980 resultados para leukocyte infiltration


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To improve the yield of the cytogenetic analysis in patients with acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL), six culture conditions for bone marrow or peripheral blood cells were tested in parallel. Two conditioned media (CM), phytohemagglutinin leukocyte PHA-LCM and 5637 CM, nutritive elements (NE), and methotrexate (MTX) cell synchronization were investigated in 14 patients presenting with either inv(16)/ t(16;16) (group 1, n = 9 patients) or t(15;17) (group 2, n = 5). The criteria used to identify the most favorable culture conditions were the mitotic index (MI), the morphological index (MorI), and the percentage of abnormal metaphases. In the presence of PHA-LCM and 5637 CM, the MI were significantly increased in group 2, whereas in the MTX conditions, MI remained very low in both groups. The values of the MorI did not reveal any significant changes in chromosome resolution between the conditions in either group. The addition of NE did not have a positive effect in quantity or quality of metaphases. Because of the variability of the response of leukemic cells to different stimulations in vitro, several culture conditions in parallel are required to ensure a satisfactory yield of the chromosome analysis in ANLL.


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Progressive destruction of the insulin-producing beta cells in nonobese diabetic mice is observed after infiltration of the pancreas with lymphocytes [Makino, S., Kunimoto, K., Muraoka, Y., Mizushima, Y., Katagiri, K. & Tochino, Y. (1980) Exp. Anim. (Tokyo) 29, 1-13]. We show that the genes for tumor necrosis factor alpha and granzyme A, a serine protease associated with cytoplasmic granules of cytotoxic cells, are expressed during the development of spontaneous diabetes mellitus in the nonobese diabetic mouse. Granzyme A-positive cells are found both in and surrounding the islets, implying induction prior to islet infiltration. Tumor necrosis factor alpha expression is exclusively observed in the intra-islet infiltrate, predominantly in lymphocytes adjacent to insulin-producing beta cells, the targets of the autoimmune destruction, implying that tumor necrosis factor alpha expression is induced locally--i.e., in the islet. A considerable portion of cells expressing tumor necrosis factor alpha appear to be CD4+ T cells. This T-cell subset was previously shown to be necessary for development of the disease. Thus, these findings may be important for understanding the pathogenesis of autoimmune diabetes mellitus and potentially also for that of other T-cell-mediated autoimmune diseases.


