908 resultados para patogénicos de mastite bovina


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A leishmaniose é um conjunto de doenças infecciosas causadas por parasitas do gênero Leishmania, que afligem milhões de pessoas no mundo, tendo a cada ano dois milhões de novos casos e 70 mil mortes. As drogas utilizadas no tratamento das diferentes formas clínicas da doença apresentam alta toxicidade e baixa eficácia, além de apresentarem muitos efeitos colaterais e colaborarem com o aparecimento de parasitas e vetores resistentes. Devido a estas adversidades, o desenvolvimento de novas terapias para o tratamento desta parasitose é incentivada pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) e um maior conhecimento sobre a biologia molecular destes protozoários poderá facilitar estas descobertas. Ultimamente, os telômeros, estruturas nucleoproteícas nos terminais dos cromossomos de eucariotos, têm sido alvo intenso de estudos, que visam utilizá-los como alvo terapêutico contra tumores malignos e microrganismos patogênicos. Os telômeros geralmente se apresentam como estruturas dinâmicas onde ocorrem interações entre o DNA e proteínas, resultando na formação do complexo telomérico, que é responsável pela proteção e manutenção dos cromossomos e estabilidade do genoma, caracterizando uma função imprescindível para viabilidade celular. Componentes do complexo telomérico de Leishmania amazonensis foram identificados por ensaios bioquímicos em extratos positivos para a atividade de telomerase. Entre estes componentes identificou-se as proteínas LaRPA-1 (L. amazonensis Replication Protein A-1) e a LaRbp38 (L. amazonensis RNA binding protein) as quais mostraram habilidade de interagir com o DNA telomérico in vitro e in vivo. Mais recentemente, utilizando-se ensaios de imunoprecipitação e de captura por “pull-down” foi demonstrado que estas proteínas fazem parte de um mesmo complexo nos telômeros do parasita. Este trabalho pretende confirmar estas possíveis interações entre as proteínas teloméricas LaRPA-1 e ...


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There are diseases in vertebrates associated with the structure of bone tissue that directly affect the locomotor system of the animal. Being a endoskeleton, the diagnosis of these diseases becomes difficult in vivo. The characterization of the physical structure of the bone tissue of healthy animals becomes a major tool in the diagnosis comparison of live animals. Thus, the objective of this work is to determine the average value of the key physical properties of the bone structure used in the clinical diagnosis, such as: bone density, porosity, and mass attenuation coefficient of 59.6 keV photons of bone tissue and bovine and equine check variations in these values. The samples were provided by the pathology department of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechny of Botucatu-SP, which are of one male equine and one female bovine animals, using the radio and metacarpus, together with these materials were supplied the historic them. They were withdrawn ten samples in cuts of 10cm over the bone . These samples were submitted to the wet method of immersion in water for the density, by the method of attenuation of gamma radiation of radioisotope 241Am, it is estimated the mass attenuation coefficient, and then were dried in the oven for determining the content moisture. In determining the porosity of the samples was tight ground, in order to obtain the density of particles. The results for the mass attenuation coefficient of gamma radiation to the levels of saturated humidity, environment humidity, dry humidity respectively 0289 ± 0039; 0286 ± 0040 and 0297 ± 0042. And the density of particles was 2.2691 g/cm3


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Leafcutter ants are considered pests in agriculture for their impact in human crops, as they behave utilizing foliar fragments to raise their simbiont fungi (Agaricales: Lepiotaceae) inside their nest. Recent studies have noticed that other fungi may be associated to ants inside their nests, for instance, fungi with melanized wall, known by “dematiaceous”. Historically, many black fungi have been noticed as fitopathogens of many plant cultures with economic importance, highlighting dematiaceous ecological behavior importance in this study. This investigation had the purpose of amplifying ecological knowledge of this fungi, isolating and identificating dematiaceous fungi found in Attini nests, having the intention of understanding plant pathogens dispersion by ants. In this work, 66 isolates were characterized in the following genus: Aspergillus, Penicillium, Paecilomyces, Oxyporus, Rhodotorula, Bipolaris, Curvularia, Fusarium, Giberella, Paraphaeosphaeria, and Cladosporium. The genus Bipolaris, Curvularia, Fusarium and Giberella are known for their opportunistic behaviour, with some published human infections in literature. Fusarium is a notorious fitopathogen, with wide number of descriptions and studies involving pathogenicity development, biochemistry and genetics. The isolates outline is of phyto – associated (phytopathogens, endophytic or epiphitic), fulfilling this work intention in alarming fungi capacity of dispersal by ants. The comprehension of phytopathogenical processes may be clarified based on the knowledge of oportunistics fungi that may utilize ants bodies for their own dispersal. The identification of isolates with capacity of infecting humans brings out public health issues.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O consumo de carne bovina pela população brasileira está relacionado a aspectos que sejam sociais ou de saúde. Além disso, pode afetar também o nosso meio ambiente, aumentando impactos ambientais. Em se tratando do Brasil, temos uma grande demanda deste alimento, influenciada pelos hábitos alimentares da população, exigindo, por conseguinte, uma grande produção. Através da construção de cenários e modelagem ambiental, este trabalho avaliou algumas das consequências ambientais da pecuária de corte no Brasil. Para tanto, usamos estimativas de consumo da população, produção da carne bovina e também de valores que relacionem o uso da terra com as emissões de gás carbônico para avaliar os problemas ambientais. Contabilizamos as emissões de gases de efeito estufa associadas as mudanças de uso da terra, fermentação entérica e o manejo de dejetos do gado bovino. Obtive que em alguns cenários extremistas como o Con2a as emissões foram no total de 1,77 PgCO2e anualmente. Enquanto no cenário nacional obtive um total de 1,2 PgCO2e das emissões anuais associadas a todos os seus setores. Em nossos resultados notamos a forte influência do nível de consumo de carne e do sistema de manejo nas emissões de gases efeito estufa dos cenários estudados


