976 resultados para inulin clearance


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Developing a vaccine against the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) poses an exceptional challenge. There are no documented cases of immune-mediated clearance of HIV from an infected individual, and no known correlates of immune protection. Although nonhuman primate models of lentivirus infection have provided valuable data about HIV pathogenesis, such models do not predict HIV vaccine efficacy in humans. The combined lack of a predictive animal model and undefined biomarkers of immune protection against HIV necessitate that vaccines to this pathogen be tested directly in clinical trials. Adaptive clinical trial designs can accelerate vaccine development by rapidly screening out poor vaccines while extending the evaluation of efficacious ones, improving the characterization of promising vaccine candidates and the identification of correlates of immune protection.


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In the gastro-intestinal tract,Peyers patches have been describedas a major inductive site for mucosalsecretory IgA (SIgA) responses directedagainst pathogens. The classicalview is that SIgAserves as the firstline of defense against microorganismsby agglutining potential invadersand faciliting their clearance byperistaltic and mucociliary movements,a mechanism called immuneexclusion. Our laboratory has shownthat SIgA is not only able to be"retrotransported" into Peyers patchesvia the associated M cells, but also todeliver sizeable cargos in the form ofSIgA-based immune complexes, resultingin the onset of non-inflammatorytype of responses. Such a novelfunction raises the question of thepossible role of mucosal SIgA in theinterplay with commensal bacteriaand the contribution of the antibody inbacterial homeostasis. To address thisquestion, Lactobacillus rhamnosus(LPR) was administered into a mouseligated loop comprising a Peyerspatch, in association or not with SIgA.The fate of fluorescently labelled bacteriawas followed by laser scanningconfocal microscopy at different incubationtimes. After 2 hours of incubationin the loop, LPR bacteria arefound more abundantly in thesubepithelial dome (SED) regionwhen they are coated with SIgA thanLPR administered alone despite theyare absent from neighboring villi.Herein, it is shown that this mechanismof entry involves M cells inPeyers pathes. After their sampling byM cells, bacteria are engulfed by thedendritic cells of the subjacent SEDregion. Interestingly, LPR bacteriaare found coated by the endogenousnatural SIgA present in mice intestinalsecretions, confirming the requirementof SIgA for this type of entry.The subsequent effect on the maturationof dendritic cells after interactionwith LPR was investigated in vitroin presence or not of SIgA by measuringthe expression of CD40, CD80and CD86 surface markers with flowcytometry analyses. Results show thatDCs respond in the same way in presenceof SIgA than with LPR bacteriaalone, indicating that SIgA does notmodulate the interaction betweenDCs and bacteria in this context. Thiswork gives new evidences about theinvolvement of SIgA in the mechanismby which the intestinal immunesystem permanently checks the contentof the intestine.


