902 resultados para learn


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This paper compares parallel and distributed implementations of an iterative, Gibbs sampling, machine learning algorithm. Distributed implementations run under Hadoop on facility computing clouds. The probabilistic model under study is the infinite HMM [1], in which parameters are learnt using an instance blocked Gibbs sampling, with a step consisting of a dynamic program. We apply this model to learn part-of-speech tags from newswire text in an unsupervised fashion. However our focus here is on runtime performance, as opposed to NLP-relevant scores, embodied by iteration duration, ease of development, deployment and debugging. © 2010 IEEE.


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Este trabajo buscó conocer concepciones que los docentes de la Universidad Adventista del Plata tienen acerca de la evaluación en el nivel superior, y comparar las mismas con las de aquellos profesores cuya formación es docente y quienes se formaron en otras áreas profesionales. Ochenta y un profesores respondieron un cuestionario creado para tal propósito. Realizado el análisis de contenido necesario, se aplicaron análisis de frecuencia y porcentaje de las respuestas obtenidas, y coeficiente V de Cramer para comparar las respuestas de los grupos con y sin título docente. Las conclusiones que permiten los resultados se discuten en función de lo encontrado por otras investigaciones.


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En este artículo se relata una experiencia de la enseñanza de la Bioética personalista aplicada a estudiantes de segundo año del nivel secundario de dos escuelas públicas ubicadas en una ciudad del interior de Río Grande do Sul, Brasil. Con el objetivo de evaluar la receptividad de la Bioética personalista se aplicó un cuestionario antes y después de dar charlas a un total de 194 alumnos de ambos sexos, entre 15 y 17 años. Se realizó un análisis estadístico comparativo de los resultados. Se evidenció la coincidencia de los alumnos en el pensar ontológico personalista, salvo en el área de la dignidad humana y la sexualidad. Los mejores resultados se obtuvieron en la escuela donde los profesores acompañaron el proceso. Se constató la necesidad de incentivar la capacidad crítica de los jóvenes para que aprendan a discernir los mecanismos de manipulación e imposición de determinadas ideologías. En este sentido, la formación de los educadores resultó ser muy necesaria y urgente para que los alumnos obtengan apoyo efectivo.


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We show that the sensor localization problem can be cast as a static parameter estimation problem for Hidden Markov Models and we develop fully decentralized versions of the Recursive Maximum Likelihood and the Expectation-Maximization algorithms to localize the network. For linear Gaussian models, our algorithms can be implemented exactly using a distributed version of the Kalman filter and a message passing algorithm to propagate the derivatives of the likelihood. In the non-linear case, a solution based on local linearization in the spirit of the Extended Kalman Filter is proposed. In numerical examples we show that the developed algorithms are able to learn the localization parameters well.


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Paper was revised on 2009-11-11.-- Published as article in: Rationality and Society (2009), 21(2), 1-24.


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Investiga o Regimento Interno da Câmara dos Deputados com o objetivo de verificar se suas regras favorecem excessivamente a prática da obstrução, o que pode levar ao desequilíbrio da disputa parlamentar em favor daqueles - sobretudo os oposicionistas - que decidem obstruir as deliberações mediante a utilização de táticas protelatórias. O estudo centra sua análise na quantidade de tempo gasto com a votação dos diversos mecanismos de obstrução, tendo em vista o tempo regimental disponível para a Ordem do Dia, fase da sessão destinada exclusivamente à discussão e votação das diversas propostas legislativas. O objetivo é apurar se o tempo despendido com artifícios procrastinatórios (requerimentos, dentre outros) supera em demasia o destinado à apreciação da matéria principal. Na apreciação de medidas provisórias (MP), por exemplo, os cálculos efetuados nas simulações demonstram que a votação dos requerimentos, por si só, pode consumir mais da metade do tempo utilizado para votar uma única MP, o que foi confirmado pelos resultados verificados na análise dos casos concretos selecionados.