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ABSTRACT : Les infections par le parasite Leishmania guyanensis se caractérisent par une dissémination depuis le site initial d'infection jusqu'aux tissus naso-pharyngés, responsable de la Leishmaniose à lésions secondaires muco-cutanées (LMC). Les lésions des patients atteints de LMC montrent une massive infiltration de cellules immunitaires, une réponse immunitaire élevée et la présence de parasites (bien qu'en très faible quantité). La LMC engendre une augmentation de l'expression de TNFa ainsi qu'un défaut dans le contrôle de la réponse immunitaire caractérisé par une absence de réponse à l'IL 10. La réponse immunitaire de l'hôte ainsi que la virulence du parasite sont deux facteurs reconnus pour le contrôle de l'infection. Le mécanisme de la pathogenèse de la LMC restent grandement incompris, surtout le mécanisme de dissémination de l'infection du site d'inoculation jusqu'aux sites secondaires d'infection (métastases) ainsi que les détails de la réponse de l'hôte contre le pathogène. Dans un modèle d'infection d' hamsters avec des parasites du Nouveau Monde, la classification des parasites Leishmania se fait en fonction de leur capacité à développer des métastases. Ce modéle d'infection a permis de caractériser différentes souches de parasites selon la classification de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Sante (OMS) tel que la souche de référence W>É-II/BR/78/M5313 qui est reconnue comme hautement métastatique alors que ces clones dérivés de M5313 montrent de grandes variations quand a leur capacité à créer des métastases. Les clones 13 et 21 sont métastatiques (M+) alors que les clones 3 et 17 sont nonmétastatiques (NI-). Les objectifs de cette thèse ont été d'étudier le rôle de la réponse immunitaire innée des macrophages après infection in vitro avec différents clones métastatiques et non-métastatiques du parasite L. guyanensis, ainsi que d'étudier la réponse immunitaire générée suite à une infection in vivo par les clones M+ et M- de L. guyanensis dans un modèle marin. L'analyse de la .réponse immunitaire des macrophages in vitro montrent qu'il y aune augmentation significative de leur statut d'activation après infection par des parasites M+ indiquée par la modulation des marqueurs d'activation de surface CD80, CD86 et CD40, ainsi que une augmentation significative de CXCL 10, CCLS, IL6 et TNFa au niveau transcription de l'ARNm et au niveau de la protéine. Cette phénomène d'activation a été observée chez les deux souches de souris C57BL/6 et BALB/c. L'utilisation d'un inhibiteur d'entrée des parasites (Cytochalsin D) ou d'un inhibiteur des fonctions endosomales (Chloroquine) diminue de manière significative la réponse des macrophages aux parasites M+. L'utilisation de macrophages déficients en TLR, MyD88, et TRIF a démontré que la réponse générée après infection par les parasites M+ était dépendante de la voie de signalisation de TRIF et TLR3. Lors d'infection in vivo par des parasites M5313, au moins 50% des souris BALB/c présentent un phénotype sensible caractérisé par des lésions non-nécrotiques qui ne guérissent pas, persistent plus de 13 semaines après infection et contiennent un nombre considérable de parasites. Ces souris développent une réponse immunitaire de type T helper 2 (Th2) avec un niveau élevé d'IL-4 et d'IL-10. Les autres souris ont un phénotype non-sensible, les souris développant peu ou pas de lésion, avec peu de parasites et une réponse immunitaire diminuée, caractérisée par un niveau faible d'IFNy, d'IL4 et d'IL10. De plus, les souris BALB/c infectées par un parasite L. guyanensis isolé à partir des lésions muco-cutanées d'un patient humain atteint de LMC ont démontrés un phénotype similaire aux souris infectées par la souche M5313 avec 50% des souris développant des lésions persistantes, alors qu'un parasite dérivé des lésions cutanées humains n'a montré qu'une faible sensibilité avec une lésion transitoire qui finit par guérir. Nous avons montré que la sensibilité de ces souris BALB/c dépend de l'IL-4 et de l'IL-10 car les souris IL-10-/sur fond génétique BALB/c ainsi que les souris BALB/c traitée avec de l'anti-IL4 étaient capables de contrôler l'infection par M5313. Les souris C57BL/6 sont résistantes à l'infection par le parasite M5313. Elles développent une lésion transitoire qui guérit 9 semaines après infection. Ces souris résistantes ont un très faible taux de parasites au site d'infection et développent une réponse immunitaire de type Thl avec un niveau élevé d'IFNr et peu d'IL4 et d'IL10. Les infections in vivo de souris déficientes en MyD88, TRIF, TLR3 ou TLR9 (sur fond génétique C57BL/6) ont indiqué que MyD88 et TLR9 étaient impliqués dans la résistance à l'infection par L. guyanensi, et que TRIF et TLR3 avaient un rôle important dans la sensibilité. Ce travail met en évidence le fait que la réponse immunitaire de l'hôte est modulée par le parasite selon leur caractérisation d'être soit M+ ou M-. Nous avons démontré également que plusieurs gènes et voies de signalisations étaient impliqués dans cette réponse favorisant le développement d'une LMC. ABSTRACT : Leishmania guyanensis parasites are able to disseminate from the initial site of cutaneous skin infection to the nasopharyngeal tissues resulting in destructive secondary lesions and the disease Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis (MCL). The secondary lesions in patients have intense immune cell infiltration, elevated immune responses and the presence (albeit at low levels) of parasites. More specifically, MCL patients produce higher levels of TNFa and display impairment in their ability to control the immune response due to a defect in their ability to respond to IL10. Little is known about the pathogenesis of MCL, especially about the dissemination of the infection from the site of inoculation to secondary sites (metastasis) and the response of the host to the pathogen. The hamster model of L. guyanensis infection has previously characterized the WHO reference strain, L. guyanensis WHI/BR/78/M5313, as being highly metastatic. Clones of parasites derived from this reference strain show a differential ability to metastasize. This thesis studied the differential immune response generated by macrophages in vitro, or by mice in vivo, following infection with L. guyanensis parasites. A significant increase in the activation status of macrophages derived from C57BL/6 or BALB/c mice was observed after in vitro infection with L. guyanensis parasites when compared to non-metastatic parasites. This change in status was evidenced by the increased expression of surface activation markers, together with the chemokines, CXCL 10, CCLS, and cytokines, IL6 and TNFa. Furthermore, in vitro infection of macrophages isolated from mice deficient in either a specific Toll Like Receptor (TLR) or the adaptor molecules MyD88 or TRIF, indicated that the immune response generated following L. guyanensis metastatic parasite infection was reliant on the TRIF dependent TLR3 signalling pathway. In vivo footpad infection of BALB/c mice with the L. guyanensis M5313 parasites showed a reproducible susceptible phenotype, whereby at least 50% of infected mice developed non-healing, nonnecrosing lesions with high parasitemia that persisted over 13 weeks post infection. This phenotype was characterized by a Th2 type cytokine immune response with increased levels of IL4 and IL10 detected in the draining lymph nodes. IL 10 deficient mice on a BALB/c background, or BALB/c mice treated with anti-IL4 were able to control infection with L. guyanensis M5313 parasites, thereby proving that these cytokines were indeed implicated in the susceptibility to infection. Moreover, infection of BALB/c mice with patient isolated L. guyanensis parasites confirmed that MCL derived parasites were able to induce a susceptibility phenotype similar to that of L. guyanensis M5313. C57BL/6 mice, on the other hand, were highly resistant to infection with L. guyanensis M5313 parasites and produced transient footpad swelling that healed by week 9 post infection, together with low degrees of footpad parasitemia and a Thl polarized immune response. Infection of mice deficient in MyD88, TRIF, TLR3, and TLR9 (on a C57BL/6 background), indicated that MyD88 and TLR9 were involved in the resistance of these mice to infection, and that TRIF and TLR3 were involved in the susceptibility. This study has shown that the host response can be differentially modulated depending on the infecting parasite with several genes and pathways being identified that could be involved in promoting the development of MCL.


