980 resultados para integrity


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High-kappa TiO2 thin films have been fabricated using cost effective sol-gel and spin-coating technique on p-Si (100) wafer. Plasma activation process was used for better adhesion between TiO2 films and Si. The influence of annealing temperature on the structure-electrical properties of titania films were investigated in detail. Both XRD and Raman studies indicate that the anatase phase crystallizes at 400 degrees C, retaining its structural integrity up to 1000 degrees C. The thickness of the deposited films did not vary significantly with the annealing temperature, although the refractive index and the RMS roughness enhanced considerably, accompanied by a decrease in porosity. For electrical measurements, the films were integrated in metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) structure. The electrical measurements evoke a temperature dependent dielectric constant with low leakage current density. The Capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics of the films annealed at 400 degrees C exhibited a high value of dielectric constant (similar to 34). Further, frequency dependent C-V measurements showed a huge dispersion in accumulation capacitance due to the presence of TiO2/Si interface states and dielectric polarization, was found to follow power law dependence on frequency (with exponent `s'=0.85). A low leakage current density of 3.6 x 10(-7) A/cm(2) at 1 V was observed for the films annealed at 600 degrees C. The results of structure-electrical properties suggest that the deposition of titania by wet chemical method is more attractive and cost-effective for production of high-kappa materials compared to other advanced deposition techniques such as sputtering, MBE, MOCVD and AID. The results also suggest that the high value of dielectric constant kappa obtained at low processing temperature expands its scope as a potential dielectric layer in MOS device technology. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Highly conserved residues in enzymes are often found to be clustered close to active sites, suggesting that functional constraints dictate the nature of amino acid residues accommodated at these sites. Using the Plasmodiumfalciparum triosephosphate isomerase (PfTIM) enzyme () as a template, we have examined the effects of mutations at positions 64 and 75, which are not directly involved in the proton transfer cycle. Thr (T) occurring at position 75 is completely conserved, whereas only Gln (Q) and Glu (E) are accommodated at position 64. Biophysical and kinetic data are reported for four T75 (T75S/V/C/N) and two Q64 (Q64N/E) mutants. The dimeric structure is weakened in the Q64E and Q64N mutants, whereas dimer integrity is unimpaired in all four T75 mutants. Measurement of the concentration dependence of enzyme activity permits an estimate of K-d values for dimer dissociation (Q64N=73.79.2nm and Q64E=44.6 +/- 8.4nm). The T75S/V/C mutants have activities comparable to the wild-type enzyme, whereas a fourfold drop is observed for T75N. All four T75 mutants show a dramatic fall in activity between 35 degrees C and 45 degrees C. Crystal structure determination of the T75S/V/N mutants provides insights into the variations in local interactions, with the T75N mutant showing the largest changes. Hydrogen-bond interactions determine dimer stability restricting the choice of residues at position 64 to Gln (Q) and Glu (E). At position 75, the overwhelming preference for Thr (T) may be dictated by the imperative of maintaining temperature stability of enzyme activity.


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We have identified a potent antibacterial agent N-(4-sec-butylphenyl)-2-(thiophen-2-yl)-1H-benzod]imidazole-4-carboxa mide (BT-benzo-29) from a library of benzimidazole derivatives that stalled bacterial division by inhibiting FtsZ assembly. A short (5 min) exposure of BT-benzo-29 disassembled the cytokinetic Z-ring in Bacillus subtilis cells without affecting the cell length and nucleoids. BT-benzo-29 also perturbed the localization of early and late division proteins such as FtsA, ZapA and SepF at the mid-cell. Further, BT-benzo-29 bound to FtsZ with a dissociation constant of 24 +/- 3 m and inhibited the assembly and GTPase activity of purified FtsZ. A docking analysis suggested that BT-benzo-29 may bind to FtsZ at the C-terminal domain near the T7 loop. BT-benzo-29 displayed significantly weaker inhibitory effects on the assembly and GTPase activity of two mutants (L272A and V275A) of FtsZ supporting the prediction of the docking analysis. Further, BT-benzo-29 did not appear to inhibit DNA duplication and nucleoid segregation and it did not perturb the membrane potential of B. subtilis cells. The results suggested that BT-benzo-29 exerts its potent antibacterial activity by inhibiting FtsZ assembly. Interestingly, BT-benzo-29 did not affect the membrane integrity of mammalian red blood cells. BT-benzo-29 bound to tubulin with a much weaker affinity than FtsZ and exerted significantly weaker effects on mammalian cells than on the bacterial cells indicating that the compound may have a strong antibacterial potential.