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The low GFR of newborns is maintained by various factors including the renin-angiotensin system. We previously established the importance of angiotensin II in the newborn kidney, using the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor perindoprilat. The present study was designed to complement these observations by evaluating the role of angiotensin-type 1 (AT(1)) receptors, using losartan, a specific AT(1)-receptor blocker. Increasing doses of losartan were infused into anesthetized, ventilated, newborn rabbits. Renal function and hemodynamic variables were assessed using inulin and para-aminohippuric acid clearances as markers of GFR and renal plasma flow, respectively. Losartan 0.1 mg/kg slightly decreased mean blood pressure (-11%) and increased diuresis (+22%). These changes can be explained by inhibition of the AT(1)-mediated vasoconstrictive and antidiuretic effects of angiotensin, and activation of vasodilating and diuretic AT(2) receptors widely expressed in the neonatal period. GFR and renal blood flow were not modified. Losartan 0.3 mg/kg decreased mean blood pressure significantly (-15%), probably by inhibiting systemic AT(1) receptors. GFR significantly decreased (-25%), whereas renal blood flow remained stable. The decrease in filtration fraction (-21%) indicates predominant efferent vasodilation. At 3 mg/kg, the systemic hypotensive effect of losartan was marked (mean blood pressure, -28%), with decreased GFR and renal blood flow (-57% and -51%, respectively), a stable filtration fraction, and an increase in renal vascular resistance by 124%. The renal response to this dose can be considered as reflex vasoconstriction of afferent and efferent arterioles, rather than specific receptor antagonism. We conclude that under physiologic conditions, the renin-angiotensin is critically involved in the maintenance of GFR in the immature kidney.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a proteção antiviral específica via RNA de interferência (RNAi) contra o vírus da síndrome da mancha-branca (WSSV), em camarões marinhos (Litopenaeus vannamei). Os camarões foram injetados com uma sequência dsRNA específica (vp28 do envelope viral), seguida por desafio com WSSV após 48 horas. Avaliaram-se o hemograma às 0, 3, 6, 24, 48 e 72 horas após o desafio, e a taxa de mortalidade durante 30 dias. Nos animais tratados com dsRNA vp28, a infecção viral foi limitada, e a sobrevivência (73%) e a "clearance" viral (80%) foram maiores do que nos camarões infectados, não tratados, que apresentaram 100% de mortalidade em cinco dias. Nos camarões tratados com dsRNA, o hemograma diminuiu até 6 horas após o desafio, seguido por aumento, tendo atingido o nível normal em 72 horas. O tratamento com dsRNA vp28 limita a infecção nos camarões por WSSV, restaura as suas condições imunológicas e promove "clearance" viral na maioria dos sobreviventes. Esses resultados são indicativos de que dsRNA vp28 pode servir como ferramenta molecular para combater o WSSV e que o RNAi representa abordagem promissora para controlar doenças virais em camarões cultivados.


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RESUME - FRANÇAISRésuméDans ce travail de thèse, l'importance de la pharmacogénétique des traitements antiviraux a été évaluée en déterminant, au moyen de trois différentes approches, l'impact de variations génétiques sur la pharmacocinétique de deux traitements antirétroviraux (à savoir l'efavirenz et le lopinavir) ainsi que sur la capacité de pouvoir éliminer le virus de l'hépatite C de façon naturelle ou suite à un traitement médicamenteux.L'influence des variations génétiques sur les taux plasmatiques de l'efavirenz et de ses métabolites primaires a été évaluée par l'analyse d'un seul gène candidat : le cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2A6, impliqué dans une voie métabolique accessoire de l'efavirenz. Cette étude a permis de démontrer que le génotype du CYP2A6 devient cliniquement déterminant en l'absence de fonction du CYP2B6, impliqué dans la voie métabolique principale, et que la perte simultanée des voies métaboliques principales et accessoires entraine une augmen¬tation du risque d'interruption du traitement, soulignant la valeur prédictive du génotypage.L'influence de la génétique sur la clairance du lopinavir a été évaluée par l'analyse à grande échelle de gènes candidats, à savoir les gènes potentiellement impliqués dans l'absorption, le métabolisme, la distribution et l'élimination d'un médicament. Cette étude a permis l'identification de 4 polymorphismes, dans des transporteurs et des enzymes métaboliques, associés à la clairance du lopinavir et expliquant 5% de la variabilité inter¬individuelle de ce phénotype.L'influence de la génétique sur la capacité d'éliminer le virus de l'hépatite C, de façon naturelle ou à la suite d'un traitement, a été évaluée par l'analyse du génome entier. Cette étude a permis l'identification d'un polymorphisme situé à proximité de l'interféron-X3. Quatre variations génétiques potentiellement causales ont ensuite pu être identifiées par reséquencage. Finalement, la contribution nette de ce gène sur l'élimination du virus a pu être évaluée dans une cohorte infectée par une seule et même source, permettant ainsi de contrôler l'effet de la diversité virale, du genre et de la présence de co-infections.Cette thèse a permis de mettre en évidence les diverses méthodes disponibles pour la recherche en pharmacogénétique, ainsi que l'importance du reséquencage pour l'identification de variations génétiques causales.SUMMARY - ENGLISHSummaryIn this thesis work the relevance of pharmacogenetics of antiviral treatment has been assessed by investigating, through three different approaches, the impact of host genetic variation on antiretroviral drug disposition (namely efavirenz and lopinavir) and on natural or treatment-induced clearance of hepatitis C virus.The influence of host genetic variation on efavirenz and its primary metabolite plasma levels was assessed by single candidate gene approach, through comprehensive analysis of cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2A6 - involved in efavirenz accessory metabolic pathway. The study could demonstrate that CYP2A6 genotype became increasingly relevant in the setting of limited CYP2B6 function - involved in efavirenz main metabolic pathway - and that individuals with both main and accessory metabolic pathways impaired were at higher risk for treatment discontinuation, overall emphasizing the predictive power of genotyping.The influence of host genetic variation on lopinavir clearance was assessed by large scale candidate gene approach, through analysis of genes involved in the absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination. The study identified four genetic variants in drug transporters and metabolizing enzymes that explained 5% of the interindividual variability in lopinavir clearance.The influence of host genetic variation on hepatitis C virus (HCV) natural or treatment- induced clearance was assessed through genome-wide association study approach. This study identified an intergenic polymorphism, part of a linkage disequilibrium block encompassing the interferon-3 gene, as highly associated with treatment-induced and spontaneous HCV clearance. Resequencing and recombinant mapping lead to the identification of four potentially causal genetic variants. Finally, we could assess the net contribution of genetic variants in interferon-3 to clearance by controlling for viral diversity, gender and co-infection status in a single source infected cohort.This thesis highlights the various genetic tools available to pharmacogenetic discovery (candidate gene, pathway or and genome-wide approaches), and the importance of resequencing for mapping of causal variants.


