963 resultados para partition in micellar phase


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This paper presents an easy and practical procedure to obtain silica-based C-8 type sorbents for use in solid-phase extraction. The materials are prepared by depositing poly(methyloctylsiloxane), PMOS, on the silica support. Two different treatments for immobilization were used: thermal treatment or gamma irradiation. Suitable recoveries were obtained after pre-concentration of dilute solutions, at the ng/L level, of a mixture of pesticides, indicating the good performance of the materials.


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Cu/Ni/gamma-Al2O3 catalysts were prepared by an impregnation method with 2.5 or 5% wt of copper and 5 or 15% wt of nickel and applied in ethanol steam reforming. The catalysts were characterized by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, X-ray diffraction, temperature programmed reduction with hydrogen and nitrogen adsorption. The samples showed low crystallinity, with the presence of CuO and NiO, both as crystallites and in dispersed phase, as well as of NiO-Al2O3. The catalytic tests carried out at 400 ºC, with a 3:1 water/ethanol molar ratio, indicated the 5Cu/5Ni/Al2O3 catalyst as the most active for hydrogen production, with a hydrogen yield of 77% and ethanol conversion of 98%.


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We show how certain N-dimensional dynamical systems are able to exploit the full instability capabilities of their fixed points to do Hopf bifurcations and how such a behavior produces complex time evolutions based on the nonlinear combination of the oscillation modes that emerged from these bifurcations. For really different oscillation frequencies, the evolutions describe robust wave form structures, usually periodic, in which selfsimilarity with respect to both the time scale and system dimension is clearly appreciated. For closer frequencies, the evolution signals usually appear irregular but are still based on the repetition of complex wave form structures. The study is developed by considering vector fields with a scalar-valued nonlinear function of a single variable that is a linear combination of the N dynamical variables. In this case, the linear stability analysis can be used to design N-dimensional systems in which the fixed points of a saddle-node pair experience up to N21 Hopf bifurcations with preselected oscillation frequencies. The secondary processes occurring in the phase region where the variety of limit cycles appear may be rather complex and difficult to characterize, but they produce the nonlinear mixing of oscillation modes with relatively generic features


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A different methodology was used to isolate and purify oxoaporphine alkaloids, as they are difficult to separate by the usual workup when in mixture. Alkaloid extracts from Annonaceae species were obtained by base/acid extraction. The extracts were concentrated and submitted to partition in solutions of acids of different pKa values, followed by separation by preparative TLC using 1 mm thick silica gel impregnated with oxalic acid (11.2% w/w). Liriodenine, lisycamine, lanuginosine, and O-methylmoschatoline were obtained and tested against tumoral cells (line Hep2, ATCC-CCL 23, larynx carcinoma). Only O-methylmoschatoline (IC50 12.4 µM) was more active than cisplatin (18.0 µM).


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En termes generals, es pot definir l’Eficiència Energètica com la reducció del consum d’energia mantenint els mateixos serveis energètics, sense disminuir el nostre confort i qualitat de vida, protegint el medi ambient, assegurant el proveïment i fomentant un comportament Sostenible al seu ús. L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball, és reduir el consum d’energia i terme de potència contractat a la Universitat de Vic, aplicant un programa d’estalvi amb mesures correctores en el funcionament de les seves instal·lacions o espais. Per tal de poder arribar a aquest objectiu marcat, prèviament s’ha realitzat un estudi acurat, obtenint tota la informació necessària per poder aplicar les mesures correctores a la bossa més important de consum. Un cop trobada, dur a terme l’estudi de la viabilitat de la inversió de les mesures correctores més eficients, optimitzant els recursos destinats. L’espai on s’ha dut a terme l’estudi, ha estat a l’edifici F del Campus Miramarges, seguint les indicacions d’Arnau Bardolet (Cap de Manteniment de la UVIC). Aquest edifici consta d’un entresol, baixos i quatre plantes. L’equip de mesura que s’ha fet servir per realitzar l’estudi, és de la marca Circutor sèrie AR5-L, aquests equips són programables que mesuren, calculen i emmagatzemen en memòria els principals paràmetres elèctrics en xarxes trifàsiques. Els projectes futurs complementaris que es podrien realitzar a part d’aquest són: instal·lar sensors, instal·lar mòduls convertidors TCP/IP, aprofitar la xarxa intranet i crear un escada amb un sinòptic de control i gestió des d’un punt de treball. Aquest aplicatiu permet visualitzar en una pantalla d’un PC tots els estats dels elements controlats mitjançant un sinòptic (encendre/parar manualment l’enllumenat i endolls de les aules, estat d’enllumenat i endolls de les aules, consums instantanis/acumulats energètics, estat dels passadissos entre altres) i explotar les dades recollides a la base de dades. Cada espai tindria la seva lògica de funcionament automàtic específic. Entre les conclusions més rellevants obtingudes en aquest treball s’observa: · Que és pot reduir la potència contractada a la factura a l’estar per sota de la realment consumida. · Que no hi ha penalitzacions a la factura per consum de reactiva, ja que el compensador funciona correctament. · Que es pot reduir l’horari de l’inici del consum d’energia, ja que no correspon a l’activitat docent. · Els valors de la tensió i freqüència estan dintre de la normalitat. · Els harmònics estan al llindar màxim. Analitzant aquestes conclusions, voldria destacar les mesures correctores més importants que es poden dur a terme: canvi tecnològic a LED, temporitzar automàticament l’encesa i apagada dels fluorescents i equips informàtics de les aules “seguint calendari docent”, instal·lar sensors de moviment amb detecció lumínica als passadissos. Totes les conclusions extretes d’aquest treball, es poden aplicar a tots els edificis de la facultat, prèviament realitzant l’estudi individual de cadascuna, seguint els mateixos criteris per tal d’optimitzar la inversió.