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Age related decline in reproductive performance in women is well documented and apoptosis has been considered as one of the reasons for the decline of primordial follicle reserve. Recently we observed a decline in the efficiency of DNA repair ability in aged rat primordial follicles as demonstrated by decreased mRNA levels of DNA repair genes BRCA1 and H2AX. In the present study, a two-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE) proteomic approach was employed to identify differentially expressed proteins in primordial follicles isolated from ovaries of immature (approximate to 20 days) and aged (approximate to 400-450 days) rats. Using MALDI-TOF/TOF MS, we identified 13 differentially expressed proteins (p<0.05) which included seven up-regulated and six down-regulated proteins in aged primordial follicles. These proteins are involved in a wide range of biological functions including apoptosis, DNA repair, and the immune system. Interestingly, the differentially expressed proteins such as FIGNL1 (DNA repair) and BOK (apoptotic protein) have not been previously reported in the rat primordial follicles and these proteins can be related to some common features of ovarian aging such as loss of follicle reserve and genome integrity. The quantitative differences of two important proteins BOK and FIGNL1 observed by the proteomic analysis were correlated with the transcript levels, as determined by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Our results improve the current knowledge about protein factors associated with molecular changes in rat primordial follicles as a function of aging and our understanding of the proteomic processes involved in degenerative changes observed in aging primordial follicles.


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Mammalian RAD51 paralogs are implicated in the repair of collapsed replication forks by homologous recombination. However, their physiological roles in replication fork maintenance prior to fork collapse remain obscure. Here, we report on the role of RAD51 paralogs in short-term replicative stress devoid of DSBs. We show that RAD51 paralogs localize to nascent DNA and common fragile sites upon replication fork stalling. Strikingly, RAD51 paralogs deficient cells exhibit elevated levels of 53BP1 nuclear bodies and increased DSB formation, the latter being attributed to extensive degradation of nascent DNA at stalled forks. RAD51C and XRCC3 promote the restart of stalled replication in an ATP hydrolysis dependent manner by disengaging RAD51 and other RAD51 paralogs from the halted forks. Notably, we find that Fanconi anemia (FA)-like disorder and breast and ovarian cancer patient derived mutations of RAD51C fails to protect replication fork, exhibit under-replicated genomic regions and elevated micro-nucleation. Taken together, RAD51 paralogs prevent degradation of stalled forks and promote the restart of halted replication to avoid replication fork collapse, thereby maintaining genomic integrity and suppressing tumorigenesis.


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DNA repair, one of the fundamental processes occurring in a cell, safeguards the genome and maintains its integrity. Among various DNA lesions, double-strand breaks are considered to be the most deleterious, as they can lead to potential loss of genetic information, if not repaired. Non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) and homologous recombination are two major double-strand break repair pathways. SCR7, a DNA ligase IV inhibitor, was recently identified and characterized as a potential anticancer compound. Interestingly, SCR7 was shown to have several applications, owing to its unique property as an NHEJ inhibitor. Here, we focus on three main areas of research in which SCR7 is actively being used, and discuss one of the applications, i.e. genome editing via CRISPR/Cas, in detail. In the past year, different studies have shown that SCR7 significantly increases the efficiency of precise genome editing by inhibiting NHEJ, and favouring the error-free homologous recombination pathway, both in vitro and in vivo. Overall, we discuss the current applications of SCR7 to shed light on the unique property of the small molecule of having distinct applications in normal and cancer cells, when used at different cellular concentrations.


