973 resultados para integrated approaches
This study examines a new kind of public reporting, called integrated reporting as a form of a firm’s interaction with stakeholders. The study concerned issues such as how the studied organization defined its stakeholders and how this definition evolved during the transition period from 2009 to 2013, how has the integrated reporting of the organization evolved as an instrument of interaction with stakeholders over the transition period, and how the organization reported its value creation according to the international integrated reporting framework in the final, full-featured report. In examining the theory, the study used a qualitative analysis method that allowed deriving conceptual tools necessary to carry out the study. This study is based on the material of the five integrated reports written in Russian from a subsidiary of a Russian public company. The subsidiary carried out the transition to an integrated reporting for the five years from 2009 to 2013. A comparative qualitative method was used in reviewing the empirical material. During the research, an active cooperation of the organization with key stakeholders was revealed, which occurred during the whole period of development of integrated reporting. As a result, integrated reports were produced in cooperation with various key stakeholders, allowing balancing the financial and non-financial information in the reports. The study found that during the transition period, integrated reports gradually changed in the direction of greater clarity and ease of access to perception, consistency of presentation and materiality. The integrated reporting of the organization began reflect the basic requirements of the international integrated reporting framework regarding the content elements and guiding principles. Thus, the organization’s reports began including features of financial and non-financial reporting and connecting the three aspects of the organization's activities: economic, environmental and social. This study reveals the importance of identifying key stakeholders and their influence on the creation of organizational value. The new form of reporting suits better the requirements of modern organizations to interact with their stakeholder groups. The integrated reporting, which reflects the principles of the international integrated reporting framework, is an active resource for companies to communicate with stakeholders and a platform of transmission the necessary information on the creation of value in the long term.
Innovation remains one of the key drivers of sustainable and successful business. The variety of innovation approaches such as open models, intersectional thinking and co-creation tackles the challenge of viable novel offerings across the world. These approaches have certain similarities and their elements constitute design thinking. Recent market and society trends such as technological advances and globalization have intensify companies’ interaction with customers. Emotional engagement, pleasing communication and delight have gained equal to functionality importance. The complex of these components constitutes consumer experience. Academic research conceptualizes these changes by introducing customer-centered innovation, which replaces product-oriented approaches. However, both methods omit experience concept and provide fragmented explanation of experience innovation. Experience is an essential process of offering perception, which drives customer decisions. Therefore, an agenda of experience innovation development can systemize and explain the mechanisms of experience innovation. The purpose of this study is to create and explain the stage process framework of experience innovation by the means of design thinking approach. The research proceeds in accordance with the following sub-objectives: 1. Conceptualization of consumer experience through customer value. 2. Creation of experience innovation framework by the means of design thinking. This study is conducted by the means of conceptual research methods. The main theoretical contribution of the study is creation of the integrated framework of consumer experience innovation. The elaboration of design thinking agenda and methods applied to experience design builds the guidelines of experience innovation development. This research synthesizes the conceptual elements of the framework that resolves inconsistencies and duplications of theories. This essential clarification simplifies application of the experience innovation agenda, which can be useful for the wide range of specialists, from marketing to strategists, and from managers to entrepreneurs, willing to offer compelling experience to customers. The study highlights the crucial role of consumer experience in maintaining customer loyalty and designs the roadmap of innovating experience through the communication with customers.