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É notável a importância da União Europeia para o setor exportador brasileiro, principalmente no caso da exportação de carne bovina. Conduto, este comércio bilateral encontra entraves para seu desenvolvimento causados principalmente pela União Europeia, tais como barreiras não tarifárias (barreiras técnicas, sanitárias, fitossanitárias etc) além de exigências acerca de produtos exportados para o mercado europeu por países terceiros, como, por exemplo, medidas de rastreabilidade, certificação, rotulagem e conformidade com regras europeias. Este estudo visa analisar este comércio bilateral, os obstáculos existentes e como o Brasil lida com esta situação


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In the last years, the embryo in vitro production for every domestic species and mainly for bovine has attained a notorius status. This reproductive biotechnical procedure associate with ultrasound-guided ovum pick up (OPU) has been more and more incorporated and spread in our cattle herds, ranking up Brazil already at the top of the list in number of in vitro embryo produced. Some significant advantages provided, such as the possibility of using the premature or pregnant animals oocytes, without necessarily requiring the use of hormonal treatment, to make it possible to generate pregnancy at a shorter period of time, the rationalization in the use of semen and optimization in the use of sexed semen were determinant factors for OPU/IVP to reach this outstanding position. Nevertheless, right now the possibility of IVP embryo cryopreservation, just now is the biggest impediment for maximizing the use of this biotechnology, due to both lack of efficient methods and low laboratory produced embryo cryotolerance. Nowadays, the most used methods of IVP embryo cryopreservation are: slow freezing and vitrification. Traditionally, slow freezing is still the most used methods for in vivo and in vitro produced embryo cryopreservation. However, more recently vitrification - although still not commercially used in large scale - has been presenting satisfactory results in IVP embryo cryopreservation, according to searches


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In the last years Brazil has achieved a leading position in worldwide cattle breeding. This country is consolidating the practice of an intensive and technical level cattle breeding, due to greater emphasis on reproductive efficiency and genetic improvement. The attention given to reproductive efficiency became to enhance the genetic improvement process, by exploiting the full reproductive potential of the animals. The biotechniques applied to reproduction arised to expand the reproductive potential for greater economic return. Are the most important reproductive biotechniques the FTAI and in vivo and in vitro embryo production for embryo transfer. Different hormonal treatments are consolidating to interfere with normal physiology in order to achieve the desired goals. The FTAI works to increase the reproductive rates of cattle through pre-booked artificial insemination in all the females in reproduction, without the need for estrous detection. The in vivo and in vitro embryo production aims to distribute the genetics of males and females genetically improved by transferring their embryos to genetically inferior females. Superovulation treatments designed to prevent the mechanism of dominance, which results in many follicles ovulating simultaneously for in vivo embryo production. To the in vitro embryo production, the technique of ovarian puncture guided by transvaginal ultrasound allows to aspirate a number of quality oocytes. The application of biotech is based on knowledge of the female and ovarian reproductive physiology and knowledge of their acting in different breeds and environments.


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Brazil is one of the largest producers of animal protein. In 2010, the production of meat (beef, pork and poultry) was estimated at 24.5 million tons and 75% was consumed in the country. The meat is a primary source of water and fat and contains between 20% and 35% protein, providing all essential amino acids and several micronutrients and vitamins. Due to the large consumption of this food, its quality is extremely important and the research of some indicators microorganism become essential in order to ensure the hygienic and sanitary quality, indicating contamination of fecal origin, with the possible presence of pathogens or to identify food spoilage. Thus, the aim of study was to determine the microbiological quality of 90 samples handled meat products and pre- prepared marketed in Botucatu city, according to the parameters required by ANVISA (RDC  12, 2001). Among the samples analyzed, all of them were negative for Staphylococcus coagulase positive and were within the limit allowed by ANVISA for the Clostridium sulfite reducer (up to 3 x 103 CFU/ g). The presence of Salmonella was confirmed in only one sample (1.1%), against to the legal parameters. About thermotolerant coliforms, 54.4% of the samples were outside the acceptable limit by law (up to 5 x 103 MPN/g). Therefore, the presence of these microorganisms indicates inadequate hygiene conditions of foodhandlers and equipment used in the, which are considered inadequate for consumption


