936 resultados para logic circuits


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To the two classical reversible 1-bit logic gates, i.e. the identity gate (a.k.a. the follower) and the NOT gate (a.k.a. the inverter), we add an extra gate, the square root of NOT. Similarly, we add to the 24 classical reversible 2-bit circuits, both the square root of NOT and the controlled square root of NOT. This leads to a new kind of calculus, situated between classical reversible computing and quantum computing.


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Transient fully reconfigurable photonic circuits can be introduced at the optical fiber surface with subangstrom precision. A building block of these circuits - a 0.7Å-precise nano-bottle resonator - is experimentally created by local heating, translated, and annihilated.


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Brewin and Andrews (2016) propose that just 15% of people, or even fewer, are susceptible to false childhood memories. If this figure were true, then false memories would still be a serious problem. But the figure is higher than 15%. False memories occur even after a few short and low-pressure interviews, and with each successive interview they become richer, more compelling, and more likely to occur. It is therefore dangerously misleading to claim that the scientific data provide an “upper bound” on susceptibility to memory errors. We also raise concerns about the peer review process.


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Kína az elmúlt több mint három évtizedben szegény, elmaradott országból a világgazdaság egyik legfontosabb szereplője lett. Szocialista rendszerét egy sajátos kapitalista rendszer váltotta fel, miközben politikai struktúrája lényegében változatlan maradt. A folyamatok során a vezetés mindvégig ügyelt arra, hogy a kommunista párt egyeduralmát semmi se veszélyeztethesse, ugyanakkor megfelelő források álljanak rendelkezésre hatalma megtartásához. A tanulmány a kínai reformfolyamatot politikai gazdaságtani szempontból vizsgálja, különös figyelmet szentelve az intézményi változásoknak. Bemutatja, milyen okok és tényezők álltak a reformok elindításának hátterében, milyen változások következtek be a szereplők érdekviszonyaiban a reformok előrehaladtával, és mire lehet számítani a reformok jövőjét illetően. Úgy tűnik, hogy a jelenlegi rendszer érdekviszonyai a reformok folytatása ellen hatnak, ellehetetlenítve a piacgazdaság intézményrendszerének további kiépítését. A járadékok és privilégiumok az elitet abban sem teszik érdekeltté, hogy komolyabb politikai reformokat hajtson végre, így a kialakuló csapdahelyzet megakadályozza az átmenet kiteljesedését. ____ In the last three decades China has risen from being a poor and underdeveloped country to being one of the most important players in the world economy. Its planned economy has been replaced by a capitalist system, but its political structure has remained essentially unchanged. The leaders during the reform process have sought constantly to avert dangers to the rule of the Communist Party and gain access to valuable resources that allow power to be retained. The study approaches the Chinese reform process from a politico-economic point of view, focusing primarily on institutional changes. It reveals the main factors behind the various phases of reform, the constantly changing interests of the players, and the possible future of the process. It seems that under the current authoritarian regime, there are vested interests working against a continuation of the reforms and precluding full establishment of the institutional framework of a market economy. The elite is also deterred from implementing serious political reforms by the current rents and privileges. This leads to a trap that prevents completion of the transition process.


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Pavement performance is one of the most important components of the pavement management system. Prediction of the future performance of a pavement section is important in programming maintenance and rehabilitation needs. Models for predicting pavement performance have been developed on the basis of traffic and age. The purpose of this research is to extend the use of a relatively new approach to performance prediction in pavement performance modeling using adaptive logic networks (ALN). Adaptive logic networks have recently emerged as an effective alternative to artificial neural networks for machine learning tasks. ^ The ALN predictive methodology is applicable to a wide variety of contexts including prediction of roughness based indices, composite rating indices and/or individual pavement distresses. The ALN program requires key information about a pavement section, including the current distress indexes, pavement age, climate region, traffic and other variables to predict yearly performance values into the future. ^ This research investigates the effect of different learning rates of the ALN in pavement performance modeling. It can be used at both the network and project level for predicting the long term performance of a road network. Results indicate that the ALN approach is well suited for pavement performance prediction modeling and shows a significant improvement over the results obtained from other artificial intelligence approaches. ^


