996 resultados para maternal status


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This paper describes the incidence of maltreatment histories in a community sample of mothers of one-year old infants in Northern Ireland. The occurrence of five subsets of childhood maltreatment is examined: emotional abuse, emotional neglect, physical abuse, physical neglect and sexual abuse. Of the 201 women who completed the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ), 70 mothers (35%) reported experiencing one or more types of maltreatment during childhood. Forty-eight mothers (24%) gave a history of being emotionally abused, 43 (21%) of emotional neglect, 27 (13%) of physical abuse, 20 (10%) of sexual abuse, and 19 (10%) of physical neglect. Physical abuse was the only type of maltreatment which showed an association with maternal socio-economic status, with higher incidence reported amongst Occupational Classes 4 and 5 (lower supervisory and technical occupations and semi-routine and routine groups). More than half of those with a history of abuse experienced more than one type of maltreatment (42 mothers or 60% of those reporting maltreatment). Differences in rates of incidence to more recent studies on younger adults are discussed, as well as implications for prevention and intervention.


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This study reports on the first phase of a large-scale, longitudinal, multidisciplinary community study examining the growth, learning and development of young children with a particular focus on failure to thrive without organic cause. However, the group identified in this study may be better described as weight faltering. This paper examines the psychological data collected using the Parenting Stress Index, Rosenberg Self-Esteem and the General Health Questionnaire in relation to child growth. There were no significant differences between the mothers of the weight faltering and control children in terms of parenting stress, maternal depression, maternal perceptions of their parenting competence or maternal self-esteem. Maternal sensitivity to comments about child size, regardless of direction, had a negative impact on mood.


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Energetic costs of fighting, such as high lactate or low glucose, have been shown in a range of species to correlate with the decisions made by each opponent, particularly the decision by one opponent, the 'loser', to end the fight by 'giving up'. Studies based on complete fights of differing duration, however, do not provide information on the changes in the physiological correlates of fighting that may take place during the course of the encounter, or how these changes may influence the capability and decisions of the contestants. We interrupted fights between hermit crabs, Pagurus bernhardus, at specific points, and related energy status to the preceding activities. Costs rose quickly with a rapid accumulation of lactic acid in attackers and declining muscular glycogen in defenders. Changes in physiological status appeared much earlier than the changes in behaviour that they may have caused. Furthermore, some physiological changes might have been an effect, rather than the cause, of fight decisions. (c) 2005 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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There is evidence that active, pre-emergence maternal brood care in amphipod crustaceans may be associated with 'harsh' environmental conditions. We examined, in the rockpool amphipod Apherusa jurinei, behavioural activities that may function as a form of active brood care. Only ovigerous females showed 'curl' and 'stretch' activities, with consequent flushing of the brood pouch and cycling of the eggs therein. There was a significant decline in these activities as embryonic development advanced and brood care almost ceased when well-developed embryos showed a heart pulse and self-ventilation. We propose that this pattern of brood care reflects changes in the physiological requirements of embryos as they develop within the egg membrane. In addition, ovigerous females showed significantly higher levels of brood care under lowered oxygen conditions. They achieved this by increasing the average duration of the 'stretch' component, with other brood care components remaining constant. Thus, developmental and environmental cues alter the components of active brood care in distinct ways. Experimental removal showed that the physical presence of eggs in the brood pouch is important in controlling the expression of brood care activities. However, females with all of their eggs removed continued to brood at low levels, suggesting that a maternal state also controls brood care. The sophisticated expression of active maternal brood care in amphipods under 'harsh' environmental conditions such as rockpools has implications both for individual reproductive success and the distribution and abundance of brooding versus nonbrooding species. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.


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The Northern Ireland Hare Survey documented the distribution of the Irish Hare (Lepus timidus hibernicus). Historical game bag records and other, more contemporary, records of hare distribution were examined. These data indicate how numbers of L t. hibernicus may have changed over the last 140 years. The results of the Northern Ireland Hare Survey suggested that L. t. hibernicus was widespread throughout Northern Ireland. Current average densities are no more than 0.65 hares/km(2). Game bag records indicate that hare densities may have been much higher in the past, with a maximum of 138 hares/km(2) recorded on Crom Estate, Co. Fermanagh, in 1864. Evidence from hare distribution recorded during the Northern Ireland Rabbit Survey indicates that hare numbers declined between 1984 and 1994. Evidence from all sources suggests that L. t. hibernicus has declined in abundance substantially, with present total population estimates for Northern Ireland ranging from 8250 to 21000 individuals. Flushing data indicate that rushes and hedgerows are important diurnal resting areas for hares. While the principal reason for the decline in numbers of L. t. hibernicus in Northern Ireland is not clear, more species-rich pasture and provision of areas of cover, such as rushes, may arrest further declines, or indeed promote numbers of hares, particularly in lowland areas.


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There are now 91 records of individual Nathusius' pipistrelle Pipistrellus nathusii examined 'in the hand' in the U.K., and bat detector records from a further 36 localities in Britain and Ireland. These records are distributed throughout all months of the year with clear peaks in spring and autumn suggesting migratory movements into and out of the British Isles in autumn and spring, respectively. Three maternity colonies have been located and the species must now also be regarded as a resident breeding species in Britain and Ireland.


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Aim The aim of this report is to describe the health status of 8–12-year-old children with cerebral palsy (CP) of all severities in Europe using the Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ).

Method A total of 818 children with CP from nine centres in defined geographical areas participated. CP type, gross and fine motor function, additional impairments were classified and family data were obtained. The CHQ was used to measure the parent's perception of their child's physical (PHY) and psychosocial (PSY) health.

Results PHY scores were lower than the reference samples with a median of 46. The severity of gross motor function influenced the CHQ scores significantly in the PHY scale with the lowest scores for children with least gross motor function. There were significant differences between the CP types in PHY with the higher scores for children with unilateral spastic and the lowest scores for children with bilateral spastic and dyskinetic CP type. Fine motor function severity significantly affected both the PHY and PSY scales. The severity of intellectual impairment was significantly associated with CHQ scores in most dimensions with higher scores for higher IQ level in PHY and PSY. Children with seizures during the last year had a significantly lower health compared with children without seizures. The results of the multivariate regression analyses (forward stepwise regression) of CHQ scores on CP subtype, gross and fine motor function, cognitive function, additional impairments, seizures, parental education and employment revealed gross motor function, cognitive level and type of school attended were significant prognostic factors.

Conclusion This report is based on the largest sample to date of children with CP. Health status as measured using the CHQ was affected in all children and was highly variable. Gross motor function level correlates with health from the PHY well-being perspective but the PSY and emotional aspects do not appear to follow the same pattern.