962 resultados para parasitic oscillation
Studies on Hymenopteran Parasitism of Drosophila
Flies of the genus Drosophila are subject to attack by a number of parasitic forms. Sturtevant (1921) has listed records of parasitism by protozoa (Leptomonas), fungi (Muiaria and Stigmatomyces), nematodes, mites and v~rious hymenoptera. According to Sturtevant, Perkins (1913) has bred at least five species of hymenoptera, belonging to the proctotrupoid, cynipoid and chalcidoid groups, upon Drosophiline flies. H.S. Smith has bred an unidentified proctotrupoid and a chalcidoid, Pachy crepoideus dubius Ashmead* from both Drosophila melanogaster ani D. hydei. Kieffer ( 1913) has described three species of hymenoptera from Africa collected by Silvestri and stated by him to be parasitic on Drosophila, species not given. They are Trichopria (Planopria) rhopalica (Diapriidae), Ashmeadopria drosophilae (Diapriidae), and the insect which forms the subject matter of the present investigation, Eucoila drosophilae (Figitidae).
There are in addition a number of predacious enemies among wasps, spiders, flies and beetles.
The present account is concerned with parasitism of various species of Drosophila by Eucoila drosophilae Kieff. The wasps were found b y Dr. w. P. Spencer who exposed traps in an effort to collect Drosophila at Long Lake, Ohio, in Sept. 1934 . Drosophila larvae from the trap gave a large number of pupae from which wasps emerged in considerable proportions. Since that time stock s have been maintained in culture on Drosophila melanogaster.
Self-trapping, stopping, and absorption of an ultrashort ultraintense linearly polarized laser pulse in a finite plasma slab of near-critical density is investigated by particle-in-cell simulation. As in the underdense plasma, an electron cavity is created by the pressure of the transmitted part of the light pulse and it traps the latter. Since the background plasma is at near-critical density, no wake plasma oscillation is created. The propagating self-trapped light rapidly comes to a stop inside the slab. Subsequent ion Coulomb explosion of the stopped cavity leads to explosive expulsion of its ions and formation of an extended channel having extremely low plasma density. The energetic Coulomb-exploded ions form shock layers of high density and temperature at the channel boundary. In contrast to a propagating pulse in a lower density plasma, here the energy of the trapped light is deposited onto a stationary and highly localized region of the plasma. This highly localized energy-deposition process can be relevant to the fast ignition scheme of inertial fusion.
O crescimento do percentual de idosos na população ocorre mundialmente tornando necessário conhecer o impacto do processo de envelhecimento, neste contexto, do sistema respiratório. O desconhecimento do impacto do envelhecimento associado a diferentes graus de exposição a poluentes e a presença de comorbidade(s) dificulta a diagnose das pneumopatias acarretando aos idosos piora da qualidade de vida. São vantagens da Técnica de Oscilações Forçadas (FOT): alto potencial de aplicação em idosos, fácil realização, análise detalhada da mecânica respiratória, desempenho de papel complementar, bem como de alternativa na impossibilidade de realização dos exames tradicionais. Foi realizado um estudo experimental comparativo que objetivou investigar o impacto do envelhecimento no sistema respiratório pela FOT e pela espirometria entre grupos de diferentes faixas etárias, sendo a idade a variável independente e as variáveis dependentes, os parâmetros oscilométricos resistência em regime contínuo (R0) e das vias aéreas centrais (Rm), inclinação da resistência (S), frequência de ressonância (fr), reatância média (Xm), complacência dinâmica (Cdin,sr) e os parâmetros espirométricos (VEF1, CVF, VEF1/CVF e FEF/CVF). Foram realizados entrevista, exame clínico, radiografia torácica, avaliação da mecânica respiratória pela FOT e da função pulmonar pela espirometria. 