944 resultados para locality taxonomy
Seven new species of Anomiopus Westwood, 1842 are added to smaragdinus group: from Brazil, A. caputipilus (Goiás), A. impartectus (São Paulo), A. paraensis (Pará), A. preissae (Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro), A. quadridentatus (Bahia) and A. soledari (Goiás e Distrito Federal); from Argentina, A. similis (Misiones). A key and illustrations of the species are added.
Eight species are considered for the genus Cobelura Erichson, 1847, three described herein: C. stockwelli sp. nov., from Panamá (Canal Zone, Darien), C. wappesi sp. nov., from Ecuador (Pichincha) and C. howdenorum sp. nov., from Colombia (Norte de Santander). The treatment of each new species includes information on its geographical distribution, photographs and a comparison with its most similar congenerics. A key to species of Cobelura is presented.
Anacanthus biramiguelus sp. nov., from Brazil (Rondônia and Mato Grosso), is described and illustrated. A key to the Brazilian species of Anacanthus is added.
The species of the predatory ant genus Gnamptogenys Roger, 1863 from Colombia (42 species) and Ecuador (25 species) are diagnosed and presented, including their known geographical distribution. Gnamptogenys enodis, new species from Colombia is described. Gnamptogenys stellae Lattke, 1995 is new record for Colombia.
The South American species of Euhybus Coquillett, 1895 (Diptera, Hybotidae, Hybotinae) of the purpureus species-group are reviewed. A diagnosis for this group of species is presented and six new species are described: E. fuscipennis, E. grandis, E. novoaripuanensis, E. niger, E. reduncus and E. tomentosus. New records are made and the relationships of the purpureus species-group with other species-groups of Euhybus are discussed.
Three new species of Chorisoneura Brunner, 1865 from Acre State, Brazil collected in nests of Podium Fabricius, 1804 (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) are described. Illustrations of genitalia are presented.
New taxa described from Bolivia (Santa Cruz): Canarana roseicollis sp. nov., Gagarinia melasma sp. nov., Hemioloapis ybyra sp. nov.; from Ecuador (Napo): Adesmus paradiana sp. nov., Hemiloapis endyba sp. nov; from Costa Rica: Sybaguasu cupreum sp. nov.; from Costa Rica and Panama: Cotycuara gen. nov., type species, C. albomarginata sp. nov.; Iatuca gen. nov., type species, I. brevicornis sp. nov. A key to the species of Hemiloapis Galileo & Martins, 2004 is added.
The larva of Zenithoptera anceps Pujol-Luz, 1993 is described and figured for the first time. A comparison among the known larvae of Palpopleurinae is presented. A key to the larvae of the neotropical genera of Palpopleurinae is added.
A new species of Thaumastus (Thaumastus) Martens, 1860, from Minas Gerais State, Brazil, is described and illustrated, based on the morphology of the shell, jaw, radula and soft parts.
Simple and colonial ascidians were collected at different depths at Arraial do Cabo, Rio de Janeiro, between 2000 and 2003. The collection here presented includes representatives of the families Clavelinidae (Clavelina oblonga), Polycitoridae (Cystodytes dellechiajei), Polyclinidae (Polyclinum constellatum and Polyclinum molle sp. nov.), Holozoidae (Distaplia bermudensis), Ascidiidae (Ascidia sydneiensis and Phallusia nigra), Styelidae (Botrylloides giganteum, Botrylloides nigrum, Symplegma brakenhielmi, Symplegma rubra, Polyandrocarpa anguinea, Eusynstyela floridana, Eusynstyela tincta and Styela plicata), Pyuridae (Herdmania pallida and Microcosmus exasperatus). Didemnids were also collected in the area but were not considered here. Of the 17 species found, one (Polyclinum molle sp. nov.) is a new species in the family Polyclinidae and the others are all species with tropical distribution.
Neoneura anaclara sp. nov. and Neoneura leonardoi sp. nov. are described and illustrated from specimens collected in Southern Brazil. These two species are unique in the genus Neoneura by the structure of their anal appendages.
Parametasphondylia piperis (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae, Asphondyliini, Schizomyiina), um novo gênero e espécie galhadora associada com Piper sp. (Piperaceae) é descrita e ilustrada (larva, pupa, macho e fêmea) com base em material obtido em Minas Gerais, Brasil.
In this study we describe three new litter inhabiting species of Mesabolivar González-Sponga, 1998 from nine urban forest remnants in the metropolitan region of the city of São Paulo, Brazil: M. forceps, M. mairyara and M. cavicelatus. In three of these remnants, we conduced a three year sampling using pitfall traps. Mesabolivar forceps sp. nov. was the most abundant pholcid (n=273 adults), always present in the samples, but with highest numbers in spring and summer. Mesabolivar mairyara sp. nov. was the second most abundant species (n=32), but the majority of individuals were collected in March 2001. Only three individuals of M. cavicelatus sp. nov. were collected.
A new species, Isoctenus malabaris, is described from southern Brazil. This spider was abundantly collected with pitfall traps at Araucaria Forests (Mixed Ombrophilous Forest) domain. The activity of this species was studied in three distinct habitats (primary and secondary forests and silvicultures) during 20 months. A bimodal seasonal activity pattern, of males, was observed. Abundance differences of this species between habitats were not significant.
Schizomyia maricaensis sp. nov. is described and illustrated based on the pupa, male, female, and gall. This species induces rosette galls on Tetrapterys phlomoides (Malpighiaceae).