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Alikehittynyt infrastruktuuri, tiukat säädökset ja säädösten tulkitseminen, sekä monimutkaiset verotuskäytännöt ovat aiheuttaneet ongelmia suomalaisille Alikehittynyt infrastruktuuri, tiukat säädökset ja säädösten tulkitseminen, sekä monimutkaiset verotuskäytännöt ovat aiheuttaneet ongelmia suomalaisille yrityksille Kiinassa. Tutkimuksen perusteella yritykset eivät pysty vaikuttamaan infrastruktuurin kehittymiseen tai säädösten implementointiin, mutta ylläpitämällä suhteita ja valitsemalla oikeat partnerit yritykset pystyvät hallitsemaan ongelma-alueitaan. Etenkin ulkomaalaisille yrityksille oikean logistiikkaoperaattorin valinta on tärkeätä ja huomioon ottaen palvelutason, kulttuuritaustan sekä kansainväliset operaatiot on ulkomaalaisten yritysten tehokkaampaa käyttää kansainvälisiä operaattoreita kuin paikallisia toimijoita, jotkaovat usein halvempia, mutta eivät pysty toimimaan kansainvälisellä tasolla. Vientiin keskittyneiden yritysten tulisi sijoittua vapaakauppa-alueille tai vientiin painottuneille teollisuusalueille. Kyseisillä alueilla liiketoiminta mannermaahan on rajoitettu, eivätkä alueet täten sovellu yrityksille, jotka ovat keskittyneet Kiinan markkinoille. Paikallisesti operoivien yritysten tulisi sijoittua normaaleihin teollisuuspuistoihin ja käyttää tullin valvomia varastoja tukemaan kansainvälisiä toimintojaan.Tulisi myös muistaa etteivät kiinalaiset teollisuuspuistot täytä kansainvälisiä kriteerejä, joten säädöksiin on tärkeätä tutustua huolella jamielipiteitä kerätä toisilta yrityksiltä. Kiinassa merkittävimmät logistiikkaongelmat ilmenevät tuonnin ja viennin yhteydessä, jolloin säädökset ja toimintamallit ovat kontrolloidumpia. Etenkin tullaus- ja arvonlisävero ongelmat liittyvät kiinteästi tuonti- ja vientiprosessiin. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että tullausprosessi tehostuu yhteistyön ja koulutuksen kautta, mutta arvonlisäverosta aiheutuvien kustannusten minimointi vaatii logistiikkapuistojen käyttöä. Mikäli asiakas haluaa tehdä tullauksen kotiprovinssissaan tai yritys tekee kauppaa ALV -vapautettujen yritysten kanssa, tulisi logistiikkapuistojen käyttöä lisätä. Käytettäessä logistiikkapuistoja yritykset välttävät tuotteiden kuljetukset Hongkongiin jatakaisin säästäen huomattavasti kustannuksissa ja toimitusajoissa. Logistiikkapuistoja on myös mahdollista käyttää ratkaisuna kasvaviin ja viivästyviin ALV palautuksiin. Tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan toimintaympäristö ja vientipainotteinen valmistus ohjaavat 3PL yritysten valintaa ja vaihtoehtoisten logistiikkapalvelujen implementointia. Etabloiduttaessavapaakauppa-alueille vientiin ja tuontiin liittyvät ongelmatekijät vahvistuvat sekä rajoitukset kiinan liiketoimintaan kasvavat, mikä tekee yhteistyönkansainvälisten logistiikkaoperaattoreiden kanssa välttämättömäksi ja kannustaa hyödyntämään logistiikkapuistoja.


