealed that providing participants the opportunity to control their KR is superior for motor learning compared to participants replicating the KR schedule of a self-control participant, without the choice (e.g., yoked). The purpose of the present experiment was two-fold. First, to examine the utility of a self-controlled KR schedule for learning a spatial motor task in younger and older adults and second, to determine whether a self-controlled KR schedule facilitates an increased ability to estimate one’s performance in retention and transfer. Twenty younger adults and 20 older adults practiced in either the self-control or yoked condition and were required to push and release a slide along a confined pathway using their non-dominant hand to a target distance. The retention data revealed that as a function of age, a self-controlled KR schedule facilitated superior retention performance and performance estimations in younger adults compared to their yoked counterparts.
Recent studies have shown that providing learners Knowledge of Results (KR) after “good trials” rather than “poor trials” is superior for learning. The present study examined whether requiring participants to estimate their three best or three worst trials in a series of six trial blocks before receiving KR would prove superior to learning compared to not estimating their performance. Participants were required to push and release a slide along a confined pathway using their non-dominant hand to a target distance (133cm). The retention and transfer data suggest those participants who received KR after good trials demonstrated superior learning and performance estimations compared to those receiving KR after poor trials. The results of the present experiment offer an important theoretical extension in our understanding of the role of KR content and performance estimation on motor skill learning.
Le complexe actomyosine, formé de l’association de la myosine II avec les filaments d’actine, stabilise le cytosquelette d’actine et génère la contraction cellulaire nécessaire à plusieurs processus comme la motilité et l’apoptose dans les cellules non-musculaires. La myosine II est un hexamère formé d’une paire de chaînes lourdes (MHCs) et de deux paires de chaînes légères MLC20 et MLC17. La régulation de l’activité de la myosine II, c'est-à-dire son interaction avec les filaments d’actine, est directement liée à l’état de phosphorylation des MLC20, mais il reste beaucoup à découvrir sur l’implication des MHCs. Il existe trois isoformes de MHCs de myosine II, MHCIIA, MHCIIB et MHCIIC qui possèdent des fonctions à la fois communes et distinctes. Notre but est de mettre en évidence les différences de fonction entre les isoformes de myosine II, au niveau structurale, dans la stabilisation du cytosquelette d’actine, et au niveau de leur activité contractile, dans la génération des forces de tension. Nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle des isoformes des MHCs dans l’activité du complexe actomyosine qui est sollicité durant le processus de contraction cellulaire de l’apoptose. Dans quatre lignées cellulaires différentes, le traitement conjoint au TNFα et à la cycloheximide causait la contraction et le rétrécissement des cellules suivi de leur détachement du support de culture. Par Western blot, nous avons confirmé que la phosphorylation des MLC20 est augmentée suite au clivage de ROCK1 par la caspase-3, permettant ainsi l’interaction entre la myosine II et les filaments d’actine et par conséquent, la contraction des cellules apoptotiques. Cette contraction est bloquée par l’inhibition des caspases et de ROCK1. MHCIIA est dégradée suite à l’activation de la caspase-3 alors que MHCIIB n’est pas affectée. En utilisant une lignée cellulaire déficiente en MHCIIB, ou MHCIIB (-/-), nous avons observé que la contraction et le détachement cellulaires durant l’induction de l’apoptose se produisaient moins rapidement que dans la lignée de type sauvage (Wt) ce qui suggère que l’isoforme B est impliquée dans la contraction des cellules apoptotiques. Parallèlement, la kinase atypique PKCζ, qui phosphoryle MHCIIB et non MHCIIA, est activée durant l’apoptose. PKCζ joue un rôle important puisque son inhibition bloque la contraction des cellules apoptotiques. Par la suite, nous nous sommes intéressés à la modulation de la morphologie cellulaire par la myosine II. Les fibroblastes MHCIIB (-/-), présentent un large lamellipode dont la formation semble dû uniquement à l’absence de l’isoforme MHCIIB, alors que les fibroblastes Wt ont une morphologie cellulaire étoilée. La formation du lamellipode dans les fibroblastes MHCIIB (-/-) est caractérisée par l’association de la cortactine avec la membrane plasmique. L’observation en microscopie confocale nous indique que MHCIIA interagit avec la cortactine dans les fibroblastes Wt mais très peu dans les fibroblastes MHCIIB (-/-). Le bFGF active la voie des MAP kinases dans les fibroblastes Wt et MHCIIB (-/-) et induit des extensions cellulaires aberrantes dans les fibroblastes MHCIIB (-/-). Nos résultats montrent que l’implication de l’isoforme B de la myosine II dans la modulation de la morphologie cellulaire. L’ensemble de nos résultats participe à distinguer la fonction structurale et contractile de chacune des isoformes de myosine II dans la physiologie cellulaire.
Le principal objectif de ce mémoire est l’étude de l’inscription de la maternité dans L’empreinte de l’ange, La virevolte et Prodige de Nancy Huston. Les trois romans précités constituent mon corpus de base. Néanmoins, des allusions à d’autres écrits de l’auteure, notamment à Journal de la création, donneront une plus grande profondeur à l’analyse, car on ne peut ni écarter les traces du thème de la maternité dans ses autres textes ni mésestimer l’influence de l’expérience de l’auteure sur son œuvre. Dans la foulée de la réflexion féministe contemporaine sur la maternité et faisant recours, selon le besoin, à la Nouvelle Histoire et à la psychanalyse, pour éclairer le contexte sociohistorique et le non-dit des textes, nous essaierons de dégager la singularité de l’écriture hustonienne en ce qui concerne ses idées sur la maternité. En effet, Nancy Huston s’inscrit dans la lignée d’écrivaines qui ont contribué à redéfinir l’identité féminine dans la fiction contemporaine en esquissant, à travers ses romans et essais, une multiplicité d’expériences féminines, toutes différentes, bien que plus ou moins soumises aux valeurs sociales dont l’auteure mesure la force. Nous abordons notre analyse par une mise en contexte historique, culturelle et éthique de la maternité. En effet, comme le thème de la maternité est omniprésent dans le discours social passé et contemporain, il est intéressent de voir comment Nancy Huston compose avec les stéréotypes traditionnellement attribués à la mère en suivant les enjeux, les conséquences et les variations de la maternité dans les œuvres à l’étude. Suivront à la mise en contexte historique et théorique les chapitres destinés à l’analyse des œuvres. Le deuxième chapitre portera sur L’empreinte de l’ange dévoilant les perplexités qui naissent d’une maternité non désirée et ombragée par les séquelles d’un passé tragique. Le troisième chapitre, consacré à l’analyse de La virevolte, s’articule autour de la tension entre la création et la procréation. Enfin, le quatrième et dernier chapitre aborde la maternité dans Prodige, roman où il est surtout question du lien entre emprise maternelle et construction de l’identité de la fille. À travers cette analyse, nous verrons comment Nancy Huston déconstruit le lieu commun voulant que la mère soit cet être idéalisé, privé de passions professionnelles et de pulsions artistiques, se dédiant uniquement à la protection et aux soins de l’enfant pour représenter plutôt des mères animées par des sentiments contradictoires, des mères qui se positionnent avant tout comme femmes sans inhiber leurs élans, leurs passions ni leurs tourments.