255 indivíduos com idades entre 20 e 86 anos foram entrevistados. Destes, 175 foram excluídos, restando os 80 voluntários analisados, que foram divididos em 6 grupos de acordo com a faixa etária (A: 20 a 29 anos; B: 30 a 39 anos; C: 40 a 49 anos; D: 50 a 59 anos; E: 60 a 69 anos; F: 70 anos ou mais). Foram utilizados os testes de Shapiro-Wilkins, na avaliação da normalidade dos dados biométricos em cada grupo, Oneway ANOVA, na comparação entre os grupos, e Tukey HSD na comparação entre as classes subjacentes. A análise da associação entre duas variáveis foi realizada inicialmente pela regressão univariada entre os parâmetros oscilométricos, a idade e a altura. A regressão múltipla entre os parâmetros oscilométricos, idade e altura foi realizada em conjunto. Foi realizada a análise de confundimento ou modificação de efeito sobre o parâmetro altura na relação entre a idade e os parâmetros oscilométricos. A correção pelo fator altura foi realizada quando sua análise apresentava fator de confundimento. Quanto aos parâmetros resistivos, não foram observadas alterações em R0 e Rm com o envelhecimento enquanto que o declínio observado em S é discreto e não-significativo. Em relação aos parâmetros reativos, verificouse que Cdin,sr e Xm diminuem enquanto que fr aumenta com o processo de envelhecimento. Todas estas alterações são significativas. Todavia, a diminuição da Cdin,sr não apresenta relação com a idade e sim com a altura, que constituiu modificação do efeito. Nos demais parâmetros oscilométricos, a altura constituiu fator de confundimento. Quanto à espirometria, observou-se declínio significativo do VEF1, do VEF1/CVF e da CVF. O índice FEF/CVF apresentou declínio nãosignificativo. Concluindo, a resistência do sistema respiratório e a complacência dinâmica não se modificam enquanto a homogeneidade do sistema respiratório diminui com o processo de envelhecimento.
A fibrose cística (FC) é a doença autossômica recessiva mais comum na população branca que leva à redução na expectativa de vida. A doença pulmonar é a maior causa de morbidade e mortalidade. A relevância do presente estudo se dá diante de alguns fatores: aumento drástico da sobrevida média nos últimos 60 anos na FC, a fisiopatologia pulmonar não é bem compreendida, ausência de estudos reportados na literatura, até o momento, utilizando a técnica de oscilações forçadas (TOF) exclusivamente em adultos com FC. Assim sendo os objetivos deste estudo são: analisar as alterações da mecânica respiratória em adultos com FC através da espirometria, pletismografia e TOF; correlacionar os resultados da TOF aos espirométricos e pletismográficos e avaliar a sensibilidade e especificidade da TOF nestes indivíduos. É um estudo de corte transversal descritivo, no qual foram analisados dois grupos de indivíduos: controle (n=23) e FC (n=27). Os resultados foram expressos através média desvio-padrão. As técnicas funcionais respiratórias foram realizadas na seguinte sequência: TOF, espirometria, pletismografia. Na pletismografia foram avaliados os parâmetros: CPT (capacidade pulmonar total), CRF (capacidade residual funcional) e VR (volume residual), CRF/CPT e VR/CPT, resistência (Rva) e condutância específica das vias aéreas (SGva). Na espirometria: volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo (VEF1), capacidade vital forçada (CVF), fluxo expiratório entre 25% e 75% (FEF25%-75%) da CVF (FEF25%-75%) e razões VEF1/CVF (%) e FEF/CVF (%). Na TOF: propriedades resistivas do sistema respiratório- R0 (resistência no intercepto), Rm (resistência média) e S (inclinação da reta de resistência) e propriedades reativas: Cdin,sr (complacência dinâmica do sistema respiratório), Xm (reatância média), frequência de ressonância (fr); e o módulo da impedância em 4 Hz (׀Zrs4Hz׀). Na espirometria o distúrbio ventilatório obstrutivo (DVO) com CVF reduzida foi predominante, com marcante redução do FEF25%-75% no grupo FC (p<0,0001) em relação ao controle. Na pletismografia: destacou-se a elevação de VR, na presença de CPT normal e elevação da Rva e redução da SGva no grupo FC. Alterações da TOF ocorridas no grupo FC em relação ao controle: aumento de R0 e Rm (p<0,0001) e fr (p<0,0002), relacionados à obstrução das vias aéreas; redução de S (p<0,0006), Xm (p<0,0001) associadas à não-homogeneidade do sistema respiratório e Cdin,sr (p<0,0001), relacionada à redução da complacência pulmonar; aumento do módulo da impedância em 4 Hz (׀Zrs4Hz׀) (representando a carga mecânica total do sistema respiratório) resultante da interação das demais alterações da TOF citadas. Os parâmetros da TOF apresentaram correlações muito boas com a espirometria e moderadas com a pletismografia. Rm foi o único parâmetro que não se relacionou com nenhuma destas técnicas. A sensibilidade e especificidade da TOF em adultos com FC apresentaram valores elevados, sobretudo nos parâmetros reativos, em especial, Xm (85,2% e 73,9% respectivamente e área sob a curva de 0,86).