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Introduction: The pharmaceutical aspects of drug administration in clinical trials receive poor consideration compared with the important attention devoted to the analytical and mathematical aspects of biological sample exploitation. During PK calculations, many researchers merely use for dose the nominal amount declared, overlooking the noticeable biases that may result in the assessment of PK parameters. The aim of this work was to evaluate the biases related to doses injected of a biosimilar drug in 2 Phase I clinical trials. Patients (or Materials) and Methods: In trial A, 12 healthy volunteers received different doses of a biosimilar of interferon beta-1a by either subcutaneous (SC) or intravenous (IV) injection. The doses were prepared by partially emptying 0.5-mL syringes supplied by the manufacturer (drop count procedure). In trial B, 12 healthy volunteers received 3 different formulations of the drug by IV injection (biosimilar without albumin [HSA], biosimilar with HSA and original brand [Rebif®]) and 2 different formulations as multiple SC injections (biosimilar HSA-free and original brand). In both trials, the actual dose administered was calculated as: D = C·V - losses. The product titer C was assessed by ELISA. The volume administered IV was assessed by weighting. Losses were evaluated by in vitro experiments. Finally, the binding of 125I-interferon to HSA was evaluated by counting the free and HSA complexed molecule fractions separated by gel filtration. Results: Interferon was not significantly adsorbed onto the lines used for its IV administration. In trial A, the titer was very close to the one declared (96 ± 7%). In trial B, it differed significantly (156 ± 10% for biosimilar with/without HSA and 123 ± 5% for original formulation). In trial A, the dose actually administered showed a large variability. The real injected volume could be biased up to 75% compared with the theoretical volume (for the lower dose administered [ie, 0.03 mL]). This was mainly attributed to a partial re-aspiration of the drug solution before withdrawing the syringe needle. A strict procedure was therefore applied in trial B to avoid these inaccuracies. Finally, in trial B, 125I-Interferon beta-1a binding to HSA appeared time dependent and slow, reaching 50% after 16-hour incubation, which is close to steady state reported for the comparator Rebif®. Conclusion: These practical examples (especially biases on actual titer and volume injected) illustrate that actual dose assessment deserves attention to ensure accuracy for estimates of clearance and distribution volume in the scientific literature and for registration purposes, especially for bioequivalence studies.