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PURPOSE: To look for apoptosis pathways involved in corneal endothelial cell death during acute graft rejection and to evaluate the potential role of nitric oxide in this process. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Corneal buttons from Brown-Norway rats were transplanted into Lewis rat corneas. At different time intervals after transplantation, apoptosis was assessed by diamino-2-phenylindol staining and annexin-V binding on flat-mount corneas, and by terminal transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL), caspase-3 dependent and leukocyte elastase inhibitor (LEI)/LDNase II caspase-independent pathways on sections. Inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS-II) expression and the presence of nitrotyrosine were assayed by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: Graft endothelial cells demonstrated nuclear fragmentation and LEI nuclear translocation, annexin-V binding, and membranes bleb formation. Apoptosis associated with caspase-3 activity or TUNEL-positive reaction was not observed at any time either in the graft or in the recipient corneal endothelial cells. During 14 days posttransplantation, the recipient corneal endothelial cells remained unaltered and their number unchanged in all studied corneas. NOS-II was expressed in infiltrating cells present within the graft. This expression was closely associated with the presence of nitrotyrosine in endothelial and infiltrating cells. CONCLUSION: During the time course of corneal graft rejection, graft endothelial cells undergo apoptosis. Apoptosis is caspase 3 independent and TUNEL negative and is, probably, carried out by an alternative pathway driven by an LEI/L-Dnase II. Peroxynitrite formation may be an additional mechanism for cell toxicity and programmed cell death of the graft endothelial cells during the rejection process in this model.


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A software for the calculation of unsaturated soil hydraulic conductivity K(theta) is presented for commonly used methods found in the literature, based on field experiments in which a soil profile is submitted to water infiltration followed by internal drainage. The software is available at: dourado@esalq.usp.br.