Esta dissertação discute a relação entre a medicina, a psiquiatria, a psicologia, o poder punitivo e o Direito Penal, bem como a influência que o discurso de uma produziu no outro, e vice versa. Defende a idéia de que a medicina é um espetáculo de poder que, acasalado com o poder punitivo, e interagindo com, e sobre, o indivíduo, invade e se apropria do seu corpo para, usando-o como instrumento de dominação política, discipliná-lo de acordo com a conveniência, sobretudo, da higiene e, naquela sua relação espúria com o poder punitivo, diferenciá-lo e controlá-lo social e penalmente. Sustenta, ainda, que, malgrado o acasalamento não tenha sido intencional, o Estado via na medicina o instrumento para reforçar o seu poder, enquanto essa via naquele o apoio para o seu espraiamento, embora Medicina e Estado tenham convergido, mas também divergido, por vezes tática e estrategicamente, porquanto nem sempre os dois poderes reconheceram o valor da aliança que haviam estabelecido. Então, defende a tese de que o Estado acatou a medicalização das suas ações políticas e admitiu o valor político das ações da medicina, e com vantagens para ambos que, dividindo o poder, conquistaram. É que, a medicina, mais rápida e mais adequada aos problemas salutares apresentados, ajudava-o a se imiscuir no corpo para a permanência parasitária daquela. E, para manter seu direito ao discurso, sustenta que a medicina reinventou constantemente uma necessidade para, diante dela, apresentar-se como única solução, tendo conseguido isso mediante a apresentação de uma retórica dominial eloquente, mas, sobretudo, tecnificada, é dizer, inacessível ao dominado. Com isso, a disciplina, o controle e a repressão do indivíduo, penal e medicamente, estavam prontas, pois, Direito e Medicina, aquele com a lei, esta com o remédio, juntos, dominaram e dominam os destinos do indivíduo, e da coletividade. Demonstrou, ainda, que os higienistas nunca se desocuparam de suas funções. E, por fim, que os princípios penais devem, independente da qualificação que se os dê, sempre refrear o poder punitivo.
The incidence of blue-green algal blooms and surface scum-formation are certainly not new phenomena. Many British and European authors have been faithfully describing the unmistakable symptoms of blue-green algal scums for over 800 years. There is no disputing that blue-green algal toxins are extremely harmful. Three quite separate categories of compound have been separated: neurotoxins; hepatotoxins and lipopolysaccharides. There is a popular association between blue-green algae and eutrophication. Certainly the main nuisance species - of Microcystis, Anabaena and Aphanizomenon are rare in oligotrophic lakes and reservoirs. Several approaches have been proposed for the control of blue-green algae. Distinction is made between methods for discharging algae already present (eg algicides; straw bales; viruses; parasitic fungi and herbivorous ciliates), and methods for averting an anticipated abundance in the future (phosphorous control, artificial circulation etc).