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Introduction: We report a case of digoxin intoxication with severe visual symptoms. Patients (or Materials) and Methods: Digoxin 0.25 mg QD for atrial fibrillation was prescribed to a 91-year-old woman with an estimated creatinine clearance of 18 mL/min. Within 2 to 3 weeks, she developed nausea, vomiting, and dysphagia, and began complaining of snowy and blurry vision, photopsia, dyschromatopsia, aggravated bedtime visual and proprioceptive illusions (she felt as being on a boat), and colored hallucinations. She consulted her family doctor twice and visited the eye clinic once until, 1 month after starting digoxin, impaired autonomy led her to be admitted to the emergency department. Results: Digoxin intoxication was confirmed by a high plasma level measured on admission (5.7 μg/L; reference range, 0.8-2 μg/L). After stopping digoxin, general symptoms resolved in a few days, but visual symptoms persisted. Ophtalmologic care and follow-up diagnosed digoxin intoxication superimposed on pre-existing left eye (LE) cataract, dry age-related macular degeneration (DMLA), and Charles Bonnet syndrome. Visual acuity was 0.4 (right eye, RE) and 0.5 (LE). Ocular fundus was physiologic except for bilateral dry DMLA. Dyschromatopsia was confirmed by poor results on Ishihara test (1/13 OU). Computerized visual field results revealed nonspecific diffuse alterations. Full-field electroretinogram (ERG) showed moderate diffuse rod and cone dysfunction. Visual symptoms progressively improved over the next 2 months, but ERG did not. Complete resolution was not expected due to the pre-existing eye disease. The patient was finally discharged home after a 5-week hospital stay. Conclusion: Digoxin intoxication can go unrecognized by clinicians, even in a typical presentation. The range of potential visual symptoms is far greater than isolated xanthopsia (yellow vision) classically described in textbooks. Newly introduced drugs and all symptoms must be actively sought after, because they significantly affect quality of life and global functioning, especially in the elderly population, most liable not to mention them.


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OBJECTIVES: To determine whether valganciclovir 450 mg every 48 h for cytomegalovirus (CMV) prophylaxis provides appropriate ganciclovir exposure in solid organ transplant recipients during continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Ganciclovir pharmacokinetics was intensively studied in two lung transplant recipients under valganciclovir 450 mg every 48 h over one dosing interval. In vitro experiments using blank whole blood spiked with ganciclovir further investigated exchanges between plasma and erythrocytes. RESULTS: Ganciclovir disposition was characterized by apparent total body clearance of 3.3 and 5.8 L/h, terminal half-life of 16.9 and 14.1 h, and apparent volume of distribution of 60.3 and 104.9 L in Patients 1 and 2, respectively. The observed sieving coefficient was 1.05 and 0.96, and the haemofiltration clearance was 3.3 and 3.1 L/h. In vitro experiments confirmed rapid efflux of ganciclovir from red blood cells into plasma, increasing the apparent efficacy of haemofiltration. CONCLUSIONS: A valganciclovir dosage of 450 mg every 48 h appears adequate for patients under CRRT requiring prophylaxis for CMV infection, providing concentration levels in the range reported for 900 mg once daily dosing outside renal failure.