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Introduction: Recently, mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) of perivascular origin have been identified in several organs not including the heart. Using a novel cell isolation protocol, we have isolated cells sharing common characteristics from mouse hearts and pancreas. The aim of the present study was to characterize these cells in vitro.Methods: Cells were isolated from neonatal and adult mouse hearts and pancreas and cultured for more than 6 months. Surface marker expression was analyzed by flow cytometry and immunocytochemistry. Cell differentiation was tested using multiple differentiation media. Insulin production by pancreas-derived cells was tested by dithizone staining.Results: Cells showing a similar, distinctive morphology were obtained from the heart and pancreas after 4-8 weeks of culture. Cells from the two organs also showed a very similar immunophenotype, characterized by expression of c-kit (stem cell factor receptor), CD44, the common leukocyte marker CD45, and the monocytic markers CD11b and CD14. A significant proportion of cardiac and pancreatic cells expressed NG2, a marker for pericytes and other vascular cells. A significant proportion of cardiac, but not of pancreatic cells expressed stem cell antigen-1 (Sca-1). However, cells did not express T, B or dendritic cell markers. Cells of both cardiac and pancreatic origin spontaneously formed "spheres" (spherical cell aggregates similar to "neurospheres" formed by neural stem cells) in vitro. Cardiosphere formation was enhanced by TNF-alpha. Several cardiospheres (but no "pancreatospheres") derived from neonatal (but not adult) cells showed spontaneous rhythmic contractions, thus demonstrating cardiac differentiation (this was confirmed by immunostaining for alpha-sarcomeric actinin). Beating activity was enhanced by low serum conditions. Cells from both organs formed adipocytes, osteocytes and osteocytes under appropriate conditions, the typical differentiation pattern of MSCs. Pancreas-derived cells also formed dithizonepositive insulin-producing cells.Conclusions: We have defined cardiac and pancreatic cell populations that share a common morphology, growth characteristics, and a unique immunophenotype. Expression of perivascular and monocytic markers, along with stem/priogenitor cell markers by these cells suggests a relationship with pericytes-mesoangioblasts and so-called multipotent monocytes. Cells show MSC-typical growth and differentiation patterns, together with tissue-specific differentiation potential: cardiomyocytes for cardiac-derived cells and insulinproducing cells for pancreas-derived cells.


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The Trepca Pb-Zn-Ag skarn deposit (29 Mt of ore at 3.45% Pb, 2.30% Zn, and 80 g/t Ag) is located in the Kopaonik block of the western Vardar zone, Kosovo. The mineralization, hosted by recrystallized limestone of Upper Triassic age, was structurally and lithologically controlled. Ore deposition is spatially and temporally related with the postcollisional magmatism of Oligocene age (23-26 Ma). The deposit was formed during two distinct mineralization stages: an early prograde closed-system and a later retrograde open-system stage. The prograde mineralization consisting mainly of pyroxenes (Hd(54-100)Jo(0-45)Di(0-45)) resulted from the interaction of magmatic fluids associated with Oligocene (23-26 Ma) postcollisional magmatism. Whereas there is no direct contact between magmatic rocks and the mineralization, the deposit is classified as a distal Pb-Zn-Ag skarn. Abundant pyroxene reflects low oxygen fugacity (<10(-31) bar) and anhydrous environment. Fluid inclusion data and mineral assemblage limit the prograde stage within a temperature range between 390 degrees and 475 degrees C. Formation pressure is estimated below 900 bars. Isotopic composition of aqueous fluid, inclusions hosted by hedenbergite (delta D = -108 to -130 parts per thousand; delta O-18 = 7.5-8.0 parts per thousand), Mn-enriched mineralogy and high REE content of the host carbonates at the contact with the skarn mineralization suggest that a magmatic fluid was modified during its infiltration through the country rocks. The retrograde mineral assemblage comprises ilvaite, magnetite, arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, marcasite, pyrite, quartz, and various carbonates. Increases in oxygen and sulfur fugacities, as well as a hydrous character of mineralization, require an open-system model. The opening of the system is related to phreatomagmatic explosion and formation of the breccia. Arsenopyrite geothermometer limits the retrograde stage within the temperature range between 350 degrees and 380 degrees C and sulfur fugacity between 10(-8.8) and 10(-7.2) bars. The principal ore minerals, galena, sphalerite, pyrite, and minor chalcopyrite, were deposited from a moderately saline Ca-Na chloride fluid at around 350 degrees C. According to the isotopic composition of fluid inclusions hosted by sphalerite (delta D = -55 to -74 parts per thousand; delta O-18 = -9.6 to -13.6 parts per thousand), the fluid responsible for ore deposition was dominantly meteoric in origin. The delta S-31 values of the sulfides spanning between -5.5 and +10 parts per thousand point to a magmatic origin of sulfur. Ore deposition appears to have been largely contemporaneous with the retrograde stage of the skarn development. Postore stage accompanied the precipitation of significant amount of carbonates including the travertine deposits at the deposit surface. Mineralogical composition of travertine varies from calcite to siderite and all carbonates contain significant amounts of Mn. Decreased formation temperature and depletion in the REE content point to an influence of pH-neutralized cold ground water and dying magmatic system.