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Freeway systems are becoming more congested each day. One contribution to freeway traffic congestion comprises platoons of on-ramp traffic merging into freeway mainlines. As a relatively low-cost countermeasure to the problem, ramp meters are being deployed in both directions of an 11-mile section of I-95 in Miami-Dade County, Florida. The local Fuzzy Logic (FL) ramp metering algorithm implemented in Seattle, Washington, has been selected for deployment. The FL ramp metering algorithm is powered by the Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC). The FLC depends on a series of parameters that can significantly alter the behavior of the controller, thus affecting the performance of ramp meters. However, the most suitable values for these parameters are often difficult to determine, as they vary with current traffic conditions. Thus, for optimum performance, the parameter values must be fine-tuned. This research presents a new method of fine tuning the FLC parameters using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). PSO attempts to optimize several important parameters of the FLC. The objective function of the optimization model incorporates the METANET macroscopic traffic flow model to minimize delay time, subject to the constraints of reasonable ranges of ramp metering rates and FLC parameters. To further improve the performance, a short-term traffic forecasting module using a discrete Kalman filter was incorporated to predict the downstream freeway mainline occupancy. This helps to detect the presence of downstream bottlenecks. The CORSIM microscopic simulation model was selected as the platform to evaluate the performance of the proposed PSO tuning strategy. The ramp-metering algorithm incorporating the tuning strategy was implemented using CORSIM's run-time extension (RTE) and was tested on the aforementioned I-95 corridor. The performance of the FLC with PSO tuning was compared with the performance of the existing FLC without PSO tuning. The results show that the FLC with PSO tuning outperforms the existing FL metering, fixed-time metering, and existing conditions without metering in terms of total travel time savings, average speed, and system-wide throughput.


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Unique electrical and mechanical properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) have made them one of the most promising candidates for next-generation nanoelectronics. Efficient utilization of the exceptional properties of SWNTs requires controlling their growth direction (e.g., vertical, horizontal) and morphologies (e.g., straight, junction, coiled). ^ In this dissertation, the catalytic effect on the branching of SWNTs, Y-shaped SWNTs (Y-SWNTs), was investigated. The formation of Y-shaped branches was found to be dependent on the composition of the catalysts. Easier carbide formers have a strong tendency to attach to the sidewall of SWNTs and thus enhance the degree of branching. Y-SWNTs based field-effect transistors (FETs) were fabricated and modulated by the metallic branch of the Y-SWNTs, exhibiting ambipolar characteristics at room temperature. A subthreshold swing of 700 mV/decade and an on/off ratio of 105 with a low off-state current of 10-13 A were obtained. The transport phenomena associated with Y- and cross-junction configurations reveals that the conduction mechanism in the SWNT junctions is governed by thermionic emission at T > 100 K and by tunneling at T < 100 K. ^ Furthermore, horizontally aligned SWNTs were synthesized by the controlled modification of external fields and forces. High performance carbon nanotube FETs and logic circuit were demonstrated utilizing the aligned SWNTs. It is found that the hysteresis in CNTFETs can be eliminated by removing absorbed water molecules on the CNT/SiO2 interface by vacuum annealing, hydrophobic surface treatment, and surface passivation. SWNT “serpentines” were synthesized by utilization of the interaction between drag force from gas flow and Van der Waals force with substrates. The curvature of bent SWNTs could be tailored by adjusting the gas flow rate, and changing the gas flow direction with respect to the step-edges on a single-crystal quartz substrate. Resistivity of bent SWNTs was observed to increase with curvature, which can be attributed to local deformations and possible chirality shift at curved part. ^ Our results show the successful synthesis of SWNTs having controllable morphologies and directionality. The capability of tailoring the electrical properties of SWNTs makes it possible to build an all-nanotube device by integrating SWNTs, having different functionalities, into complex circuits. ^


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The authors thank Professor Iber^e Luiz Caldas for the suggestions and encouragement. The authors F.F.G.d.S., R.M.R., J.C.S., and H.A.A. acknowledge the Brazilian agency CNPq and state agencies FAPEMIG, FAPESP, and FAPESC, and M.S.B. also acknowledges the EPSRC Grant Ref. No. EP/I032606/1.