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Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) deletions are associated with various mitochondrial disorders. The deletions identified in humans are flanked by short, directly repeated mitochondrial DNA sequences; however, the mechanism of such DNA rearrangements has yet to be elucidated. In contrast to nuclear DNA (nDNA), mtDNA is more exposed to oxidative damage, which may result in double-strand breaks (DSBs). Although DSB repair in nDNA is well studied, repair mechanisms in mitochondria are not characterized. In the present study, we investigate the mechanisms of DSB repair in mitochondria using in vitro and ex vivo assays. Whereas classical NHEJ (C-NHEJ) is undetectable, microhomology-mediated alternative NHEJ efficiently repairs DSBs in mitochondria. Of interest, robust microhomology-mediated end joining (MMEJ) was observed with DNA substrates bearing 5-, 8-, 10-, 13-, 16-, 19-, and 22-nt microhomology. Furthermore, MMEJ efficiency was enhanced with an increase in the length of homology. Western blotting, immunoprecipitation, and protein inhibition assays suggest the involvement of CtIP, FEN1, MRE11, and PARP1 in mitochondrial MMEJ. Knock-down studies, in conjunction with other experiments, demonstrated that DNA ligase III, but not ligase IV or ligase I, is primarily responsible for the final sealing of DSBs during mitochondrial MMEJ. These observations highlight the central role of MMEJ in maintenance of mammalian mitochondrial genome integrity and is likely relevant for deletions observed in many human mitochondrial disorders.


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The serotonin(1A) receptor belongs to the superfamily of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and is a potential drug target in neuropsychiatric disorders. The receptor has been shown to require membrane cholesterol for its organization, dynamics and function. Although recent work suggests a close interaction of cholesterol with the receptor, the structural integrity of the serotonin(1A) receptor in the presence of cholesterol has not been explored. In this work, we have carried out all atom molecular dynamics simulations, totaling to 3s, to analyze the effect of cholesterol on the structure and dynamics of the serotonin(1A) receptor. Our results show that the presence of physiologically relevant concentration of membrane cholesterol alters conformational dynamics of the serotonin(1A) receptor and, on an average lowers conformational fluctuations. Our results show that, in general, transmembrane helix VII is most affected by the absence of membrane cholesterol. These results are in overall agreement with experimental data showing enhancement of GPCR stability in the presence of membrane cholesterol. Our results constitute a molecular level understanding of GPCR-cholesterol interaction, and represent an important step in our overall understanding of GPCR function in health and disease.


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Three new ditopic imidazole ligands (2-4) were synthesized in high yields and characterized by various spectroscopic techniques. These ligands resulted in the formation of 3 + 6] self-assembled trinuclear barrels (5-7) in quantitative yields by stoichiometric combination of individual ligands and Pd(NO3)(2) in DMSO. All the three assemblies (5-7) were characterized by `H NMR and ESI-MS analysis, and subsequently, structures of the complexes 5 and 6 were confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies. Structure analysis reveals the presence of NO3- counter anions in the intermolecular channels/pockets, which could potentially act as H-bonding sites between adsorbed water molecules within the channels. In fact, both the assemblies (5 and 6) showed water uptake (136.58, and 123.78 cm(3) g(-1), respectively) at ambient temperature under maximum allowable humidity. In addition, free aldehyde group present in the bridging ligand in complex 7 provides reactive site for postassembly modification. Herein, Knoevenagel condensation with Meldrum's acid was utilized under mild conditions by targeting aldehyde group appended in prefabricated complex 7 and transformed into a different complex (8) with altered functional group. Such postassembly functionalization enables incorporation of a new functional group without disrupting the integrity of the trifacial structure.


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Resumen: El artículo presenta las sucesivas etapas que configuraron el derrotero del sacerdote patriota en las primeras horas del movimiento independentista. Se destacan tanto los valores de su desempeño ministerial como su ascendencia social y política en el ambiente porteño, con la perspectiva propia de los ideales ilustrados de su tiempo y en particular durante el curato en San Nicolás de Bari, la segunda parroquia más importante de la ciudad. Con información bien documentada da cuenta de su nacimiento y de su formación desde sus estudios humanísticos, se reconstruyen los años siguientes dedicados al oficio pastoral de regreso en Buenos Aires y en Maldonado (Uruguay) en tiempos de las invasiones inglesas, su ministerio en San Nicolás de Bari cuando acontece la Revolución de Mayo y su tarea a favor de la causa patriótica desde su participación en el Cabildo Abierto del 22 y su incorporación como vocal de la Primera Junta. Se despliegan los aspectos sobresalientes de esta última misión y los aspectos que se destacan en este recorrido por la vida y la obra de este cura patriota son: compromiso honesto, integridad y actitud de servicio sin reservas desde la función pública.