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OBJECTIVES: Elevated plasma levels of the elastase alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor complex (E-alpha 1 PI) have been proposed as a marker of bacterial infection and neutrophil activation. Liberation of elastase from neutrophils after collection of blood may cause falsely elevated results. Collection methods have not been validated for critically ill neonates and children. We evaluated the influence of preanalytical methods on E-alpha 1 PI results including the recommended collection into EDTA tubes. DESIGN AND METHODS: First, we compared varying acceleration speeds and centrifugation times. Centrifugation at 1550 g for 3 min resulted in reliable preparation of leukocyte free plasma. Second, we evaluated all collection tubes under consideration for absorption of E-alpha 1 PI. Finally, 12 sets of samples from healthy adults and 42 sets obtained from critically ill neonates and children were distributed into the various sampling tubes. Samples were centrifuged within 15 min of collection and analyzed with a new turbidimetric assay adapted to routine laboratory analyzers. RESULTS: One of the two tubes containing a plasma-cell separation gel absorbed 22.1% of the E-alpha 1 PI content. In the remaining tubes without absorption of E-alpha 1 PI no differences were observed for samples from healthy adult patients. However, in samples from critically ill neonates or children, significantly higher results were obtained for plain Li-heparin tubes (mean = 183 micrograms/L), EDTA tubes (mean = 93 micrograms/L), and citrate tubes (mean = 88.5 micrograms/L) than for the Li-hep tube with cell-plasma separation gel and no absorption of E-alpha 1 PI (mean = 62.4 micrograms/L, p < 0.01). CONCLUSION: Contrary to healthy adults, E-alpha 1 PI results in plasma samples from critically ill neonates and children depend on the type of collection tube.


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During timber exploitation in forest stands harvesting machines pass repeatedly along the same track and can cause soil compaction, which leads to soil erosion and restricted tree root growth. The level of soil compaction depends on the number of passes and weight of the wood load. This paper aimed to evaluate soil compaction and eucalyptus growth as affected by the number of passes and wood load of a forwarder. The study was carried out in Santa Maria de Itabira county, Minas Gerais State - Brazil, on a seven-year-old eucalyptus stand planted on an Oxisol. The trees were felled by chainsaw and manually removed. Plots of 144 m² (four rows 12 m long in a 3 x 2 m spacing) were then marked off for the conduction of two trials. The first tested the traffic intensity of a forwarder which weighed 11,900 kg and carried 12 m³ wood (density of 480 kg m-3) and passed 2, 4, and 8 times along the same track. In the second trial, the forwarder carried loads of 4, 8, and 12 m³ of wood, and the machine was driven four times along the same track. In each plot, the passes affected four rows. Eucalyptus was planted in 30 x 30 x 30 cm holes on the compacted tracks. The soil in the area is clayey (470 clay and 440 g kg-1 sand content) and at depths of 0-5 cm and 5-10 cm, respectively, soil organic carbon was 406 and 272 g kg-1 and the moisture content during the trial 248 and 249 g kg-1. These layers were assessed for soil bulk density and water-stable aggregates. The infiltration rate was measured by a cylinder infiltrometer. After 441 days the measurements were repeated, with additional analyses of: soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, N-NH4+, N-NO3-, porosity, and penetration resistance. Tree height, stem diameter, and stem dry matter were measured. Forwarder traffic increased soil compaction, resistance to penetration and microporosity while it reduced the geometric mean diameter, total porosity, macroporosity and infiltration rate. Stem dry matter yield and tree height were not affected by soil compaction. Two passes of the forwarder were enough to cause the disturbances at the highest levels. The compaction effects were still persistent 441 days after forwarder traffic.