Today industries and commerce in Ghana are facing enormous energy challenge. The pressure is on for industries to reduce energy consumption, lower carbon emissions and provide se-cured power supply. Industrial electric motor energy efficiency improvement is one of the most important tools to reduce global warming threat and reduce electricity bills. In order to develop a strategic industrial energy efficiency policy, it is therefore necessary to study the barriers that inhibit the implementation of cost – effective energy efficiency measures and the driving forces that promote the implementation. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the energy consumption pattern of electric motors, study factors that promote or inhibit energy efficiency improvements in EMDS and provide cost – effective solutions that improve energy efficiency to bridge the existing energy efficiency gap in the surveyed industries. The results from this thesis has revealed that, the existence of low energy efficiency in motor-driven systems in the surveyed industries were due to poor maintenance practices, absence of standards, power quality issues, lack of access to capital and limited awareness to the im-portance of energy efficiency improvements in EMDS. However, based on the results pre-sented in this thesis, a policy approach towards industrial SMEs should primarily include dis-counted or free energy audit in providing the industries with the necessary information on potential energy efficiency measures, practice best motor management programmes and estab-lish a minimum energy performance standard (MEPS) for motors imported into the country. The thesis has also shown that education and capacity development programmes, financial incentives and system optimization are effective means to promote energy efficiency in elec-tric motor – driven systems in industrial SMEs in Ghana
The successful performance of company in the market relates to the quality management of human capital aiming to improve the company's internal performance and external implementation of the core business strategy. Companies with matrix structure focusing on realization and development of innovation and technologies for the uncertain market need to select thoroughly the approach to HR management system. Human resource management has a significant impact on the organization and use a variety of instruments such as corporate information systems to fulfill their functions and objectives. There are three approaches to strategic control management depending on major impact on the major interference in employee decision-making, development of skills and his integration into the business strategy. The mainstream research has focus only on the framework of strategic planning of HR and general productivity of firm, but not on features of organizational structure and corporate software capabilities for human capital. This study tackles the before mentioned challenges, typical for matrix organization, by using the HR control management tools and corporate information system. The detailed analysis of industry producing and selling electromotor and heating equipment in this master thesis provides the opportunity to improve system for HR control and displays its application in the ERP software. The results emphasize the sustainable role of matrix HR input control for creating of independent project teams for matrix structure who are able to respond to various uncertainties of the market and use their skills for improving performance. Corporate information systems can be integrated into input control system by means of output monitoring to regulate and evaluate the processes of teams, using key performance indicators and reporting systems.
The deoxy derivative of pancratistatin 1.10 was prepared in good yield through the use of a [4+2] Diels-Alder cycloaddition and Bischler-Napieralski cyclization approach. The Bischler-Napieralski cyclization was shown to yield two additional side products 2.9, 2.10, however, under slightly modified hydrolysis conditions, the tetracyclic product 2.11 was obtained exclusively in greater than 84% yield. Initial screening of the di-hydroxylatgd derivative, and the other complementary pair analogue 1.10' previously prepared in our laboratories gave interesting results. Both of these compounds were shown to exhibit cytostatic activity; the mono-alcohol was marginally active while the di-hydroxylated analogue proved to be more potent although one to two magnitudes less potent than pancratistatin itself Human tumour cell line assay results indicated that the di-hydroxylated derivative exhibited selective cytotoxic inhibition in the following cell lines: non-small cell lung cancer line NCI-H226 (ED50 - 0.65 ^g/mL), leukemia cell lines CCRF-CEM (ED30 = 0.55 Hg/mL) and HL-60(TB) (ED50 = 0.89^ig/mL). Our results demonstrated that the pharmacophore is not a mono-alcohol, and that the minimum pharmacophore contains the hydroxyl group at the C4 position in addition to either, or both, of the hydroxyl groups present at C2 and C3.' The minimum pharmacophore has been narrowed to only three possibilities which are current synthetic targets in several research groups. The controlled Grignard addition to the tartaric acid derived bis-Weinreb amide 1.25 afforded a direct entry to a host of 1,4-diflferentiated tartaric acid derived intermediates (2.12-2.18). This potentially usefiil methodology was demonstrated through the efficient synthesis of the naturally occurring lactone 2.23, which bears the inherent syn-dio\ subunit. Based on this result, a similar approach to the synthesis of syn-dio\ bearing natural products looks very promising? A direct 2,3-diol desymmetrization method using TIPS-triflate was shown to be effective on the selective differentiation of Z,-methyl tartrate (and diisopropyl tartrate). The mono-silyl-protected intermediates 2.31 also proved to be useful when they were selectively differentiated at the 1,4-carboxyl position (2.35, 2.36) through the use of a borohydride reducing agent. Furthermore, the mono-silyl-protected derivative underwent periodate cleavage affording two synthetically useful a,P-unsaturated esters 2.43, 2.44, with one of esters being obtained via a silyl-migration method.''