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BACKGROUND: Pulmonary edema results from a persistent imbalance between forces that drive water into the air space and the physiologic mechanisms that remove it. Among the latter, the absorption of liquid driven by active alveolar transepithelial sodium transport has an important role; a defect of this mechanism may predispose patients to pulmonary edema. Beta-adrenergic agonists up-regulate the clearance of alveolar fluid and attenuate pulmonary edema in animal models. METHODS: In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study, we assessed the effects of prophylactic inhalation of the beta-adrenergic agonist salmeterol on the incidence of pulmonary edema during exposure to high altitudes (4559 m, reached in less than 22 hours) in 37 subjects who were susceptible to high-altitude pulmonary edema. We also measured the nasal transepithelial potential difference, a marker of the transepithelial sodium and water transport in the distal airways, in 33 mountaineers who were prone to high-altitude pulmonary edema and 33 mountaineers who were resistant to this condition. RESULTS: Prophylactic inhalation of salmeterol decreased the incidence of high-altitude pulmonary edema in susceptible subjects by more than 50 percent, from 74 percent with placebo to 33 percent (P=0.02). The nasal potential-difference value under low-altitude conditions was more than 30 percent lower in the subjects who were susceptible to high-altitude pulmonary edema than in those who were not susceptible (P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Prophylactic inhalation of a beta-adrenergic agonist reduces the risk of high-altitude pulmonary edema. Sodium-dependent absorption of liquid from the airways may be defective in patients who are susceptible to high-altitude pulmonary edema. These findings support the concept that sodium-driven clearance of alveolar fluid may have a pathogenic role in pulmonary edema in humans and therefore represent an appropriate target for therapy.


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Thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) is a mucosal tissue-associated cytokine that has been widely studied in the context of T helper type 2 (Th2)-driven inflammatory disorders. Although TSLP is also produced upon viral infection in vitro, the role of TSLP in antiviral immunity is unknown. In this study we report a novel role for TSLP in promoting viral clearance and virus-specific CD8+ T-cell responses during influenza A infection. Comparing the immune responses of wild-type and TSLP receptor (TSLPR)-deficient mice, we show that TSLP was required for the expansion and activation of virus-specific effector CD8+ T cells in the lung, but not the lymph node. The mechanism involved TSLPR signaling on newly recruited CD11b+ inflammatory dendritic cells (DCs) that acted to enhance interleukin-15 production and expression of the costimulatory molecule CD70. Taken together, these data highlight the pleiotropic activities of TSLP and provide evidence for its beneficial role in antiviral immunity.


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Immunotherapy against amyloid-β(Aβ) may improve rodent cognitive function by reducing amyloid neuropathology and is being validated in clinical trials with positive preliminary results. However, for a complete understanding of the direct and long-term immunization responses in the aged patient, and also to avoid significant side effects, several key aspects remain to be clarified. Thus, to investigate brain Aβ clearance and Th2 responses in the elderly, and the reverse inflammatory events not found in the immunized rodent, better Alzheimer"s disease (AD) models are required. In the aged familiar canine with a Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS) we describe the rapid effectiveness and the full safety profile of a new active vaccine candidate for human AD prevention and treatment. In these aged animals, besidesa weak immune system, the antibody response activated a coordinated central and peripheral Aβ clearance, that rapidly improved their cognitive function in absence of any side effects. Our results also confirm the interest to use familiar dogs to develop innovative and reliable therapies for AD.


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The immune system relies on homeostatic mechanisms in order to adapt to the changing requirements encountered during steady-state existence and activation by antigen. For T cells, this involves maintenance of a diverse repertoire of naïve cells, rapid elimination of effector cells after pathogen clearance, and long-term survival of memory cells. The reduction of T-cell counts by either cytotoxic drugs, irradiation, or certain viruses is known to lead to lymphopenia-induced proliferation and restoration of normal T-cell levels. Such expansion is governed by the interaction of TCR with self-peptide/MHC (p/MHC) molecules plus contact with cytokines, especially IL-7. These same ligands, i.e. p/MHC molecules and IL-7, maintain naïve T lymphocytes as resting cells under steady-state T-cell-sufficient conditions. Unlike naïve cells, typical "central" memory T cells rely on a combination of IL-7 and IL-15 for their survival in interphase and for occasional cell division without requiring signals from p/MHC molecules. Other memory T-cell subsets are less quiescent and include naturally occurring activated memory-phenotype cells, memory cells generated during chronic viral infections, and effector memory cells. These subsets of activated memory cells differ from central memory T cells in their requirements for homeostatic proliferation and survival. Thus, the factors controlling T-cell homeostasis can be seen to vary considerably from one subset to another as described in detail in this review.