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Background Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an acquired inflammatory demyelinating disorder of the central nervous system (CNS) and is the leading cause of nontraumatic disability among young adults. Activated microglial cells are important effectors of demyelination and neurodegeneration, by secreting cytokines and others neurotoxic agents. Previous studies have demonstrated that microglia expresses ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channels and its pharmacological activation can provide neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects. In this study, we have examined the effect of oral administration of KATP channel opener diazoxide on induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a mouse model of MS. Methods Anti-inflammatory effects of diazoxide were studied on lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and interferon gamma (IFNy)-activated microglial cells. EAE was induced in C57BL/6J mice by immunization with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein peptide (MOG35-55). Mice were orally treated daily with diazoxide or vehicle for 15 days from the day of EAE symptom onset. Treatment starting at the same time as immunization was also assayed. Clinical signs of EAE were monitored and histological studies were performed to analyze tissue damage, demyelination, glial reactivity, axonal loss, neuronal preservation and lymphocyte infiltration. Results Diazoxide inhibited in vitro nitric oxide (NO), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-¿) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) production and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression by activated microglia without affecting cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression and phagocytosis. Oral treatment of mice with diazoxide ameliorated EAE clinical signs but did not prevent disease. Histological analysis demonstrated that diazoxide elicited a significant reduction in myelin and axonal loss accompanied by a decrease in glial activation and neuronal damage. Diazoxide did not affect the number of infiltrating lymphocytes positive for CD3 and CD20 in the spinal cord. Conclusion Taken together, these results demonstrate novel actions of diazoxide as an anti-inflammatory agent, which might contribute to its beneficial effects on EAE through neuroprotection. Treatment with this widely used and well-tolerated drug may be a useful therapeutic intervention in ameliorating MS disease.


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Objective: Lymphomas with signet ring cell features are rare, as is uterine dissemination of lymphomas. We report an exceptional case of a uterine tumor combining these two characteristics. Method: A 61-year-old female was diagnosed in 2004 with localized nodal grade 2 follicular lymphoma (stage IA). She received local radiation therapy, experienced total remission, and did well until 2009 when a systematic CT scan evidenced a pelvic anterior-lateral mass. Total enlarged hysterectomy was performed. Results: The anterior uterine wall contained a 4.8-cm fish flesh well-delineated mass corresponding to a mostly diffuse and focally nodular proliferation of medium to large cells with extensive signet ring cell changes. Tumor cells were CD20-, CD10-, Bcl2-, and Bcl6-positive with a low proliferation rate (<10-15%); CD21 underlined a focal follicular architecture. The vacuoles were PAS-negative and did not stain for immunoglobulin; ultrastructural analysis revealed nonspecific degenerative vacuoles. No lymph nodes were identified isolated from the surgical specimen. The tumor was considered as a secondary localization of the systemic follicular lymphoma, though no signet ring cells were evidenced in the cervical lymph node biopsy (reviewed). Follow-up showed retroperitoneal tissue infiltration (PET-CT) and normal medullar biopsy. She recently started R-CHOP chemotherapy. Conclusion: This case illustrates both an unusual site of dissemination and challenging cytological characteristics in a follicular lymphoma. The signet ring cell changes challenged the adequate classification of this lymphoma as either a large B cell or a follicular B cell lymphoma.


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The impact of charcoal production on soil hydraulic properties, runoff response and erosion susceptibility were studied in both field and simulation experiments. Core and composite samples, from 12 randomly selected sites within the catchment of Kotokosu were taken from the 0-10 cm layer of a charcoal site soil (CSS) and adjacent field soils (AFS). These samples were used to determine saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat), bulk density, total porosity, soil texture and color. Infiltration, surface albedo and soil surface temperature were also measured in both CSS and AFS. Measured properties were used as entries in a rainfall runoff simulation experiment on a smooth (5 % slope) plot of 25 x 25 m grids with 10 cm resolutions. Typical rainfall intensities of the study watershed (high, moderate and low) were applied to five different combinations of Ks distributions that could be expected in this landscape. The results showed significantly (p < 0.01) higher flow characteristics of the soil under charcoal kilns (increase of 88 %). Infiltration was enhanced and runoff volume reduced significantly. The results showed runoff reduction of about 37 and 18 %, and runoff coefficient ranging from 0.47-0.75 and 0.04-0.39 or simulation based on high (200 mm h-1) and moderate (100 mm h-1) rainfall events over the CSS and AFS areas, respectively. Other potential impacts of charcoal production on watershed hydrology were described. The results presented, together with watershed measurements, when available, are expected to enhance understanding of the hydrological responses of ecosystems to indiscriminate charcoal production and related activities in this region.