The purpose of this work is to extend experimental and theoretical understanding of horizontal Bloch line (HBL) motion in magnetic bubble materials. The present theory of HBL motion is reviewed, and then extended to include transient effects in which the internal domain wall structure changes with time. This is accomplished by numerically solving the equations of motion for the internal azimuthal angle ɸ and the wall position q as functions of z, the coordinate perpendicular to the thin-film material, and time. The effects of HBL's on domain wall motion are investigated by comparing results from wall oscillation experiments with those from the theory. In these experiments, a bias field pulse is used to make a step change in equilibrium position of either bubble or stripe domain walls, and the wall response is measured by using transient photography. During the initial response, the dynamic wall structure closely resembles the initial static structure. The wall accelerates to a relatively high velocity (≈20 m/sec), resulting in a short (≈22 nsec ) section of initial rapid motion. An HBL gradually forms near one of the film surfaces as a result of local dynamic properties, and moves along the wall surface toward the film center. The presence of this structure produces low-frequency, triangular-shaped oscillations in which the experimental wall velocity is nearly constant, vs≈ 5-8 m/sec. If the HBL reaches the opposite surface, i.e., if the average internal angle reaches an integer multiple of π, the momentum stored in the HBL is lost, and the wall chirality is reversed. This results in abrupt transitions to overdamped motion and changes in wall chirality, which are observed as a function of bias pulse amplitude. The pulse amplitude at which the nth punch- through occurs just as the wall reaches equilibrium is given within 0.2 0e by Hn = (2vsH'/γ)1/2 • (nπ)1/2 + Hsv), where H' is the effective field gradient from the surrounding domains, and Hsv is a small (less than 0.03 0e), effective drag field. Observations of wall oscillation in the presence of in-plane fields parallel to the wall show that HBL formation is suppressed by fields greater than about 40 0e (≈2πMs), resulting in the high-frequency, sinusoidal oscillations associated with a simple internal wall structure.
Experimental demonstrations and theoretical analyses of a new electromechanical energy conversion process which is made feasible only by the unique properties of superconductors are presented in this dissertation. This energy conversion process is characterized by a highly efficient direct energy transformation from microwave energy into mechanical energy or vice versa and can be achieved at high power level. It is an application of a well established physical principle known as the adiabatic theorem (Boltzmann-Ehrenfest theorem) and in this case time dependent superconducting boundaries provide the necessary interface between the microwave energy on one hand and the mechanical work on the other. The mechanism which brings about the conversion is another known phenomenon - the Doppler effect. The resonant frequency of a superconducting resonator undergoes continuous infinitesimal shifts when the resonator boundaries are adiabatically changed in time by an external mechanical mechanism. These small frequency shifts can accumulate coherently over an extended period of time to produce a macroscopic shift when the resonator remains resonantly excited throughout this process. In addition, the electromagnetic energy in s ide the resonator which is proportional to the oscillation frequency is al so accordingly changed so that a direct conversion between electromagnetic and mechanical energies takes place. The intrinsically high efficiency of this process is due to the electromechanical interactions involved in the conversion rather than a process of thermodynamic nature and therefore is not limited by the thermodynamic value.
A highly reentrant superconducting resonator resonating in the range of 90 to 160 MHz was used for demonstrating this new conversion technique. The resonant frequency was mechanically modulated at a rate of two kilohertz. Experimental results showed that the time evolution of the electromagnetic energy inside this frequency modulated (FM) superconducting resonator indeed behaved as predicted and thus demonstrated the unique features of this process. A proposed usage of FM superconducting resonators as electromechanical energy conversion devices is given along with some practical design considerations. This device seems to be very promising in producing high power (~10W/cm^3) microwave energy at 10 - 30 GHz.
Weakly coupled FM resonator system is also analytically studied for its potential applications. This system shows an interesting switching characteristic with which the spatial distribution of microwave energies can be manipulated by external means. It was found that if the modulation was properly applied, a high degree (>95%) of unidirectional energy transfer from one resonator to the other could be accomplished. Applications of this characteristic to fabricate high efficiency energy switching devices and high power microwave pulse generators are also found feasible with present superconducting technology.
Examination of 40 time series of multidisciplinary environmental variables from the Pacific Ocean and the Americas, collected in 1968 to 1984, demonstrated the remarkable consistency of a major climate-related, step-like change in 1976. To combine the 40 variables (e.g., air and water temperatures, Southern Oscillation, chlorophyll, geese, salmon, crabs, glaciers, atmospheric dust, coral, carbon dioxide, winds, ice cover, Bering Strait transport) into a single time series, standard variants of individual annual values (subtracting the mean and dividing by a standard deviation) were averaged. Analysis of the resulting time series showed that the single step in 1976, separating the 1968-1975 period from the 1977-1984 period, accounted for 89% of variance within the composite time series. Apparently, one of the Earth's large ecosystems occasionally undergoes large abrupt shifts.
The general decline of the endangered freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera (L.) throughout its holarctic range is well documented. Scotland is considered to be a stronghold of margaritifera, containing approximately half of the world's known remaining viable populations. However, even here the majority of populations have declined and many have disappeared completely. This article provides an overview of the freshwater pearl mussel life-cycle and the life-cycle of salmonids which are the host fish during the freshwater mussels short parasitic larval phase. The authors highlight the potential implications of the decline of salmonids for freshwater populations in Scotland.