National governments, the United Nations, and other organizations have deemed sport and other means of physical activity such as recreation, games and play for development a useful means for addressing a wide range of problems in communities and more specifically, providing youth with an opportunity to experience the benefits of physical activity. There is a need for research that furthers our understanding of how participants experience these programs. Specifically, the purpose of this study, was to better understand the lived experiences of the participants in a YMCA camp program that integrated physical activity and play for the specific development of poor youth street workers. A phenomenological approach infonned by a critical perspective (Creswell, 2003; Rossman & Rallis, 2003) was used. The study took place through the Asociaci6n Cristiana de J6venes de Costa Rica (ACJ) in Central America. The focus was on a camp program and the lived experiences of six purposefully chosen, youth street workers between the ages of 13-17. Their experiences were explored through semi-structured interviews. Other data that fonn the study include: field notes, observations, a reflexive journal and document analysis. The findings that emerged from the data include main themes of relationships, poverty, personal change and empowennent. For many youth, the ACJ is a relatively safe place to play, to "detach," their minds, to "distract" and "disorient" themselves from their dysfunctional families, violent neighbourhood, the poverty they live in, and from the necessity of having to work in the street to supplement the family income. Although many studies have shown that programs that include physical activity, play and/or sport have a positive impact on youth with regard to healthy development and improvements in well-being, there has been little work done to address the voices and experiences of the youth that participate in these programs. Using an interpretive-critical approach, this study focused on the participants' personal backgrounds, their experiences within the program and their critical reflections on the program. This study draws from a phenomenological philosophy and method to report findings from participants in an ACJ program in Costa Rica. This research shows how these youth were given the opportunity to use the program and the ACJ property as a relatively safe place to play, to behave like the youth they are, to establish and maintain their friendship networks, and develop empathy and conflict resolution skills. The fmdings from this study reveal how by participating in the ACJ program they each described a personal change, wherein they felt empowered to learn they could positivel y control themselves and as a result positively affect their own futures. These fmdings contribute knowledge surrounding the lived experiences of youth in developmental programs that use physical activity.
This research acknowledges the difficulties experienced by teachers presenting integrated arts curricula. Instructional support is offered by arts organizations that provide arts partnerships with local schools boards. The study focuses on the experiences of 8 teachers from a Catholic school board in southern Ontario who participated in integrated arts programs offered by The Royal Conservatory of Music's Learning Through the Arts™ (LTTATM) program and a local art gallery's Art Based Integrated Learning (ABIL) program and examines their responses to the programs and their perception of personal and professional development through this association. Additionally, questions were posed to the . "aftisfs"from-tneSe]Jfograrrrs;-and"they liiscus·sed·how"participating in-collaboration with teachers in the development of in-school programs enabled them to experience personal and professional development as well. Seven themes emerged from the data. These themes included: teachers' feelings of a lack of preparedness to teach the arts; the value of the arts and arts partnerships in schools; the role of the artists in the education of teachers; professional development for both teachers and artists; the development of collegiality; perceptions of student engagement; and the benefits and obstacles of integrating the arts into the curriculum. This document highlights the benefits to both teachers and artists of arts partnerships between schools and outside arts organizations.
The present studies describe, as a primary goal, our recent progess toward the synthesis of morphine alkaloids from aromatic precursors. Model substrates were synthesized which allowed investigation into Diels-Alder, radical cascade, and palladium-catalyzed bond-forming reactions as possible routes to the morphine alkaloid skeleton. As a secondary objective, three separate series of aromatic substrates were subjected to whole-cell oxidation with Escherichia coli JM 109 (pDTG601), a recombinant organism over-expressing the enzyme toluene dioxygenase. Included in this study were bromothioanisoles, dibromobenzenes, and cyclopropylbenzene derivatives. The products of oxidation were characterized by chemical conversion to known intermediates. The synthetic utility of one of these bacterial metabolites, derived from oxidation of o-dibromobenezene, was demonstrated by chemical conversion to (-)conduritol E.