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Contexte La connectomique, ou la cartographie des connexions neuronales, est un champ de recherche des neurosciences évoluant rapidement, promettant des avancées majeures en ce qui concerne la compréhension du fonctionnement cérébral. La formation de circuits neuronaux en réponse à des stimuli environnementaux est une propriété émergente du cerveau. Cependant, la connaissance que nous avons de la nature précise de ces réseaux est encore limitée. Au niveau du cortex visuel, qui est l’aire cérébrale la plus étudiée, la manière dont les informations se transmettent de neurone en neurone est une question qui reste encore inexplorée. Cela nous invite à étudier l’émergence des microcircuits en réponse aux stimuli visuels. Autrement dit, comment l’interaction entre un stimulus et une assemblée cellulaire est-elle mise en place et modulée? Méthodes En réponse à la présentation de grilles sinusoïdales en mouvement, des ensembles neuronaux ont été enregistrés dans la couche II/III (aire 17) du cortex visuel primaire de chats anesthésiés, à l’aide de multi-électrodes en tungstène. Des corrélations croisées ont été effectuées entre l’activité de chacun des neurones enregistrés simultanément pour mettre en évidence les liens fonctionnels de quasi-synchronie (fenêtre de ± 5 ms sur les corrélogrammes croisés corrigés). Ces liens fonctionnels dévoilés indiquent des connexions synaptiques putatives entre les neurones. Par la suite, les histogrammes peri-stimulus (PSTH) des neurones ont été comparés afin de mettre en évidence la collaboration synergique temporelle dans les réseaux fonctionnels révélés. Enfin, des spectrogrammes dépendants du taux de décharges entre neurones ou stimulus-dépendants ont été calculés pour observer les oscillations gamma dans les microcircuits émergents. Un indice de corrélation (Rsc) a également été calculé pour les neurones connectés et non connectés. Résultats Les neurones liés fonctionnellement ont une activité accrue durant une période de 50 ms contrairement aux neurones fonctionnellement non connectés. Cela suggère que les connexions entre neurones mènent à une synergie de leur inter-excitabilité. En outre, l’analyse du spectrogramme dépendant du taux de décharge entre neurones révèle que les neurones connectés ont une plus forte activité gamma que les neurones non connectés durant une fenêtre d’opportunité de 50ms. L’activité gamma de basse-fréquence (20-40 Hz) a été associée aux neurones à décharge régulière (RS) et l’activité de haute fréquence (60-80 Hz) aux neurones à décharge rapide (FS). Aussi, les neurones fonctionnellement connectés ont systématiquement un Rsc plus élevé que les neurones non connectés. Finalement, l’analyse des corrélogrammes croisés révèle que dans une assemblée neuronale, le réseau fonctionnel change selon l’orientation de la grille. Nous démontrons ainsi que l’intensité des relations fonctionnelles dépend de l’orientation de la grille sinusoïdale. Cette relation nous a amené à proposer l’hypothèse suivante : outre la sélectivité des neurones aux caractères spécifiques du stimulus, il y a aussi une sélectivité du connectome. En bref, les réseaux fonctionnels «signature » sont activés dans une assemblée qui est strictement associée à l’orientation présentée et plus généralement aux propriétés des stimuli. Conclusion Cette étude souligne le fait que l’assemblée cellulaire, plutôt que le neurone, est l'unité fonctionnelle fondamentale du cerveau. Cela dilue l'importance du travail isolé de chaque neurone, c’est à dire le paradigme classique du taux de décharge qui a été traditionnellement utilisé pour étudier l'encodage des stimuli. Cette étude contribue aussi à faire avancer le débat sur les oscillations gamma, en ce qu'elles surviennent systématiquement entre neurones connectés dans les assemblées, en conséquence d’un ajout de cohérence. Bien que la taille des assemblées enregistrées soit relativement faible, cette étude suggère néanmoins une intrigante spécificité fonctionnelle entre neurones interagissant dans une assemblée en réponse à une stimulation visuelle. Cette étude peut être considérée comme une prémisse à la modélisation informatique à grande échelle de connectomes fonctionnels.


