921 resultados para metallic nanoparticle
In this work a method was developed for removing metallic ions from wastewaters by co-precipitation of Cu2+, Pb2+, Cd2+, Cr3+ and Hg2+ with chitosan and sodium hydroxide solution. Solutions of these metallic ions in the range from 0.55 to 2160 mg L-1 were added to chitosan dissolved in 0.05 mol L-1 HCl. For the co-precipitation of metal-chitosan-hydroxide a 0.17 mol L-1 NaOH solution was added until pH 8.5-9.5. A parallel study was carried out applying a 0.17 mol L-1 NaOH solution to precipitate those metallic ions. Also, a chitosan solid phase column was used for removing those metallic ions from wastewaters.
The crystallization of hydroxyapatite (HA) in aqueous solution can be described by the mechanism ACP -> OCP -> HA. In this work, it was studied the influence of K+, Mg2+, SO4(2-) and CO3(2-) ions in the formation of ACP and in its conversion to OCP, using biomimetic coatings on metallic substrates of commercially pure titanium (Ti c.p.). The results showed that Mg2+ and CO3(2-) ions favored both the formation of ACP and its conversion to OCP. Differently, K+ and SO4(2-) ions did not influence the formation of ACP and, consequently, interfered in the conversion to OCP.
The employment of local soils for extraction of metallic elements was evaluated through batch tests to treat wastewaters generated in a petroleum refinery plant in southern Brazil. Clay and organic carbon content and clay mineralogy provide these soils, in principle, with moderate metal retention capacity. The following retention order was established: Cr3+ > Pb2+ > Cu2+ > Hg2+ > Cd2+, with total amount of metals retained varying from 36 to 65 meq kg-1. The results show the high efficiency of local soils for extracting metals from liquid effluents through sorption and precipitation processes under acid pH conditions.
The immune system is the responsible for body integrity and prevention of external invasion. On one side, nanoparticles are no triggers that the immune system is prepared to detect, on the other side it is known that foreign bodies, not only bacteria, viruses and parasites, but also inorganic matter, can cause various pathologies such as silicosis, asbestosis or inflammatory reactions. Therefore, nanoparticles entering the body, after interaction with proteins, will be either recognized as self-agents or detected by the immune system, encompassing immunostimulation or immunosuppression responses. The nature of these interactions seems to be dictated not specially by the composition of the material but by modifications of NP coating (composition, surface charge and structure). Herein, we explore the use of gold nanoparticles as substrates to carry multifunctional ligands to manipulate the immune system in a controlled manner, from undetection to immunostimulation. Murine bone marrow macrophages can be activated with artificial nanometric objects consisting of a gold nanoparticle functionalized with peptides. In the presence of some conjugates, macrophage proliferation was stopped and pro-inflammatory cytokines were induced. The biochemical type of response depended on the type of conjugated peptide and was correlated with the degree of ordering in the peptide coating. These findings help to illustrate the basic requirements involved in medical NP conjugate design to either activate the immune system or hide from it, in order to reach their targets before being removed by phagocytes. Additionally, it opens up the possibility to modulate the immune response in order to suppress unwanted responses resulting from autoimmunity, or allergy or to stimulate protective responses against pathogens.
Les empreses sempre han buscat com optimitzar el màxim els seus recursos i ser més eficients a la hora de realitzar les tasques que li han estat encomanades. És per aquest motiu que constantment les empreses realitzen estudis i valoracions de com poder millorar dia a dia. Aquest fet no és diferenciador a l’empresa Serralleria i Alumini Vilaró (S.A.V), que dia a dia estudia com optimitzar els seus processos o de vegades introduir-ne de nous per tal d’expandir la seva oferta de serveis. L’empresa és dedica a la fabricació de peces metàl•liques el procés ja sigui només de tall i mecanitzat, plegat, soldadura, acabats en inoxidable, pintura i fins i tot embalatge pel que fa a la part productiva, respecte a la part d’oficina tècnica també ofereix serveis de desenvolupament de productes segons especificacions del client i reenginyeria de qualsevol producte, analitzant la part que és vol millorar. En l’actualitat l’empresa ha detectat una mancança que creu que es podria solucionar, el problema és que l’empresa disposa de varies màquines de tall, entre les quals hi ha una màquina de tall làser i el problema principal és que la càrrega de les planxes del calaix de magatzem a la bancada de la màquina es realitza o bé manualment o a través d’un gripper sostingut al pont grua, depenent del pes de la planxa a transportar. L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és fer el disseny d’una màquina que permeti automatitzar el procés de transportar la planxa metàl•lica del calaix de magatzem dipositat sobre una taula mòbil a la bancada de la màquina de tall. El disseny que pretenem fer és complet començant per fer un disseny estructural de la màquina més els seus respectius càlculs, moviments que volem aconseguir, tria de components ( motors, sensors ...), elaboració d’un pressupost per poder fer una estimació i finalment la elaboració del programa de control de tota la màquina més la interacció amb la màquina a través d’una pantalla tàctil. Es a dir, el que pretenem és realitzar un projecte que puguem fabricar en la realitat utilitzant tota la informació continguda dins del mateix
The discussion among teachers, students, and technicians about the destination of residues from chemistry laboratories led to a research project whose results were incorporated into a course in its daily practices. The treatment of the residues from argentimetric practices allowed us to establish cognitive relations of technological basis and of those related to the rising of the level of awareness about environmental aspects and social responsibility of chemistry professionals. The techniques and the results, from the economic point of view, namely that of value aggregation (metallic silver) and the conversion of the residue into input (potassium chromate solution) are shown.