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Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) are key components of the inflammatory response contributing to the development of pathogen-specific immune responses. Following infection with Leishmania major, neutrophils are recruited within hours to the site of parasite inoculation. C57BL/6 mice are resistant to infection, and BALB/c mice are susceptible to infection, developing unhealing, inflammatory lesions. In this report, we investigated the expression of cell surface integrins, TLRs, and the secretion of immunomodulatory cytokines by PMN of both strains of mice, in response to infection with L. major. The parasite was shown to induce CD49d expression in BALB/c-inflammatory PMN, and expression of CD49d remained at basal levels in C57BL/6 PMN. Equally high levels of CD11b were expressed on PMN from both strains. In response to L. major infection, the levels of TLR2, TLR7, and TLR9 mRNA were significantly higher in C57BL/6 than in BALB/c PMN. C57BL/6 PMN secreted biologically active IL-12p70 and IL-10. In contrast, L. major-infected BALB/c PMN transcribed and secreted high levels of IL-12p40 but did not secrete biologically active IL-12p70. Furthermore, IL-12p40 was shown not to associate with IL-23 p19 but formed IL-12p40 homodimers with inhibitory activity. No IL-10 was secreted by BALB/c PMN. Thus, following infection with L. major, in C57BL/6 mice, PMN could constitute one of the earliest sources of IL-12, and in BALB/c mice, secretion of IL-12p40 could contribute to impaired, early IL-12 signaling. These distinct PMN phenotypes may thus influence the development of L. major-specific immune response.


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The modulation of HLA-DR and HLA-A, -B, and -C by human recombinant immune interferon (IFN-gamma) was studied on 10 malignant glioma cell lines established in our laboratory, on 8 clones or subclones derived from these lines, and on a fetal astrocyte cell line. Comparative studies were performed with recombinant leukocyte interferon (IFN-alpha). The results not only confirmed the selective activity of IFN-gamma on the modulation of HLA-DR expression, as opposed to that of IFN-alpha, but also demonstrated a marked heterogeneity in the response of glioma cell lines and their clones to the two types of IFN tested. For example, all 3 clones of an inducible cell line could be modulated to express HLA-DR, whereas only 2 of 5 clones derived from a noninducible line were modulated. This heterogeneity did not seem to be due to the absence of the receptor for IFN-gamma on the surface of these cells, since almost all of the cell lines or clones tested (17 of 19) responded to IFN-gamma by the induction or enhancement of the expression for either HLA-DR or HLA-A, -B, and -C (or both). The heterogeneity of induction was also demonstrated between clones derived from a glioma line that did not express HLA-DR after IFN-gamma treatment. The production of HLA-DR by one of the clones was abundant enough to be confirmed by immunoprecipitation and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis.


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On Ile de Groix, Variscan metamorphic former tholeiitic and alkaline basalts occur as glaucophane-eclogites, blueschists and greenschists in isolated lenses and layers within metapelites. Whole-rock delta O-18(SMOW) values of the metabasites show limited variations (10.4-12.0 parts per thousand) and no systematic differences among rock types and metamorphic grades. This provides no argument for large-scale blueschist-to-greenschist transformation driven by infiltration of externally derived fluids. Metamorphic mineralogical changes should have been triggered by internal fluids. Element variations in interlayered blue- and greenschists can be attributed to magmatic fractionation. Assemblages with garnet, clinopyroxene and glaucophane of a high-pressure/low-temperature (HP-LT) metamorphism M1, and NaCa-amphiboles (barroisite, magnesiohornblende, actinolite) of a medium-pressure/medium-temperature metamorphism M2 crystallized during deformation Dl. Detailed core-rim zonation profiles display increasing and then decreasing Al-IV in glaucophane of M1. NaCa-amphiboles of M2, mantling glaucophane and crystallized in porphyroblasts, show first increasing, then decreasing, Al-IV and Al-IV. Empirically calibrated thermobarometers allowed P-T path reconstructions. In glaucophane-eclogites of a metamorphic zone I, a prograde evolution to M1 peak conditions at 400-500 degreesC/10-12 kbar was followed by a retrograde P-T path within the glaucophane stability field. The subsequent M2 evolution was again prograde up to > 600 degreesC at 8 kbar and then retrograde. Similarly, in metamorphic zones II and III, prograde and retrograde paths of MI and M2 at lower maximal temperatures and pressures exist. The almost complete metamorphic cycle during M2 signalizes that the HP-LT rocks escaped from an early erosion by a moderate second burial event and explains the longlasting slow uplift with low average cooling rates.