In this thesis, three main questions were addressed using event-related potentials (ERPs): (1) the timing of lexical semantic access, (2) the influence of "top-down" processes on visual word processing, and (3) the influence of "bottom-up" factors on visual word processing. The timing of lexical semantic access was investigated in two studies using different designs. In Study 1,14 participants completed two tasks: a standard lexical decision (LD) task which required a word/nonword decision to each target stimulus, and a semantically primed version (LS) of it using the same category of words (e.g., animal) within each block following which participants made a category judgment. In Study 2, another 12 participants performed a standard semantic priming task, where target stimulus words (e.g., nurse) could be either semantically related or unrelated to their primes (e.g., doctor, tree) but the order of presentation was randomized. We found evidence in both ERP studies that lexical semantic access might occur early within the first 200 ms (at about 170 ms for Study 1 and at about 160 ms for Study 2). Our results were consistent with more recent ERP and eye-tracking studies and are in contrast with the traditional research focus on the N400 component. "Top-down" processes, such as a person's expectation and strategic decisions, were possible in Study 1 because of the blocked design, but they were not for Study 2 with a randomized design. Comparing results from two studies, we found that visual word processing could be affected by a person's expectation and the effect occurred early at a sensory/perceptual stage: a semantic task effect in the PI component at about 100 ms in the ERP was found in Study 1 , but not in Study 2. Furthermore, we found that such "top-down" influence on visual word processing might be mediated through separate mechanisms depending on whether the stimulus was a word or a nonword. "Bottom-up" factors involve inherent characteristics of particular words, such as bigram frequency (the total frequency of two-letter combinations of a word), word frequency (the frequency of the written form of a word), and neighborhood density (the number of words that can be generated by changing one letter of an original word or nonword). A bigram frequency effect was found when comparing the results from Studies 1 and 2, but it was examined more closely in Study 3. Fourteen participants performed a similar standard lexical decision task but the words and nonwords were selected systematically to provide a greater range in the aforementioned factors. As a result, a total of 18 word conditions were created with 18 nonword conditions matched on neighborhood density and neighborhood frequency. Using multiple regression analyses, we foimd that the PI amplitude was significantly related to bigram frequency for both words and nonwords, consistent with results from Studies 1 and 2. In addition, word frequency and neighborhood frequency were also able to influence the PI amplitude separately for words and for nonwords and there appeared to be a spatial dissociation between the two effects: for words, the word frequency effect in PI was found at the left electrode site; for nonwords, the neighborhood frequency effect in PI was fovind at the right elecfrode site. The implications of otir findings are discussed.
Western law schools are suffering from an identity and moral crisis. Many of the legal profession's problems can be traced to the law school environment, where students are taught to reason and practice in ways that are often at odds with their own personalities and values and even with generally accepted psychologically healthy practices. The idealism, ethic of care, and personal moral compasses of many students become eroded and even lost in the present legal education system. Formalism, rationalism, elitism, and big business values have become paramount. In such a moment of historical crisis, there exists the opportunity to create a new legal education story. This paper is a conceptual study of both my own Canadian legal education and the general legal education experience. It examines core problems and critiques of the existing Western legal education organizational and pedagogical paradigm to which Canadian law schools adhere. New approaches with the potential to enrich, humanize, and heal the Canadian law school experience are explored. Ultimately, the paper proposes a legal education system that is more interdisciplinary, theoretically and practically integrated, emotionally intelligent, technologically connected, morally accountable, spiritual, and humane. Specific pedagogical and curricular strategies are suggested, and recommendations for the future are offered. The dehumanizing aspects of the law school experience in Canada have rarely been studied. It is hoped that this thesis will fill a gap in the research and provide some insight into an issue that is of both academic and public importance, since the well-being of law students and lawyers affects the interests of their clients, the general public, and the integrity and future of the entire legal system.