As doenças infecto-parasitárias, ainda hoje, em pleno século XXI são responsáveis por uma quantidade generosa de morbidade e mortalidade no Brasil e no mundo. Muitas delas são amplamente influenciadas pelas mudanças climáticas que estão ocorrendo em todo o planeta fazendo com que sua incidência e distribuição geográfica aumentem. A dengue é considerada a principal doença reemergente nos países tropicais e subtropicais. A malária tem forte incidência nos países ao sul do deserto do Saara na África, ocorrendo também em vários países da América do Sul que possuem parte da região Amazônica em seu território. Várias doenças voltam a assolar a população de vários locais como as leishmanioses, a Doença de Lyme, erlichioses entre outras. Em março de 2009 começam a ocorrer os primeiros casos de uma nova doença inicialmente denominada Influenza suína, a qual, levou alguns indivíduos a óbito em Oaxaca, uma cidade mexicana localizada a 400 quilômetros da capital. Rapidamente, a doença se espalhou pelo país e posteriormente, no começo do mês de abril de 2009 já, existiam relatos de casos em vários países. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa é verificar em que medida o cuidado de enfermagem realizado expressou um maior ou menor grau de controle do enfermeiro sobre seu trabalho, apontando para os potenciais riscos (biológicos) de adoecimento e impactos negativos na saúde deste trabalhador. O presente estudo foi desenvolvido por meio de uma abordagem quantitativa com desenho longitudinal e observacional, delineamento de pesquisa não experimental e caráter descritivo. Foi feita a análise observacional nas tendas quanto a sua infraestrutura e posteriormente foi passado um questionário aos enfermeiros pautado em questões sobre o risco biológico que estes estavam sendo submetidos. Faz-se necessário que a cultura do improviso acabe e comece a se pensar em uma nova realidade: as doenças transmissíveis são uma realidade, elas existem e há de ser feito um adequamento de tudo que esteja ligado à área de saúde pensando em um novo contexto. É imperioso que tanto as autoridades como os profissionais revejam e reflitam sobre o que aconteceu, para que os erros do passado possam ficar para trás e não se repitam.
The field of cavity optomechanics, which concerns the coupling of a mechanical object's motion to the electromagnetic field of a high finesse cavity, allows for exquisitely sensitive measurements of mechanical motion, from large-scale gravitational wave detection to microscale accelerometers. Moreover, it provides a potential means to control and engineer the state of a macroscopic mechanical object at the quantum level, provided one can realize sufficiently strong interaction strengths relative to the ambient thermal noise. Recent experiments utilizing the optomechanical interaction to cool mechanical resonators to their motional quantum ground state allow for a variety of quantum engineering applications, including preparation of non-classical mechanical states and coherent optical to microwave conversion. Optomechanical crystals (OMCs), in which bandgaps for both optical and mechanical waves can be introduced through patterning of a material, provide one particularly attractive means for realizing strong interactions between high-frequency mechanical resonators and near-infrared light. Beyond the usual paradigm of cavity optomechanics involving isolated single mechanical elements, OMCs can also be fashioned into planar circuits for photons and phonons, and arrays of optomechanical elements can be interconnected via optical and acoustic waveguides. Such coupled OMC arrays have been proposed as a way to realize quantum optomechanical memories, nanomechanical circuits for continuous variable quantum information processing and phononic quantum networks, and as a platform for engineering and studying quantum many-body physics of optomechanical meta-materials.
However, while ground state occupancies (that is, average phonon occupancies less than one) have been achieved in OMC cavities utilizing laser cooling techniques, parasitic absorption and the concomitant degradation of the mechanical quality factor fundamentally limit this approach. On the other hand, the high mechanical frequency of these systems allows for the possibility of using a dilution refrigerator to simultaneously achieve low thermal occupancy and long mechanical coherence time by passively cooling the device to the millikelvin regime. This thesis describes efforts to realize the measurement of OMC cavities inside a dilution refrigerator, including the development of fridge-compatible optical coupling schemes and the characterization of the heating dynamics of the mechanical resonator at sub-kelvin temperatures.