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This paper presents a simple and practical thermogravimetric method for determining the layer thickness of immobilized polymer stationary phases used in reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. In this method, the weight loss of different polysiloxanes immobilized onto chromatographic supports, determined over the temperature range 150-650 ºC, demonstrated excellent agreement with the sum of carbon and hydrogen content obtained by elemental analysis. The results presented here suggest that the thermogravimetric procedure is an accurate and precise method to determine the polymeric material content on polymer-coated stationary phases.


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The field of application of mass spectrometry (MS) has increased considerably due to the development of ionization techniques. Other factors that have stimulated the use of MS are the tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) and sequential mass spectrometry (MSn) techniques. However, the interpretation of the MS/MS and MSn data may lead to speculative conclusions. Thus, various quantum chemical methods have been applied for obtaining high quality thermochemical data in gas phase. In this review, we show some applications of computational quantum chemistry to understand the formation and fragmentation of gaseous ions of organic compounds in a MS analysis.


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The kinetic study of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by activated carbon was carried out. The effect of concentrations of reactants and temperature were experimentally studied. Kinetic data were evaluated using differential method of initial rates of reaction. When a typical kinetic law for reactions in homogeneous phase is used, first order of reaction is obtained for hydrogen peroxide and activated carbon, and activation energy of 27 kJ mol-1 for the reaction was estimated. Experimentally was observed that surface of activated carbon is chemically modified during decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, based on this result a scheme of reaction was proposed and evaluated. Experimental data fits very well to a Langmuir- Hinshelwood kinetic model and activation energy of 40 kJ mol-1 was estimated for reaction in heterogeneous phase.


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The use of poorly water soluble molecules in pharmaceutical area has grown. Since these molecules exhibit low oral bioavailability, they are not used in intravenous administrations. Therefore, it is necessary to develop their new formulations with the aim to increase their oral bioavailabilities as to enable intravenous applications. One of the few possibilities in achieving this is a nanonization process that can produce crystals smaller than 1 μm by high pressure homogenization and without use of organic solvents. This mini-review describes technical aspects of the nanocrystal production, morphological aspects (polymorphisms), the market relevance of the nanocrystals products that are already in clinical phase or at the market, as well as, perspectives for the near future.


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This work describes CE preconcentration strategies based on the effect of manipulation of the disperse/secondary velocity. Introduced by Terabe et al. in 1984, micellar electrokinetic chromatography is a powerful separation approach that increases the usage of electrokinetic phenomena for the separation of nonionic compounds. The main disadvantage of MEKC is the low concentration sensitivity associated with the limited optical path length for on-capillary photometric detection and the limited volume of sample solution that can be injected. This paper compiles on-line concentration strategies for neutral analytes by sample stacking and sweeping in micellar electrokinetic chromatography.


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Semi-hydrogenation of alkynes has industrial and academic relevance on a large scale. To increase the activity, selectivity and lifetime of monometallic catalysts, the development of bimetallic catalysts has been investigated. 1-Heptyne hydrogenation over low-loaded Pd and Ni monometallic and PdNi bimetallic catalysts was studied in liquid phase at mild conditions. XPS results suggest that nickel addition to Pd modifies the electronic state of palladium as nickel loading is increased. Low-loaded Pd catalysts showed the highest selectivities (> 95%). The most active prepared catalyst, PdNi(1%), was more selective than the Lindlar catalyst.


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High-temperature liquid chromatography (HTLC) is a technique that presents a series of advantages in liquid phase separations, such as: reduced analysis time, reduced pressure drop, reduced asymmetry factors, modified retentions, controlled selectivities, better efficiencies and improved detectivities, as well as permitting green chromatography. The practical limitations that relate to instrumentation and to stationary phase instability are being resolved and this technique is now ready to be applied for routine determinations.


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This review first discusses the limitations of many of the supports and stationary phases used in reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography and then describes those, developed more recently, that present better stabilities and more versatile selectivities. Emphases will be given to stationary phases that use higher purity silicas, hybrid silicas, monolithic silicas, metallic oxides and mixed oxides as supports and those that have embedded polar groups or contain phenyl or fluoro groups as the stationary phase as well as the phases used for mixed mode or hydrophilic interaction separations. These modern stationary phases facilitate the analysis of complex mixtures.


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This study compared properties of silica (SiO2) from rice husk (RH) and rice husk ash (RHA) extracted by acid- and heat-treatment. The SiO2 from RH was in amorphous phase with nearly 100% purity while that from RHA was in crystalline phase with 97.56% purity. Both extracted SiO2 were used in the synthesis of zeolite NaY but that from RH was better due to the efficiency in product recovery and simplicity of extraction. After the NaY was exchanged to NH4Y and calcined to convert to HY, the product did not carry over the textural properties of the parent NaY and NH4Y.


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Considering all the aspects of the principles of green chemistry, we present herein the addition reactions of amines to 1,4-naphthoquinone in water as solvent and also in solid phase. These reactions resulted in very colorful products that were easily monitored by thin layer chromatography and consequently easy to separate. Therefore, they are interesting experiments for experimental organic chemistry in the classrooms or in the laboratories.