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[Es] En este trabajo se parte de la hipótesis de que los propios contenidos televisivos son fuente de aprendizaje a través de las narraciones televisivas. En concreto, defendemos la idea de que es posible enseñar y aprender valores a través de dichas narraciones. Se sistematizan algunas de las investigaciones que han abordado la relación entre televisión y valores desde una triple dimensión: los propios contenidos; el medio en sí mismo y el lenguaje. Esta revisión nos permite defender que las condenas reiteradas a la televisión, responsabilizándola de la mayoría de los males que sufre la juventud, no pueden apoyarse en los estudios que la psicología ha realizado en las últimas décadas. Entendemos que el telespectador incorpora la información televisiva desde distintos contextos y que la enculturación no es unidireccional. Existe una interacción entre contextos de desarrollo y mensajes. Concretamente nos interesa analizar los valores implícitos y explícitos que subyacen a los contenidos televisivos. Para ello basándonos en el modelo elaborado por Schwartz y Bilsky hemos creado un cuestionario (Val-TV 01) con el fin de clasificar los valores e interpretar las conductas visualizadas en los textos televisivos y relacionarlos con los propios valores de los adolescentes.


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Analisa, a partir do trabalho de campo empreendido nas atividades da Frente Parlamentar Evangélica do Congresso Nacional, como estes parlamentares participam de tempos e espaços do legislativo. Deste modo, trago a descrição etnográfica os discursos destes deputados religiosos que denotam, mormente, uma "guerra santa" entre os "ungidos" e o Inimigo que ocupa o mundo da política e o espaço público brasileiro. Assim, suspeito que presenciamos contemporaneamente uma maior dessectarização de grupos evangélicos na política quando estes agentes procuram não apenas se tornar a Igreja do amanhã (concorrendo com a Igreja Católica pela posição de religião civil). Mas, sobretudo, tornar, através da participação na política, o mundo dos ímpios o mundo dos justos. Ora, considero, por isso mesmo, as formas particulares de aquisição de sutilezas e de competências necessárias a fim de profissionalizar o político e as relações políticas nas quais estes políticos se engajam. Deste modo, os evangélicos também têm que aprender tais habilidades especialmente por que estão no processo de construção de uma herança histórica na política. Por fim, analiso como os evangélicos, enquanto políticos profissionais, agenciam uma forma de representação e participação políticas que considera tanto o exercício cotidiano da fé quanto uma espécie de investimento nas atividades do século, reinterpretando, assim, o histórico processo de secularização do Estado.


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Learning environments are commonly used nowadays, but they exclude face-to-face interaction among teachers and students what is a successful basis of traditional education. On the other hand, in many cases teachers are imposed to use technology, what they do in an intuitive way. That is, teachers “learn by doing” and do not fully exploit its potential benefits. Consequently, some questions arise: How do teachers use F2F interaction to guide learning session? How can technology help teachers and students in their day by day? Moreover, are teachers and students really opened to be helped by technology? In this paper we present the formal process carried out to obtain information about teachers’ expertise and necessities regarding the direct interactions with students. We expose the possibilities to cover those necessities and the willingness that teachers show to be helped.


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CONTENTS: Livelihoods and languages: a SPARK-STREAM learning and communications process, by Kath Copley and William Savage. Towards broader contextual understandings of livelihoods, by Elizabeth M. Gonzales, Nguyen Song Ha, Rubu Mukherjee, Nilkanth Pokhrel and Sem Viryak. Using tools to build shared understandings, using a sustainable livelihoods framework to learn, by Nuchjaree Langkulsane. Learning about rattan as a livelihood, by Mariel de Jesus and Christine Bantug. Meanings of “community-managed area,” by Arif Aliadi. Lessons learnt about processes for learning and communicating, by Graham Haylor and Ronet Santos.


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CONTENTS: What do we need to learn about to understand how people live, by Kath Copley and William Savage. Taking steps to making livelihoods work, by Erwin L. Pador. Reflections on the India-Nepal Workshop, by Rubu Mukherjee and Nilkanth Pokhrel. Reflections on the role of livelihoods approaches and analysis in Lao PDR, by Phanthavong Vongsamphanh and Graham Haylor. After the Workshop on Livelihoods Approaches and Analysis, by Khin Maung Soe, Aye Aye Zaw, Nilar Kyawe and Myant Thar Htun. The relevance of livelihoods approaches in Yunnan, China, by Susan Li and William Savage


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We report the findings of an experiment designed to study how people learn and make decisions in network games. Network games offer new opportunities to identify learning rules, since on networks (compared to e.g. random matching) more rules differ in terms of their information requirements. Our experimental design enables us to observe both which actions participants choose and which information they consult before making their choices. We use this information to estimate learning types using maximum likelihood methods. There is substantial heterogeneity in learning types. However, the vast majority of our participants' decisions are best characterized by reinforcement learning or (myopic) best-response learning. The distribution of learning types seems fairly stable across contexts. Neither network topology nor the position of a player in the network seem to substantially affect the estimated distribution of learning types.