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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The unprecedented and relentless growth in the electronics industry is feeding the demand for integrated circuits (ICs) with increasing functionality and performance at minimum cost and power consumption. As predicted by Moore's law, ICs are being aggressively scaled to meet this demand. While the continuous scaling of process technology is reducing gate delays, the performance of ICs is being increasingly dominated by interconnect delays. In an effort to improve submicrometer interconnect performance, to increase packing density, and to reduce chip area and power consumption, the semiconductor industry is focusing on three-dimensional (3D) integration. However, volume production and commercial exploitation of 3D integration are not feasible yet due to significant technical hurdles.

At the present time, interposer-based 2.5D integration is emerging as a precursor to stacked 3D integration. All the dies and the interposer in a 2.5D IC must be adequately tested for product qualification. However, since the structure of 2.5D ICs is different from the traditional 2D ICs, new challenges have emerged: (1) pre-bond interposer testing, (2) lack of test access, (3) limited ability for at-speed testing, (4) high density I/O ports and interconnects, (5) reduced number of test pins, and (6) high power consumption. This research targets the above challenges and effective solutions have been developed to test both dies and the interposer.

The dissertation first introduces the basic concepts of 3D ICs and 2.5D ICs. Prior work on testing of 2.5D ICs is studied. An efficient method is presented to locate defects in a passive interposer before stacking. The proposed test architecture uses e-fuses that can be programmed to connect or disconnect functional paths inside the interposer. The concept of a die footprint is utilized for interconnect testing, and the overall assembly and test flow is described. Moreover, the concept of weighted critical area is defined and utilized to reduce test time. In order to fully determine the location of each e-fuse and the order of functional interconnects in a test path, we also present a test-path design algorithm. The proposed algorithm can generate all test paths for interconnect testing.

In order to test for opens, shorts, and interconnect delay defects in the interposer, a test architecture is proposed that is fully compatible with the IEEE 1149.1 standard and relies on an enhancement of the standard test access port (TAP) controller. To reduce test cost, a test-path design and scheduling technique is also presented that minimizes a composite cost function based on test time and the design-for-test (DfT) overhead in terms of additional through silicon vias (TSVs) and micro-bumps needed for test access. The locations of the dies on the interposer are taken into consideration in order to determine the order of dies in a test path.

To address the scenario of high density of I/O ports and interconnects, an efficient built-in self-test (BIST) technique is presented that targets the dies and the interposer interconnects. The proposed BIST architecture can be enabled by the standard TAP controller in the IEEE 1149.1 standard. The area overhead introduced by this BIST architecture is negligible; it includes two simple BIST controllers, a linear-feedback-shift-register (LFSR), a multiple-input-signature-register (MISR), and some extensions to the boundary-scan cells in the dies on the interposer. With these extensions, all boundary-scan cells can be used for self-configuration and self-diagnosis during interconnect testing. To reduce the overall test cost, a test scheduling and optimization technique under power constraints is described.

In order to accomplish testing with a small number test pins, the dissertation presents two efficient ExTest scheduling strategies that implements interconnect testing between tiles inside an system on chip (SoC) die on the interposer while satisfying the practical constraint that the number of required test pins cannot exceed the number of available pins at the chip level. The tiles in the SoC are divided into groups based on the manner in which they are interconnected. In order to minimize the test time, two optimization solutions are introduced. The first solution minimizes the number of input test pins, and the second solution minimizes the number output test pins. In addition, two subgroup configuration methods are further proposed to generate subgroups inside each test group.

Finally, the dissertation presents a programmable method for shift-clock stagger assignment to reduce power supply noise during SoC die testing in 2.5D ICs. An SoC die in the 2.5D IC is typically composed of several blocks and two neighboring blocks that share the same power rails should not be toggled at the same time during shift. Therefore, the proposed programmable method does not assign the same stagger value to neighboring blocks. The positions of all blocks are first analyzed and the shared boundary length between blocks is then calculated. Based on the position relationships between the blocks, a mathematical model is presented to derive optimal result for small-to-medium sized problems. For larger designs, a heuristic algorithm is proposed and evaluated.