This work describes the optimization of pretreatment steps for the destruction of organic matter in samples of waters and biological fluids, by using an UV irradiation system with a high power UV radiation source (400 W). The efficiency of the system constructed for the photo-decomposition of samples of model waters, natural waters and biological fluids was investigated by performing recovery experiments of the metallic species Zn(II), Cd(II), Pb(II), Cu(II), Al(III) and Fe(III). The use of UV irradiation allowed the liberation of metals bound to the organic matrix and the determination of the total content of elements in the samples.
This paper is focused on a review of the design features and the electrochemistry characterization of anode-supported planar SOFC. Studies and results of metallic alloy interconnectors and recovery for protection against corrosion and for contact layer are showed. Moreover a discussion of examples of measurements of impedance spectrometry, according to the literature and our experimental results are made. For the anode supported fuel cells the power density varies from 0.1 to 0.5 Wcm², according to results in the literature (showed in this paper). For electrolyte supported fuel cell the power density can be 10 Wcm-2 for high temperatures. An English-Portuguese glossary of most used terms in SOFC stack is given for greater clarity and to introduce new terms to the reader.
The AVS is defined operationally as acid volatile sulfide, which is a controlling phase on the partition of some metallic species in sediments. A Factorial design was evaluated by means of 16 experiments and using four variables: temperature, extraction time, N2 flow, and volume of the S2- collection solution. The factors that contributed to the efficiency of the process were the extraction time and the N2 flow. Trapping of S2- was efficient in AAB. The S2- was quantified using a potentiometric procedure. Recovery tests for S2- concentrations varying from 1×10-5 to 1×10-4 mol L-1 were in the range from 93 to 116%.
In recent years nanomaterials, such as metallic nanoparticles, nanowires, nanotapes, nanotubes and nanocomposites, have attracted increasing interest for several technological applications. In catalysis, the great potential of nanomaterials is related to the high catalytic activity exhibited by these materials as a function of the high surface/volume ratio when the particles acquire diameter below 5 nm. In this work, a review about concepts and background of nanoscience and nanotechnology is presented with emphasis in catalysis. Special attention is given to gold nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes, focusing the properties and characteristics of these materials in several catalytic reactions.
Fuels and biofuels have a major importance in the transportation sector of any country, contributing to their economic development. The utilization of these fuels implies their closer contact to metallic materials, which comprise vehicle, storage, and transportation systems. Thus, metallic corrosion could be related to fuels and biofuels utilization. Specially, the corrosion associated to gasoline, ethanol, diesel, biodiesel, and their mixtures is discussed in this article. Briefly, the ethanol is the most corrosive and gasoline the least. Few investigations about the effect of biodiesel indicate that the corrosion is associated to their unsaturation degree and the corrosion of diesel is related to its acidity.
This work describes the development of a home-made capillary electrophoresis (CE) system based on the capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection (C4D) for the separation of the metallic species Zn2+, Cr3+, Pb2+, Cd2+, Co2+, Cu2+, Ni2+ e Tl+. A background electrolyte composed of MES/Histidine 0,02 mol L-1 (pH 5.0) was optimized for the separation of the metallic species by using organic solvents and complexing agents as additives. The system allowed the determination of the metallic species using MES/Histidine 0,02 mol L-1 and methanol 5% (pH 5.0) as a background electrolyte, 15 kV separation voltage and hydrodynamic injection by gravity.
The present work describes a low-cost electrochemical "wall-jet" detector for flow analysis. The electrolytic solution enters into the cell through a tube of stainless steel (200 to 300 µm i.d), reaching to the center of the working electrode perpendicularly and then being mixed to the remaining solution in the cell, which flows under atmospheric pressure into a waste reservoir. The proposed electrochemical detector can be used with any type of working electrode, from commercial to home-made, such as glassy carbon and metallic electrodes (modified or unmodified), which enlarge the applications of the electrochemical detector.
Ru-Sn/Al2O3 catalysts with different Sn loadings were prepared by the coimpregnation method. Several characterization techniques such as TPR, pyridine TPD and catalytic tests for dehydrogenation and hydrogenolysis were used to evaluate and compare such catalysts. TPR results indicate that Sn is deposited both onto the support and as species strongly interacting with Ru. Such non selective deposition modifies the acid and metallic functions of the catalysts. Both total acidity and acid strength distribution are affected: total acidity decreases and new sites of lower acid strength are created. Both dehydrogenating and hydrogenolytic activities are strongly diminished by the addition of Sn. Results of catalytic tests for methyl oleate hydrogenation indicate that methyl stearate is the main product, with only minute amounts of oleyl alcohol produced, and that the addition of Sn diminishes the hydrogenation activity.
Cellulose acetate polymeric membranes had been prepared by a procedure of two steps, combining the method of phase inversion and the technique of hydrolysis-deposition. The first step was the preparation of the membrane, and together was organomodified with tetraethylortosilicate and 3-aminopropyltrietoxysilane. Parameters that exert influence in the complexation of the metallic ion, as pH, time of complexation, metal concentration, had been studied in laboratory using tests of metal removal. The membranes had presented resistance mechanics and reactivity to cations, being able to be an alternative for the removal, daily pay-concentration or in the study of the lability of metals complexed.