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To study the role of early energetic abnormalities in the subsequent development of heart failure, we performed serial in vivo combined magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and (31)P magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) studies in mice that underwent pressure-overload following transverse aorta constriction (TAC). After 3 wk of TAC, a significant increase in left ventricular (LV) mass (74 +/- 4 vs. 140 +/- 26 mg, control vs. TAC, respectively; P < 0.000005), size [end-diastolic volume (EDV): 48 +/- 3 vs. 61 +/- 8 microl; P < 0.005], and contractile dysfunction [ejection fraction (EF): 62 +/- 4 vs. 38 +/- 10%; P < 0.000005] was observed, as well as depressed cardiac energetics (PCr/ATP: 2.0 +/- 0.1 vs. 1.3 +/- 0.4, P < 0.0005) measured by combined MRI/MRS. After an additional 3 wk, LV mass (140 +/- 26 vs. 167 +/- 36 mg; P < 0.01) and cavity size (EDV: 61 +/- 8 vs. 76 +/- 8 microl; P < 0.001) increased further, but there was no additional decline in PCr/ATP or EF. Cardiac PCr/ATP correlated inversely with end-systolic volume and directly with EF at 6 wk but not at 3 wk, suggesting a role of sustained energetic abnormalities in evolving chamber dysfunction and remodeling. Indeed, reduced cardiac PCr/ATP observed at 3 wk strongly correlated with changes in EDV that developed over the ensuing 3 wk. These data suggest that abnormal energetics due to pressure overload predict subsequent LV remodeling and dysfunction.


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Trois agents chélateurs (l?acide diéthylène triamine penta-acétique, DTPA; l?acide méso-2,3- dimercaptosucchique, DMSA; l?acide 2,3-dimercapto- 1 -propanesulfonique, DMPS) ont été comparés quant à leur efficacité à mobiliser du cadmium (Cd) accumulé dans le tissu rénal. Des reins prélevés chez des rats exposés durant 3 j au Cd (acétate de Cd , 0.75 mg/kg.j, i.p) ont été isolés et perfusés in vitro, à l?aide d?un système de reperfusion utilisant une solution de Krebs-Henseleit, pH 7.4, contenant 8 acides aminés et 6% d?albumine. Les concentrations de Cd dans le perfusat et l?urine ont été mesurées par spectrométrie d?absorption atomique. Six périodes de clearance, après une période d?équilibration de 20 min, ont ?été obtenues. Le DMSA et le DMPS ont mobilisé le Cd à partir du tissu rénal, comme l?ont montré les augmentations dose-dépendantes des concentrations de Cd dans l?urine et le perfusat. L?accumulation de Cd était nettement plus élevée dans le perfusat que dans l?urine, indiquant que l?effet des chélateurs se marquait surtout au niveau tubulaire basolatéral. Le DTPA n?induisait qu?une faible mobilisation de Cd dans l?urine et le perfusat, et son efficacité était clairement inférieure à celle des autres chélateurs. Comme prévu, la quantité de Cd présente dans le tissu rénal après perfùsion par le DMSA ou le DMPS diminuait en fonction de l?efficacité des chélateurs, jusqu?à des valeurs inférieures de 46% au taux rénal de Cd avant perfusion. Le DMPS apparaissait induire une excretion urinaire de Cd plus importante que celle induite par le DMSA, une caractéristique qui pourrait être liée à une sécrétion tubulaire du chélateur, qui a été décrite antérieurement. Un intervalle de temps prolongé (1 -2 semaines) entre le moment de l?administration du Cd et la perfusion du rein avec le DMPS induisait une augmentation de l?excrétion urinaire de Cd. Tous les chélateurs se sont montrés néphrotoxiques à concentrations élevées.