In summary, the dissertation targets important design and optimization problems related to testing of interposer-based 2.5D ICs. The proposed research has led to theoretical insights, experiment results, and a set of test and design-for-test methods to make testing effective and feasible from a cost perspective.


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Nucleic Acid hairpins have been a subject of study for the last four decades. They are composed of single strand that is

hybridized to itself, and the central section forming an unhybridized loop. In nature, they stabilize single stranded RNA, serve as nucleation

sites for RNA folding, protein recognition signals, mRNA localization and regulation of mRNA degradation. On the other hand,

DNA hairpins in biological contexts have been studied with respect to forming cruciform structures that can regulate gene expression.

The use of DNA hairpins as fuel for synthetic molecular devices, including locomotion, was proposed and experimental demonstrated in 2003. They

were interesting because they bring to the table an on-demand energy/information supply mechanism.

The energy/information is hidden (from hybridization) in the hairpin’s loop, until required.

The energy/information is harnessed by opening the stem region, and exposing the single stranded loop section.

The loop region is now free for possible hybridization and help move the system into a thermodynamically favourable state.

The hidden energy and information coupled with

programmability provides another functionality, of selectively choosing what reactions to hide and

what reactions to allow to proceed, that helps develop a topological sequence of events.

Hairpins have been utilized as a source of fuel for many different DNA devices. In this thesis, we program four different

molecular devices using DNA hairpins, and experimentally validate them in the

laboratory. 1) The first device: A

novel enzyme-free autocatalytic self-replicating system composed entirely of DNA that operates isothermally. 2) The second

device: Time-Responsive Circuits using DNA have two properties: a) asynchronous: the final output is always correct

regardless of differences in the arrival time of different inputs.

b) renewable circuits which can be used multiple times without major degradation of the gate motifs

(so if the inputs change over time, the DNA-based circuit can re-compute the output correctly based on the new inputs).

3) The third device: Activatable tiles are a theoretical extension to the Tile assembly model that enhances

its robustness by protecting the sticky sides of tiles until a tile is partially incorporated into a growing assembly.

4) The fourth device: Controlled Amplification of DNA catalytic system: a device such that the amplification

of the system does not run uncontrollably until the system runs out of fuel, but instead achieves a finite

amount of gain.

Nucleic acid circuits with the ability

to perform complex logic operations have many potential practical applications, for example the ability to achieve point of care diagnostics.

We discuss the designs of our DNA Hairpin molecular devices, the results we have obtained, and the challenges we have overcome

to make these truly functional.


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Saccadic eye movements rapidly displace the image of the world that is projected onto the retinas. In anticipation of each saccade, many neurons in the visual system shift their receptive fields. This presaccadic change in visual sensitivity, known as remapping, was first documented in the parietal cortex and has been studied in many other brain regions. Remapping requires information about upcoming saccades via corollary discharge. Analyses of neurons in a corollary discharge pathway that targets the frontal eye field (FEF) suggest that remapping may be assembled in the FEF’s local microcircuitry. Complementary data from reversible inactivation, neural recording, and modeling studies provide evidence that remapping contributes to transsaccadic continuity of action and perception. Multiple forms of remapping have been reported in the FEF and other brain areas, however, and questions remain about reasons for these differences. In this review of recent progress, we identify three hypotheses that may help to guide further investigations into the structure and function of circuits for remapping.


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Saccadic eye movements rapidly displace the image of the world that is projected onto the retinas. In anticipation of each saccade, many neurons in the visual system shift their receptive fields. This presaccadic change in visual sensitivity, known as remapping, was first documented in the parietal cortex and has been studied in many other brain regions. Remapping requires information about upcoming saccades via corollary discharge. Analyses of neurons in a corollary discharge pathway that targets the frontal eye field (FEF) suggest that remapping may be assembled in the FEF's local microcircuitry. Complementary data from reversible inactivation, neural recording, and modeling studies provide evidence that remapping contributes to transsaccadic continuity of action and perception. Multiple forms of remapping have been reported in the FEF and other brain areas, however, and questions remain about reasons for these differences. In this review of recent progress, we identify three hypotheses that may help to guide further investigations into the structure and function of circuits for remapping.