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[EN] Pierre Urte wrote Grammaire cantabrique circa 1714, when he was exiled in England. In this article we want to prove that the main source for Urte’s work was the socalled “Lily’s grammar”, which was the oficial grammar to learn Latin language in England from the 16th to the 19th century. The indentification of that source allows us to support the claim that Urte’s grammar must be included in the tradition of language teaching, as was already pointed out by Oyharçabal (1989). In this article, we first offer a brief history of Lily’s grammar. Then, we provide some clues in order to identify the exact edition used by Urte. Finally, in the main section of the article, we confront the two grammatical works; our aim is to ensure Urte’s debt to Lily’s grammar, and to show in detail the principal parts which Urte took from his source (mainly grammatical clasifications and examples).


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Summary: The offshore shelf and canyon habitats of the OCNMS (Fig. 1) are areas of high primary productivity and biodiversity that support extensive groundfish fisheries. Recent acoustic surveys conducted in these waters have indicated the presence of hard-bottom substrates believed to harbor unique deep-sea coral and sponge assemblages. Such fauna are often associated with shallow tropical waters, however an increasing number of studies around the world have recorded them in deeper, cold-water habitats in both northern and southern latitudes. These habitats are of tremendous value as sites of recruitment for commercially important fishes. Yet, ironically, studies have shown how the gear used in offshore demersal fishing, as well as other commercial operations on the seafloor, can cause severe physical disturbances to resident benthic fauna. Due to their exposed structure, slow growth and recruitment rates, and long life spans, deep-sea corals and sponges may be especially vulnerable to such disturbances, requiring very long periods to recover. Potential effects of fishing and other commercial operations in such critical habitats, and the need to define appropriate strategies for the protection of these resources, have been identified as a high-priority management issue for the sanctuary. To begin addressing this issue, an initial pilot survey was conducted June 1-12, 2004 at six sites in offshore waters of the OCNMS (Fig. 2, average depths of 147-265 m) to explore for the presence of deep-sea coral/sponge assemblages and to look for evidence of potential anthropogenic impacts in these critical habitats. The survey was conducted on the NOAA Ship McARTHUR-II using the Navy’s Phantom DHD2+2 remotely operated vehicle (ROV), which was equipped with a video camera, lasers, and a manipulator arm for the collection of voucher specimens. At each site, a 0.1-m2 grab sampler also was used to collect samples of sediments for the analysis of macroinfauna (> 1.0 mm), total organic carbon (TOC), grain size, and chemical contaminants. Vertical profiles of salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, and pressure were recorded at each site with a small SeaCat conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) profiler. Niskin bottles attached to the CTD also obtained near-bottom water samples in support of a companion study of microbial indicators of coral health and general ecological condition across these sites. All samples except the sediment-contaminant samples are being analyzed with present project funds. Original cruise plans included a total of 12 candidate stations to investigate (Fig. 3). However, inclement weather and equipment failures restricted the sampling to half of these sites. In spite of the limited sampling, the work completed was sufficient to address key project objectives and included several significant scientific observations. Foremost, the cruise was successful in demonstrating the presence of target deepwater coral species in these waters. Patches of the rare stony coral Lophelia pertusa, more characteristic of deepwater coral/sponge assemblages in the North Atlantic, were observed for the first time in OCNMS at a site in 271 meters of water. A large proportion of these corals consisted of dead and broken skeletal remains, and a broken gorgonian (soft coral) also was observed nearby. The source of these disturbances is not known. However, observations from several sites included evidence of bottom trawl marks in the sediment and derelict fishing gear (long lines). Preliminary results also support the view that these areas are important reservoirs of marine biodiversity and of value as habitat for demersal fishes. For example, onboard examination of 18 bottom-sediment grabs revealed benthic infaunal species representative of 14 different invertebrate phyla. Twenty-eight species of fishes from 11 families, including 11 (possibly 12) species of ommercially important rockfishes, also were identified from ROV video footage. These initial discoveries have sparked considerable interests in follow-up studies to learn more about the spatial extent of these assemblages and magnitude of potential impacts from commercial-fishing and other anthropogenic activities in the area. It is essential to expand our knowledge of these deep-sea communities and their vulnerability to potential environmental risks in order to determine the most appropriate management strategies. The survey was conducted under a partnership between NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) and National Marine Sanctuary Program (NMSP) and included scientists from NCCOS, OCNMS, and several other west-coast State, academic, private, and tribal research institutions (see Section 4 for a complete listing of participating scientists). (PDF contains 20 pages)