956 resultados para murine cytomegalovirus


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We have analyzed the adhesion of human and murine platelets, and of recombinant human and murine GpVI ectodomains, to synthetic triple-helical collagen-like peptides. These included 57 peptides derived from the sequence of human type III collagen and 9 peptides derived from the cyanogen bromide fragment of bovine type III collagen, alpha 1(III)CB4. We have identified several peptides that interact with GpVI, in particular a peptide designated III-30 with the sequence GAOGLRGGAGPOG-PEGGKGAAGPOGPO. Both human and murine platelets bound to peptide III-30 in a GpVI-dependent manner. III-30 also supported binding of recombinant GpVI ectodomains. Cross-linked III-30 induced aggregation of human and murine platelets, although with a lower potency than collagen-related peptide. Modifications of the peptide sequence indicated that the hydroxyproline residues play a significant role in supporting its GpVI reactivity. However, many peptides containing OGP/ GPO motifs did not support adhesion to GpVI. These data indicate that the ability of a triple-helical peptide to bind GpVI is not solely determined by the presence or spatial arrangement of these OGP/GPO motifs within the peptides.


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Background: Platelet glycoprotein (GP) Ib-IX-V supports platelet adhesion on damaged vascular walls by binding to von Willebrand factor (VWF). For several decades it has been recognized that the alpha-subunit of GP (GPIb alpha) also binds thrombin but the physiological relevance, if any, of this interaction was unknown. Previous studies have shown that a sulfated tyrosine 276 (Tyr276) is essential for thrombin binding to GPIb alpha.Objectives: This study investigated the in vivo relevance of GPIb alpha residue Tyr276 in hemostasis and thrombosis.Methods: Transgenic mouse colonies expressing the normal human GPIb alpha subunit or a mutant human GPIb alpha containing a Phe substitution for Tyr276 (hTg(Y276F)) were generated. Both colonies were bred to mice devoid of murine GPIb alpha.Results: Surface-expressed GPIb alpha levels and platelet counts were similar in both colonies. hTg(Y276F) platelets were significantly impaired in binding alpha-thrombin but displayed normal binding to type I fibrillar collagen and human VWF in the presence of ristocetin. In vivo thrombus formation as a result of chemical damage (FeCl3) demonstrated that hTg(Y276F) mice have a delayed time to occlusion followed by unstable blood flow indicative of embolization. In models of laser-induced injury, thrombi developing in hTg(Y276F) animals were also less stable.Conclusions: The results demonstrate that GPIb alpha residue Tyr276 is physiologically important, supporting stable thrombus formation in vivo.


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We have investigated the density of the collagen receptors glycoprotein VI (GPVI) and alpha(2)beta(1) on human platelets and their relationship to polymorphisms within the GPVI gene. GPVI levels varied 1.5-fold and showed a weak correlation (r = 0.35) with the levels of alpha(2)beta(1), which varied 3-fold. GPVI genotype had a significant effect on receptor levels with carriers of the proline 219 allele (approximately 22% of the population) having 10% lower GPVI levels than the more common serine homozygotes. GPVI and alpha(2)beta(1) levels were found to be significantly decreased on platelets from patients with myeloproliferative disorders (MPDs). In both the MPD and the control group, GPVI levels were found not to affect platelet function under high shear in whole blood. Similarly murine platelets that express up to 5-fold lower levels of GPVI showed no significant difference than controls in thrombus formation on a high-density collagen-coated surface. However platelets lacking the GPVI/Fc receptor gamma-chain (FcR gamma-chain) complex or a functional FcR gamma-chain (immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif [ITAM] point mutant) exhibited severely abrogated thrombus formation at 800 s(-1) and 1500 s(-1). These results demonstrate that GPVI levels are tightly controlled and play a critical role in thrombus formation on collagen; nevertheless, a range of receptor densities can support platelet function under high shear. (C) 2003 by The American Society of Hematology.


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http://bjo.bmj.com/content/suppl/2001/06/20/85.7.DC1 Leukocyte-endothelial cell interactions play an important role in the pathogenesis of various types of retinal vascular diseases, including diabetes, uveitis, and ischemic lesions. Over the last few years, several methods have been devised in which the scanning laser ophthalmoscope (SLO) is used to study leukocyte-endothelial interactions in vivo [1,2]. Previously we reported a noninvasive in vivo leukocyte tracking method using the SLO in rat. In this method, a nontoxic fluorescent agent (6-carboxyfluorescein diacetate, CFDA) was used to label leukocytes in vitro. Leukocyte velocities within the retinal and choroidal circulations were be quantified simultaneously [3]. None of the previous methods has been developed for imaging the murine fundus, mainly due to problems arising from the small size of the mouse eye. However, there are many advantages of using a murine model to study retinal vascular diseases such as enhanced genetic definition, increased range of reagents available for immunological studies and cost reduction. We have developed our SLO method such that we can track leukocytes in the mouse retinal and choroidal circulations.


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Distinct cell populations with regenerative capacity have been reported to contribute to myofibres after skeletal muscle injury, including non-satellite cells as well as myogenic satellite cells. However, the relative contribution of these distinct cell types to skeletal muscle repair and homeostasis and the identity of adult muscle stem cells remain unknown. We generated a model for the conditional depletion of satellite cells by expressing a human diphtheria toxin receptor under control of the murine Pax7 locus. Intramuscular injection of diphtheria toxin during muscle homeostasis, or combined with muscle injury caused by myotoxins or exercise, led to a marked loss of muscle tissue and failure to regenerate skeletal muscle. Moreover, the muscle tissue became infiltrated by inflammatory cells and adipocytes. This localised loss of satellite cells was not compensated for endogenously by other cell types, but muscle regeneration was rescued after transplantation of adult Pax7(+) satellite cells alone. These findings indicate that other cell types with regenerative potential depend on the presence of the satellite cell population, and these observations have important implications for myopathic conditions and stem cell-based therapeutic approaches.


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Background: Co-localisation is a widely used measurement in immunohistochemical analysis to determine if fluorescently labelled biological entities, such as cells, proteins or molecules share a same location. However the measurement of co-localisation is challenging due to the complex nature of such fluorescent images, especially when multiple focal planes are captured. The current state-of-art co-localisation measurements of 3-dimensional (3D) image stacks are biased by noise and cross-overs from non-consecutive planes.

Method: In this study, we have developed Co-localisation Intensity Coefficients (CICs) and Co-localisation Binary Coefficients (CBCs), which uses rich z-stack data from neighbouring focal planes to identify similarities between image intensities of two and potentially more fluorescently-labelled biological entities. This was developed using z-stack images from murine organotypic slice cultures from central nervous system tissue, and two sets of pseudo-data. A large amount of non-specific cross-over situations are excluded using this method. This proposed method is also proven to be robust in recognising co-localisations even when images are polluted with a range of noises.

Results: The proposed CBCs and CICs produce robust co-localisation measurements which are easy to interpret, resilient to noise and capable of removing a large amount of false positivity, such as non-specific cross-overs. Performance of this method of measurement is significantly more accurate than existing measurements, as determined statistically using pseudo datasets of known values. This method provides an important and reliable tool for fluorescent 3D neurobiological studies, and will benefit other biological studies which measure fluorescence co-localisation in 3D.


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An experiment was undertaken with 50 Texel x Suffolk-Cheviot lambs (54+/-8.8 days of age) to investigate the effects of active immunisation with a murine monoclonal antibody against clenburerol on growth and carcass characteristics. Animals on treatments 1 and 2 each received 0.1 mg of clenbuterol antibody while animals on treatments 3 and 4 received 0.1 mg of antibody encapsulated within a synthetic polymer. Diethylaminoethyl (DEAE)-dextran was used as the adjuvant in treatments 1 and 3 and saponin in treatments 2 and 4. Control animals were immunised with saponin only. Four immunisations were given at 4-week intervals. Animals were slaughtered 3 weeks after the final immunisation. Each vaccine evoked a similar level of antibody response while the control group showed no titres. Lamb growth rate did not vary significantly between the vaccinated and control groups. Dressing proportion was higher (P


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Despite a clear link between ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM)-dependent phosphorylation of p53 and cell cycle checkpoint control, the intracellular biology and subcellular localization of p53 phosphoforms during the initial sensing of DNA damage is poorly understood. Using GO-G, confluent primary human diploid fibroblast cultures, we show that endogenous p53, phosphorylated at Ser(15) (p53(Ser15)), accumulates as discrete, dose-dependent and chromatin-bound foci within 30 minutes following induction of DNA breaks or DNA base damage. This biologicafly distinct subpool of p53(Ser15) is ATM dependent and resistant to 26S-proteasomal degradation. p53(Ser15) colocalizes and coimmunoprecipitates with gamma-H2AX with kinetics similar to that of biochemical DNA double-strand break (DNA-dsb) rejoining. Subnuclear micro-beam irradiation studies confirm p53 S,,15 is recruited to sites of DNA damage containing gamma-H2AX, ATM(Ser1981), and DNA-PKcs(Thr2609) in vivo. Furthermore, studies using isogenic human and murine cells, which express Ser(15) or Ser(18) phosphomutant proteins, respectively, show defective nuclear foci formation, decreased induction of p21(WAF) decreased gamma-H2AX association, and altered DNA-dsb kinetics following DNA damage. Our results suggest a unique biology for this p53 phosphoform in the initial steps of DNA damage signaling and implicates ATM-p53 chromatin-based interactions as mediators of cell cycle checkpoint control and DNA repair to prevent carcinogenesis. (Cancer Res 2005; 65(23): 10810-21).


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Transcriptionally erythropoietin (Epo) synthesis is tightly regulated by the hypoxia inducible factor (HIF), which is composed of one alpha and one beta subunit that are constitutively expressed. The beta subunit is non-variable, but three different alpha subunits give rise to three isoforms of HIF. The alpha subunit is proteasomally regulated in the presence of oxygen by hydroxylation of the proline in the LXXLAP motif of the oxygen dependent degradation (ODD) domain of HIFalpha, catalysed by members of the prolyl hydroxylase domain (PHD) family of enzymes. This allows the von Hippel Lindau (VHL) protein to associate with the alpha subunit, which is subsequently tagged with ubiquitin and degraded by the proteasome. Any defect in the oxygen sensing pathway that allows the alpha subunit to escape proteasomal regulation leads to elevated expression of HIF target genes.

Recently mutations in both VHL and PHD2 have been identified in a cohort of patients with erythrocytosis, but no mutations were found in the ODD domain of HIF1alpha. Instead, investigation of the homologous region in HIF-2alpha revealed four different mutations, Pro534Leu, Met535Val, Gly537Arg and Gly537Trp in seven individuals/families. Affected individuals presented at a young age with elevated serum Epo. Several individuals have a clinical history of thrombosis, but no evidence of a von Hippel Lindau-like syndrome.

To define how the four mutations relate to the erythrocytosis phenotype functional assays were performed in vitro. Binding of PHD2 to the four HIF-2alpha mutants was impaired to varying degrees, with both the Gly537 mutants showing the greatest reduction. The association of VHL with the hydroxylated Met535Val mutant peptide was similar to wild type HIF- 2alpha, but was decreased in the other three HIF-2alpha mutants. Expression of three HIF- 2alpha target genes, adrenomedullin, NDRG1 and VEGF, was significantly up-regulated in cells stably transfected with the mutants under normoxia compared to wild type HIF-2alpha. Mutations in the ODD domain of HIF-2alpha disrupt proteasomal regulation by reducing the association with PHD2 and hence hydroxylation. Furthermore the binding of VHL is also impaired, even when HIF-2alpha is hydroxylated. Examination of the three-dimensional structure of hydroxylated HIF-1alpha bound to VHL confirms that amino acids close to site of hydroxylation (Pro-531 in isoform 2) are important for this association. These observations, together with recent studies utilising murine models of erythrocytosis, support the PHD2-HIF-2alpha-VHL axis as the major regulator of erythropoietin.


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Burkholderia cenocepacia infections in CF patients involve heightened inflammation, fatal sepsis, and high antibiotic resistance. Proinflammatory IL-1 beta secretion is important in airway inflammation and tissue damage. However, little is known about this pathway in macrophages upon B. cenocepacia infection. We report here that murine macrophages infected with B. cenocepacia K56-2 produce proinflammatory cytokine IL-1 beta in a TLR4 and caspase-1-mediated manner. We also determined that the OPS (O antigen) of B. cenocepacia LPS contributes to IL-1 beta production and pyroptotic cell death. Furthermore, we showed that the malfunction of the CFTR channel augmented IL-1 beta production upon B. cenocepacia infection of murine macrophages. Taken together, we identified eukaryotic and bacterial factors that contribute to inflammation during B. cenocepacia infection, which may aid in the design of novel approaches to control pulmonary inflammation. J. Leukoc. Biol. 89: 481-488; 2011.


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Studies have confirmed the key role of Bacillus anthracis protective antigen (PA) in the US and UK human anthrax vaccines. However, given the tripartite nature of the toxin, other components, including lethal factor (LF), are also likely to contribute to protection. We examined the antibody and T cell responses to PA and LF in human volunteers immunized with the UK anthrax vaccine (AVP). Individual LF domains were assessed for immunogenicity in mice when given alone or with PA. Based on the results obtained, a novel fusion protein comprising D1 of LF and the host cell-binding domain of PA (D4) was assessed for protective efficacy. Murine protection studies demonstrated that both full-length LF and D1 of LF conferred complete protection against a lethal intraperitoneal challenge with B. anthracis STI spores. Subsequent studies with the LFD1-PAD4 fusion protein showed a similar level of protection. LF is immunogenic in humans and is likely to contribute to the protection stimulated by AVP. A single vaccine comprising protective regions from LF and PA would simplify production and confer a broader spectrum of protection than that seen with PA alone.


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Gentamicin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic commonly used for treating Pseudomonas infections, but its use is limited by a relatively short half-life. In this investigation, developed a controlled-release gentamicin formulation using poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) nanoparticles. We demonstrate that entrapment of the hydrophilic drug into a hydrophobic PLGA polymer can be improved by increasing the pH of the formulation, reducing the hydrophilicity of the drug and thus enhancing entrapment, achieving levels of up to 22.4 µg/mg PLGA. Under standard incubation conditions, these particles exhibited controlled release of gentamicin for up to 16 days. These particles were tested against both planktonic and biofilm cultures of P. aeruginosa PA01 in vitro, as well as in a 96-hour peritoneal murine infection model. In this model, the particles elicited significantly improved antimicrobial effects as determined by lower plasma and peritoneal lavage colony-forming units and corresponding reductions of the surrogate inflammatory indicators interleukin-6 and myeloperoxidase compared to free drug administration by 96 hours. These data highlight that the controlled release of gentamicin may be applicable for treating Pseudomonas infections.


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Strains of the Burkholderia cepacia complex can survive within macrophages by arresting the maturation of phagocytic vacuoles. The bacteria preclude fusion of the phagosome with lysosomes by a process that is poorly understood. Using murine macrophages, we investigated the stage at which maturation is arrested and analyzed the underlying mechanism. Vacuoles containing B. cenocepacia strain J2315, an isolate of the transmissible ET12 clone, recruited Rab5 and synthesized phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate, indicating progression to the early phagosomal stage. Despite the fact that the B. cenocepacia-containing vacuoles rarely fused with lysosomes, they could nevertheless acquire the late phagosomal markers CD63 and Rab7. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching and use of a probe that detects Rab7-guanosine triphosphate indicated that activation of Rab7 was impaired by B. cenocepacia, accounting at least in part for the inability of the vacuole to merge with lysosomes. The Rab7 defect was not due to excessive cholesterol accumulation and was confined to the infected vacuoles. Jointly, these experiments indicate that B. cenocepacia express virulence factors capable of interfering with Rab7 function and thereby with membrane traffic.


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Burkholderia cenocepacia is a multidrug-resistant opportunistic pathogen that infects the airways of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) and can survive intracellularly in macrophages and epithelial cells. The gentamicin protection assay, which relies on the poor ability of gentamicin or other aminoglycosides to permeate eukaryotic cell membranes, is traditionally employed to quantify intracellular bacteria. However, the high resistance of these bacteria to aminoglycosides hampers the use of the gentamicin protection assay to investigate intracellular infection by B. cenocepacia. Here, we report the construction of gentamicin-sensitive strains of B. cenocepacia carrying a deletion of the BCAL1674, BCAL1675, and BCAL1676 genes that form an operon encoding an AmrAB-OprA-like efflux pump. We show that bacteria carrying this deletion are hypersensitive to gentamicin and also delay phagolysosomal fusion upon infection of RAW 264.7 murine macrophages, as previously demonstrated for the parental strain. We also demonstrate for the first time that low concentrations of gentamicin can be used to effectively kill extracellular bacteria and reliably quantify the intracellular infection by B. cenocepacia, which can replicate in RAW 264.7 macrophages.


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Burkholderia cenocepacia is a gram-negative opportunistic pathogen that belongs to the Burkholderia cepacia complex. B. cenocepacia can survive intracellularly within phagocytic cells, and some epidemic strains produce a brown melanin-like pigment that can scavenge free radicals, resulting in the attenuation of the host cell oxidative burst. In this work, we demonstrate that the brown pigment produced by B. cenocepacia C5424 is synthesized from a homogentisate (HGA) precursor. The disruption of BCAL0207 (hppD) by insertional inactivation resulted in loss of pigmentation. Steady-state kinetic analysis of the BCAL0207 gene product demonstrated that it has 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid dioxygenase (HppD) activity. Pigmentation could be restored by complementation providing hppD in trans. The hppD mutant was resistant to paraquat challenge but sensitive to H2O2 and to extracellularly generated superoxide anions. Infection experiments in RAW 264.7 murine macrophages showed that the nonpigmented bacteria colocalized in a dextran-positive vacuole, suggesting that they are being trafficked to the lysosome. In contrast, the wild-type strain did not localize with dextran. Colocalization of the nonpigmented strain with dextran was reduced in the presence of the NADPH oxidase inhibitor diphenyleneiodonium, and also the inducible nitric oxide inhibitor aminoguanidine. Together, these observations suggest that the brown pigment produced by B. cenocepacia C5424 is a pyomelanin synthesized from an HGA intermediate that is capable of protecting the organism from in vitro and in vivo sources of oxidative stress.