We will begin by summarizing the theoretical framework used to describe cavity optomechanical systems, as well as a handful of the quantum applications envisioned for such devices. Then, we will present background on the design of the nanobeam OMC cavities used for this work, along with details of the design and characterization of tapered fiber couplers for optical coupling inside the fridge. Finally, we will present measurements of the devices at fridge base temperatures of Tf = 10 mK, using both heterodyne spectroscopy and time-resolved sideband photon counting, as well as detailed analysis of the prospects for future quantum applications based on the observed optically-induced heating.
Pulse-height and time-of-flight methods have been used to measure the electronic stopping cross sections for projectiles of 12C, 16O, 19F, 23Na, 24Mg, and 27Al, slowing in helium, neon, argon, krypton, and xenon. The ion energies were in the range 185 keV ≤ E ≤ 2560 keV.
A semiempirical calculation of the electronic stopping cross section for projectiles with atomic numbers between 6 and 13 passing through the inert gases has been performed using a modification of the Firsov model. Using Hartree-Slater-Fock orbitals, and summing over the losses for the individual charge states of the projectiles, good agreement has been obtained with the experimental data. The main features of the stopping cross section seen in the data, such as the Z1 oscillation and the variation of the velocity dependence on Z1 and Z2, are present in the calculation. The inclusion of a modified form of the Bethe-Bloch formula as an additional term allows the increase of the velocity dependence for projectile velocities above vo to be reproduced in the calculation.
With the advent of the laser in the year 1960, the field of optics experienced a renaissance from what was considered to be a dull, solved subject to an active area of development, with applications and discoveries which are yet to be exhausted 55 years later. Light is now nearly ubiquitous not only in cutting-edge research in physics, chemistry, and biology, but also in modern technology and infrastructure. One quality of light, that of the imparted radiation pressure force upon reflection from an object, has attracted intense interest from researchers seeking to precisely monitor and control the motional degrees of freedom of an object using light. These optomechanical interactions have inspired myriad proposals, ranging from quantum memories and transducers in quantum information networks to precision metrology of classical forces. Alongside advances in micro- and nano-fabrication, the burgeoning field of optomechanics has yielded a class of highly engineered systems designed to produce strong interactions between light and motion.
Optomechanical crystals are one such system in which the patterning of periodic holes in thin dielectric films traps both light and sound waves to a micro-scale volume. These devices feature strong radiation pressure coupling between high-quality optical cavity modes and internal nanomechanical resonances. Whether for applications in the quantum or classical domain, the utility of optomechanical crystals hinges on the degree to which light radiating from the device, having interacted with mechanical motion, can be collected and detected in an experimental apparatus consisting of conventional optical components such as lenses and optical fibers. While several efficient methods of optical coupling exist to meet this task, most are unsuitable for the cryogenic or vacuum integration required for many applications. The first portion of this dissertation will detail the development of robust and efficient methods of optically coupling optomechanical resonators to optical fibers, with an emphasis on fabrication processes and optical characterization.
I will then proceed to describe a few experiments enabled by the fiber couplers. The first studies the performance of an optomechanical resonator as a precise sensor for continuous position measurement. The sensitivity of the measurement, limited by the detection efficiency of intracavity photons, is compared to the standard quantum limit imposed by the quantum properties of the laser probe light. The added noise of the measurement is seen to fall within a factor of 3 of the standard quantum limit, representing an order of magnitude improvement over previous experiments utilizing optomechanical crystals, and matching the performance of similar measurements in the microwave domain.
The next experiment uses single photon counting to detect individual phonon emission and absorption events within the nanomechanical oscillator. The scattering of laser light from mechanical motion produces correlated photon-phonon pairs, and detection of the emitted photon corresponds to an effective phonon counting scheme. In the process of scattering, the coherence properties of the mechanical oscillation are mapped onto the reflected light. Intensity interferometry of the reflected light then allows measurement of the temporal coherence of the acoustic field. These correlations are measured for a range of experimental conditions, including the optomechanical amplification of the mechanics to a self-oscillation regime, and comparisons are drawn to a laser system for phonons. Finally, prospects for using phonon counting and intensity interferometry to produce non-classical mechanical states are detailed following recent proposals in literature.