The Green Party of Canada, as a vital aspect of the Canadian green movement, and its connection to international green organizations can be examined primarily through the examp l es of both the Canadian Greens and the Green party of Ontario , by using original party documents and literature, information gained through Green party meetings and discussions with members, and commentary by Green theorists where app licable. As well, the influence on the Canadian green movement by the German Green Party is out lined , again mainly through party literature, documents and critiques of the party's experiences. This study reveals several existing and potential problems fo r t he Green Party in Canada, and the political fut ure of the Canadian green movement in general. Some, such as the real i ties of the Canadian political system are external to the movement, and may be overcome with adjustments in goals and methods, and a realization of the changing attitude towards environmental issues in a political context . On the other hand, internal party disfunctions in both organization and direction, caused mainly by the indefinite parameters of green ideology, threaten to expl oi t t he al ready problematic aspects evident in t he Green Party . Aside from its somewhat slow beginnings, the Green Party in Canada has developed into a strong grassroots social movement, not however from its political visibility but from the steady growth in the popul ari ty of ecological pol i t ics in Canada . Due to the seeming enormity of the obstacles facing the Greens in their effort 4 to achieve electoral success, it is doubtful that Parliamentary representation will be achieved without a major re-orientation of party organization and methods. UI timately the strength of the Green Party in Canada will be based upon its ability to survive as a significant movement, and its willingness to continue to challenge political thought and practice.
This research studioo the effect of integrated instruction in mathematics and~ science on student achievement in and attitude towards both mathematics and science. A group of grade 9 academic students received instruction in both science and mathematics in an integrated program specifically developed for the purposes of the research. This group was compared to a control group that had received science and mathematics instruction in a traditional, nonintegrated program. The findings showed that in all measures of attitude, there was no significant difference between the students who participated in the integrated science and mathematics program and those who participated in a traditional science and mathematics program. The findings also revealed that integration did improve achievement on some of the measures used. The performance on mathematics open-ended problem-solving tasks improved after participation in the integrated program, suggesting that the integrated students were better able to apply their understanding of mathematics in a real-life context. The performance on the final science exam was also improved for the integrated group. Improvement was not noted on the other measures, which included EQAO scores and laboratory practical tasks. These results raise the issue of the suitability of the instruments used to gauge both achievement and attitude. The accuracy and suitability of traditional measures of achievement are considered. It is argued that they should not necessarily be used as the measure of the value of integrated instruction in a science and mathematics classroom.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Brock University, 2010.
The present thesis reviews the development of a formal enantiodivergent synthesis of the (+)- and (-)-isomers of balanol. This approach commences from a cis-dihydrodiol derived from the enzymatic dihydroxylation of bromobenzene. The stereochemistry of the diol is used to direct the synthesis of two different aziridines, each used in the formal synthesis of one enantiomer of balanol. Also described are several enantioselective approaches to (+ )-codeine. Each strategy begins with the enzymatic dihydroxylation of p-bromoethylbenzene and involves a Mitsunobu inversion and intramolecular Heck reaction as key steps.
The present studies describe our recent work on expanding the use of the Burgess reagent and its reaction with oxiranes. Several new variants of the Burgess reagent and its chiral auxiliary version were evaluated for their thermal stability by NMR spectroscopy. Three new versions of the reagent were synthesized and their stability was determined. The reactivity of all five Burgess reagents was compared in a dehydration reaction and reactions with epoxides and diols. Progress toward a chemoenzymatic synthesis of morphine is also included in this report. The synthesis began with the whole cell oxidation of bromobenzene by Escherichia coli JMI09(pDTG601). The preparation of several precursors for a key step involving the lohnson-Claisen rearrangement and progress toward the total synthesis are described.