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The thermally induced interfacial delamination problem of a segmented coating is investigated using finite element method (FEM). The coating-substrate system, modeled as a coated semi-infinite medium with periodic segmentation cracks within coating, is assumed to be exposed to convective cooling from surface. The failure criterion based on the interfacial fracture toughness is adopted, in which the energy release rate for an interface crack is considered to be the driving force for interfacial delamination extension. The results confirm that a segmented coating has higher delamination resistance than an intact one under the same thermal transients, as the segmentation crack spacing is smaller than a critical value. Based on dimensional analysis, sensitivity analyses of the crack driving force are also obtained as a function of various dimensionless parameters such as time, convection severity and material constants. These results may provide some helpful references for the integrity of coating-substrate systems under thermal loading. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Resumen: En el presente estudio consideramos los diversos aspectos de la crisis que vivió el reino de Navarra en 1234, a la muerte del rey Sancho VII, sin herederos directos legítimos. Centramos el análisis en los siguientes aspectos: 1) la decisión real de un acuerdo de prohijamiento mutuo con el rey de Aragón y la voluntad de los señores del reino de hacer prevalecer la sucesión legítima en defensa de la integridad y soberanía del reino; 2) la valoración del desarrollo experimentado en el condado de Champaña y su presencia en el reino de Francia; 3) la entronización de Teobaldo I en el reino de Navarra y el estudio de los aspectos significativos de su acción de gobierno desarrollada en los campos: legislativo, administrativo y social.


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[ES] La confianza en el mundo de los negocios es un factor esencial que viene siendo estudiado por la literatura del Management desde hace décadas. Partiendo de la propuesta seminal de Mayer et al. (1995), acerca de qué es la confianza y cómo se desarrolla en el seno de las organizaciones, proponemos trazar una crítica constructiva al modelo descrito a partir de las aportaciones de Spaemann, autor de dilatada trayectoria en el marco de la denominada “Filosofía Moral de la Europa Continental”.


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Em uso desde a Grécia antiga e atualmente massificado na maioria dos países do mundo, o sistema de votação tradicional baseado em cédulas de papel possui diversos problemas associados à segurança, tais como dificuldades para evitar coerção do eleitor, venda do voto e substituição fraudulenta do eleitor. Além de problemas de usabilidade que acarretam erros de preenchimento da cédula e um processo de apuração lento, que pode durar dias. Ao lado disso, o sistema tradicional não fornece a contraprova do voto, que permite ao eleitor conferir se o seu voto foi corretamente contabilizado na apuração. Inicialmente acreditou-se que a informatização do sistema de votação resolveria todos os problemas do sistema tradicional. Porém, com a sua implantação em alguns países o sistema de votação eletrônica não mostrou-se capaz de fornecer garantias irrefutáveis que não tivesse sido alvo de alterações fraudulentas durante o seu desenvolvimento ou operação. A má reputação do sistema eletrônico está principalmente associada à falta de transparência dos processos que, em sua maioria, não proporcionam a materialização do voto, conferido pelo eleitor para fins de contagem manual, e nem geram evidências (contraprova) da correta contabilização do voto do eleitor. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor uma arquitetura de votação eletrônica que integra, de forma segura, o anonimato e autenticidade do votante, a confidencialidade e integridade do voto/sistema. O sistema aumenta a usabilidade do esquema de votação baseado em "Três Cédulas" de papel, implementando-o computacionalmente. O esquema oferece maior credibilidade ao sistema de votação através da materialização e contraprova do voto, resistência à coerção e ao comércio do voto. Utilizando esquemas de criptografia assimétrica e segurança computacional clássica, associado a um sistema de auditoria eficiente, a proposta garante segurança e transparência nos processos envolvidos. A arquitetura de construção modular distribui a responsabilidade entre suas entidades, agregando-lhe robustez e viabilizando eleições em grande escala. O protótipo do sistema desenvolvido usando serviços web e Election Markup Language mostra a viabilidade da proposta.