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Staphylococcus is one of the more important causes of the called Foodborne Disease(FD), being that from the 40 species described from genus, the more important is Staphylococcus aureus. During years believed that the S. aureus was the only specie from genus able to produce enterotoxins, responsable for the clinical frame in humans, but latest studies report the isolation of other species both positive coagulase (PC) as negative with enterotoxigenic potential. The symptoms of this intoxication appear after a short period of incubation (2-6 hours) and usually characterized by nausea, vomits, abdominal ache, diarrhea, and rarely is fatal. For the toxin to be formed in food is necessary that bacteria population to be at least 105 UFC/g, being that such toxins characterized by presenting great resistance front of gastrointestinal proteases and of homemade termical treatment. Among the main foods that might carry the microorganism, the milk and its derivatives have highlights. The contamination of the product might happen as from the milk from cows with clinical and/or subclinical mastitis, as the Staphylococcus genus is one of the main agents etiologic from this disease, equipments utensils badly sanitized equipments and utensils and from the manipulators. The control of these factors configures as fundamental condition for the achievement of a safe, quality product, which doesn’t offer risk to the consumers


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To assess the possibility of shifting the sex ratio at birth, since this can contribute to enhancing the genetic gain and producity in cattle, this work is aimed at raising the factors that may influence sex determination of creates. This study is based on research conducted in the area of reproduction and production of beef and dairy cattle, some quotes in humans, mouse, dogs and a study in pigs. This was due to back of data and studies in the bovine species. It was noted that stress during pregnancy, intake of vitamin C or others substances and the time of artificial insemination are the factors that may influence the determination of the type of product. Human studies, concluded that woman more stressed are more likely to produce female children of the quietest. Furthermore, sows that received ascorbic a ad orally for seven days and were inseminated during this period, produce more female then those who did not receive the vitamin. These studies may suggest that cows can also suffer influence of stress and food for the determination of sex of calf. There are also studies suggesting that cows inseminated at the earliest time of ovulation ted to produce more male calves than those inseminated a few hours before that time. Some scholars considers the hypothesis... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Os carrapatos são considerados um dos mais importantes grupos dentre os artrópodes, por serem vetores de agentes patogênicos, que podem atacar animais, bem como o próprio homem. Dentre as diversas espécies de carrapato destaca-se a do Rhipicephalus sanguineus, pertencente à família Ixodidae e com ampla distribuição em todos os continentes. Atualmente esta espécie é considerada uma praga urbana, de grande importância médico-veterinária, que parasita principalmente o cão doméstico. Os ovários de carrapatos são considerados órgãos vitais para o sucesso biológico deste grupo de animais. Neste sentido, desenvolver pesquisas para se conhecer a ação de produtos naturais com reconhecida ação repelente ou acaricida, sobre o sistema reprodutor feminino de carrapatos, traria importantes informações para um melhor entendimento dos efeitos da ação destes produtos nos ovócitos desses ectoparasitas, contribuindo principalmente para o desenvolvimento de métodos de controle alternativos menos tóxicos para os organismos não-alvo e menos poluentes para o meio ambiente. Dessa forma, o presente estudo analisou as alterações morfofisiológicas causadas por diferentes concentrações do óleo de andiroba no ovário de fêmeas semiingurgitadas de carrapatos R. sanguineus


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La Encefalopatía Espongiforme Bovina (EEB) es una enfermedad degenerativa mortal y transmisible del sistema nervioso central del ganado, con largo período de incubación y clínicamente se caracteriza por sintomas nerviosos, la reacción exagerada a los estímulos externos y dificultad locomoción. La EEB es una enfermedad del grupo de las Encefalopatías Espongiformes Transmisibles (EET), y consiste en una enfermedad zoonótica transmitida por comer alimentos contaminados con una proteína llamada príon. Se discute el control de enfermedades, celebrada en la carne de vacuno refrigerada masacre a través de las Material Especificado de Riesgo (MER) que son el cerebro, cráneo, ojos, amígdalas, médula espinal, gânglio del trigémino, gânglios de la raiz dorsal y el íleon distal. Estos organismos pueden contener el agente de la EEB y transmitir la enfermedad. Los controles se basan en la ley brasileña y las normas internacionales que dictan la recogida y destrucción de estos materiales, sino también las normas para la comercialización de productos procedentes de rumiantes, así como la prohibición de alimentar rumiantes com productos de origen animal


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV