944 resultados para multiplex reverse transcription-polymerase


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The protein MsRbpA from Mycobacterium smegmatis rescues RNA polymerase (RNAP) from the inhibitory effect of rifampicin (Rif). We have reported previously that MsRbpA interacts with the beta-subunit of RNAP and that the effect of MsRbpA on Rif-resistant (Rif(R)) RNAP is minimal. Here we attempted to gain molecular insights into the mechanism of action of this protein with respect to its role in rescuing RNAP from Rif-mediated transcription inhibition. Our experimental approach comprised multiple-round transcription assays, fluorescence spectroscopy, MS and surface plasmon resonance in order to meet the above objective. Based on our molecular studies we propose here that Rif is released from its binding site in the RNAP-Rif complex in the presence of MsRbpA. Biophysical studies reveal that the location of MsRbpA on RNAP is at the junction of the beta- and beta'-subunits, close to the Rif-binding site and the (i + 1) site on RNAP.


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Because of its essential nature, each step of transcription, viz., initiation, elongation, and termination, is subjected to elaborate regulation. A number of transcription factors modulate the rates of transcription at these different steps, and several inhibitors shut down the process. Many modulators, including small molecules and proteinaceous inhibitors, bind the RNA polymerase (RNAP) secondary channel to control transcription. We describe here the first small protein inhibitor of transcription in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Rv3788 is a homolog of the Gre factors that binds near the secondary channel of RNAP to inhibit transcription. The factor also affected the action of guanosine pentaphosphate (pppGpp) on transcription and abrogated Gre action, indicating its function in the modulation of the catalytic center of RNAP. Although it has a Gre factor-like domain organization with the conserved acidic residues in the N terminus and retains interaction with RNAP, the factor did not show any transcript cleavage stimulatory activity. Unlike Rv3788, another Gre homolog from Mycobacterium smegmatis, MSMEG_6292 did not exhibit transcription-inhibitory activities, hinting at the importance of the former in influencing the lifestyle of M. tuberculosis.


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Although sequencing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome lead to better understanding of transcription units and gene functions, interactions occurring during transcription initiation between RNA polymerase and promoters is yet to be elucidated. Different stages of transcription initiation include promoter specific binding of RNAP, isomerization, abortive initiation and promoter clearance. We have now analyzed these events with four promoters of M. tuberculosis viz. P-gyrB1, P-gyrR, P-rrnPCL1 and P-metU. The promoters differed from each other in their rates of open complex formation, decay, promoter clearance and abortive transcription. The equilibrium binding and kinetic studies of various steps revealed distinct rate limiting events for each of the promoter, which also differed markedly in their characteristics from the respective promoters of Mycobacterium smegmatis. Surprisingly, the transcription at gyr promoter was enhanced in the presence of initiating nucleotides and decreased in the presence of alarmone, pppGpp, a pattern typically seen with rRNA promoters studied so far. The gyr promoter of M. smegmatis, on the other hand, was not subjected to pppGpp mediated regulation. The marked differences in the transcription initiation pathway seen with rrn and gyr promoters of M. smegmatis and M. tuberculosis suggest that such species specific differences in the regulation of expression of the crucial housekeeping genes could be one of the key determinants contributing to the differences in growth rate and lifestyle of the two organisms. Moreover, the distinct rate limiting steps during transcription initiation of each one of the promoters studied point at variations in their intracellular regulation.


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Background: Peste-des-petits ruminants virus (PPRV) is a non segmented negative strand RNA virus of the genus Morbillivirus within Paramyxoviridae family. Negative strand RNA viruses are known to carry nucleocapsid (N) protein, phospho (P) protein and RNA polymerase (L protein) packaged within the virion which possess all activities required for transcription, post-transcriptional modification of mRNA and replication. In order to understand the mechanism of transcription and replication of the virus, an in vitro transcription reconstitution system is required. In the present work, an in vitro transcription system has been developed with ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex purified from virus infected cells as well as partially purified recombinant polymerase (L-P) complex from insect cells along with N-RNA (genomic RNA encapsidated by N protein) template isolated from virus infected cells. Results: RNP complex isolated from virus infected cells and recombinant L-P complex purified from insect cells was used to reconstitute transcription on N-RNA template. The requirement for this transcription reconstitution has been defined. Transcription of viral genes in the in vitro system was confirmed by PCR amplification of cDNAs corresponding to individual transcripts using gene specific primers. In order to measure the relative expression level of viral transcripts, real time PCR analysis was carried out. qPCR analysis of the transcription products made in vitro showed a gradient of polarity of transcription from 3' end to 5' end of the genome similar to that exhibited by the virus in infected cells. Conclusion: This report describes for the first time, the development of an in vitro transcription reconstitution system for PPRV with RNP complex purified from infected cells and recombinant L-P complex expressed in insect cells. Both the complexes were able to synthesize all the mRNA species in vitro, exhibiting a gradient of polarity in transcription.


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Single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) is a prerequisite for electrochemical sensor-based detection of parasite DNA and other diagnostic applications. To achieve this detection, an asymmetric polymerase chain reaction method was optimised. This method facilitates amplification of ssDNA from the human lymphatic filarial parasite Wuchereria bancrofti. This procedure produced ssDNA fragments of 188 bp in a single step when primer pairs (forward and reverse) were used at a 100:1 molar ratio in the presence of double-stranded template DNA. The ssDNA thus produced was suitable for immobilisation as probe onto the surface of an Indium tin oxide electrode and hybridisation in a system for sequence-specific electrochemical detection of W. bancrofti. The hybridisation of the ssDNA probe and target ssDNA led to considerable decreases in both the anodic and the cathodic currents of the system's redox couple compared with the unhybridised DNA and could be detected via cyclic voltammetry. This method is reproducible and avoids many of the difficulties encountered by conventional methods of filarial parasite DNA detection; thus, it has potential in xenomonitoring.


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The transcription from rrn and a number of other promoters is regulated by initiating ribonucleotides (iNTPs) and guanosine tetra/penta phosphate (p)ppGpp], either by strengthening or by weakening of the RNA polymerase (RNAP)-promoter interactions during initiation. Studies in Escherichia coli revealed the importance of a sequence termed discriminator, located between -10 and the transcription start site of the responsive promoters in this mode of regulation. Instability of the open complex at these promoters is attributed to the lack of stabilizing interactions between the suboptimal discriminator and the 1.2 region of sigma 70 (Sig70) in RNAP holoenzyme. We demonstrate a different pattern of interaction between the promoters and sigma A (SigA) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to execute similar regulation. Instead of cytosine and methionine, thymine at three nucleotides downstream to -10 element and leucine 232 in SigA are found to be essential for iNTPs and pppGpp mediated response at the rrn and gyr promoters of the organism. The specificity of the interaction is substantiated by mutational replacements, either in the discriminator or in SigA, which abolish the nucleotide mediated regulation in vitro or in vivo. Specific yet distinct bases and the amino acids appear to have co-evolved' to retain the discriminator-sigma 1.2 region regulatory switch operated by iNTPs/pppGpp during the transcription initiation in different bacteria.


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The widely conserved omega subunit encoded by rpoZ is the smallest subunit of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase (RNAP) but is dispensable for bacterial growth. Function of omega is known to be substituted by GroEL in omega-null strain, which thus does not exhibit a discernable phenotype. In this work, we report isolation of omega variants whose expression in vivo leads to a dominant lethal phenotype. Studies show that in contrast to omega, which is largely unstructured, omega mutants display substantial acquisition of secondary structure. By detailed study with one of the mutants, omega(6) bearing N60D substitution, the mechanism of lethality has been deciphered. Biochemical analysis reveals that omega(6) binds to beta ` subunit in vitro with greater affinity than that of omega. The reconstituted RNAP holoenzyme in the presence of omega(6) in vitro is defective in transcription initiation. Formation of a faulty RNAP in the presence of mutant omega results in death of the cell. Furthermore, lethality of omega(6) is relieved in cells expressing the rpoC2112 allele encoding beta ` (2112), a variant beta ` bearing Y457S substitution, immediately adjacent to the beta ` catalytic center. Our results suggest that the enhanced omega(6)-beta ` interaction may perturb the plasticity of the RNAP active center, implicating a role for omega and its flexible state.


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The Wilms tumor 1 gene (WT1) can either repress or induce the expression of genes. Inconsistent with its tumor suppressor role, elevated WT1 levels have been observed in leukemia and solid tumors. WT1 has also been suggested to act as an oncogene by inducing the expression of MYC and BCL-2. However, these are only the correlational studies, and no functional study has been performed to date. Consistent with its tumor suppressor role, CDC73 binds to RNA polymerase II as part of a PAF1 transcriptional regulatory complex and causes transcriptional repression of oncogenes MYC and CCND1. It also represses beta-catenin-mediated transcription. Based on the reduced level of CDC73 in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) samples in the absence of loss-of-heterozygosity, promoter methylation, and mutations, we speculated that an inhibitory transcription factor is regulating its expression. The bioinformatics analysis predicted WT1 as an inhibitory transcription factor to regulate the CDC73 level. Our results showed that overexpression of WT1 decreased CDC73 levels and promoted proliferation of OSCC cells. ChIP and EMSA results demonstrated binding of WT1 to the CDC73 promoter. The 5-azacytidine treatment of OSCC cells led to an up-regulation of WT1 with a concomitant down-regulation of CDC73, further suggesting regulation of CDC73 by WT1. Exogenous CDC73 attenuated the protumorigenic activity of WT1 by apoptosis induction. An inverse correlation between expression levels of CDC73 and WT1 was observed in OSCC samples. These observations indicated that WT1 functions as an oncogene by repressing the expression of CDC73 in OSCC. We suggest that targeting WT1 could be a therapeutic strategy for cancer, including OSCC.


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D Regulatory information for transcription initiation is present in a stretch of genomic DNA, called the promoter region that is located upstream of the transcription start site (TSS) of the gene. The promoter region interacts with different transcription factors and RNA polymerase to initiate transcription and contains short stretches of transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs), as well as structurally unique elements. Recent experimental and computational analyses of promoter sequences show that they often have non-B-DNA structural motifs, as well as some conserved structural properties, such as stability, bendability, nucleosome positioning preference and curvature, across a class of organisms. Here, we briefly describe these structural features, the differences observed in various organisms and their possible role in regulation of gene expression.


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MsRbpA is an RNA polymerase (RNAP) binding protein from Mycobacterium smegmatis. According to previous studies, MsRbpA rescues rifampicin-induced transcription inhibition upon binding to the RNAP. Others have shown that RbpA from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtbRbpA) is a transcription activator. In this study, we report that both MsRbpA and MtbRbpA activate transcription as well as rescue rifampicin-induced transcription inhibition. Transcription activation is achieved through the increased formation of closed RNAP-promoter complex as well as enhanced rate of conversion of this complex to a stable transcriptionally competent RNAP promoter complex. When a 16 aa peptide fragment (Asp 58 to Lys 73) was deleted from MsRbpA, the resulting protein showed 1000-fold reduced binding with core RNAP. The deletion results in abolition of transcription activation and rescue of transcription from the inhibitory effect of rifampicin. Through alanine scanning of this essential region of MsRbpA, Gly 67, Val 69, Pro 70 and Pro 72 residues are identified to be important for MsRbpA function. Furthermore, we report here that the protein is indispensable for M. smegmatis, and it appears to help the organism grow in the presence of the antibiotic rifampicin.


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Transactivator protein C is required for the expression of bacteriophage Mu late genes from lys, I, P and mom promoters during lytic life cycle of the phage. The mechanism of transcription activation of mom gene by C protein is well understood. C activates transcription at Pmom by initial unwinding of the promoter DNA, thereby facilitating RNA polymerase (RNAP) recruitment. Subsequently, C interacts with the (sic) subunit of RNAP to enhance promoter clearance. The mechanism by which C activates other late genes of the phage is not known. We carried out promoter-polymerase interaction studies with all the late gene promoters to determine the individual step of C mediated activation. Unlike at P-mom, at the other three promoters, RNAP recruitment and closed complex formation are not C dependent. Instead, the action of C at P-lys, P-I, and P-P is during the isomerization from closed complex to open complex with no apparent effect at other steps of initiation pathway. The mechanism of transcription activation of mom and other late promoters by their common activator is different. This distinction in the mode of activation (promoter recruitment and escape versus isomerization) by the same activator at different promoters appears to be important for optimized expression of each of the late genes.


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(p) ppGpp, a secondary messenger, is induced under stress and shows pleiotropic response. It binds to RNA polymerase and regulates transcription in Escherichia coli. More than 25 years have passed since the first discovery was made on the direct interaction of ppGpp with E. coli RNA polymerase. Several lines of evidence suggest different modes of ppGpp binding to the enzyme. Earlier cross-linking experiments suggested that the beta-subunit of RNA polymerase is the preferred site for ppGpp, whereas recent crystallographic studies pinpoint the interface of beta'/omega-subunits as the site of action. With an aim to validate the binding domain and to follow whether tetra-and pentaphosphate guanosines have different location on RNA polymerase, this work was initiated. RNA polymerase was photo-labeled with 8-azido-ppGpp/8-azido-pppGpp, and the product was digested with trypsin and subjected to mass spectrometry analysis. We observed three new peptides in the trypsin digest of the RNA polymerase labeled with 8-azido-ppGpp, of which two peptides correspond to the same pocket on beta'-subunit as predicted by X-ray structural analysis, whereas the third peptide was mapped on the beta-subunit. In the case of 8-azido-pppGpp-labeled RNA polymerase, we have found only one cross-linked peptide from the beta'-subunit. However, we were unable to identify any binding site of pppGpp on the beta-subunit. Interestingly, we observed that pppGpp at high concentration competes out ppGpp bound to RNA polymerase more efficiently, whereas ppGpp cannot titrate out pppGpp. The competition between tetraphosphate guanosine and pentaphosphate guanosine for E. coli RNA polymerase was followed by gel-based assay as well as by a new method known as DRaCALA assay.


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The opposing catalytic activities of topoisomerase I (TopoI/relaxase) and DNA gyrase (supercoiling enzyme) ensure homeostatic maintenance of bacterial chromosome supercoiling. Earlier studies in Es-cherichia coli suggested that the alteration in DNA supercoiling affects the DNA gyrase and TopoI expression. Although, the role of DNA elements around the promoters were proposed in regulation of gyrase, the molecular mechanism of supercoiling mediated control of TopoI expression is not yet understood. Here, we describe the regulation of TopoI expression from Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobac-terium smegmatis by a mechanism termed Supercoiling Sensitive Transcription (SST). In both the organisms, topoI promoter(s) exhibited reduced activity in response to chromosome relaxation suggesting that SST is intrinsic to topoI promoter(s). We elucidate the role of promoter architecture and high transcriptional activity of upstream genes in topoI regulation. Analysis of the promoter(s) revealed the presence of suboptimal spacing between the -35 and -10 elements, rendering them supercoiling sensitive. Accordingly, upon chromosome relaxation, RNA polymerase occupancy was decreased on the topoI promoter region implicating the role of DNA topology in SST of topoI. We propose that negative supercoiling induced DNA twisting/writhing align the -35 and -10 elements to facilitate the optimal transcription of topoI.


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The ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic pathway plays an important role in a broad array of cellular processes, inducting cell cycle control and transcription. Biochemical analysis of the ubiquitination of Sic1, the B-type cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor in budding yeast helped to define a ubiquitin ligase complex named SCFcdc4 (for Skp1, Cdc53/cullin, F-box protein). We found that besides Sic1, the CDK inhibitor Far1 and the replication initiation protein Cdc6 are also substrates of SCFcdc4 in vitro. A common feature in the ubiquitination of the cell cycle SCFcdc4 substrates is that they must be phosphorylated by the major cell cycle CDK, Cdc28. Gcn4, a transcription activator involved in the general control of amino acid biosynthesis, is rapidly degraded in an SCFcdc4-dependent manner in vivo. We have focused on this substrate to investigate the generality of the SCFcdc4 pathway. Through biochemical fractionations, we found that the Srb10 CDK phosphorylates Gcn4 and thereby marks it for recognition by SCFcdc4 ubiquitin ligase. Srb10 is a physiological regulator of Gcn4 stability because both phosphorylation and turnover of Gcn4 are diminished in srb10 mutants. Furthermore, we found that at least two different CDKs, Pho85 and Srb10, conspire to promote the rapid degradation of Gcn4 in vivo. The multistress response transcriptional regulator Msn2 is also a substrate for Srb10 and is hyperphosphorylated in an Srb10-dependent manner upon heat stress-induced translocation into the nucleus. Whereas Msn2 is cytoplasmic in resting wild type cells, its nuclear exclusion is partially compromised in srb10 mutant cells. Srb10 has been shown to repress a subset of genes in vivo, and has been proposed to inhibit transcription via phosphorylation of the C-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II. Our results suggest a general theme that Srb10 represses the transcription of specific genes by directly antagonizing the transcriptional activators.


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Understanding how transcriptional regulatory sequence maps to regulatory function remains a difficult problem in regulatory biology. Given a particular DNA sequence for a bacterial promoter region, we would like to be able to say which transcription factors bind there, how strongly they bind, and whether they interact with each other and/or RNA polymerase, with the ultimate objective of integrating knowledge of these parameters into a prediction of gene expression levels. The theoretical framework of statistical thermodynamics provides a useful framework for doing so, enabling us to predict how gene expression levels depend on transcription factor binding energies and concentrations. We used thermodynamic models, coupled with models of the sequence-dependent binding energies of transcription factors and RNAP, to construct a genotype to phenotype map for the level of repression exhibited by the lac promoter, and tested it experimentally using a set of promoter variants from E. coli strains isolated from different natural environments. For this work, we sought to ``reverse engineer'' naturally occurring promoter sequences to understand how variations in promoter sequence affects gene expression. The natural inverse of this approach is to ``forward engineer'' promoter sequences to obtain targeted levels of gene expression. We used a high precision model of RNAP-DNA sequence dependent binding energy, coupled with a thermodynamic model relating binding energy to gene expression, to predictively design and verify a suite of synthetic E. coli promoters whose expression varied over nearly three orders of magnitude.

However, although thermodynamic models enable predictions of mean levels of gene expression, it has become evident that cell-to-cell variability or ``noise'' in gene expression can also play a biologically important role. In order to address this aspect of gene regulation, we developed models based on the chemical master equation framework and used them to explore the noise properties of a number of common E. coli regulatory motifs; these properties included the dependence of the noise on parameters such as transcription factor binding strength and copy number. We then performed experiments in which these parameters were systematically varied and measured the level of variability using mRNA FISH. The results showed a clear dependence of the noise on these parameters, in accord with model predictions.

Finally, one shortcoming of the preceding modeling frameworks is that their applicability is largely limited to systems that are already well-characterized, such as the lac promoter. Motivated by this fact, we used a high throughput promoter mutagenesis assay called Sort-Seq to explore the completely uncharacterized transcriptional regulatory DNA of the E. coli mechanosensitive channel of large conductance (MscL). We identified several candidate transcription factor binding sites, and work is continuing to identify the associated proteins.